14 MARINE REVIEW. a CON. STARKE. JOS. WOLTER. AUG. RIEBOLDT. RIEBOLDT, WOLTER & CO., —_— SHIPBUILDERS, “SIMNVSAOGSHS FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 4oo0 TONS. Ex. DD. ROOT, Lorain, O. Established 185°. SHIPBUILDING AND CENERAL REPAIRINC. TUGS AND STEAM YACHTS A SPECIALTY. McMyler Manufacturing Co., 180 Columbus St., Cleveland, 0. McMYLER PATENT General Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, Ore and Coal Buckets and Dump Cars... THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, | DETROIT, MICH. Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION Marine Eugines Engines furnished for Steamships: T. W. Palmer, Livingstone, Majestic, fampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, Geo.F. Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber, and losco. » compound) Sole Manufacturers of the " Revolving Steam Derrick Panther (fore and aft MANHATTAN SELF-LUBRICATING PACKING, EST to be had for Steamers, Locomotives, Stationary En- ir Pape: with oil, hot or cold water Valves, Steam Hammers, ete, Tt is made round and square. ee Send for circulars, or sample for trial to GREENE, TWEED & CO., 83 Chambers Street, - New York, N. Y. The National Automatic Injector, For Marine Boiler Feed it is superior to any other, Our double valves in overflow makes it most per- fect, automatic and reliable ; will lift with hot suction pipe, and will work water 140 hot. All parts can be duplicated without sending Injector to fac- tory. Can give best of testimonials from engineers that are using them. Will send Injector to any re- liable party on a guarantee. Give the National a trial . then decide for yourself it you want it or not. We also make the National Ejector. Send for Descriptive Price List. e~Agents wanted in every locality. Prices al- ways the lowest. NATIONAL BRASS MAN'T'G CO, {00 Water St.,CLEVELAND,O. ahnla BU oo Bae Co. HIECLE, FAK, —MANUFACTURERS OF THE—— KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIK AND FOOT VALVES, are the , Best Rubber Valwes made. ed Sept.24,’89,N0.17054 Trade Mark Register- J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors, hay : MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY. HENRY B. BURGER. GEORGE B. BURGER H. B. & CG. B. BURCER, MANITOWOC, WIS. Ship Builders and Contractors. Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons and boxes will lift 350 ton vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and a stock of spars always on hand. DIRECTORY OF LAKE DRY DOCKS, Civing Dimensions and Location of all Important*Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters. iF Deptt ater , ength on i ‘ epth of Water DOCK. LOCATION. Keel Blocks, | Width of Gate. on Sill and SPECIAL ADVANTAGES, For NIGHT SERVICE peice 2 aime Keel Blocks, Bay City Dry Dock & Ship Y’d Co./Bay City, East Side River,..... 310 424%4-43% 13-14 Nearest Dock to Mackinaw|Call Foreman Edward Trahan, : ; and Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts. Cleveland Dry Dock Co............. Cleveland, So. Side River Bed, 312 4o ft. 8 in. II 4-12 Nearest Dock to Harbor En-|Watchman at Deck, Manager, 75 lao =o trance, Duane St, Foreman, 126 Fulton . upper Clark Dry Dock Co................-. Detroit, Lower Docks............ wes es, a pe stascdescesnvessteinatecsecscensnsee} Watchman at Dock will call Su 3 ‘ : perintendent, Detroit Dry Dock Co. ............... Detroit, Upper Docks............ 239 8 Rebuilding. Watchman at dock to answer S, : Pocaninins levelan Old River Bed fe) Depth of water enables loaded|Call Watchman. Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co Cleveland, Head : 34 18 vessels to dock here,” er 343 10% Union Dry Dock Co.............00.4. DuflAlO, <cc<ccsscdears: aay | 6 Piha at eee ee en 15% | Ved withtanclengks comeet| alt watehman, ine Dry Dock Co............. . Huron, near Water Works. 2 ; olverine Dry Dock Co ’ 00 14 Deck Waterlogged Vesssis, |Watchman at Dock, nights and 280 7. Sundays to call foreman, RR. MUS & CO... 420.-denerne} oor.n0nes Buffalo, N.Y. ....cccccccceseeseeee pes { ; Bane : ; : 13% 8. Call Watchman, pot