14 MARINE, REVIEW. Des MANHATTAN CON. STARKE. JOS. WOLTER. AUG. RIEBOLDT. is SELF-LU BRICATI NC ‘ RIEBOLDT, WOLTER & CO es tT r= = - eh Is the BEST to be had for Steamers, Locomotives, Stationary En- so er al = = pr gines Pumps, with oil, hot or cold,water Valves, Steam Hammers, ae = tae etc, It is made round and square. : = | Send for circulars, or sample for trial to + 33 CREENE, TWEED & CO., 1A ais 83 Chambers Street, - New York, N.Y. J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE, Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. —____ wie ol Bl WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. ERIE RUBBER CO. | We Of re S pearicroas a: “OF THE—— MT = . . MARIN Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, SHIPBUILDERS, ‘SIM ‘NVDAOGSHS FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 400 TONS. EX. D. ROOT, Lorain, O. Established 1853. . SHIPBUILDING AND CENERAL REPAIRINC. TUGS AND STEAM YACHTS A SPECIALTY, KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valwes made. THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Fitted with “JOY g "PATENT VALVE GEAR. HENRY B. BURGER. GEORGE B. BURGER. DETROIT, MICH, . H. B. & Cc. B. BURCER, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION MANITOWOC, WIS. Marine Higes | Ship Builders and Contractors. ae Pith Dock will admit vessels.of 1200 tons and boxes will lift 350 ton Hp iee TUrMIshe vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and for Steamships: a stock of svars always on hand. T. W. Palmer, maanctere | McMyler Manufacturing Co., Ph f Ru of Su I] ) pp ar Y! i ye i John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, 180 Columbus St., Cleveland, 0. Geo.F. Williams, Sole Manufacturers of the Mackinaw, : ee Keweenaw, McMYLER PATENT Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber, and Iosco. (fore and aft Panther » compound) Revolving Steam Derrick General Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, Ore and Coal Buckets and Dump Cars. DIRHOTORY OF LAHBE DRY DOCHS, : Civing Dimensions and Location of all Important Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters. Length on ; Depth of Water pstigrioes LOCATION. Keel Blocks. | Width of Gate. ke! ete SPECIAL. ADVANTAGES. For NIGHT SERVICE. ena cerarmameerenccean | Cr ee aay Se ee ee ee Bay City Dry Dock & Ship Y’d Co.|Bay City, East Side River,..... 310 42%4-43% 13-14 Nearest Dock to Mackinaw/Call Foreman Edward Trahan, is Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts. ge ee gtk Cleveland, So. Side River Bed 12 o ft. 8 in. 11-12 earest Dock to Harbor En-| Watchman at Dock. Manager, 75 Clevel ry Dock Co , ’ oe 4 oo % trance. Duane St, Foreman, 126 Fulton f I Clark Dry Dock Co...............+.- Detroit, Lower Docks............ i : ii Veh cee bid MER Watchman at Dock will call Su- 220 42 11% Io end. perintendent, Detroit Dry Dock Co. ............... Detroit, Upper Docks............ § 239 f 42 Sere encanta eS Watchman at dock to answer Va Lae ae Rebuilding. session : ‘ Depth of water enables | Call Watchman. Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co.........|\Cleveland, Head Old pri Bed 340 - 18 vessels to dock here. — pper, 343 4 10% Union Dry Dock Co...............-.- Raullala selec: Tener ne a He . Three steam derricks connect-|can] watchman, Wolverine Dry Dock Co............. Pt. Huron, near Water Works. 200 40 14 Dock Waterlogged Vesssls. haf seinen at vaemet nights and ys to call foreman, ams 8 Ceo... cin Buffalo, UY. ..2.5-0 8. nes a8o ” oe Boom D 320 46 13% oom Derricks, Call Watchman. SIIOVID BE VSED OW «aL 9 DIXON'S Smoke-Stacks, Boiler-Fronts, Locomotive and Steamboat Stacks, GRAPHITE Smoke Arches, Ash-Pans, Steam-Pipes and other lron-Work. I T lf you have use for such an article it will pay you to send for circular and testimonials, ¥ i \ i ‘ JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE Co., JERSEY CITY, N. J. DIXON’S GRAPHITE