MANUFACTURER OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, Three Cylinder, Fore and Aftand Steeple Compound Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines. SECTIONAL, TUG & YACHT PROPEL- LER WHEELS. | Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. “wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power : or a proportionate saving of coal, CES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. Thomas Thomas McGregor CENTRAL BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary BOUKRS, —ALL KINDS OF— "Rendering Kettles, Tanks, —aAND— SHEET TRO WORE —_— DET ROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS, *% ine Coppersmiths, Pipe Fitters and Metal Workers, Manufacture and keep in stock the most approved designs in dead lights, all brass locks, spear heads, pilot house tops, whistles, motion col ap windsails, head light frames and flue cleaners, "DETROIT, MICH. ARCS HRURARTE RTS HAUT REARS ANCOOLPRUSOTO ATC) =) eeeg10ENTs FOR WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS. $3 WORKS 64 TO 72 ORLEANS ST., DETROIT, MICH. SIMPSON & €O., GENERAL CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS OF SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK. NO. 8 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GUTY, THE ATNA GRATE. G. C. BARNES, Agt. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt. ad ta Burning Slack. Glove Iron Works manufac’s. ffice and Foundry,corner of Elm and é erases. CLEVELAND, 0. F —-BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. [Successors to BAGNAL& LOUD and PENFIELD BLOCK 60’S,] BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED Self-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed Peak SS. which for »} URABILITY and STRENGTH, ure far ahead of any other make. One trial will convince any one of their GREATER ee. STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. Be sure and call for the f° > call attention to onr DIAPHRAGM PUMP, which will pump mere -tustroke and work easier than any other make in the woke & a trial, YORK STORE, 33 South Street, F. BALDWIN, Manager. make a specialty of furnishing the handsomest style of eintulin the market for Yachts, with special designs to suit the place. : im G. ASHLEY, Detroit & Cleveland steam Navivation Co Owning and Operating the only Lines of Steel sand —DEALER IN— Choice Family Groceries, DAILY BETWEEN —ALSO ALL KINDS OF— (Sunday trips are operated only during June, July Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. August and September.) 96 and 38 Summit street, Toledo, Ohio. Vessel orders Detroit and Cleveland, promptly, attended to day or night ler none 184. Arriving at 5a. m., Departing at 10,09 pm, Coincit deli swered Ned steam yacht ‘Maggie D 20, 790- ing with all morning trains in every direction. fe epee renee a el | C. E. BENHAM, For MACKINAO, PETOSKEY, MARINE CROCER, VESSEL SUPPLIES, nF CHARLEVOIX, AND LAKE HURON PORTS. Daily except Monde. Wednesday and Saturday. pine and Wharfs, 23 River street. City ticket office 121 RIVER STREET, OLEVELAND, 0. | 24 Bank street. aa G J ta of thecity. Tele-| ©. B. Waircoms, J T. F. Newman, phone ge hades foal per Butalo amie Chicago G. P, A,, Detroit, Mich. ons ty vi , 0. papers always on hand. ‘McKinnon lronWorks, SAULT ste MARIE, | Wie Merine Record. J. W.GROVER & SON, J SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS AND RIGGERS. IMPORTIRS AND WEOLESALE DEALERS IN Gire Rope, WQanilla, and Garred Garduge, Gunras, Blocks, Oak- | um, Gan, Pitgh, Ours, Ane hors, Ghains, ety.’ 116 & 119 RIVERST.. & 184 & 185 N0CK | River Block Works, | 171 River St., Clevelond, 0, | Wood Tackle Blocks of every De- | scription, | =m me aR we) —AND— LIGNOMVITAE SHEAVES. NOT MEMBER»b BLOCK MAK- ERS’ ASSOCIATION, REPAIRING. kes" Write for Latest Prices. Ashtabula Harbor, 0. Machinists, Boilermakers, Shipsmiths and Steamfitters, Ba We carry a large and complete stock of Engineer’s Supplies, Oils, Packings, Hose,, Airs Pump Valves, Brass Goods, and other steam fittingsé You will find our prices as low as atany place on thé lakes, and our goods the best we can buy. W. 8S. McKINNON, Proprietor. ae H. NETLL W. J, OAUFIELD Neill & Cautield, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —GROCERS,\— 31 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Vessels and Steamboats Supplied on short notice day or night. Simpson & Morrison, Compass Adjusters, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Nautical: Instruments, Compasses, Barometers, Patent Logs, linnacles, Steam Gauges, Marine Glasses, Engine Indicators, pee Ge Instruments carefully repaired. Office wit UPSON, WALTON & CO., {61 River Street, Cleveland, 0. ERIE RAILWAY. The favorite and pic: uresque route to New York, Boston, and the Hast. The shortest and quickest route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore, and the Southeast, New Central Depet South Water st. and Viaduct. Change of time went into effect May llth, 1890, Central or ninetieth meridian time. Until further notice trains willleave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct, as follows: 73, Leayittsburg Loeal.... New York & Pittsburg E 3 Mantua Accommodation No, 69, Youngstown Express *Daily. tDaily except Sunday. 