THE MARINE RECORD. | LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION. we. consider and take action upon all general questions relating to the Navigation and carrying business of the Great Lakes and the waters tributary thereto, with the intent to improve the character of the servico rendered to the public, to protect the common interests of Lake Carriers and promote their general welfare. OFFICERS FOR 1891. 8. D. Caldwell, Presiden Frank J. Firth, Vice Presiden! Thomas Wilson, Vice President. P. P. Miller, Vive Presiden Tra H. Owen, Vive Presiden: Charles H. Keep, Secretary. James Carey Evans, Treasuro: BOARD OF MANAGERS, Buffalo, N. Y. Erie, Pa. Cleveland, 0. Buffalo, N. Y- Chicago, Ills. Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago, Ills. James Ash.... Buffalo, N. Y. W. Bullard, Gen. Mine’ tT. ni Buffalo, N. Y. 8. D. Caldwell, Gen. Mng’r. Western Transit Co. Buffalo, . Y. _E. T. Evans, Gen. Mng’r. Lake Superior Transit Co... Buffalo, N. Ys John Gordon, Gen. Mng’r. Northern §, 8. Co......... Buffalo, N, Y. W. P. Henry, Gen. Mng’r. Lehigh Valley Trans. Co Buffalo, N. Y. P.P. Miller... Buffalo, N- Y. Frank J. Firth, President ‘Anchor Line. Erie, Pa. M. A- Bradle: Cleveland, 0. Cleveland, 0. Cleveland, 0. Cleveland, 0. Toledo, 0. Detroit, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Chiengo, Ills. Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis- Alex. McDougall. Duluth, Minn. + _ BF. W. Baldwin Ogdensburg, N. Y. THE MARINE RECORD.—OFFICIAL PAPER. David Vanee.... BUFFALO, N. Y. Special to The Marine Record. The Lake Carriers’ Association intend to hold their annual meeting March 3rd. Capt. Millard is superintending repairs on the steamers Neshoto and R. R. Rhodes. It is understood that some vessel room from Duluth to Buffalo has been secured at 31¢ cents. E. L. Parrish & Co., are hurrying opening matters with all possible speed, and expect to be ready for business shortly. The first annual ball and banquet of the E. M. B., A. No. 1, will be given on Friday night. Everything points to a grand success. The Anchor Line passenger steamers, Japan, India and China, are haying their cabins refitted and furnished for the coming season. Vessel broker John L. Crosthwaite has had his office handsomely papered and painted, and says he will be right in line next season. Captain Morton, ships-husband of the Wilson Transit Line, visited port for a few days last week to superintend calking and repairs on his Line boats. The Supervising Inspector of steamboats for the ninth district, Alexander McMaster, has returned from the an- nual meeting of Inspectors at Washington. The Anchor Line steamer Codorus, building at the Union Dry Dock Yards, is now showing her lines, Her frames, stem and stern post are in place, and her outside plating is well along. M. J. Cummings, of Oswego, visited Buffalo this week on vessel business. His steamer S. ©. Parnell and the Monteagle, have not discharged their last freight, and are floating warehouses for flax seed. Capt. William W. Bates, formerly manager of Inland Lioyd’s at this port, has been succeeded as U.S. Commiss- ioner of Navigation by Edward ©. O’Brien, of Pittsburg 'N. Y., who may be a qualified successor, but hitherto he has been an unknown quantity in maritime affairs, Rumors have been for some time‘in circulation regard- ing Hollister & Woodruff, the well-known vessel owners who control the steamer J. ©. Pringle, and barges Sun- shine, Ben Harrison, and Sweetheart, and are also inter- ested inthe Emily P. Weed. it is now known that Mr. Woodruff has been relieved of the management of these vessels, and the Pringle and tow were libeled for supplies purchased during the past year. ‘Vessel captains are already beginning to come to town, and it is the general opinion that there will be no action taken to delay the opening of navigation this coming season. A prominent vessel owner says the outlook grows ‘Tess and less promising as the opening approaches. “The fact,” he says, “that so much high-class vessel property is for sale, leads me to think that the present owners are a id the lakes will be overloaded with tonnage, and are g on the prosperous close of last year to enable to get good prices for their boats.” ‘William Murphy, the boat builder, is buildinga wooden slow on account of the difficulty in ob- The Riverside is framed in oak, with g, and is eae something after the work of establishiag a first-class summer resort at Sour Spring Grove, having secured a five years lease of those desirable grounds on Niagara River. Five steamers, in- cluding the Niagara River Navigation Co.’s two boats- will make regular stops at this resort. Mr. Cowles re. turns to New York this week to take charge of the Vision. If she is sold, the