THE MARINE RECORD. ie INE MANAGERS, OFFICERS AND LIST OF AP- ‘ POINTMENTS FOR 1892. The following list of appointments to date of masters and engineers are official, being furnished to THe Marine Recorp by the managers of the Lines: §. F. Leopold, Manager Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Co., Chicago, Ill., has made the following ap- pointments of captains and chief engineers for the season of 1892: Steamers, Peerless—Capt. H.C. Page, Engineer Wm. Conly; City ot Duluth—Capt. Donald McLean, Engineer Henry Chalk; City of Traverse—Capt. J. M. Twitchell, Engineer 8S. W. Armstrong; Jay Gould,—Capt. Joseph White, Engineer A. P. Williams; Jas. L. Hurd—Capt. L. Reynolds, Engineer J. R. Bennett. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Co., President, James MeMillan; vice-president and treasurer, Hugh McMillan; secre- tary and general manager, David Carter. These, with W. C. MeMillan and George Hendrie, are the directors: The officers of the fleet are as follows: Steamers, City of Cleveland—Capt. Dugald McLachlan, Engineer John M. Surgeant; City of De- troit—Capt. Alexander McKay, Engineer W. S, Hufl; City of Alpena—Capt. Mathew Lightbody, Engineer John Jones; City of Mackinac—Capt. Henry J. Slyfield, Engineer Wm. Mc Donald; City of Detroit No. 1—Capt. D. McLachlan, Engineer James Middleton, Parker Transportation Co., President and manager, A. A, Parker; vice-president, A. R. Munger; secretary, B. W. Par- ker; treasurer, Hugh W. Dyar. These, with F. B. Gaylord, are the board of directors. Through the courtesy of A. A, Parker the following appointments are given: Steamers, A. A. Parker —Capt. J. T. Hutton, Engineer Frank Tirpert; John Oades— Capt. T, Lemay, Engineer James Falconer; Minneapolis— Capt. H. W. Bogert, Engineer J. Dives; B. W. Blanchard— Capt. Geo. Stoddard, Engineer Richard Mahoney. Schooners, B. W. Parker—Capt Edward Lohr; San Diego—Capt. Henry Morey; Redwing—Capt. Chas. Woods; Saveland—Capt. Edward Hewett. Tugs, Favorite—Capt, Martin Swain, Engi- eer Geo. Smith; Saginaw—Capt. Thomas Hayes. Whitney Transportation Co., President and treasurer, David Whitmey, Jr.; vice-president, John Dalzelle; secretary and manager D. C. Whitney. The following officers are appointed to the fleet for 1892: Steamers, Tampa—Capt. W. H. Hutche- son, Engineer D, A. Black, Second Engineer Williams; Mecosta —Capt. John Leonard, Engineer Geo. Francombe; Lansing— Capt. C. J. Ennis, Engineer Gus Gey; D. C. Whitney—Capt. G. Trotter, Engineer Williams; Nipigon—Capt. A.C. May, Engineer Wm. McKittrick; 8. C. Baldwin—Capt. John Byers, Engineer T. Francombe. Barges, Ashland—Capt. D. Critchet; Wayne—Capt. D. Tiffant; Melbourne, Capt. G. Cooper; Grace Whitney—Capt. E. Pillon. Northwestern Transportation Co., President, treasurer and general manager, E. M. Peck; vice-president, Harvey H. Brown; secretary, L. ©. Waldo. The above named, with James Findlater and E.T. Peck, constitute the board of directors. The following captains and chief engineers haye been appointed for the season of 1892: Steamers, S. R. Kirby ~Capt. James Fraser, Engineer J. H. Hand; E. M. Peck— Capt. E. C. Gatfield, Engineer Wm. Watts; Fayette Brown— Capt. D. Girardin, Engineer Nick Anderson; Forest City— Capt. Joseph Sanders, Engineer John Hartman; R. J. Hack- ett—Capt. Henry Sanders, Engineer J. H. Foster. Schooners, Harvey H. Brown—Capt. E. M. Fuller; Wm. McGregor—J, B. Hochrath, {Inter Ocean Transportation Co., Capt. J. C. Ricketson general manager of the Line, has made the following appoint- ments, with the clause that the Minnesota and Metacomet being open to change hands the officers of those steamers are liable to be replaced, otherwise the fleet is manned exactly as last year, not asingle change being made, a fact which speaks highly for both management and officers: Michael Conley, chief engineer of the fleet. Steamers, Maryland—Capt. Joseph E. Yax, Engineer 8. C. Davis; Manchester—Cupt. Timothy Kelley, Engineer James Grant; Manhattan—Capt. 4H, F. Loftus, Engineer Wm. Turnbull; Massachusetts—Capt. P. A. Anderson, Engineer Philip VanRensselau; Merrimac— Capt. Wm. J. Pringle, Engineer W. R, Patterson; Minnesota— Capt. Daniel Jones, Engineer W. H,. Pinkham. Barge Meta- comet—Capt. W. J. Shields. Ward’s Detroit & Lake Superior Line, President, W. H. Stevens; vice-president, John M. Nicol; secretary, John V. Moran; treasurer, Harry 8. Hodges; manager, Cash P, Taylor; general freight agent, M. Borgman; commodore, Alber; Stewart. Directors, W. H. Stevens, John VY. Moran, L. L. Barbour, H. 8. Hodge, W. H. Irvine, David Wallace. The name of the company is now changed to Crescent Transporta- tion Co., to avoid confusion of names with Eber Ward’s Lake Superior Line. The masters and chief engineers of the Line will be as follows "this season: John M, Ni icol—Capt. Albert _ Stewart, Engineer Joseph Hayes, John V. Moran—Capt. _ Robert Rhynes, Engineer G. E. Lynn; W. H. Stevens—Capt. _ John Tyrney, Engineer G. E. Tretheway; Eber Ward—Capt. W. McLean, Engineer James Purvis; James Fisk, Jr.