Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 5, 1890, p. 7

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UW, AYMAR& CO! MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF rE OAKUM, WIRE ROPE VAR MILLS. ON AND FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS +S, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY o & & B. BURGER, NITOWOG DRY DOGK. will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of ection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 850 tons. A ‘ARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, MANITOWOC. WIS. E INDEMNITY LVM SS street London, New York Agency, No. 70 Wall street. we sees ere eee £1,060,000. | Deposited in the State of New York...sessers....$200,000 svevee£ 201,000 WREAKS & LOINES, General Agents. JOCK! © NEW DOCK! 7a 5_SseD ef Or RolT 0. W. SHIPMAN, DETROIT, - ; THE ATNA GRATE. G. C. BARNES, Agt. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- 2d to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works manufac’s., et Office and Foundry,corner of Elm and & 8pruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, 0. THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBoats of Wood. Biock Cork Life Pre- servers. Sole manutacturer of Capt JonatTuan Conn’s celebrated pe é Agent for Ericson’s patent oil distributor for vessels. Also for PatentLifeRafts : Roberts patent boat detaching apparatus. Tatnal and Railroad, Wilmington, De Forest Gily CIGAR STORE THOM SS PIEGRY, Prop'r. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS CIGARS AND TUBACCOS. pe ae 259 PEARLSTREET The Roberts Safely Water Tube Marine Boiler. Works, Red Bank, N. J. 42> Over two hundred and thirty in use by the leading marine engine and ship builders of the United States and others. Two hundred pounds steam pressure, light weight, small space and great economy. Send for handsome illustrated circulars to E E. Roberts, 15 Courtlandt street, New York. \Warbe | Grummond’s MackinacLine McKinnon |ronWorks, MER ATE ENTIO Ashtabula Harder, 0. - Captain J. R. Jones. o Machinists, Boilermakers, Shipsmiths y o,yes CLEVELAND every FRIDAY p. m. and Steamfitters | TOLEDO every SATURDAY 8a. m., We carry = lJatgs “and complete. stock of For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Eneinesr’s Supplies, Uiis, Packings, Hoes, Air- Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For as- | Valves, Brass Goods, and other steam fittings. | ¢ } ‘ou will find our prices as low as atany piace on the Sag or freight apply to Harasey & Mar- lakes, and our the best we can buy. ron, 107 and 109 River street. W. 8S. McKINNON, Proprietor. S. B. GRUMMOND, Owner. / | ‘Ihe Marine NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORK | ANCHORS, OARS: BLOCKS | VESSELS ON SALE. | ——S———— Wi TEAM barge H. ©. Schnoor, «Y carrying capacity 300 M feet of ‘umber, new boiler in 1887. Marsh Oo.. Sandusky, Ohio _j 15 "otf OR SALE—The fine handy fish Fr tug Hoffnung, dimensions 50 feet over all, 13 feet beam, 6 feet | depth of hold, engine 10 by 10 and a good boiler, For price and further particulars ap- ne ta Riohelat. Wolter & Co.. Sheboygan, Wis: UG FOR SALE—Length 76 feet. beam 15)4 feet, draft | about 7 feet, engine 18 by 20, vari- i} 4 able cut off, steel boiler 6 feet 8 inches diameter, 10 feet 8 inches long, newly finished, fine model; warranted to be very fast. Peply to David Bell. Steam Engine Works. Ruffalo. N. Y. ASSENGER PROPELLER GOLDEN EAGLE, thorough- cA v over hayled this spring, ‘Sut- n.? Engine 14X14, 100 pounds s es an hour easily, and carries 300 people. Owner has no ronte for her ana will sell for what she is worth, JAMES E. ENGLISH, East Saginaw Mirch -9 1 wud all connections in first-class or- . This tug is only two years old, and is 2 most desirable investment. will take out machinery an sell hull to snit purchaser, For further particulars oR SALE—The fine new tus p | cto anita“: Se S Sate inches. ile rs and Contractors. eer wt ean Goh at Bad best and fastest boat on Lake Michigan, (of her class) , “Upacity 140 M feet lumber, with fOFAU' Te mee paceman sear and eee Fy urther particulars addre Box No. S 62 Marte Recorp office, Cleveland, 0. HH fine handy tug Ada Barrett, length 46 feet, beam 14 feet. depth 6 feet 6 inches. Engine 13 : = =asetby 14, steel boiler 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet, allowed 140 pounds steam, built in 1885. Too small for our bnsiness. will sell or exchange. For further particulars apply to Gratwick Smith & Fryer Lumber Co. Osenda. Mich. OK SALE—A small tug, or ferryboat. Sheis 7 years old. “ngine 10 by 12, scotch type boiler, = all burn either coal or wood, draft» feet. cau ve tightened at very little expense to adraft of 4 feet 8 inches, Her dimensions are 52 feet in length, 12 