42-This is the only route by which passengers can reach Corry, Elmira, Binghampton, New York City, and intermedi: ate points without change. No change to Boston and New England cities. Baggage checked thro ugh to al) points East, Through tickets and infu:mation regarding the route can be obtained at office, 141 Superior street, and at depot Erie railroad. South Water street and howto Cleveland. . M. TUCKER, Gen. Supt., Cleveland. TPs EARMER, Gen. Pass. Agent, New York. RINEARSON., A. G. P. A, Cleveland. M. L panics Passenger Ticket Agent, 141 Superior street, Weddell House, Cleveland. fe 210p m * 6 50pm - *7- 20 -p my » *910pm THOS. R. THaAREs M. THOMAS. Bea GW Ex re. Machine & Boiler Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and {tationary DEP No, 62, Accommodation .... +6 05a m No. 72, New York & Pittsb pre l0am No. 70, Pittsburgh Accommodation.. 6] aH 25 am No. 64, New York & Pittsburgh Limit *250p m No, 66, Mantua Accommodation, 20p m No. 71, Youngstown Expres a . $6 00pm No. 68, New York & Pittsburg xpress... *11 00 p m | { ARRIVE. No, 61, New York & Pittsburgh Express... + 5 15a m No. 71, Youngstown Accommodation. *7 15am No. 63, New York & Pittsburgh Limit * 9 55a m No. 67, Pittsburgh Accommodation... 12 45 p m ENGINES, Channel Machines, hoisting machinery. justing cylinder packing. Lelephone 609, 169,177 River St,,Cleveland,0. M. M. GLEKLER, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars AND “TObacco. derricks, saw gangs and Agent for St- John’s self-ad- The O’Connell greaser. River-st., Vleveland, Phio O86 ; No one should leave port without a box M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars, DETROIT DRY DOCK CO, “C0. VSTR ver ORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Steel, [ron, (Jomposite and Wooden Ghipg. lron Ship Building Works at Wyandotte, Mich., Dry Docks and Repair Yard, foot of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. LIFE RAFTS. STEEL, IRON, Wooden, Steam SAIL YACHTS, All kinds of pleasure boats, as row boats, fishing and hunting boats, shells, barges, gigs, canoes. Write for illus- trated talugue. Detroit Boat Works, Detroit, Michigan. SB, GRUMMOND, OWNER OF THE LARGEST TUG LINE ON THE GREAT LAKES, 16 Steam Pumps, Divers, Hawsers, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOT FIRST —TUGS— ‘Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ ‘M. Swain,’ ‘Champion, ‘John Owen,’ ‘Wm. A. Moore’ and ‘Oswego.’ iD esa caGs OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ‘and Sault WRECKING TUGS LEVIATHAN Capt. Chas. E. Kirtland Stationed at Chehoyyue Martin Swain Stationed at Sault Ste. Marie WRECKING OUTFIT ON i i WITH FULL | Detroit, SATISFACTION GUAR Ste. Marie. BOARD. Forest City CIGAR STORE THOMAS LIRGEEY, Prop’, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS /CIGARS AND TUBACCOS. 259 PEARLSTREET Ee H Mebuichoar TO SAMUEL M’CUTCHEON, SUCCESSOR Copper, Tin and Sheet {70 MARINE WORK ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES (" Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, Iron Pipe Fittings and } Supplies, Rubber Hose, Packing, Spring os, Usudurian Packing. No. 18 OHIO, STREET, Salo. IW =. Joseph A. Ulcham, Naval Architect & Engineer Inspector for Inland Lloyds, (} Designs Steam Vessels, and Yachts, Marine Engines and Boilers, and Superintends their Construction or Repairs. 814 Perry-Payne Build’g,Cleveland, O. ESTABLISHED, 1844. A, SCHRADER & SON, Manufacturers of Submarine Armor AND Diving Apparatus, 32 ROSE ST. N. Y Improved Bolt Helmet. yy y ye Great Relief Furnished to Sailors 7 §§ § § § G Who are in Want of Genuine Home-Made Fiannel Shirts wide, 40 inches ‘and every one 54 inches long, wide sleeves, double seam. (Far su- | perior to any Clothing Stores Shirts.) TPS" TAE. ONLY SHIRT FACTORY IN CLEVE~ LAND, J located at 213 Detroit street, 2nd door from corner Pearl and connected with the Boston Dry Goods Store of Kohn & Co., | which retails direct to consumers at MANU~ |} FACTURER’S PRICES; all kinds of FLAN- | NEL, CLOTH, “ATERPROOF, LAWN |TENNIS and FIREMEN’S SHIRTS and more especially SAILOR’S SHIRTS, OV ER. SHIRTS, JUMPERS, JEAN PANTS, ete. By reason of contracts with Life Saving Sta— tions to furnish BLUE FLANNEL REGU- LATION SHIRTS, we are the cnly firm who. can obtain a “GENUIN E U.S. } LANNEL,” and therefore all our “OWN HOME MADE SHIRTS” bear our trade mark, Kohn & Co’s ‘Homemade.’”’ {@"Look out for fraud by peddlers..4e) You can also leave your measure and have them madeTO ORDER _gey fur the same prices as our ready-made shirts. (G8" Remember ! ! THE CHEAPEST BED- DING SUPPLIES for vesselsas COMFORT- ABLES, BLANKETS, TABLE-LLNENS, SHEETS and PILLOW CASES can be had at the Boston Dry Goods Store of KOHN & CO., 213 Detroit street, 2nd door from corner Pearl street, CLEVELAND, O. Suez elements of navigation by Lieuten= ant Lucien Young, U. 8. N., price $2.00, a work designed for beginners in the study and science of navigation. For sale at the office of the Marine Recorp,