14 MARINE REVIEW. page eh PACKING, Is the BEST to be had for Steamers, Locomotives, Stationary En- gines, Pumps, with oil, hot or cold water Valves, Steam Hammers, ete. It ismaderound and square. Send for circulars, or sample for trial to CREENE, TWEED & CO., 83 Chambers Street, - New York, N. Y. CON. STARKE. JOS. WOLTER, AUG. RIEBOLDT. RIEBOLDT, WOLTER & CO., Trade Mark Register- ed Sept.24,’89,N0.17054 J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, SHIPBUILDERS, “SIM ‘NVDAOSSHS 5 ee mig FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 400 TONS. Ex. D. ROOT, Lorain, O. EBstablished 185°C. SHIPBUILDING AND CENERAL REPAIRINC. TUGS AND STEAM YACHTS A SPECIALTY. Blot) eo Ui Seb OC O., HRIN, PA., —MANUFACTURERS OF THE—— KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valwes made. THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Fitted with “JOY "PATENT VALVE GEAR, HENRY B. BURGER. GEORGE B. BURGER, DETROIT, MICH,, H. B. & C. B. BURCER, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION MANITOWOC, WIS. and all kinds of Marine Engine Ship Builders and Contractors. Envi Aeaished Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons and boxes will lift 350 ton Ng nes TULDISHE vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and for Steamships: a stock of spars always on hand. T. W. Palmer, a uajcaeere | McMyler Manufacturing Co., iW 4 Npanza, Padicia 180 Columbus St., Cleveland, 0. Geo.F. Williams, Sole Manufacturers of the Mackinaw, Keweenaw, McMYLER PATENT Jno. Harper, W.. F. Sauber, and losco. *. fa (fore and aft Panter, Or auaa Revolving Steam Derrick General Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, Ore and Coal Buckets and Dump Cars. : . DIREHOTORY OF LAKE DRY DOCEHS, Civing Dimensions and Location of all Important Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters. Length on ; _.,._| Depth of Water DOCK, LOCATION. Keel Blocks, | Width of Gate. on Sill and SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. For NIGHT SERVICE. . Keel Blocks. Bay City Dry Dock & Ship Y’d Co.|Bay City, East Side River,..... 310 4244-43% 13-14 Nearest Dock to Mackinaw|Call Foreman Edward Trahan and Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts. ° es seasons Cleveland, So. Side River Bed 12 o ft. 8 in. 11 Y%-12 Nearest Dock to Harbor En-| Watchman at Dock, Manager, 75 Cleveland Dry Dock Co ee: S ’ pe 4 “a 2 Me trance. Duane St. Foreman, 126 Fulton 1 Laie 6 Detroit, Lower Docks............ 3 { IPE PR NBP UE oo W: i Clark Dry Dock Co ’ ocks... { 220 42 TIS | 10. CNG ert ennenetentanenetannsees bores iy nena will call Su- Detroit Dry Dock Co. ............... Detroit, Upper Docks.,........... { 239 f 42 LGB Sa lee ata cae cas Watchman at dock to answer Leese Le. ae Rebuilding. Calls, i Depth of water enables loaded|Call Watchman, Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co........./Cleveland, Head Old River Bed 340 50 18 Neapuinip dai eva ‘ Upper, 343 48 {10% ' ‘ cece ees e ces | IU PEAIU «cece ceeeseoerree Three stez der a Yate ; Union Dry Dock Co......... Buffalo, Lower, 343 44 (15% ed with each dock, °°" |Call watehman, Wolverine Dry Dock Co........<.... Pt. Huron, near Water Works. 200 40 14 Dock Waterlogged Vesssls, |Watchman at Dock, nights and R. Mills & C Buffalo, N. Y 280 40 12 ‘ Sundays to call foreman, PMMe Re Connie... ss pers uffalo. N.Y, ..-:40-5- fies { { oe ’ 320 46 13% Boom Derricks. Call Watchman. SILIOVID BE VSED OW ALD 9 DIXON'S Smoke-Stacks, Boiler-Fronts, Locomotive and Steamboat Stacks, GRAPHITE Smoke Arches, Ash-Pans, Steam-Pipes and other lron-Work. T tT T T lf you, have use for such an article it will pay you to send for circular and testimonials. E “ \ JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. DIXON’S GRAPHITE.