feet 4 inehes beam. For further particulars apply to Captain Richard Connell, 163 Division street, Muskegon, Mich, Ee SALE CHHAP—Thé fine new handy steam fear Lot- tie, built in 1888, length 30 feet, _ beam 7 feet 6 inches, draft of water 3u inches, boiler 36 inches by 48 inches, submerged flues and allowed 120 pounds steam; engine 6 by 7, high speed link motion, swings a 28 wheel or larger if de- sired and steams 10 mile per hour easily, burns either coal or wood. She is coveredin with a fine light awning deck which could easily be removed if re- uired to use her for light towing, or towing logs, ete. his desirable vessel will be sold at a bargain, as the present owner has now no use for her} her bull is oak. well fastened, and finely put together, can be steered either by wheel or tiller having both, her ma- chinery is new and in first-class order, pony pump, force pump on engine, injectors. siphons and every- thing in first-class order. For further particulars apply to JOHN McCARTHY, 27 Wesson st., Chicago, S- aS : WANTED. RAVELING SALESMEN—Trade specialties; Su erior side line, good for $75 weekly. JOHN ALLISON , 323 Dearborn street, Chicago- ER correspondent, who is a practical and experi- enced sailor, desires to purchase a sailing inter- est in atow barge with capacity of about 200,000 feet of lumber. Address box 33 Station ‘‘A,” Oleveland, Ohio. jan 29-tf FOR SALE. ONE engine ten inch bore by 12 inch stroke and one 14 by 16 inch double crank marine engine of Will sell the above engines cheap, jan 15-90 tf, modern designs. Richards Iron Works, Manitowoc, Wis. FOR SALE. MER grocery and ship chandlery store, doing large business at Ashtabula Harbor; good rea- son for selling; for full particulars, Address T. H. DALY, Ashtabula Harbor. feb 12 790-1£ THOS. R. TEARE+ M. THOMAS. EE EY Ex Fre Machine & Boiler Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and {ftationary FLING UN ES, Channel Machines, derricks, saw gangs and hoisting machinery. Agent for St- John’s self-ad- justing cylinder packing. The O’Uonnell greaser. ‘Lelephone 609. 169,177 River St.,Cleveland,0. A, Gilmore & Sons, TOLEDO DRY DOGK. TOLEDO, OHIO, TELEPHONE NO, 157, VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED. Rates of Docking ten cents per Ton for vessels 200 tons and over. Length of Dock 188 Feet. March 20, ’90. WE are in receipt of the report of the Su- perior Waterways Convention held in August, 1889. The strong endorsements given therein to the improvements in the aids to navigation on the chain of lakes merit a reproduction in these pages in the near future, a few extracts from the lengthy speech of J. J. Hill, the Minnesota power, are especially striking in their application to the future necessities of the lake commerce, while the entire pamphlet isreplete with living issues which must soon | be brought before the notice of the country at large. Wriuram H. Wor has purchased the in- terest of Thomas Davidson in the firm of Wolf & Davidson, the shipyard and dry dock owners of Milwaukee Wis., and will at once incorporate a company with a capital stock of $250,000 to conduct the business. Mr. David- son will retain a nominal interest in the new company, and the corporation will be known as the Wolf & Davidson Shipyard Company. The capital stock will be divided into 10,000 shares at $25 each, and itis expected that some of the old employees will become share— holders. The change took place on June Ist. Record. MAGNETISw IN SHIPS. (Continued from No 17, Vov. 12.) Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. Induction in soft iron is due to the earth’s magnetic force, this force considered as a whole; but for scientific investigation it is con- sidered to consist of two component parts, horizontal and vertical force. Thus we speak of horizontal induction and vertical induction meaning the action of the total force in a horizontal or vertical direction, visible in horizontal and vertical bars of soft iron. The specific action of the earth’s magnetism is exemplified in iron shells long left in the same position, which show in the direction of the dip of the magnetic needle a well defined magnetic north and south pole, the upper one being the south pole, the lower one the north in north magnetic latitudes. Equidistant from both poles of the shell is the magnetic equator, which indicates the neutral plane. dividing the shell into two hemispheres of the lower one north. A horizontal plane through the center intersects the magnetic equator due magnetic east and west. A di- ameter drawn in any one direction will show at its ends, as the surface of the shell in- dicates, what kind the magnetic induction will be in a soft iron bar placed at the same angle with the diameter in respect to the horizontal