Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 3 Mar 1892, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD. Correspondence. ‘8a We do not hold ourselves responsible in any way for the views or opinions expressed by our correspondents. It is our desire that all sides of any question affecting the interests or welfare of the lake marine should be fairly represented in THE MARINE RECORD. AFTER THE TUG. CLEeveLAnp, O., March 1, 1892. To the Editor of The Marine Record. Replyifig to Frank Henrich’s pertinent question in your last issue I make the courses and distances to be as follows: First : answer—Course N. N. W. 36 miles, then N. E. by E, 384 miles; total distance, 420} miles. Second answer—N. by E, } E, 59 miles, then N, E, by E. 344} miles; total distance, 403} miles. Third answer—Course N. E. } EB, dist. 394 miles. So that by shaping a course to intercept tug A. 243 miles are saved. 8. W. G. Sennett ANSWER TO TUG PROBLEM. Burraro, March 1, 1892, To the Editor of The Marine Record. The “Query” contained in your issue of February 25th, given by Frank Henrich of Toledo, isa practical and well considered piece of work for lake navigators. In working out the courses and distance, I find, First—that by going to where vessel met tug A, tug B would steer N. N. W. 36 miles, then . N.E. by E. 3843 miles before he could hail tug A, a run of 4203 miles. Second—by steering for the place where A is sup- posed to be, when B hails vessel. B would steer N. by E. 3K. 59} miles, then N. E. by EB. 2684 miles=328} miles Third—B would steer N. E. } E. nearly 2773 miles before he could catch upto A. C. Prrerson, Se tee A CHASE AFTER THE TUG. CuicaGco, Inus., March 1, 1892. To the Editor of The Marine Record. In reply to the question of your Toledo correspondent, given in Tur Marrye Rucorp of February 25th, I chased after that tug 420 miles on the first part of the problem, 323 on the second course and only 264} miles on the last and most direct course. Allow me to commend such questions to the notice of all those men who have to shape courses fora living. Although I am a little rusty myself, it is plain to be seen that a saving of over 190 miles with the certainty of picking up an object on the course shaped is better than laying around loose not knuwing whether you are going the right way or not, and similar cases are liable to occur on the lake at any time. A SupscrrBer. ‘; + oo UNJUSTLY ACCUSED. Burrao, March 1, 1892, To the Editor of the Murine Record. Permit me, in answer to the Buffalo correspondent of Tun Marine Recorp, ssue of the 25th ult. to have the privilege ’ of making a correction, or at least of putting the exact circum- stances before vesselmen, The person who ‘has taken action agaiust me deliberately worked for this end with a view to having me placed behind the bars, Their is not a man in the marine business, knowing me, who thinks me guilly of the charges preferred, I can prove my innocence, but this is neither the time nor place. Would any sane person resting under the former charge think of committing himself further by performing what the papers charge me with doing? If this latter case is ever brought be- fore a grand jury, I shall be scqutted withont question. : Surpinc-Masrer W. H. Boyp, oe SOLUTION OF WORKING PROBLEM. Mitwavuker, Wis., March 1, 1892, To the Editor of The Marine Record. Mr. Heinrich’s problem is an example in plane trigonometry where two sides and enclosed angle are given. Let us call the place where the vesse! H. passed tug A. C., the place where tug B. huiled the vessel—H., the place tug A. was in when B, hailed the vessel —D., nnd the place where B, will overtake A.