6 | — THE CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILOWNG COMPANY Deiroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, | IRON SHIPS. Whe Marine Record. ESTES & WALKER, Ship and Coal Brokers, VESSEL AGENTS AND OWNERS, ROBERT WALLACE hdactmts FITCH VICE PRES. Marine insurance and collections. References Moss and Third National Banks. 60244 Water street, SANDUSKY, 0 THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, OHTO, MOORE, BARTOW AND GILGHRISE, ‘Ship Brokers and Agents. Nos. 611 and O12. Beate omen Building, puperior St. BENHAM & DOVILLE, Vessel Owners & Agents, Nos. 601, 602 & 603 Perry-Payne Building: Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Marine and Stanorndiee i ENGINES AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. C. J. MAGILL, VESSEL AGENT, Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, aie Freights und River Tow Bills Col- lected and promptly remitted. © | 94 Board of Trde, Chicago, Ill, WARNER & BECKER, Vassel Agents andBrokers, Nos. 511 & 512 Perry—Payne Building, Superior §t. CLEVELAND, OHI9. CAPT. LYMAN HUNT. Bh NG EES iets Gener tka Fai JS=aeea== See JAMES P, HUNT. L. HUNT & SON, Vessel Brokerage and Marine Insurance No. 202 Mary Street, Burraro, N. Y. Room 25, Exchange Bldg. Telephone No 1222. JOHN C. FITZPATRICK, JOHN MITCHELH, JOHN F. WEDOW. | MITCHELL& CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, Office on Viaduct. : 508 and 509 Perry-Payne Block, 108-109 CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, | Compass Adjuster, ASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT Logs D MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, (Ghee ‘ST. BOSTON. | Attention Vesselmen Having increased my Steam Foist Capacity, I am prepared to give good dispatch in regeneesewpaite boats. Railroad connection with Terms reasonable. C. K. 'S, Coal and ore feck foot of 20th street, Detroit, Mich. PUMPS for coAL, 0. IRIE, SAND OR DREDGING, Wrecking Pumps a Specialty. SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER. More than 100 of our Circulating Pumps in and about New York Harbor. Send for list of steamers using them. References on application- MORRIS MACHINE WORKS, Baldwinsville, N. Y ROBERT E. HILLS, 567 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Ill. Telephone 3321 STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings GNEINEER’S SULPLIES. General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works Alnena \ron Works, C, B, WARREN, Prop’r and Manager, —ALPENA, MICH,——— Special attention given to marine re- pairs, TRON AND OOMPOSITION CASTINGS, Steam fittings and supplies, JNIECTORS LUBRICATORS Dope Cups, Dope, Valves, Etc. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. | Superior street, Cleveland, 0. Ee@gI Sa pcn. «& 4S S'S SaPpm.- WM. H. DeWILT, SIGNAL LAMPS “a ba ‘For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. ee PATENT FLUTED LENS& PERFECT COLORS. Russe bh AND WVEATSON, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty — SUCCESSORS TO——— it Room 10, 236 Superior street, CLEVELAND, =~. =. 28 FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139& 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N, Y. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. EAGLE BOILER WORKS. PROPRIETOR, ur. ga & Many 3t., Buffalo, N. ¥. ), The Latest Improved | Hydraulic Machinery { USED IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK tie Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo- tive and Upright Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate tron Work of all Descriptions. f ry P REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN’ DED TO. Comte Fes fr tor Steam Boilers. Made in Sizes Man ufactured from 28 to 60 SOLELY IN THE inches in diam. UNITED STATES eas unper our own rat-| Groseries and Provi Docks at Government Pier, : AND ADJOINING GLOBE DRY D All Fully Equipped with Re auso, LIGHTER CARRYIN and One Hundred Two-T. Telephone No.8 ., BOATS COALED DAY 4 Choice Family | —ALS0 ALL K Fresh, Salt and 36 and 38 Summit str t, Tol roots sit i oods deliv Yarch lee WITH ENTS AND THOSE OF Fresh and Salt Meats, FLANGED SAMSON FOX DRY ROODS AND 6 oR OF Special attention «ven to vessel ; PLAIN Gorner of Jay and 9th st. “Mani ENDS, Leeds. England.|j4. Pp, TOB fasion oral AE CONTIN ENTAL IRON WORKS vessel and) Street Ferries “1140 to 144 Wai “Launch run in ¢o Se ars py President. from New Yor« ae F. Hix, Cuas. H, Corse = t Vice Presidente, B to GREENPOINT] Txos. F. Rowuanp, JR., Treasurer,