Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 11 Feb 1892, p. 9

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THE MARINE RECORD. ruction and equipment of a modern built wood, posite, iron or steel vessel, each of which may be and ults of construction as in any portion of the world. ___ It is therefore necessary to rid the mind of this “flood- _ ing the lakes with war ships’ and consider the question in _ the broad sense of equality, equity and economy of con- struction in permitting the unsurpassed facilities now found in the shipbuilding yards of the Great Lakes to be used in competition with the established plants on the seaboard. -_-—EP +e ee CLASSIFICATION OF STEAMERS BY THE CLEVE- LAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, At a meeting of the executive committee and advisory board of the Cleveland Vessel Owners’ Association held on Tuesday. The committee on classification of steamers composed of Cap— tains James Corrigan, Thomas Wilson, Geo. P. McKay, Mr. M. A. Bradley, Mr. H. G. Dalton and Mr. Wm. G. Mather re- ported a unanimous measure to rate steamers in the Associa- tion as follows, and to grade the wages of engineers in the dif- ferent classes between the limits specified, depending upon the size of the steamers in the class and the character of the busi- ness in which they were engaged: 1. Metai steamers having water bottoms and triple ex- pansion engines: For chief engineers $115 to $125 per month, second engineers $75 to $80 per month. 2. Metal steamers not included in class 1 and wooden ves- sels with the triple expansion and compound engines, except the smaller boats which may be put in class3: For chief engi- neers $100 to $115 per month, second engineers $70 to $75 per month. Smaller boats, with high pressure or low pressure engines, or with compound engines, covering all boats not included in the two former classes: For chief engineers $80 to $100 per month, second engineers $60 to $70 per month, The above will be the rate which all steamers in the Associa- tion will be called upon to pay during the season of 1892. es A CONVENTION OF LAKE SHIPBUILDERS. All of the prominent shipbuilders of the Great Lakes met in Conyention in Cleveland on Monday, and after a wide dis- cussion on the prohibitory clause of the treaty which has been held to prevent shipbuilders on the lakes from competing with their brethren on the coast for government contracts, it was unanimously resolyed that steps be taken to determine their just rights in this matter. The granting of foreign built ton- nage an American registry and other important features affect- ing the interests of shipbuilders were discussed at some length. Mr. Alexander McVittie of the Detroit Dry Dock Co, was empowered to draft suituble resolutions embodying the views of the Conyention, Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Bay City and Chicugo were well represented and the best possible results may be expected from the coming together of so prac- tical and energetic a body of men. a OFFICERS APPOINTED. The following appointments have been made for the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Co.’s fleet of steamers: City of Duluth—Donald McLean, master; Henry Chalk, chiet engin- eer. Peerless—H.C. Page, master; William Canley, chief engineer, City of Traverse—J. M. Twitchell, master; 8, W. Armstrong, chief engineer. Jay Gould—Joseph White, mas- ter; A. P. Williams, chief engineer. Jas. L. Hurd—L. Reyn- olds, master; J. R. Bennett, chief engineer. Bay City and Cleveland Transportation Co., president, Mrs. M. J. Jenness, Cleveland; manager, James A. Francomb, De- troit; trevsurer, William R. Stafford, Port Hope, Mich.; sec- retary, Thomas K, Christie, Detroit. The officers appointed for 1892, for the steamer W. R. Stafford,—Capt. William Roach, Engineer Moses Peltier; schooner John A. Francomb,—Capt. Arthur Hazen. The Michigan Navigation Co. appointments for 1892 are: steamer Liyingstone,—Capt. William H, Wilson, Engineer Alex Morison; T. W. Palmer,—Capt. George F. Stilphen, En- gineer Robert B. Hodge. DD I OO oO EITHER NORTH OR SOUTH. East Torepo, O., February 10, 1892. | To the Editor of The Marine Record. * Your valuable issue of February 4th is at hand. I find an omission there, which, although very insignificant in print, changes the solution of the example and might mislead people that wish to learn something, it ison account of those that I wish to rectify this, viz: - Foregoing azimuth, which was figured out from north as wished for by ‘‘Beginner’’, could have been figured from south st as easy, should read........ .- N. 105°56’ West ion at 87° west longitude == 2°00" ic azimuth - -N, 107°56’ West ‘sun ought to have bore from ‘Beginner's’? compass jing there to be no deviation, West by South 48. Hop- you will rectify this slight error, at the same time ex- myself for intruding upon your valuable space. 