—F. We thus get two oblique angled triangles that have one . angle=C., and one side C. E. equal. The angle ©. is found by deducting the course of the vessel—S. 22° 30’ E., and the course of tug A. north 56° 15’ east from 180° and is thus found to be equal 101° 15’. The side E. C. is the distance run by the vessel in 4} hours=36 miles, and the side C. D. is also nown, being the distance run by tug A. in 4} hours—40.5 jles, The triangle E. C. D. can now be dissolved and the angle C, E. D. found to be 42°. (Taking in even degrees and even miles) and the side B. D. 59.0 miles, which isthe distance om in by tug B. in the second instance. If dividing this 4 11, the speed of B., we find the time required to run those miles=5 hours 20 minutes. If now multiplying 9, the speed J with that time we find the distance that separates the two ey begin to head on the same course to be 48 miles. k ow that B. gains two miles every,hour on A. it will take her 24 hours to catch up to A., causing her to of 264 miles, We can now dissolve the second \, as we know the angle ©,, the side E. C., and ; also the sideC. F.—40.5 + 264—804.5, and thus find the angle C, E. F.=72° and the side E. F.=317. From what is known above we get the answers for,the three questions as follows, the figures given being round figures, the art of the example not requiring a caleulation to the minute: 1. NNW. 36 miles, and N, E, by E,, 304.5 miles, 2, N. by E. 3 E., 59 miles, and N. E, by E. 264 miles. 3. N.E.4E., 317 miles, ApoupxH L. Frierson, Se ee THE AZIMUTH PROBLEM. To the Editor of The Marine Record. Burrano, February 29, 1892, In answer to “Cannuck” in your valuable issue of Feb- ruary 18, I would say that “Sailor on Deck’’ is wrong in as- serting that an Azimuth cannot be reckoned from north in N. Lat. and vice versa. It all depends on what formula a person may use and how the angle is taken out of the tables. If “Beginner” had taken Log Cos. to } Azimuth he would have found it to be 53° 1/, therefore, thetrue Azimuth N, 106° 2/ W. By using the same formula as ‘‘Cannuck” TI find true Azi- muth to be 8. 74° 4’ 10’” W. by taking the Log Sine out of the table as by ‘‘Norie,’ and N. 105° 55’ 50/7 W. by taking I, for Log Cos, as by ‘‘Guhnuiden.”’ “‘Cannuck”’ has a mistake of 1° in his remainder, which makeg his first formula differ from his second. It has been shown by “Cannuck” and others that the problem can be solved in different ways. Treating the same triangle by Polar Dist. Co, Lat. and Co.- Alt. as the following, it will give the same result: Pol. Dist. 97° 97 00/7 Co, Lat. 42 59 00 Log Cosec. —10 =~ 0.1663522 Co. Alt. 85. 7 50 s « —10 =0. 15703 Sum 225 15 50 $Sum 112 387 55 Log Sine ... ... 9.9651997 Pol. Dist. 97 9 00 Rem’nd’r. 15 28 55 af i Poe etme 94264051 m 19.5595273 N. 106° W. True Azimuth 3 Sum 9.7797686 I prefer time Azimuth and Ainsley’s and Bains’ tables; they are?quicker and more convenient, also less liable to mistake. A Looker On. Pe + aa NEW LIGHT-SHIPS AND LIGHT-HOUSE TENDERS. The Light-house Board is now building five new light-shi, s and four new light-house tenders, The light-ships Nos, 50, 51, 52, 58 and 54, building at Bay City, Mich., are intended, respectively, for Columbia River Bar, off the coast of Oregon, Cornfield Point, in Connecticut, on Long Island Sound, Fen- wick Island Shoal, off the coast of Maryland, Frying-Pan Shoal, off the coast of North Carolina, and Martins Industry Shoal, off the coast of South Carolina. Each is to embody in herself all needed modern improvements, moving by her own steam, having the best fog signal and having illuminating apparatus specially adapted to the location she is to occupy. The light-house steam tenders Lilac, Columbine and Amar- anth, all building in Cleveland, O., are to go, respectively, to the first light-house