—Capt. Louis Elliott, Engineer Elmer Tucker; Samuel F, Hodge— Capt. Marray McIntosh (last year mate of the Moran,) engi- neer W. T. Walker. A Roby Transportation Co., E. My Peck, president; L. C, Waldo, secretary: Steamer Geo, W. Roby—Capt. Duddleson, Engineer Dan’! Harkins. F. W. Gilchrist, Alpena, Mich., has made the following appointments for 1892, Steamers, Viking—Capt. Harry Richardson, Engineer Miller; S. C. Hall—Capt. John Doner, Engineer P, Mahar; Garden City—Capt. H. KE. Foster, T. Kneal, Tngs, Frank W.—Capt. T. Lillis, Engineer D, Thomp son; Ralph—Capt. P. Lawson, Engineer P. Nold; Arthur D. —Capt. G. Brooks. Yacht, Hinda—Capt. F, W. Fletcher, Engineer B, Pearsons, Barges, Michigan—Capt. John Rhad- igon; Sam Flint—Capt. H, Hamilton; Nellie Mason—C, Han- on; Russian—Capt. J. Hamilton; Light Guard—Capt, T. Stevens; 8. H, Lathrop—Jas, Glenn, John ee A FREE CANAL WANTED, The following resolutions have been formulated by a com- mittee of the Business Men’s Association and unanimously adopted at a special session of that body held in the city of Sturgeon Bay last Thursday: To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives ¢f the United States, in Congress assembled. Your Memorialists, The Business Men’s Association of Sturgeon Bay, res- Pectfully represent, That the commercial and marine interests tributary to the Great Lakes require that the Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal should be purchased from its present owners on just and equitable terms, by the United States, and that the navigation thereof should henceforth and forever be and remain free from all special tax or tolls levied by individuals or private corporations, We submit the following reasons why the United States should purchase, and make free for tho purpose of navigation this important waterway. 1, On account of the saving of one hundred miles in the sailing distance for all classes of vessels going to or from port in Green Bay, and to or from Chicago, Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Kewaunee on the west shore, and from Michigan City, Grand Haven, Muskegon and Manistee on the east shore of Lake Michigan and also avoiding dangers of entering Green Bay by its natural and hazardous passage commonly known as Death's Door. 2. The constructing of this canal by the General Government would have been a very proper and wise thing to have done, as has been stated in the reports of several officers of the U. 8. Engineer Corps in their reports to the War Department, 8. The value of the commerce annually passing through this canal amount. ing to many millions of dollars, as well as one million tons of registered shipping in the aggregate, renders this waterway of vastly too great com. mercial importance to be owned and controlled by a private corporation, who must necessarily levy a toll on each craft passing through in order to keep up and maintain said canal. 4. With this waterway free from tax, or toll, levied on the tonnage passing through it, we are justified in believing that nearly all the iron ore shipped from Escanaba and destined for the ports of Chicago, Milwaukee and Michi- gan City would go by way of this canal, thereby avoiding one of the most dangerous routes that is known to mariners on our lakes, Assuming that this would be the condition of things, the passage’ of tonnage through this canal would be more than five million tons and the value of its commerce to one hundred millions or more dollars and it would be counted as among the great waterways of our country. 5. We submit the following as illustrative of the conditions that prevail as regards all classes of vessels passing through the Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal with the past and pre-ent rate of toll fixed and main- tained by the corporation that owns it, A steamer measuring five hundred tons, engaged in carrying persons and property through the canal daily. is required to pay a toll of fifteen dollars for cach passage, or four hundred and fifty dollars for each thirty days, and for eight months (the sailing sea- son) it must pay three thousand and six hnndred dollars. The right to levy this toll remains undisputed, but we submit that there is no legitimate busi- ness that can pay a special tax of such magnitude, and stand as a successful competitor in the commercial enterprises of the nineteenth century. 