3 5 Frayk Henricn. East FLOTSAM JETSAM AND LAGAN, As the result of the opening of the St. Clair tunnel, the Grand Trunk Railway is calling for tenders from parties will- ing to purchase one or both of the Canadian ferry boats Huron and International, now lying at Point Edward, Ont. The Milwaukee Tug Boat Line has applied to the Treasury Department for permission to change the name of the schoon- er Helena to Amboy. As the company owns the steamer Helena also, it is thought the request will be readily granted. F, W. Gilchrist, Alpena, Mich., lias recently purchased the tug Arthur D. to add to theiralready powerful fleet of tugs, the firm are now prepared to efficiently protect the west shore of Lake Huron, in so far as towing, wrecking, lightering and all other branches of salvage work are concerned. Capt. Moore, late master of the C & P Line steamer Algon- quin, had occasion last season during a delayed trip in the fall on account of ice, to test the fueling properties of wheat; Capt. Moore informs us that after measuring out a certain number of bushels from his cargo, so as to keep an accurate account of what was consumed, he saturated the bulk with petroleum and received most gratifying results in keeping up steam. Patents of interest to the shipping world and essentially for marine uses and construction, are not occupying the attention of the inventive genius of this country to any alarming extent at this time. Itis not so however on the other side of ‘‘the pond’? where we find no less than 77 applications for patents on all conceivable portions of mechanism entering into the construction and equipment of a vessel, both sail and steam. Most persons would say that the diameter of the largest steamer funnel is four to six feet, and would want to wager that it is not more than eight feet. How far from the actual size such guesses are, may be understood when it is stated that the funnel of the Cunard Atlantic Liner Etruria measures a little over eighteen feet in diameter. Ateyen a short dis- tance away, this can hardly be believed, It givesan idea of the enormous size of the big steamers. This can be more read- ily understood, ifthe height, and diameter of the crown of a stove-pipe hat be measured. $$ re A CORRECTION, Toronto, On. February 10, 1892, To the Editor of The Marine Record. Please to correct apparent time at ship given in my letter this week to read 4h. 59m. 5dsec. = W. H. Goopreitow,. Se ASHTABTLA, OHIO. Special to The Marine Record. The sailboat Dandy has been libelled to satisfy claims amount- ing to $70, and will be sold at auction on February 13th. Steady shipments of ore by the Penn, and Lake Shore R. R. Co’s., since the close of navigation, indicate that the docks on both sides of the river will be well cleared by spring. There is harmony between the companies and their employees, and a repetition of the labor trouble of a year ago is not expected. Shipbuilders and machinists are busy repairing vessels which are in winter moorings here. The Devney’s are at work upon the Queen of the West, and have laid the keel for Kunkle Brothers’ new tug. McKinnon is overhauling boats of the Orient Line; and Laird, who has completed repairs on the fueling scow, will soon begin work on a new fishing tug. A life-saving station at this port will cost $7,000, and Supt. Kimball thinks we will not get it this season. The annual appropriation for the establishment of new stations is only $50,000, and $35,000 of this year’s appropriation has already been expended. Stations which were ordered built as far back as 1882 have not been touched yet. TORONTO, ONT. Special to the Marine Record. The many friends of Capt. Sinclair, of the steamer Passport, will be pleased to hear that he is once more eble to be out after his severe attack of illness. The schooner Sir C. T, Van Straubenzie that was seized in the early part of the winter has been sold by order of the Maritime Court. The purchaser was Capt. John Williams and price $3,960. Capt. A. H. Crawford late of the steamer Rupert has been appointed to the command of the steamer Macassa of the Hamilton and Toronto Steamboat Co. The Recorp man con- gratulates him on his appointment and hopes that he will have a very successful season in his new command. There is a good deal of talk here over the proposals to assi- milate the United States canal systems with those of the Do- minion so as to afford a quick ocean waterway to grain and other freight from the lake cities. This has revived the move- ment for the Huron and Ontario ship railway and its promot- ers, John Brown and David Blain, are jubilant at the possi- ble realization of their long cherished plans, If both coun- tries sanction the project an immense account of capital will be ready to carry out the work. The Toronto Board of Trade will consider the matter at an early date, There passed away last week at St. Catharines a very old resident of this city and one of the most prominent and ex- perienced luke captains of Ontario. Capt. William Donald- son was born in Utica, N. Y. on September 2nd, 1814. At the early age of four he came with his father to Kingston, Ont. He was educated at that city and was a schoolmate of the late Sir John A. Macdonald. After leaving school he served a five years apprenticeship in the office of The British Whig. As his brothers were all lake captains he left the printers case for a life on the lakes. His first command was the schooner Hannah Counter and in a few years he deyoted himself entirely to steamboats, He owned and sailed the steamer Mazeppa, she being the first steamer to ply between Toronto and St. Catharines, this was before the Great Western Railway was extended from Hamilton to- Toronto, He was very fond of comparing the early difficulties, especially of winter navigation between the two cities at that period and the