district, with headquarters at Portland, Me., the thirteenth light-house district, with headquarters at Portland, Ore., and the eleventh light-house district, with head- quarters at Detroit, Mich, The plans for a new steam tender, the Maple, have just been made. She is intended for the fifth light-house district, with headquarters at Baltimore, Md., and she will soon be put under contraci. Every effort has been made to embody in these vessels} such improvements as will adapt each, in hull and machinery, for its own special work. The board has built,’during the past year, three small in- expensive light-vessels, for lake use only during the season of navigation, Each has sufficient steam power for getting to and from her station, and each has a steam fog signal and lights of sufficient range for her location. They are called light-ships Nos, 55, 56 and 57, and are stationed, respectively, on Simmons Reef, White Saoal and Grays Reef, in Lake Michigan, This experiment of attempting to use inexpensive light-ships instead of costly permanent light-houses is tried at the earnest request of the lake-vesselmen. Such small vessels would, however, be entirely inadequate for the boisterous weather and heavy sea of the Atlautic and Pacific Coasts of the United States, ee Tue annual report upon the improvement of rivers and harbors in eastern Michigan in charge of O. M. Poe, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., to the Chief of Engineers, Washington D, C., contaias a complete digest of the work now being carried on and in contemplation throughout this import- ant district. We note that the proposition to locate a dry dock at St. Mary’s Falls Canal is still as objectionable as ever, not- withstanding the State of Michigan holds $65,000 in readiness to transfer to the United States for the purposes of construction, For aship channel twenty feet in depth, and of a suitable width in the connecting links of the Great Lakes, the revised figures are $2,416,250.16 fora twenty foot channel, and $904,835.96 fora twenty-one foot channel, where a sea way is necessary {to require the depth tobe 21 feet, The wide interest which Colonel O. M. Poe has always given to the work under his control on the Great Lukes is evidenced in his valuable report, and fully bears out the high national standard which the Corps of Engineers, U.S, A., are credited with in their profession, APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS, Warner & Co., Cleveland: Steamer Keystone—Capt. William Burns. Schooners, J, G. Masten—Capt, Henry Parker; H. A, Kent Capt. R. E, Byrns; Joseph Paige—Capt. W.R. Williams. W. J. White has appointed Capt. [ra Mansfield to the steamer Brittanic; Capt. George Besant to the Quito, and Capt. Joe Todd to the flyer of the lakes, the steam yacht Say When, A.D. Campbell, Michigan City, Ind.: Steamers, Walter Vail,—Capt. James Sandford, Engineer Dan MeMillan; Hur- on City,—Capt. P. J. Canniff; schooner Baltic, Capt. A. D. Campbell, Tonawanda Barge Line, Tonawanda, N. Y,: Steamers, F. R. Buehl—Capt. Woodgriff; Canisteo—Capt. W. J. Lynn, Engineer W. P. Boynton; A. Weston—Capt. M. Hyde; Alle- ghany—Capt. W. Sunderland. Officers are appointed to the A. C. Tuxbury fleet of Tons- wanda as follows: Steamer W. H. Sawyer,—Capt. R. E. Gain, Engineer Thomas Treleayen; schooners A, C. Tuxbury,— Captain George W. Manuel; ©. E, Redfern,—Capt. Wyman Powers. The Moore & Bartow fleet: Steamers, John W. Moore,— Capt. Richard Neville; Louisiana,—Capt, John Coulter; James Pickands,—Capt, P, Dowdell; Siberia,—Capt. W. W. Morris; Marquette,—Capt. Ed. Chilson; N. K. Fairbank,—Capt. J. Hi, Stoffer. The Cleveland [ron Mining Co. have appointed the follow- ing officers: Pontiac,—Capt. J. B. Lowe, Engineer