THRE MARINE RECORD. FACSIMILE OF AN OLD BILL OF LADING, Through the courtesy of the Railway Review, Chicago, we are enabled to present to the sailing community of the Jakes a fac simile of a cen- tury old bill of lading. Judging from the docu- ment there was a consider- able Res of piety in ve mat- ter of command, as the mas- ter instead of being in the ws’ employ of Moneymaker & Co., or Graball & Loesit was enrolled under the numbers i of the Supreme Ruler by b/ whose direct’ guidance she es ; 4 was expected to reach her ort of destination in safety. X o account seems to be taken Soi FLE of the vessel being well man- ped by the Grace of God, in good Order and: wel Condition’d , by CAMPION HESKETH & G°, s in and upon the good Ship.called the ZB. whereof is Mafter , under God, for this prefent Voyage and now riding at Anchor in the River DOURO and by God’s Grace bound for apn Bearytand —— bY) Sew Hog h iad 90 tine ie ' Yaled to fay ; being -mark’d and number’d as in the Margin, and be delivered in the like good Order and well Condition’d , at the aforefaid Port of xKax. an. vesd Gooey. ocr, the Zz Miperhraker aes Danger of the Seas only excepted) uti g7*Qwr gor ed, good pumps, an or- ’ si = ough equi ment, nor was it wes ED ed PekieerL ati cowd aboard oavagh or to %z7 _Affigns, he or they paying Freight for: the faid Goods 2 yy fay ee gear to fitout a second ves- sel, unless indeed it was mu- tually understood that all of these should be found in a well apparaled vessel. Be this as it may, itis aforegone con- clusion that the mariners who jammed the wind across “the Atlantic in the double ended serving mallets of a century ago, knew well how to keep them afloat and handled their vessels in a skillful and seamanlike manner. “a wDilladd poyppe) : th’ Primage and pial ganas In Witnefs whereof the Mafter, or Purfer of the faid, Ship hath affirn’d to three Bills: of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date ; the one of which three Bills being accomplifh'd,. the other twoto ftand void. And fo God fend the good Ship. to. her déefir'd Port. in* Safety. Amen. Dated in PORTO22 egy i747 Crna Za MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, (ORGANIZED 1842.) Office, 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. INSURES AGAINST MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS AND WILL ISSUE POLICIES MAKING : LOSS PAYABLE IN ENGLAND. Assets over ${0,000,000.00, for the Security of its Policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year ; thereby reducing the cost of in- surance. For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. 4.D. JONES, Prest. W.H.H. MOORE, Vice-Prest. A. A. RAVEN, 2nd Vice-Prest. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secy. Insurance Company of North America. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL, PAID UP IN CASH, 5 ASSETS, —- 2 - = - CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y & Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT. GEORGE L. MCCURDY, Manacer. CHICAGO, ILLS $3,000,000.00 $8,951,518,83 BUFFALO SIGNAL LAMPS, For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS AND PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. MANUFACTURED BY HHH | RUSSELL & WATSON, _ Successors to FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL. 1389 & 141 Main St. BUFFALO, N, Y. b * | SEND FOR CATALOGUE, H. B. & G. B. BURGER, SHIP-BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 fect. Have also a set of Boxes in connection with the Shipyard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons. A large stock of SPARS constantly on hand, LARGE SPAR DERRICK, Vessels Docked and Repaired on Reasonable Terms. MANITOWOC, WIS. JEWETT, INLAND MARINE INSURANCE. UNION MARINE INSURANCE 60, (LIMITED.) OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE CO, - GENERAL INSURANCE CO, - - - OF DRESDEN SAXONY INSURANCE CO,» - +. - OF SAXONY AGGREGATE CAPITAL OVER $6,500,000. The above Companies will do a General Hull and Cargo Business on the Great Lakes. P. H. FLEMING, GENERAL MANnacer. SAMUEL F. HODGE & COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF _ MARINE Stationary and Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 344 to 826 Atwater Street, DETROIT, MICH. THE UNION DRY DOCK CO. OF BERLIN CHICAGO OFFICE: 6 SHERMAN STREET. Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Steamshi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT, DOCKED AND REPAIRED. —— BUILDERS OF-—— TIOGA, SUSQUEHANNA. CHEMUNG. BRAZIL, | FESSENDEN, AM COMMODORE PERRY. OWEGO. 8.C, REYNOLDS. VIKING. 8, 0. SCHENCK, “PIER” FRANK BUFFALO, N. Y. 1s 4