present easy and rapid communication, During his long career he commanded a number of passenger steamers plying between Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catharines and Lewiston, among them being the Welland, Blue Bonnet, Silver Spray, City of Toronto, Southern Belle and the Rothsay. Capt. Donaldson also for about ten years carried on a shipyard at Point Dalhouse. The captain was well and favorably known as a sterling, upright man, a kind father and a good citizen. His death occurred at St. Catharines after along and trying illness, He left a family of four sons and three daughters, The funeral took place last Tuesday from the Union Station to Mount Pleasant cemetery in this city. The annual meeting of the Canadian Marine Association was held at the Walker House in this city on the 3rd inst. Capt. Crangle, president, in the chair. The president in de- livering his address, gave a very interesting account of the year’s work and of his visits to Ottawa on business connected with marine matters, Capt, Gaskin offered a resolution thank— ing the Government for their policy in the past year, espe- cially for the rebate on canal tolls on grain cargoes for Mon~ treal, considerable discussion ensued on the question of the tolls; especial stress was laid upon the demand of the United States shippers and vessel-owners for the rebate on grain when the transhipment took place at an American port. The de- mand was considered unreasonable, on the ground that Ameri- cans do not allow Canadian bottoms to use the New York canals under any circumstances and that in the face of that fact it was thought the Dominion Goyernment could not con- sistently allow the rebate. The following resolution was moved by Mr. R. O. Mackay, seconded by Mr. J. T. Mathews and carried unanimously. ‘That the C, M. A. desire to ex- press their sincere regret at the loss the country has sustained in the death of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Macdonald.” The re- solution referred in warm terms to the assistance the Associa- tion had received from the late Premier and regretted that he had not lived to witness the construction of a deep water chan- nel from Lake Superior to the sea. A resolution was also passed directing the Secretary to write to the Marine Depart- ment regarding the proposed orders directing the adjustment of compasses before a certificate would be granted, inquiring if such directions had been issued and, if they had been, ask- ing that the Executive Committee be directed to take steps to have such orders cancelled. Mr. Sullivan, the Mayor of Valleyfield, was present to urge on the Association the im— portance of representing to the Government the inpracticability of the proposed Soulanges Canal, that a grave mistake would be made in abandoning the Beauharnois Canal, but after a great deal of discussion on the matter those present came to the conclusion that the Government were quite right in their selection of a new position for the canal. As it has been re- ported to the Association that nearly all of the owners of tugs in the Welland Canal had formed a combine and would not tow any vessel patronizing any tug not a member of the Asso— ciation, a resolution was adopted at the request of Capt. Gas- kin asking the Government to issue a license to all tugs who shall make application for the privilege of towing in the cana and that they be compelled to take in tow any vessel requiring their service while in commission, at the prevailing rates. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Presi- dent, Capt. S. Crangle; first vice-president, Mr. J. T. Mathews; second vice-president, Capt. S. Sylvester; secretary, Mr. W. A. Geddes. SPARTA. Sh Tux chief engineer of the steamer Monmouth, writing to the Forrest Silver Bronze Packing Co., 115 Liberty street, New York city, says, ‘‘In reply to yours requesting me to in- form you how your Silver Bronze Packing has been working in the engine of the Sandy Hook steamer, “Monmouth”. I take pleasure in stating that, notwithstanding the severe test to which it has been subjected, it has done the work perfectly, without using any fibrous packing whatever, Before apply- ing the Silver Bronze Packing, we were using the latest and most approved metallic packing, putin by the builders, Messrs. Cramp & Sons, but although this packing was supplemented with soft packing, which was removed almost daily, we were unable to stand on the working platform or feel of the journals below, without being sealded with steam or water. Since you put in the “Silver Bronze Packing,” two years azo, we have had no trouble and the boxes have been steam and water tight. I was favorably impressed with your packing when I first saw il, but it has exceeded in excellence my most sanguine ex- pectations. In my opinion, it is not only the best, but the most economical packing, for high steam and piston velocity, in the world, and I shall be pleased at any time to afford any- one interested, an opportunity to examine my rods and pack- ing for themselves. ‘The Monmouth has two triple expansion engines, carries « steam pressure of 160 pounds and makes 160 revolutions per minute. ‘The pistoas are carried by saain and tail rods ant owing to the constructional freedom at the cross~ heads, are yery hard cn packing. : =

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