MARINE REVIEW. 13 ~ cy Ago TUSS FORWRECKING, RAFT Towing IC OFFICE OPEN DAY & NIGHT ~ (P_SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SX DETROIT, MICH. WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN STATIONED ATCHEBOYGAN WITH PLENTY OF WRECKING MATERIAL ON BOARD AND IN WAREHOUSE. TUR IC gee ee me nes Ol THIS DECK HOIST wee: | The Detroit Metallic Packing, IS OPERATED BY ONE LEVER, AND POSSESSES MANY (KILLMER’S PATENT.) ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER HOISTS. COMBINES REQUIRES \ \ -For Marine Engines STRENGTH and Lirrte Deck e : e Urry. Room. Steering Gear, Etc. THE SIMPLEST, BEST and LEAST EXPENSIVE PACKING IN USE. Can be applied without disconnecting the rod, prevents blowing or leaking of steam, cutting of rods or the blistering or rusting of rods when engine is not in use. This packing has been in constant use on Locomotives and Marine Engines for four years without showing appreciable wear. iu ! l i I i If your rods are in perfect line, send us exact dimemsions for trial set. S SUT eY THE CONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.., W. A. LLOYD, Manager, Elm and Hemlock Streets, CLEVELAND, O. AGENTS FOR O’CONNELL’S PATENT CRANK PIN GREASER. * Special attention given to Marine Repair Work, Blacksmithing and Pipe Fitting. Engineers supplies kept in stock, Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, OF LONDON. — ADDRESS — > ‘Detroit Lubrieatorto, DETROIT, MICH. AND WATER PACKING. Pat’d June 1, 1880—The Original Ring Packing. For Piston Rods, Valve Stem of Steam Engines, Steam Pumps, and especially adapted for Marine Engines and Electric Light Plants. erin pate tey 1 give exact diameter of Stuffing Box and Piston Rod or Valve Stem. Self-Lubricating, Steam and Water Tight. Less friction than any other known Packing. Never grows hard if directions aref followed. Does not corrode the rod. Every Package Filly Warranted. ; N.B.—This packing will be sent to any address, and. if not satisfactory after a trial of 30 days, can be returned at our expense. None genuine without this trade-mark and date of patent, General Agents, stamped on wrapper. All similar Packages are Imitations, and calculated to deceive. MILWAUKEE, WIS. THE GOULD PACKING COMPANY, Local Agents at all Lake Ports. TRADE-MARK, ALBION CHIPMAN, Treasurer, East Cambridge, Mass. | THE O’CONNELL GREASER, MARSH STEAM PUMP, | pcg puetiir us INLAND MARINE DEPARTMENT. DAVID VANCE & CO., INSURES HULLS, CARGOES.~* FREIGHT. rine engines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as high speed electric light en- gines. . —— RESULTS: Sure control of Crank Pin. Stoppage of Lard Oil account. Perfectly clean Engine 0’Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap- paratus, Absolute Actuation and Regulation Without Use of Tappets, Levers or other Mechanical Connections. FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY BOILERS. Smaller Sizes With or Without Hand Pumping Attachment. Exhaust Returned to Boiler. Heats Feed Water Forty to Fifty Degrees, accord- ing to tests made by Prof. M. E, Cooley, of the University of Michigan. Steam Valves Actuated, by Direct Boiler Pressure, Has Fewer Wearing Parts than ANY OTHER Steam Pump. For Circulars and Prices, address STRONG, CARLISLE & TURNEY, Cleveland, 0. STANNARD & DILLON, Chicago, Ill. DETROIT SHEET METAL & BRASS WORKS, Detroit, Mich. H. P. TOBEY, Toledo, 0. or BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO., Manufacturers, Battle Creek, Mich.