_ OSWEGO MARINE. (GINEERS AND MASTERS BANQUET, al Correspondence to the Marine Record. ‘he marine engineers and vessel masters of Oswego are pre- ring to leave here for the opening of navigation on the lakes. onday night the engineers tendered the vessel masters a et in their pleasant club rooms, “snug harbor,” to which bout one hundred and fifty invitations were sent out, nearly i were accepted and among those present were ex-Mayor tchell, Captain John Moulther, United States inspector of hulls, ex Alderman Parsons and McGann, Bditor George A. Glynn, of the Utica Saturday Globe, Mr. H. R. Carrier, Jr., Mr. John K. Lynch, and other well known citizens. Those who were unable to be present sent letters of regret. The banquet was served by William Wagner, the well known caterer and the handsomely Inid tables fairly groaned under the weight of good things provided. The reception committee consisting of Captain Timothy Hiagerty, Captain Thomas McGuire, Harry Gallngher, Thomas Navagh and Thomas Dorsey looked after the comfort of the guests in fine style. When the good things had been disposed of speeches and songs were in order, Peter Dougherty of the Engineers Association was toastmaster aad set the ball in motion with one of those happy speeches for which he is famous, ‘Our Canal Schooners,”’ was responded to by Captain Patrick Woods, and Dr. Lester took care of “The Medicine Chest,’”? “Steam Versus Sail,”’ was the theme discussed by Captain William Scott, who reviewed{at length the important changes thst have taken place in lake navigation in the past quarter of a century, “Deeper Waterways to the Sea,” was the theme discussed by Mr. Thomas Navagh, while Frank Holland handled “The Ladies,” dear creatures, in his usual pleasant style. There were many informal speeches and Cap- tain Frank Maguire, Captain Thomas Joyce, Captain Henry Miner and Michael Gordon, sang several fine selections that drew forth hearty applause. Taken altogether the banquet was one of the most enjoyable affairs held in this city in many years, Promptly at 12 o’clock the company arose and drank to the health of the vessel masters and the marine engineers. During the coming season Oswego men will command the following steamers and sailing vessels: Steamers, C. S. Par- nell—Capt. Patrick Griffin, Monteagle—Capt. William Griffin; Saxon, of Cleveland—Capt. Steve Murphy; Hecla, Ogdens- burg—Capt. Dan Hourigan; Arctic—Capt. James Pappa; E. P. Ross, Fair Hayen—Captain Thomas McGire. Sailing vessels and barges, Annie M. Peterson—Capt. Charles Bough; Houghton—Capt. John Carr; Oliver Mitchell—Capt. Matt Hourigan; West Side—Capt. John McDowell; M. T. Dorm- ing—Capt. Patrick Woods; Comanche, Capt. Patrick Hurley; Mystic Star—Capt. John Hurley; M. J. Cummings—Capt. Moltk; Willie Keller—Capt. James Gibson; Mills, Ogdens— burg—Capt. James Langon; Bradley, Detroit—Capt. George |* Ritchards; W. H. Rounds, Toledo—Capt. George Williams; Reuben Dowd, Toledo—Capt. William Lennon; Moonlight, Cleveland—Capt. Frank Maguire; C. A. King, Detroit—Capt. Michael Pidgeon; Belle Hanscom, Detroit—Capt. Byron Hawkins; John T. Mott—Capt. George Blair. Capt. Patrick Hart and Capt. Morgan Hart will again this season command tugs in the Chicago ercek. Oswego men will act as engineers in the following steamers: Spencer Axtell, Monteagle; Jerry Moran, India, L. 8. T. Co.; Frank Holland, E. P. Ross, Fair Haven; Robert Cronley, Gladstone, Cleveland; James Donovan, tug Wisconsin, Ashta- bula. Following haye been engaged to go as captains and engi- neers of tugs doing contract work in the Soo River: Capt. Timothy Heagerty, Capt. Thomas Joyce, Capt. Larry Hart, Capt. William Spencer, Capt. A. L. Hubbard, Engineers, Harry Gallagher, Thomas Dorsey, Joho Pittingill, Michael Gordon, E. 8. Manwarren, William Bishop. There will be no changes in the tug fleet at this port, they will all be commanded as lust season excepting the E. J. Ked- ford. Capt. John Blackburn recently purchased the interest of Henry Featherstonehaugh and will command, George Ferris goes as first engineer. Captain Peter Cronley is to command the new steam yacht designed by Gardner, of New York, for Mr. W, B, Coggswell of the Solvey Process Works, Syracuse. This new acquatic wonder is guaranteed to run thirty miles an hour or no sale and should she come up to the expectations of the designer she will be the fastest steamer that ever floated. She is being built on Long Island Sound, twelve miles from New York. a ee A VETERAN MARINER, Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Toronto, Can.. March 28.