firm will build another and larger steam- er to take her place, DETROIT, MICH, Special to The Marine Record. Mr. John Oades is confined to his house seriously ill. The capital stock of the newly-formed J. Emory Owen Transportation Co. is $200,000. Capt. Sinclair, superintendent of the Dunham Tug Line of Chicago, spent a few days in the city last week. The propeller Samuel F. Hodge is to be given new decks, new bulwarks, and a thorough overhauling at Oades’ yard. When the new slip is completed at tha ship yard at Wy- andotte, the company will have a capacity for six keels under construction at the same time. The propeller Kasota, on which work is being crowded at a lively rate by the Detroit Dry Dock Co., it is antici- pated will be out of their dock early in March. The officers of the steamer Riverside have been re-en- gaged for next season as follows: Master, Capt. John Desana; clerk, J. H. Pray; engineer, John L, Northrup. Capt. Charles Davis will sail the Roswell P. Flower this season, and Capt. M. W. Tinney, his last year’s com- mand, the Frank L. Vance, owned by the Milwaukee Steamship Co. The object for which the Deep Waterways Convention was held, is meeting with wide attention at Washington, and the best legislative results is expected therefrom by all the vessel interests. At the annual meeting of the American Injector Co., held at their offices last week, John Trix was elected president, Ralph Phelps Jr., vice-president, and Hiram M. Keeler, secretary and treasurer. The steamers of the Crescent Transportation Company, (formerly the Wards line) will this season carry a blue swallow-tail house flag with a white crescent. Smoke- stacks will be black with white crescent. At the yards of John Oades the Grosse Pointe light ship, originally built by Oades about the time of the erection of the Stannard lighthouse, when she was used as a trans- port for stone etc., is being thoroughly rebuilt. It is said that one of the new and interesting features of Beeson’s Inland Marine Guide for 1892, now in press, will be a list of all the people who have met with recog- nition from the life saving service as ‘‘life saving heroes.” The Frontier Iron Works have about completed a large addition to their engine building plant, a prominent feat- ure of which is the new suite of offlces which are large, light and elegantly fitted throughout with fire-proof vaults» open fireplaces ete. The Western Seamen’s Friend Society intends estab- lishing a seamen’s institute at this port and will work vigorously in the future to make the society more than simply aname. The new chaplain is already making a move in that direction. Manager D. C. Whitney, of the Whitney Transportation Co., is still east on his wedding trip. Mr. Whitney, though one of the youngest men connected with lake in- terests, has his hands full in the able management of the fourteen vessels of his fleet. The new engine and boiler building plant of the Davis Boat and Oar Co., which is located at Wyandotte, Mich., will open for business about the 20.h.. This com- pany is bocking a large number offorders forsmall pleas- ure vessels for completion in the early spring. Allin and about the premises of the Detroit Dry Dock Engine Works is ascene of activity preparatory to the reception and erection of their new iron buildiags now in transit from the east. Secretary McMillan anticipates that they will be erected and complete prior to March 10th. The Detroit Dry Dock Co. has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, James McMil- lan; vice-president, Hugh McMillan; consulting and contracting engineer, Frank E. Kirby; general manager and treasurer, Alex McVittie; secretary, G. N. McMillan; directors the above. The following agents will represent the Crescent Trans- portation Company this season; A. P, Wakefield, at Minneapolis and St. Paul; Alfred Robinson, at Duluth; A. J. Otterson, for the Marquette District, headquarters at Marquette; A. E. Thompson at Cleveland; H, L. Chamberlain at Buffalo. ‘The propeller James Fisk Jr, will be given two steel arches and a thorough overhauling of hull and.machinery at the Springwells dry dock this spring. She has now heayy wooden arches which will be taken out of her, and by a removal and alteration of other weights and fittings she will be made a larger carrier. Capt. Eber Ward, who is one of the oldest and best known vessel owners on the lakes, is well pleased with the outlook for the season of 1892, but is somewhat unde_ cided as to whether he will keep under charter the boats he handled last season, or manage a large established line at Buffalo. There will be money in every well-handled fleet of steamers this coming season, and Capt. Ward is certainly equal to taking every cent out of