Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 31 Dec 1891, p. 10

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40 THE MARINE RECORD. eee LEGISLATION IN THE INTERESTS OF THE MER-! Ohio River—‘To amend an act to provide for ocean mail ser- OANTILE MARINE TO COME BEFORE THE FIFTY- SECOND CONGRESS. To establish a Marine Board for the advancement of the merchant marine—To amend the law relating to the residence abroad of the owners of American yessels in the foreign trade An act to promote the efficiency of the Life Saving Service and to encourage the saving of life from shipwreck—Ap- proved May 4, 1882—To fix the compensation of inspectors of hulls and boilers in certain districts of the United States—To deepen the channel, to prevent destructive floods, to im- prove the navigation of the Mississippi River and to afford ease and safety to the trade and commerce thereon, by the construction, repairs and extension of leyees, dikes, jetties and other works, with an appropriation therefor—To authorize and regulate the construction of bridges across the Iludson River and the East River at the City of New York, and to de- scribe the dimensions of same—T'o amend an act entitled. ‘An act to regulate commerce,” approved’ February 4th, 1887— Authorizing the Secretary of War to cause a survey to be made for a ship canal connecting the waters of Lake Erie and the yice between the United States and foreign ports, and to pro- mote commerce’”’-—T'o authorize the New York and New Jersey Bridge Co., to construct and maintain a bridge across the Hudson River between New York city and the State of New Jersey—To amend ‘‘an act tu regulate commerce”—To prohibit monopoly in the transportation of cattle to foreign countries—To make the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries an officer of the Department of Agriculture and for other purposes—To increase the accommodation of the marine hospital at Detroit, Mich.—To establish wind signals at Thunder Bay and Middle Islands, Lake Huron—To provide American registers for the steamers Foxhall and 8. Otere, of New Orleans, La.—fo deepen the channel to improve the navigation, and to afford ease and safety to the commerce of the Mississippi River and to prevent destructive floods, by building and repairing and extending the levees and dikes— Providing for cousular certificates in the country of departure for aliens emigrating to the United States. To trausfer the Revenue-Cutter service from the Treasury Department to the Navy Department—To esiablish additional life saving station» —For the construction of a ship canal around Niagara Falls, in the State of New York—Admitting to American registry ves- sels built in the United States and owned by citizens thereof residing abroad, and for other purposes—To amend, ‘‘an act to amend section 4400 of title 52 of the Revised Statutes of the United States concerning the regulations of steam vessels’’ ap. proved August 7 1882, rr cr THos. Drers & Son, Wilmington, Del., manufacturers of life boats, life rafts, etc., report a very brisk business, they have just received an order from the Cleveland Ship Building Co., to furnish metallic life boats for the two freight monitors now under construction and a number of miscellaneous orders from other lake shipbuilders. They haye also furnished the new East Boston Ferry boat with a complete outfit con- sisting of two metallic life bouts 16 and 22 feet in length, life rafts and 400 cork life preservers. The new Stonington steam- ers with 1200 life preservers and orders are booked so well ahead that builders and owners desirous of fitting out their passenger boats would do well to send in their orders as early as possible so that work may be got out on time. The Wilming- ton factory is now working at its full capacity. @ MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. | |NLAND MARINE INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Com (ORGANIZED 1842.) Office, 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. INSURES AGAINST MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION | RISKS AND WILL ISSUE POLICIES MAKING \ LOSS PAYABLE IN ENGLAND. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, upon the premiums terminated during the year ; thereby reducing the cost of in | For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered | | surance. to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. J.D. JONES, Prest. |W. H.H. MOORE, Vice-Prest, Insurance Company of North America. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL, PAID UP IN CASH, z ASSETS. - : - F CHARLES PLATT, President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GEORGE L. M°CURDY, Manacer. Butta A. A, RAVEN, 2nd Vice-Prest. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y & Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT. 0 Wrought Steel Ranges Steamboat and Vessel Ranges and Broilers, with patent Rotary Grate. SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD, | | We also carry the STAMFORD TUG AND YACHT GALLEY STOVES. RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 7 and are divided annually | CHICAGO OFFICE: J, H. CHAPMAN, Secy. | $3,000,000.00 - $8,951,518,83 CHICAGO, ILLS THE 6 SHERMAN STREET. SAMUEL F. HODGE & COMPANY, (LIMITED.) pany, UNION MARINE INSURANCE C0, ' OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE CO, - ~~ 'GENERAL INSURANCE 00, - — - Assets over $10,000,000.00, for the Security of its Policies, SAXONY INSURANCE CO, - : ee AGGREGATE CAPITAL OVER $6,500,000. The above Companies will do a General Hull and Cargo Business on the Great Lakes. OF BERLIN OF DRESDEN OF SAXONY P. H. FLEMING, GENERAL MAanaGcen. MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE | Stationary and Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEEES, Riverside Iron Works, 344 to 326 Atwater Street, DETROIT, MICH, THE . WEEKLY . INTER . OCEAN STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in the West, IT IS THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME WORKSHOP, oz THE BUSINESS OFFICE. ror THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, 2 THE WORKINGMAN, or THE POLITICIAN. H. B. & G. B. BURGER, = SHIP-BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of Boxes in connection with the Shipyard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons. A large stock of SPARS constantly on hand, LARGE SPAR DERRICK. Vessels Docked and Repaired on Reasonable Terms. MANITOWOC, WIS. é THOMAS LIGGETT, Manufacturer and Jobber, The Marine Record Cigars, 265 PEARL STREET, ~ Cleveland, - - SEND FOR CATALOGUE, Ohio. IT IS A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, and numbering among its writers the ablest in the Gouna important events ail over the worl ae bapa PSL verecty nee: Its LITcRARY FEATURES are Among its contributors are W, D HO equal to those of the best magazines, RANOES HODGSON BURNETT, fs LLS, PRANK R. STO! MRS, MARK TWAIN, BRET HARTE, MAU: Its FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CORRESPOND: 7 3 ana pes ENCE is very extensive The Youth’ s Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kingdom & The Home Are Better than a Magazine for the Family. One of the Most Important Features is the Department of FARM AND FARMERS, Edited by EX.GOV. W. D, HOARD of Wisconsin, Ei Hoard’s Dairyman.”” This is anew feature and an tionostant cone Ags culturists. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Has also been opened for th mele pone my fe auactey BOrEeEe of discussing the questions now THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Is One Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE .. SEMI-WEEKLY .. INTER .. OCEAN Is published every Monday and Thursday at $2.00 per year, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN 1s $6,00 POSTAGE BAID The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN 1s 2.00 PER YEAR, POSTAGE PAID iberal Terms to Active Agents, Send for Sample Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.

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