plane. Thus a vertical bar will show south polarity at its upper end and north polarity at its lower end, and a horizontal bar will show north polarity at the end which isin the northern’ semicircle of the horizon; and south polarity at the end which 1s in the south- ern semicircle. For south magnetic latitudes the reverse takes place. The earth’s magnetism and that of the ship are antagonistic in as much as the magnetic forces of the ship producing deviation act in opposition to the magnetic force of the earth. The direc- tive force of the needle is the earth’s horizontal force which can never be increased by any foreign or artificial agent, a mistake a great many make, but it always decrease, by the presence of soft iron on account of being absorbed by induction to the amount of induc tion. Another great mistake is, that induc- tion in the transverse iron of a ship, over— comes induction ina fore and aft direction, which is equivalent to maintaining that induc- tion in a soft iron sheet is greatest crossways and not longways. What is erroneously called directive force is the resulting force from the earth’s horizontal force and that of the ship combined. As these two forces sometimes act in conjunction, sometimes in opposition, or in some way between both extremes, a vibrating needle vaguely indicates their re- lative position, but the combined force is not the directive force of the needle, Joun Maurice. CORRUGATED BOILER FURNACES. (ORDERS FOR 116 CoRRUGATED BOILER FUR- NACES, Corrugated steel furnaces for boilers are manufactured solely in the United States by the Continental Iron Works, Brooklyn, N. Y., who find the demand for them steatlily in- creasing. Some of the recent orders filled by them are as follows: 8 furnaces to McNeil & McLachlan, Brooklyn, N. Y., for the new steel fire boat New Yorker; 2 furnaces for the Vertical Tube Boiler Co.; 16 furnaces to the Quintard Iron Works, N. Y. for U.S. Cruiser No. 11; 8 furnaces to the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal., for S. 8. City of Panama; 16 furnaces to the Morgan Iron Works, N. Y. for steamer Rhode Island; 2 furnaces for the Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo, N. Y., 3 furnaces for the Atlantic [ron Works, East Boston, Mags; and 5 furnaces just finished for M. T. Davidson, Brooklyn, N. Y., for boilers fur Brooklyn water works. The Continental Tron Works have also just completed and de- livered to the Brooklyn navy yard, 56 of their corrugated furnaces for U. 8. Cruisers Nos. 7 and 8, FAST MAIDEN TRIP OF THE NORMAN- NIA. The Normannia, the latest addition to the fleet of the Hamburg-American Packet Co., arrived in New York last Saturday morning. She covered herself with glory by smashing all records for maiden voyages and fulfilled the expectations of her owners and admirers. Her trip was from Hamburg and Southamp- ton and she made the voyage from Queens- town to New York in six days, five hours and one minute. The best previous record was made by the Columbia, of the same line, inJuly, when she made the trip in six days, five 1889, hours and forty-six minutes. The Normannia’s time for the sake of uniformity is taken from collided with The Normannia The accident oc- Queenstown. an iceberg on her passage. in the afternoon of May 27, The iceberg was then The engines were at cured at 5:15 during a dense fog. sighted straight ahead. once reversed, but there was not sufficient time to stop the vessel, though her course was changed and she struck broadside on the port side. About forty feet of her plates were smashed in, but no one was hurt. ———— ACCORDING to the researches of the Society of Electrical Engineers, the magnetic pro- perties contained in manufactured iron is subject toa change when heated, this may account for many noticeable changes in the deviation of iron ships compasses, although the suggestion was ridiculed only a few years ‘0. a { AN IMPRUDENT TRANSPORTATION METHOD. Suepoycay, Wis., May 29th, 1890. To the Editor of the Marine Record. : It is nothing unusual of late to see a notice in'some paper, that a scow loaded with so and so much; in tow of such and such a tug, rolled over and lost her deck load, or got adrift and stranded on the beach; the value of her cargo generally footing up to thous- ands. Here is an instance to otherways illus— trate the sense of this method in handling freight. The notice taken from a local paper reads as follows: “A monster cargo. The tug ‘Temple Emery’ this week delivered the biggest cargo of cedarat Milwaukee that has ever been landed by a single yessel. The scow in tow of the tug had on board 25,000 ties and posts; but notwithstanding this ’ enormous freight bill, the owners claim they will lose money on the cargo, owing to the long time consumed in making the trip.’