—The principal topic of conver- sation along Toronto’s water front is the sudden death of Capt. Frank Jackman,sr. At the time of his demise, which occurred last week, he was busy fitting out the tug Dolphin, in expectation of soon having to resume work at the Island improvement works which are being carried on here by the Dominion Government, All the mariners have a good word for the old man, and many are the reminiscences related. ‘The deceased skipper was born in England, but be came to Canada while yet quite young. For over forty years he had been sailing. Prior to 1860 he was in the schooner Albion and one or two other vessels. Then he sailed in the schooner Matilda Jane, in the schooner Marco Polo and after that in the Omar Pasha, both of which latter vessels traded principal- ar ny ee THE MARINE RECORD. ly on Lake Ontario and were owned by Messrs. Gooderham & Worts, distillers of this port, 1m conjunction with Capt. Jackman. In 1864 the Omar Pasha was cast away on Long Point at the toot of Lake Ontario, and next season the enter- prising skipper took charge of the full-rigged brig Sea Goll and made a voyage to Port Natal, Africa, in company | with his nephew, Capt. James Jackman, and Capt. May, with a cargo of deals and geueral merchandise; this trip occupied about fourteen months. After his return he took command of the schooner Mary Grover, a fore-and-after, which he sailed until 1869, when he was offered and accepted the post of ship’s husband with the Conger Ccal Co. of this port. He continued with this firm for three or four years, subsequently buying the fore-and aft schooner Marysburg, a vessel of about 12,000 bushels capacity. After the Marysburg he handled the schoon- er British Queen for one season, and then went as master into the sidewheel steamer Watertown, which plied between this port and the river Humber for some years, He also sailed the steamer Queen Victoria. 4 f After this Capt, Jackman went into the tag business. His first tug wasthe Lady Franklin, then came the tugs Young Lion and Golden City; but these vessels were sailed and prin- cipally owned by Capt. Frank Jackman, jr., the deceased skipper’s son, Young Capt. Frank bought the tug J. 8. Clark from Capt. Crangle after this and had her rebuilt and renamed the Frank Jackman. This tug is at present the Toronto har- bor tug. Capt. Frank Jackman, sr., rested on his ours for a few years, but, becoming wearied with a landsman’s life, he purchased the tug Dolphin and fitted her out to work in con— nection with the Government improvements going on at the Island. The old man was active and lively until the hour’ of his death, Other vessels he had an interest in during his career were the schooners J. G. Worts, Australia, Paragon and Annie Mulvey. Deceased leaves four daughters and one son. He was a Freemason and left a large circle of friends. J, A. ©. oo OFFICERS APPOINTED. The following is the list of officers appointed by Mr. Frank Owen, superintendent of the Ogdensburg Transit Co.’s Line, for the season of 1892: Steamers, Governor Smith—Capt. W. S. Shay, Engineer James Turnbull, Ist mate Byron Brown, 2nd mate Thomas Woods; James R. Langdon—Cupt. Harvey Brown, Engineer Jolin N. Phillips, 1si mate A. J. Andrews; F. H. Prince—Capt. D, A. Kiah, Engineer Thomas J. Lehan, 1st mate Con Hallihan; A. McVittie—Capt, William Rollo, Engineer Morris Gore, 1st mate Edward Shay, 2nd mate John Reynolds; H. R. James—Capt. James Owen, Engineer D. G. Costello, Ist mate Edward Powers, 2nd mute Jobn Smith; William J, Averell—Capt. W. D. Wait, Engineer Harris Hig- gins, lst mate William Plumb, 2nd mate W. G. Malby; W. A. Haskell—Capt. W. H. Williams, Engineer Albert D, Hough- ton, lst mate John H. Goodrich, 2nd mate William Storey, Jr.; W. L. Frost—Capt. Daniel Murphy, Engineer’Robert Chest- nut, Jr., Ist mate G. H, Clifford, 2nd mate §. Cline. Capt. John Baxter, last season master of the whaleback barge No. 103, will command No, 121, a new steamer, this season, Capt. Victor Bonnah, last year on the steamer W. H. Barn- um, has been appointed master of the steamer J, C. Pringle. Her consort, Ben Harrison, will be sailed again by Capt. Fred Emory, and the Sweetheart by Capt. Robert Gillies. The Sunshine, which had been in this tow, has been sold to Mr. Petrie of Tonawanda, a + CHANGE OF WIND SIGNALS. The Weather Bureau, under the Department of Agriculture, will display the new code of signals on the lakes, beginning April 15th. The color heretofore used, (yellow) bas been abandoned, and nothing but white, black and red will hereafter be displayed. The code to be introduced will be: A red flag with a white center, displayed at stations, indi- cates that the winds expected will uot be so severe but well found; sea-worthy vessels can meet them without danger. A red flag with a black center indicates that the storm is ex- pected to be severe, The pennants displayed with the flags indicate the direction of the wind; red easterly (from northeast tosouth) white, west- erly (from southwest to north.) ‘The pennant above the flag indicates that the wlnd is expected to blow from the northerly quadrant; below, from the southerly quadrant. The information signal consists of a red pennant similar to the direction pennants, and when displayed alone indicates that the local observer has received information from the cen- tral office of a storm covering a limited area, dangerous only for vessels about to sail tocertain points. The signal is in- tended to be a notification to ship-masters that valuable infor- mation will be given them upon applicatton to the local obser- ver. By olght a red light will indicate easterly winds, and a white light above a red light will indicate westerly winds, The system of weather, temperature and rain signals displayed throughout the country is distinct from the caution- ary and storm signals, the latter being principally tor the in- formation of maritime interests, and are displayed at the prin- cipal ports of the lakes, A number of changes have recently been made at seyeral lake port weather offices as follows: John H, Cleary, from Des Moines, Ia., has been ordered to open a second order station at Cheboygan, Mich, George B, Ackerman, from St. Paul, Minn , has been or- dered to duty as assistant at Grand Haven, The display of wind signals will be resumed at the regular and special display stations on the lakes as follows: Lakes Michigan and Ontario April 1, Lakes St. Clair, Turon and Erie, and at Sault Ste. Marie April 15. May 1.“ °° = an Petoskey Mich., has been discontinued as Harbor Springs, Mich, has been established display station. Huron O,, has been established as a special display and will repeat Sandusky signals. — et Rogers City, Mich., has been established asa special station and will repeat Alpena signals. tnt y- Mr, Donaldson, assistant observer at Grand Haven, ordered to duty at Toledo O, Obseryer Edward Evans, at Detroit, has been pi the grade of local forecast official at that port. Thomas T. Owings has been ordered from Washington € to Buffalo as an assistant to weather observer Cuthbertson, that port. ; ura eg i TREACHEROUS LEGISLATION, BILis Now BEFORE CONGRESS INIMICAL TO THE IN! oF UNITED STares SHIPBUILDERS AND ALL INDUSTRIES NECTED THEREWITH. The following H. R. Bill, No. 7023, introduced by Mr. C a ran, has been referred to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. - A Bill to encourage American Shipbuilding, be it enacted. % * * That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby autho: ized and direcied to grant registers, as vessels of the Unite States, to such foreign-built steamships engaged in freight and passenger business, and sailing in an established linefrom a port in the United States, as are of a tonvage of notless than 8,000 tons, and capable of a speed of not less than twenty knots per hour, sccording to the existing method of | Government test for speed, of which not less than ninety per centum of the shares of the capital of the foreign corporation or association owning the same was owned January first, eigh- _ teen hundred and ninety, and has continued to be owned until the passage of this act by citiz-ns of the United States, includ. ing as such citizens corporations created under the laws of any of the States thereof, upon the American owners of such majority interest obtaining a full and complete transfer and title to such steamahips from the foreign corporations owning the same: Provided, That such American owners shall, subse- quent to the date of this law, have built, or have contracted to build, in American shipyards, steamships of an aggregate tonnage of not less in amount than that of the steamships so admitted to registry. Src. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury, on being satis” fied that such steamships so acquired by American citizens, or by such corporation or corporations as above set forth, aresuch as come within the provisions of this act, and that the American owners of such steamships, for which an American registry is to be granted under the provisions hereof, have built, or con- tracted to build in American shipyards steamships of an ag- gregate tonnage as set forth in the first section hereof, shall direct the bills of sale or transfer of the foreign-built steam- ships so acquired to be recorded in the ofhce of the Collector of Customs of the proper collection district, and cause such steamships to be registered as vessels of the United States by said collector. After which, each of such vessels shall be en- _ titled to all the rights and privileges of a vessel of the United Stotes, except that it sha!l not be employed in the coastwise trade of the United States. in Sec. 3. That no further or other inspection shall be re-_ quired for the said steamship or steamships than is now re- quired for foreign steamships carrying pa s:ngers under the existing laws of the United States, and that a special certificate — of inspection may be issued for each steamship registered ung der this act: and that before issuing the registry to any such steamship as a vessel of the United States, the Collector of Customs of the proper collection district shall cause such steam-— ship to be measured and described in accordance with the laws of the United States, which m2asurement and description shall — be recited in the certificate of registry to be issued under this act. * Sec, 4." That any steamships so registered under the pro- visions of this act may be taken and used by the United States as cruisers or transports upon payment to the owners of the fair actuai value at the time of taking between the United States and the owners, then the same shall be determined by two im- partial appraisers, one to be appointed by each of said partie, ic who in case of disagreement shall select a third, the award of any two of the three so chosen to be final and conclusive. ‘ay FREE SHIP BILL, Mr. Fithian introduced the following H.R. bill 5441, and it has been favorably acted upon by the committee, but not yet reported, although both majority and minority reports will no doubt be received onit, for the free admission to Am ican registry of ships built in foreign countries: That and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred ninety-three, any citizen or citizens of the United States purchase the whole of any steam or sail yessel, ro matter whi said vessel may have been built, whether within the States or in a foreign country, or whether said vessel have been owned in whole or in part by an alien or and said vessel shall be registered free of duty as to he spars, appliances, outfit, and equipment (including engines and machinery, if a steam vessel) as a vessel United States by the collector in any port of entry of th ted States to whom application for such registry may by said citizen or citizens, in the same manner as tho vessel had been built in the United States. , he PATENTS. i The following selected list of marine inventions patents were recently granted is furnished especially Maxine Recorp by J. Nota MeGill, Wash E. L. Pahtz, Boston, Mass., screw-propuision of J. Victor, New York, N, Y., steering-gear for | M. Sanders, Hancock, Mich,, steam-steering Emery, Brooklyn, N. Y., apparatus for regulat and pitching of vessels. se