it. There is nothing slow about the Citizens’ Yachting As- sociation, they are taking hold of this every way com- mendable and health giving relaxation in the proper style and spirit. The board of directors have been authorized to build a commodious club house. All races will be run on the river, so that citizens may take in the sport. ‘Thirty six yachts are enrolled and the membership reaches 165 active members, with new names being added daily. Under such favorable auspices this city will soon become the center of yachting on the Great Lakes, and it is a healthy sign that the talent of Detroit believe that for pure, manly honest relaxation, there is nothing to com pare with a yachting vacation, DULUTH, MINN. Special to The Marine Record. At the shipyard of the American Steel Barge Co., where the whalebacks are built, eight vessels are on the stocks and arrangements are being made to start the big pas- senger ship. Sheis to be one of the largest, if not the largest passenger ship afloat and very few people haye any idea of what a great vessel this first whaleback pas- senger “ark” will be. Captain McDougall claims she will make 27 miles an hour and the Captain has so far not been much out of the way in his prediction as to the whales. The vessel will not be owned by the Barge com pany, but by a new corporation formed from members of the old, and the work of construction will begin soon. The vessel is to be ready for the World’s Fair trade and after that will go on the New York and Liverpool run, being cut in two to pass down the Welland and St. Law- rence canals. The Barge Co. are also building the biggest drydock on fresh water. There is now a little over 8,000,000 bushels ef grain at Duluth elevators waiting shipment east at the opening of navigation, by the opening this will probably be in- creased to 15,000,000 at the least. Receipts of flour are already beginning and there will be over 250,000 barrels waiting by May. There is now on the docks of the various saw mills here 12,000,000 feet of lumber all sold to go east early. By spring, Duluth flour mills will be grinding 7,000 barrels a day, nearly all of which will be for shipment. The westbound merchandise and coal traffie bids fair to be very large, iron ore will move forward from Lake Su- perior in far greater volume than last year. So it will be seen that the year opens excellently for the vessel men. Both on the Gogebic and Vermillion iron ranges more work is being done than for several years, in fact the Gogebic is actually ahead of its boom years. The Ver- million mines will send 400,000 tons more ore to market than ever before. Then the new Mesaba range, to which two railways are now building from Duluth, will pro- bably be ready to ship 200,000 tons this year. It is pro- bable that during the summer 125 cargoes of lumber will be shipped to Lake Erie from Duluth, as two very large firms have just built mills here and will do business chiefly for the eastern market. It is thought that during the year at least 3,500,000 barrels of flour will be shipped east from here. Ww. LUDINGTON, MICH. Special to the Marine Record. During the year 1891, Ludington exported by lake 322,760 tons and imported 36,939 tons. The Ward firm here are rebuilding the old Boom Co’s dredge for dredging around their mill docks. ‘The U.S, dredge Saginaw, wintering at this port, was brok- en into last week, and while there was not much damage done it is to be regretted that such mean people are laying around. George W. Roby has so far recovered from his late illness ia that he was able to start for his Detroit home last Tuesday. The i’. & P. M. R. R. furnished a special car from Ludington to Detroit for his doctor and his attendants, Capt. John Dud- dleson went to Detroit with him, Capt. O, C, Anderson of Milwaukee, was in this city last week shaking hands with Ludington friends. He says the re~ port that he had sold out his interest in the steam barge Colin Campbell is not correct, and that he was having anew crank shaft put in the Campbell for the opening of navigation. Ste is wintering in Milwaukee. Major William Ludlow, Corps of Engineers, U.S, A., has a man taking photographs of the principal harbors on the east shore of Lake Michigan, where there is winter nayigation; the harbors which he took views of were Manistee, Ludington, F Grand Hayen, St. Joseph, and Michigan City; the photographs are for the Engineer Department, The F, & P. M. R, R. are doing an excellent freight busi- ness at this port, Like all western railroads at this time, cars are short and the freight house here is blocked, so that ca is carried backwards and forwards across the lake room and time to land it. The passenger trade and the boats are kept running on regular time, —