6. The United States has expended more than two hundred thousand dollars in the construction of a harbor of refuge, lighthouse, fog signal, life saving station, etc., at theLake Michigan end of the canal, as aids to navigation, The cbjects sought to be accomplished by these improvements have been in agreat measure defeated for the reason that the area enclosed by the piers is not sufficient to afford protection to the smallest class of vessels, All craft seeking shelter from storms must pass through the outer piers and enter the canal before their safety is assured; they are then subject to such rules and requirements as the owners may see fit to impose. The harbor light main- tained by the United States is of no great value except to vessels desiring to enter the canal, We submit that the best and only available and only feasi- ble point at which to establish a harbor of refuge is in the head of Sturgeon Bay, where nature has already prepared one of the most complete harbors in the world. Inthis, our judgment, as to the proper place for the establish- ment of aharbor of refuge, we have the concurrence of several eminent U. §. Engineers. Hence the further and important reason tor the United States owning and controlling the canal. 7. The cost of the canal to its present owners appears from the official re- cords to have been three hundred fifty-four thousand and seventy-three dol- lars and thirty-eight cents, bnt it seems that from a settlement had by and between the Wisconsin Legislature during its session of 1891, and the Canal Company, thatthe said company can have no equitable claim ‘on said canal exceeding eighty thousand dollars, and for that amount, or a less sum, we believe the United States can purchase said canal and make ita free waterway to the commerce of the country, and your memorialists believe that in no other way could a like sum of money be expended that would bring with it 80 great and permanent a benefit to the marine and commercial interests of our country as would this sum thus paid for this property. Resolved, That one copy besent to each of the following named Represen, tatives in Congress, by the Association: Senator Philetus Sawyer, Senator William F, Vilas, Representative Thomas Lynch, and Representative S, M. Stephenson, of Michigan. Also that the various newspapers published in the country tributary to the Great Lakes be supplied witha copy for the purpose of publicat'on. Respectfully submitted. ENLISTMENT OF BOYS IN THE U. 8. NAVAL SERVICE. Boys between the ages of fourteen and seventeen years may, with the consent of their parents or guardians, be enlisted to serve inthe nayy until they shall arrive at the age of twenty- one years. No minor under the age of fourteen years, no in- sane or intoxicated person, and no deserter from the naval or military service of the United States can be enlisted. Boys enlisted for the naval service must be of robust frame, intelli- gent, of perfecly sound and healthy constitution, free from any physical defects or malformation, and not subject to fits. Their height and measure must be as follows: { Chest_measure- Height not less ve Weight not lest|ment, breathing Be. than— than— naturally, not lesa than— Fourteen years| 4 ft. 9in | 70 pounds. 26 inches, Fifteen years... 4 ‘ 11 “ | 80 = 27 ae Sixteen year: Sy elie a 23 They must be able to read and write. In special cases, where the boy shows a general intelligence and is otherwise qualified, he may be enlisted, notwithstand- ing his reading and writing are imperfect. Each boy present- ing himself for enlistment must be accompanied by his father, or by his mother in case the father be deceased, or by his le- gally appointed guardian in case he has neither father nor mother living, and the parent or guardian presenting the boy must sign the prescribed ‘consent, declaration, and oath” which forms part of the Shipping Articles. In cases where parents or guardians may, by reason of distance, infirmity, or other causes, be unable to appear at the place of enlistment, they will, on written application to the commanding officer of either of the ships upon which enlistments are made, be furn- ished with the printed form of ‘consent, declaration, ard oath,”’ in duplicate, by executing which the enlistments will be perfected, chould the boys be accepted by the Board of Ex- amining Officers. No allowance will be made for traveling expenses, whether accepted or not. The Buard of Examining Officers will consist of the Commanding Officer, a Line Officer and the Senior Medical Officer of the vessel. All boys en- listing as apprentices must voluntary sign an agreement to cerve in the navy until twenty-one years of age, which agree- ment must, before being signed, be carefully read