Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 7 May 1891, p. 13

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MARINE REVIEW. 1 OFFICE OPEN DAY & NIGHT p Ee ia A (CH SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ey : 2 AREY DETROIT, MICH. WREGKING TUG LEVIATHAN STATIONED ATCHEBOYGAN WITH PLENTY OF WRECKING MATERIAL ON BOARD AND IN WAREHOUSE. DIRECTORY OF LABE DRY DOCEHS, . Civing Dimensions and Location of all Impertant Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters Depth of Water DOCK. LOCATION. st | sae Width of Gate.) —_on Sill and SPECIAL ADVANTAGES, For NIGHT. SERVICE. : Keel Blocks. . . ’ . ‘ 2 IZaAh J = Nearest Dock to Mackinaw|Call Foreman Edward Trahan Bay City Dry Dock & Ship Y’d Co./Bay City, East Side River,..... ae 4272-43 = and Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts. ' 2 5 : Nearest Dock to Harbor En-| Watchman at Dock. Manager, 75 Cleveland Dry Dock Co. ............ Cleveland, So. Side River Bed, 312 4o ft. 8 in. I1%-12 trance. Duane St. Foreman, 126 Fulton : $360. 68 10% fgupper Watchman at Dock will eall Su- Clark Dry Dock Co.................. Detroit, Lower Docks............ oe oa IT% Lito |end.| etree tereeseeseeeceees periitendene ae 2 2 8 : Z Detroit Dry Dock Co. ............... Detroit, Upper Docks............ aa Me | ne Pn ee Watchman. Will call Sup’t. . Depth of water enables loaded|Call Watchman. Ship Owners’ Dry Dock. Co..;;:.... Cleveland, Head Old River Bed 340 5° 18 vessels to dock here. : Upper 343 48 i 10% Three steam derricks connect- Union Dry Dock Co.................. Buffala,-.5.5-.-.0-.-+: Lower, 343 44 15% ed WIEH Cachieek. Call watchman, Wolverine Dry Dock Co............. Pt. Huron, near Water Works. 200 40 14 Dock Waterlogged Vesssls. |Watchman at Dock, nights and Sundays to call foreman. - 280 fe) I2 e R Wee BH Bile Yee Ves : ‘. 31% [Boom Derricks, Cok Wl THIS DECK HOIST = 3eszzociss: | The Detroit Metallic Packing, IS OPERATED BY ONE LEVER, AND POSSESSES MANY (KILLMER’S PATENT.) ADVANTAGES OVER OTT YR HOISTS. CoMBINES one “REQUIRES — | _ For Marine Engines, SrreNGTH and (al : fig Lirrte DrEcx \ \\yy NIM . | hy je -@ Steering Gear, Et Urirry. Wayans | i Room. NZ | cering Gear, LIC. \ V Bil THE SIMPLEST, BEST and LEAST Yj, \ G EXPENSIVE PACKING IN USE. Vg : Can be applied alinowt disconnecting the rod, prevents blowing or leaking of steam, cutting of rods or the blistering or rusting of rods when engine is not in use. This packing has been in constant use on Locom itives and Marine Engines for four years without showing appreciable wear. Hi I Oe If your rods are in perfect line, send — mn 5 se W INCHES. : : : THREE W us exact dimemsions for trial set. IS BUILT BY THE CONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., W. A. LLOYD, Manager, Elm and Hemlock Streets, CLEVELAND, O. AGENTS FOR O’CONNELL’S PATENT CRANK PIN CREASER. iz ntion given to Marine Repair Work, Blacksmithing and Pipe Fitting. ' males ge Engineers supplies kept in stock. ‘ EBLASIIC CUSELUN. — ADDRESS — Detroit Lubricator Go, DETROIT, MICH. creature o S q ies] Si te 0 rs q = ss SEIOULD BS VSED ow ALG DIXON’S Smoke-Stacks, Boiler-Fronts, Locomotive and Steamboat Stacks, GRAPHITE Smoke Arches, Ash-Pans, Steam-Pipes and other lron-Work. T lf you have use for such an article it will pay you to send for circular and testimonials. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. DIXON’S GRAPHITE PAINT

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