6 Mhe Marine Record. bia a ROBERT WALLACE urn Segall Vick PRESS. "THE CLEVELAND SHP-BULONG COMPANY ' Deiroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, rE ON SHirs. Marine and ceinisrke ENGINES AND BOILERS, ‘~~ Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. a 6 PAGLE BOILER WORKS. (>, RILKR, PRorgimror, y) on. Indiana K MS, St., Butfals, N. ¥. , The Latest Improved Hydraulic Machinery USED IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK @ Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo tive and Upright Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate tron Work of all Descriptions. ar ee ey repared to give good dispatch in an ene NG ‘boats. Railroad connection with dock. Terms reasonable, C. HE, ae Coal and ore Dock foot of Oth street, Detroit, M ~ CENTRIFUGAL ) REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN PUMPS for COAL, | —=——— SAND OR DREDGING, Wrecking Pumps a Specialty. SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER. SIGNAL LAMPS r0 4 For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. J,6:000 IN USE.’ | PATENT FLUTED LENS & PERFECT COLORS. with less steam than any other. Photographs and GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS estimates on application, MORRIS MACHINE WORKS, These Lamps give a more brilliant light than any Signal Lamp . now 1n use. Baldwinsville, N. Y. 5 Baldwinsville They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers. ROBERT E. HILLS, Over Twelve thousand nowinuse. 57 & 59 North Wells 8t., Chicago, Ill. ‘ Telephone 3321. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, French wrought iron ranges and broilers Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings of all sizes for steamers and vessels. A : Steamboat Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Works. GNGINGER’S SUPELIES, Russell & Watson, General Jobbing Work Done Promptly Per ER BS TO rors ff Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works FE LTHOUSEN & RusseL1, | N ok 4 - Mate Corrugated Flues for Steam Boilers. : a y | TRON AND COMPOSITION CAsTINGs,|(MChes in diam. Office on Viaduct. _ Ip M = : ALPENA, MICH, ed ial cic . Manufactur adl Q Special attention given to marine re- from 28 to 60 - SOLELY IN THE F pairs, UNITED STATES VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS JAMES W. MILLEN, B. W. PARKER: ‘PARKER & MILLEN, VESSEL AND - INSURANCE AGENTS. 4orIron Ore and Coal anaes aspecialty. Rooms 3and §, 15 Atwater St. W |DETROIT, MICH, JAS. A. MYERS Cc. W. ELPHICKE. (, W. ELPHICKE &(0., Agts. Vessels bought and sold. Grain, Iron and Lumber bah artene made. Freights collected. Correspondence solicite 6 & 8 Sherman St. ESTES & WALKER Ship and Coal Brokers, | VESSEL AGENTS AND OWNERS, | A. A. PARKER, Chicago, Ills. Marine insurance and Sole eaCne: References Moga and Third Nationa Bank: 60244 Water street, THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, O40, flOORE, BARTOW AND GILGHRIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents, Nos. 611 and S12, rai Bulla ppuperior St. SANDUSKY, O BENHAM & DOVILLE, Vessel Owners & Agents, Nos. 601, 602 & 603 Perry-Payne Building Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio, Cc. J- MACILL, VESSEL AGENT, Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, Lake Freights and River Tow Bills Col- lected and promptly remitted. 94 Board of Tr:.de,Uhicago, Ill. WARNER & BECKER, Vassel Agents andBrokers, Nos. 511 & 512 Perry—Payne Building, Superior §t. CLEVELAND, OH19. CAPT. LYMAN HUNT, JAMES P. HUNT. L. HUNT & SON. Vessel Brokerage and Marine Insurance No. 202 Mary Srreer, BurrAto, N. ¥. Room 25, Exchange Bldg. — JOHN C. FITZPATRICK, JOHN F. “oni MITCHELL & CO. Vessel and Insurance Aj 508 and 509 Perry-Payne Blo Superior street, Cleveland, WM. H. DeWIT Attorney and Proctor in | ROOM No. 6,B ACKSTONE E . CLEVELAND, OHIO. Charles Tayl Attorney and Proctor il MARINE OOLLEOTION A SP: Room 10, 286 Superior st CLEVELAND, - Grummond's Mackir STWR ATLAN Captain J. R. Jo Leaves CLEVELAND every FR TOLEDO every SATURDA For Alponn: Oscee si pets sage or freight apply to ron, 107 and 10 Rives aise S. B. GRUMMO! J. C. GOSS Contractors for Boiler and S$ Covering. ALL KINDS OF BUNTING FLAGS ILLUSTRATE eset Steam fittings and supplies, ; INJECTORS, LUBRICATORS Dope Cups, Dope, Valves, Etc. Ge DETROIT SHIPPING OFFICE. a W. H, BOYD, Shipping Master. Open day and night, Office telephone, 847-3 rings; Residence telephone, 877-1 ring. Telegrams promptly attended to. g Mates, sailors, wheelsmen, engineers, fire- i men, cooks, deck hands alw. yays ready. 4 Business attended to for the Vessel Own- ae ers Association. 31 Griswold street Detroit, Mich. UNDER OUR OWN PAT- WITH ENTS AND THOSE OF FLANGED SAMSON FOX a OF PLAIN ENDS, Leeds. England. Take 10th or 2 10th o or yr 28d Street Ferries from New Yor to GREENPOINT THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS F, Rowxanp, President. vie "=" BROOKLYN, NEW YO Tuos. F. Conn} JR., Treagurer, )