and ex- plained to each boy by the Recruiting Officer. Boys who have been convicted of crime cannot be enlisted. All boys enlisted wiil de rated 3rd class apprentices, and receive $9 per month, Deserving boys will be rated 2ad class apprentices and receive $10 per month after haying served six months on a ernising ship, and Ist class apprentices, at $11 per month, after having served one year in said ships. Properly qualified apprentices wil be rated seamen apprentices, 2ad class, and receive $19 per month, after having served oue year in cruising vessels of war; and seamen apprentices, Ist class, at $24 per month, after two years’ service in said cruisers. All apprentices receive one ration per day. When first received on board of a train- ing ship apprentices will be furnisued, free of cost, with an outfit of clothing not exceeding in value the sum of forty-five dollars. This outfit of clothing is furnished upon the 8upposi- tion that the apprentice will serye during his minority, and therefore, if during his minority he is discharged at his own request, or at the request of his parents or friends, the value of this outfit of clothing must be refunded. Boys enlisted to serve unti] twenty-one years of age will not be permitted to allot any part of their pay to parents or guard- ians until they shall have been transferred to general cruising ships. Apprentices will be transferred to fill vacancies in sea. going vessels as they becorre proficient. Upen the expiration of the enlistment of an apprentice, he will, if recommended, receive an honorable discharge, and upon re-enlistment within three months from the date of honorable discharge he will re« ceive three month’ extra pay of his rating when discharged, a continuous-service certificate, and an addition of one dollar per month to his pay. Apprentices will be under the immedi- ate supervision of the Bureau of Navization, Navy Depart- ment, and applicants for enlistment may be made to the chief of that bureau, or to the Commanding Officer of either of the following named ships, viz.: U.S. S. Wabash, Navy Yard, Boston, Mass.; U.S. 8. St. Louis, Navy Yard, League Island, Philadelphia, Pa,; U. 8.8. Dale, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.; U. 8.8, Michigan, Erie, Pa., or during her cruise upon the lakes, and such other vessels as may from time to time be designated for this service. Apprentices will be sent to the Training Station at Coaster’s Harbor Island as_soon after en- listment as practicable. er ee MORE NEW TONNAGE, A contract has been signed with F. W. Wheeler & Co., the West Bay City shipbuilders, to commence work on a fine new freight propeller for Capt. A, E, Stewart, C. F, Bielman, George Peck and others, all of Detroit. In dimensions and gen- erel appearance the new vessel will be a duplicate of the W. F. Sauber, built by Wheeler & Co. last season, and who has al- ready proved herself a successful carrier in every respect. The new boat will be of wood, 291 feei keel, 41 feet beam and 23 feet deep. She will be propelled by triple expansion engines, cy- linders, 20 by 82 by 54 inches and 42 stroke of piston. She will be fitted out with steam steering engines, steam windlass and hoisting engines and all the modern appliances that com- plete the equipment of a first-class boat. Her cabin outfit and furnishing will be espescially fine. She will carry three pole masts. The new vessel will cost about $130,000, and will be finished by July 15th. She will be placed in the ore and grain trade. It is estimated the new boat will carry 2,000 gross tons on a draft of 14 feet 6 inches of water, so that her lines will be as full as her sister boats. According to advices printed in Tue Marine Recorp some weeks ago, itis now learned that the Michigan Central Railroad, owners of the transfer steamer St. Ignace, are having plans made by the Detroit Dry Dock Co. for a new transfer car ferry to alternate with the famous ice crusher between St. Ignace and Mackinaw. She will be considerably larger than the St. Ignace, but will be on much the same plun, She will have similar powerful engines turning heavy screw propeller wheels at both ends of the boat, and, itis expected, will be even more successful at crushing through the ice than her pow- erful predecessor. The new boat will cost about $350,000, and will be built of wood, properly sheathed, The contract has not yet been signed, but the matter will probably be dis- posd of in a short time, Another boat is badly needed at that point, for, should the St. Ignace become disabled, the railroad sorapaales would have to depend solely upon the Algomah, a small steamer that has long since outlived hee usefulness either in carrying capacity or power.