10 THE MARINE RECORD. KINGSTON DRY DOCK CHARGES, An order in council has been passed fixing the tariff charges for vessels and steamers from 100 to 500 tons the docknge ie to be 20 cents per ton on the registered gross tonnage, and for all tonnage in excess of 500 tons the dockage will be 10 cents per ton upon the excess. The dockage on tugs and vessels of less than 100 tons will be $20, lay days, that is the days that a ves- sel remains in dock, one to commence 24 hours after the dock is pumped out, are to be charged at the rate of seven cents per ton per day and fractions of »day, In no case is the charge for lying in dock to be less than $20 per day, Cargoes will be charged at the same rate as tonnage, but no charge will be made for ballast. Coal will be classed as cargo, It may be thought that these charges, are somewhat low, but, in order that the Kingston dry dock may compete with the American docks on the Great Lakes and obtain a fair share of business, the tariff has been made to conform with the one adopted by the managers of the lake dry docks at a meeting held in Chi- cago on January 14, 1891. EE VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. Some time ago it was mentioned that the latitude of Berlin and other continental towns had been found to vary by a frac- tion of a second, and that a party had been sent by the Inter- national Geodetic Union to Honolulu to find out whether or not this change was due toa shifting of the earth’s axis in space. At the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Sir William Thomson announced that news had been received from the party to the effect that while the latitude of Berlin had increased by one-third of a second last spring that of axis by as much. Honolulu had decreased by nearly the same amount, Ag Honolulu had decreased by nearly thesame amount. As Hono. lulu is near the opposite meridian to Berlin, this result shoy that the axis had shifted, and verifies a conclusion arrived at by Sir William Thomson iu 1876, namely, the temporary changes of sea level, due to the weather, may shift the earth’ + oo Tue American Shipbuilder comes to hand this week having an elegant new frontispiece for a heading whicl: is both origin. al and inclusive of all classes of tonnage. note the steady legitimate growth and influence which our New York contemporary hgs secured during the past two years and we desire to say to the well advised publishers of the American Shipbuilder ‘go on and prosper’’. It is a pleasure to Insurance Company of North America. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL, PAID UP IN CASH, = $3,000,000.00 ASSETS. = - a e : _> $8,951,518.83 CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y & Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT. GEORGE L. MCCURDY, Manacer. CHICAGO, ILLS MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, (ORGANIZED 1842.) Office, 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. INSURES AGAINST MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION | RISKS AND WILL ISSUE POLICIES MAKING LOSS PAYABLE IN ENGLAND. Assets over $10,000,000.00, for the Security of its Policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year ; thereby reducing the cost of in surance. For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until orderec to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. J.D. JONES, Prest. W.H.H. MOORE, Vice-Prest. Buffalo Wrought Steel Ranges Steamboat and Vessel Ranges and A. A. RAVEN, 2nd Vice-Prest. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secy SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD, We also carry the STAMFORD TUG AND YACHT GALLEY STOVES. RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to FELTHSUSEN & RUSSELL. « 139-141 Main .\t., BUFFALO, N. Y. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, _. H.B. & G. B. BURGER, SHIP-BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of Boxes in connection with the Shipyard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons. A large stock of SPARS constantly on hand, LARGE SPAR DERRICK, Vessels Docked and Repaired on Reasonable Terms. MANITOWOC, WIS. ¥. P. BUDDEN, President. W. E, VOLZ, Secretary &Treasurer. SouTH BROOKLYN STEAM ENGINE WoRKsS. © Successors To WILLIAM A. LIGHTHALL. VAN BRUNT & SUMMIT STREETS, oy Abeer SURFACE CONDENSERS. BROOKLYN, N. Y. BUILDERS OF THE Pat. Combined Surface Condenser and Feed Water Heater, Lighthall Surface Condenser with Cobb's Improvements, Ligh eB densers a 8} Also Heaters, Tube Heads,Screw G! Tands, Pack- ings, Etc. Builders of Brass and Composition Surface Condensers for U. 8. Cruisers MAINE, No. 11, Gunboats Nos. 5 & 6, CONCORD and BENNINGTON and HARBOR DEFENCE RAM. | the season of 1892. ORGANIZED 1881. Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance 60,, DETROIT, MICH. CAPITAL, : ; - $ 400,000 ASSETS, - = - 900,000 LOSSES PAID, over = - - 4,500,000 D. WHITNEY, Jr. PRESIDENT. EUGENE HARBECK, Secretary. This Company will transact a Hull and Cargo business on the Lakes during LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. INSURE IN A STRONG HOME COMPANY. INLAND MARINE INSURANCE. UNION MARINE INSURANCE €0, (LIMITED.) OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND- | TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE C0., ae : GENERAL INSURANCE C0., : : - SAXONY INSURANCE 00, - : : = AGGREGATE CAPITAL OVER $6,500,000. The above Companies will de a General Hull and Cargo Business on the Great Lakes. P. H. FLEMING, GENERAL MAnacER. — THE UNION DRY DOCK CO. OF BERLIN OF DRESDEN OF SAXONY CHICAGO OFFICE: 6 SHERMAN STREET. Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Steamships OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT, DOCKED AND REPAIRED. BUILDERS OF-—— JEWETT, TIOGA. SUSQUEHANNA. CUEMUNG, BRAZIL. FESSENDEN. AMERICA. COMMODORE PERRY, OWEGO, 8. C. REYNOLDS, VIKING. 8. C. SCHENCK. BUFFALO, N. Y. “PIER” FRANK W, 92 & 94 Liberty St., NEW YOR Proprietors and Manufacturers of WHEELER’S IMPROVED Patent SURFACE CONDENSE ALSO THE Wheeler “ Admiralty” Conden WITH PATENT SCREW GLANDS, The Wheeler-Lighthall Con : With Patent Waterproof Packing LIGHT WEIGHT SURFACE AND JET CONDENSERS, FOR STEAM YACHTS, ETC., A SPECIALTY