MARINE REVIEW. t4 Hi ~ 65.165 FOR WRECKING, RAFT Towne fy f fi tf ) 7 TUG i: - Wreckine Tue LEVIATHAN STATIONED ATCHEBOYGAN WITH PLENTY OF WRECKING’MATERIAL ON BOARD AND IN WAREHOUSE. DETROIT, MICH... THIS DECK HOIST 33a Bel all oe eee ice ete ch tavet ed det . HAS INCLINED, CYLINDERS, IS OPERATED BY ONE’ LEVER, AND POSSESSES MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER HOISTS. _ ee a REQUIRES . Tarrtie Deck B. D. Bascock, President. W. E. Luptow, Vice-Pres. -& Gen. Mgr. W. R. Huntineton, Sec’y & Treas. THE LUDLOW MANUFACTURING CO. Office, 121 Superior’ St., Rom 12, CLEVELAND, OHIO, ; ~~ MANUFACTURERS OF ae The Ludlow Bucket, — -FOR THE HANDLING OF COAL, ORE ana STONE s is Soa aod CoMBINES STRENGTH and Utiniry, CLEVELAND, O.,'Nov. 18, 1891. 3 To WHom 1T May ConcEeRN :—We have had four of the one and one-half ton and four of the two-ton Ludlow Buckets in yse on our coal docks since July 5, 1891, and have had no repairs whatever to make on them, with the exception of replacing one defective stem. The Buckets do the work to our entire satisfaction, and when used in connection with the Ludlow Patent Trip, which has been in use on one of our derricks for the past six weeks, they are, in our opinion, away ahead of any other coal buckets we have ever seen used. J. S. ASHLEY, Agent, New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Co. y i RYMER’S W. A. LLOYD, Manager, | ‘| ‘ : Elm and Hemlock Streets, CLEVELAND, O. i (; ( ( Whi { () { AGENTS FOR O’CONNELL’S PATENT CRANK PIN GREASER. ‘i 1 () Call Ut IN fF pera Or Special attention given _ Marine Bae? yes, BIRCH PnINE and Pipe Fitting. | i ngineers supplies kept in stock. ‘ ai: a i i Can be placed on a bracket in pilot house. } ] " Operation as-a fog whistle does not interfere ores 5 | Ver ron7e dt lj IR with its use as a code signal. Applied to any stuffing box, without disconnecting. Steam, air and water tight without soft packing, under the highest steam pressure and piston velocity, non- corrosive, automatic, cannot get out of order, admits of excessive vibrations of rods, does not bind, economical, 1 wma. RYMER, 1 Agent and Manufacturer, satisfactory, guaranteed to last 2 to 10 years with no at- it : DETROIT. MICH. tention. Wil pack engines by the year. Used on the 9 395 Champlain St., TROIT, MIC best steamers in New York Harbor. References. i ‘Correspondence Solicited. {15.Liberty Street, New York. 0. S. RICHARDSON FUELING CO. pHIe ae Foot of North Market Street. DOCKS :| West Side Illinois Central Slip ‘‘C,’’ and 18th Street Bridge. Steam Derricks and all Modern Appliances for Rapid Coaling. THE O'CONNELL GREASER, MARSH STEAM PUMP, | cc tise rine éngines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as ‘high speed electric light en- gines. : RESULTS: Sure- control of- Crank Pin: Stoppage of Lard Oil account. Perfectly clean Engine O'Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap- paratus, . Absolute Actuation and Regulation Without Use of Tappets, Levers or other Mechanical Connections. FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY BOILERS. Smaller Sizes With or Without Hand Pumping Attachment. Exhaus turned to Boiler. Heats Feed Water Forty to Fifty Degrees, accord- ing ee one Prof. M. E. Conley of the University. of Michigan. Steam Valves Actuated by Direct Boiler Pressure. Has Fewer Wearing Parts than ANY OTHER Steam Pump. For Circulars and. Prices, address RD & DILLON, Chicago, Ill. STRONG, CARLISLE & TURNEY, Cleveland, 0. STANNA } Hy RKS, Detroit, Mich. H.. P: TOBEY,:Totedo, 0. DETROIT SHEET METAL & BRASS WORKS, Detro Mich. a Cube Port Haran, MICK: se City, Mich. ort SROLLET BROS eo oEK MACHINERY CO., Manufacturers, Battte Creek, Mich.