T. B. Kel- ley; Frontenac,—Capt. 8. N. Murphy, Engineer P, W. Whe- lan; Kaliyuga,—Capt. John Lowe, Engineer James Patterson; schooner Fontana;— Capt. A. Peterson. H. J. Webb & Co., Cleveland: Steamers, Roumania—Capt. R. J. Cowley, Engineer Edward W. Prince; J. H. Outhwaite —Capt. Louis Stone, Engineer Martin Burns. Schooners, John J. Barlum—Capt. George Brock; Genca—Capt. Alex Porter; Camden—Capt. H. Cummings; Thomas P. Sheldon—Capt. P. H, Smith. Capt. E. C. Benham has made the following appointments to his feet: Henry C. Richards,—Capt. W. P. Benham; Queen City,—Capt. Gabriel Knight;H. B. Tuttle,—Capt. C. A. Ben- ham; Zach Chandler,—Capt. Thomas Skinner; Ed S. Pease,— Capt. Thomas Sloan; Planet,—Capt. B. C. Gray; tug Peck,— Capt. Emil Detless. The Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. have appointed to their fleet the following officers: New steel steamar, building by the Globe Tron Works Co.,—Capt. Thomas Wilford, Engineer James Clancey; J. H. Wade,—Capt. C. M. Swartwood, Engi- neer J. Malley; J. H. Devereux,—Capt. Simon Gilmore, En- gineer Andrew N. McDonald; William Chisholm,—Capt. Richard Call, Engineer Silas H. Hunter. The Corrigan fleet, Cleveland, O., will be officered as fol- lows: Steamers, Australasiv,—Capt. A. H. Gains; Bulgaria,— Capt. R. J. Lyon; Caledonia,—Capt. C. H. Cummings; Italia, —Capt. A. W. Reed; Aurora,—Capt. Robert McDowell. Schooners, Northwest,—Capt. John Ward; Tasmania,—Capt. Edward Lusk; George W. Adams,—Cupt. Robert Donaldson; J. I. Case,—Capt. Thomas J. Robinson. The officers appointed to the fleet managed by Harvey H. Brown & Co, of Cleveland, O., not given in our previous issues are: Steamers, Castalia,—Capt. C. C, Allen, Engineer James Hay; La Salle,—Capt. Henry W. Stone, Engineer Warren G. Tilton; Joliet,—Capt. P. L. Millen, Engineer Fred L. Har- mon; Wawatam,—Capt. Ed. Mooney, Engineer Dempsey; Griffin,—Capt. O. W. Green, Engineer Henry Schoof; Moni- tor No, 1,—Capt. G. A. Minar; Monitor No. 2,—Capt. W. W. Brown. The fleet owned by Capt. Peter Minch, Cleveland, will be se officered as follows: Western Reserve—Capt. Albert Myers, Engineer William Seaman; Onoko—Capt. William Gerlach, Engineer John Smith; Philip Minch—Capt. William Young, Engineer E. C, Bacon; H. A. Tuttle—Capt. Cornelius Yonng; John Glidden—Capt. W. H. Johnson, Engineer J. P. Klasen; A. Everett—Capt. Henry Trinter. Schooners, Sophia Minch— Capt. Joseph Lampoh; George H. Warmington—Capt. Fred- erick Galton; F, A. Morse—Capt. Horace Fisher. The fleet of the Kingston & Montreal Forwarding Co., King- ston, Ont., will be officered as follows: Barges, Condor,—Capt. D. Perron; Thrush,—Capt. L. Pregent; Hiawatha,—Capt. E. Leduc; Pet—Capt. D. Senical; Beauport—Capt. N. Gamlin; Cherokee—Capt, T, Lurin; Siren—-Capt, T. Hebert; Troquois— Capt. J. 8. Leduc; Princess—Capt. M. Pigeon; Lark—Capt. Z. : Pregent; Virginia—Capt. Joseph Perron; Dakota—Capt. M. 7 Chatel; Huron—Capt. Jeff. Hebert; Bismarck—Capt. F, Mathew; Mona—Capt, M. Buck; Elm—Capt. W. Porter; Ox —Capt. H. Burke; Rapid—Capt. Samuel Reid, Appointments for the Hawgood & Avery fleet are, Steamers, George F. Williams—Capt. E. B. McQueen, Engineer James Balfour; Servia—Capt. Thomas Ellis, Engineer Andrew Wil- cox; Waldo A. Avery—Capt. George Robarge, Engineer Da- vid Burns; George W. Morley—Capt. Edward Ballentine, Engineer A, J. Helbing; Belle Cross—Capt. W. H. Buzzard, Engineer James Lee. Schooners, H. A. Hawgood—Capt. Fred — Ablstrom; Moravia—Capt. Louis Bang; F. D. Ewen—Capt. William D. Angell; Chicago Board of Trade—Capt. E. J. Buzzard; Clement—Cupt. Fred Watson; Little Jake—Capt. Patrick Gordon; G. H, Wand, no appointment. : Continued on Ninth Page,

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