? name of reason is the sense of carrying on such cut-throat business? Is there not ton- nage enough, that is designed and built at great expense for the sole purpose of trans— porting freight ina safe manner; now labor- ing under freight rates that is anything but encouraging? Still, there are people short- sighted enough to go to work and on top of a mere box, built at a small expense, stack up aquantity of freight to be scattered over the lake, or in case they are lucky enough to reach the place of destination in safety, con~ sume so much on account of not being fit to proceed only in calm weather that, as in the case above, they will do it at a loss. It is to be hoped that no one caring to promote the welfare of our lake carriers will continue to give any encouragement to this—at least said —frivolous mode of handling freight. Apotex Frierson. +o THE NAVAL RESERVE. The policy of this country has always been opposed to the establishment of large perma— nent naval and military organizations. This policy, for a country with a great coast line aud important commercial interests, almost which the upper one shows south . it not be proper to ask where in tie necessitates the maintenance of auxiliaries in — the way of naval and military reserves, The land forces have such auxiliaries in the sh : of state militia or national guards. es constitute large bodies of troops, ized and equipped, thoroughly and disciplined, ready to take the become a part of a regular mili ment when required. : A public feeling seems to exist fc tion of a nayal reserve. aS Committees of the chambers « resolutions urging the organization of force as a means for providing for \ fence and meeting the increased demands regular naval establishment for men and upon the outbreak of war, Inquiries have a been made at the department from cities of the great lakes, and meetings bave been held in cities of the south indorsing the formation of such @ national organization. The department has informed itself fully of the different systems of organization for coast defence and naval reserves at present in force in foreign countries, and is prepared to formu- late a general plan for a similar organizatien to meet the requirements and conditions of our own institutions, It should resemble in organi- zation that of the militia or national guard, rest upon the foundation of local isterest, scontem- plate the employment and rapid mobilization of steamers enrolled on an auxiliary navy list, and be calculated to produce the best results upon @ comparatively smal! national expenditure, I ask for this question the earnest consideration of Congress. It may not be out of place as a branch of this subject to call attention to one of the incidental eonsequences of the policy pursued by other countries in this matter of naval reserve, In time of war troop ships or transports are in great demand. Several European goveroments make an annual coatribution, based on tonnage, to companies constructing new vessels. The con- sideration to the government is a counter agree- ment permitting the government to take sucha vessel for a transport in time of war upon terms named in the agreement. The government officials are also consulted as to her mode of construction, and she goes on to the naval re- serve list. These payments are incidentally in the nature of a subsidy to the ship owner and this, with the liberal payment for government transportation of mails, ete,, keeps a large fleet of merchantmen afloat asa reserve ready fora time of war. Without ships and trained sea- men there can be no naval reserve, A notable illustration of the generosity and courage with which Eogland pushes her ship- ping interest is seen in the manuer in which she is at this moment dealing with the trade of the North Pacitic. It bas been thus far principally under the American flag and contributory to San Francisco and the United States, The British government and Canada together are proposing for the establishment of a line of firet- class steamers from Vancouver to Japan, The subsidy is likely to be $300,000 annually—£15,— 000 fron: Canada, There will also be contributed from the nayal reserve fund probably $125,000. Under such competition it is quite easy to con— jecture what will become of the American flag and vur resources in the way of a naval reserve in the North Pacific.—From the report of Hon. W.C. Whitney, Secretary of the Navy. Work on a new schooner has been begun at Davidson’s yard, Bay City. The dimensions are: Keel 190 feet, beam 25 feet, moulded depth 13} feet. Captain Davidson says that the owners do not want their names made public at present. 4 | si P=] i Pena 3 cade Oe " See ae eS f i

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