Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 7 Apr 1892, p. 10

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THE MARINE RECORD. Monday, April 18th, at very low rates. PROPOSALS. ASURY DEPARTMENT, WASH- Ts on, D.C., March 11, 1892. Sealed Department until 2 o’clock p. m., Saturday, April 23, 1892. Bids must be in accordance with the instructions accompanying the speci- fications, and be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and be indorsed on the en- velope, ‘Proposals for Steam launches for Revenue-Cuttter Service.” Specifications for the work will be farnished to parties desiring to submit bids, upon application to the De- artment and to the collectors of customs at an Francisco, Cal., and Port Townsend, Wash. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive defects, if deemed for the interest of the Government soto do, O. L. Spaulding, Acting Secretary. 8-24-4-7 ————— —__— WASHINGTON, D. C. AND RETURN. The Nickel Plate will sell excursion tickets to Washington, D.C., and return, via Buffalo, Norfolk, Mt. Vernon, ete ete. train from Buffalo to Washington. Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore, on States Senate ‘ of ‘Tick- | as well-as other public buildings, are open to ets will be good returning until April 28th. Holders of excursion tickets have option of returning direct via Baltimore and Harrisburg, | h i 4 Freee te one tE venue Catier Ser~ | Of Via Baltimore and Philadelphia, with prix i i ig | ilege of stop-over at both places within the _ vice, for Puget Sound, will be received at this Hatt of ihe tickets, Privilege of returning via New York with- in the limit of the tickets will also be granted, upon payment of a small additional sum to the agents of the terminal lines at Washington. Railroads centering in Washington will offer excursion tickets on this occasion at very low rates, to the many places of interest on their lines, among which the most prominent are Richmond, Old Point Comfort, Petersburg, Arrangements have been made. for reduced rates at the principal hotels in Washington. Through sleeping cars will be attached to this A better time for a visit to the National Capitol could not be selected, the political and social season is at its height, Congress is in session and the galleries of the United be secured at a nominal cost, and with most innumerable towns and cities which year to year spring into oppulent existen if by magic, it is a matter of no surprise many of our most energetic and ambitious izens become restless and dissatisfied jn over-crowded communities, and aspire to en; the advantages offered, not only to the culturist or stockman, but in almost any of branches of industry which spring into cessful existence wherever the plow point entered, or the miner’s pick lays bare treasures of the earth, Special care has been taken to su ply al ticket offices of the Nickel Plate wit! and printed information of interest to! those contemplating a home in any part of the wy and also their facilities for ticketing pa: gers and checking baggage to any point in{ United States, Canada or Mexico, are amp! If the information desired is notin possession of the agent when called for, the same will be procured at once, and by telegraph if necess— ary. Special advantages in rates may be se cured at any time by consulting agents of the Nickle Plate, tMayl. and House of Representatives, visitors. ts For rates and other information call on Nickel Plate agents. 3. 81. 4. 14. $< WESTERN TRAVEL ON THE NICKEL PLATE. Numerous letters of inquiry for information relative to rates and routes to the west, receiv- ed at the general ticket office of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad in ‘Cleveland, O., indicates an increasing desire to -seek homes in some of the new states recently ad- mitted into the Union. With fully matured state governments, those of our people who contemplate a future home in the great west, feel a greater confidence in investing than was felt under their uncertain futuresas territorial governments, North of Utah andsouth of the British pos- sessions, the entire distance from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans may be traversed within the boundaries of free and independent states of the American Union. In any of these, west of the Great Lakes, fertile farming lands may ORGANIZED 1881. Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance C0., DETROIT, MICH, $ 400,000 900,000 LOSSES PAID, over 1,500,000 D. WHITNEY, Jr. PrResiDENT. EUGENE HARBECK, SecreTaRY. This Company will transact a Hull and Cargo business on the Lakes during the season of 1892. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. INSURE IN A STRONG HOME COMPANY. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, (ORGANIZED 1842.) Office, 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. INSURES AGAINST MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS AND WILL ISSUE POLICIES MAKING LOSS PAYABLE IN ENGLAND. Assets over $/0,000,000.00, for the Security of its Policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year ; thereby reducing the cost of in surance. For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. CAPITAL, ASSETS, J.D. JONES, Prest. W.H.H. MOORE, Vice-Prest. A. A. RAVEN, 2nd Vice-Prest. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secy F. P, BUDDE eside IN, President. W. E, VOLZ, Secretary & Treasurer. - SouTH BROOKLYN STEAM ENGINE WORKS. 2 Successors To WILLIAM A. LIGHTHALL. VAN BRUNT & SUMMIT STREETS, LIGHTHALL SURFACE CONDENSERS. ay BROOKLYN, N.Y. BUILDERS OF THE Pat. Combined Surface Condenser and Feed Water Heater, Also Fee¢ rew Glands, densers a Spec Heaters, Tube Heads,Se H. B.& G. B. BURGER, SHIP-BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 11 i Do adi esse 00 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a se of Boxes in connection with the Shipyard eavable of lifting Vessels of 350 = A large stock of SPARS constantly om hand, LARGE SPAR DERRICK Vessels Docked and Repaired on Reasonable Terms. MANITOWOC, WIS. FRANK MORRISON, COMPASS ADJUSTER AND MANUFACTURER 0¥——— NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS, BINNACLES, STEAM GAUGES, MARINE GLASSES, ENGINE INDICATORS, All Nautical Instruments Oarefully Repaired, Office with Upson, Walton & Co., 464 River St., Cleveland, 0, Insurance Company of North America, INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL, PAID UP IN CASH, ASSETS. $3,000,000.00 ~ $9,278.220.00 CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President. , | EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y & Treas. | JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. CSS ee LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT. |GEORGE L. MCCURDY, Manacer. CHICAGO, ILLS THE MARINE BANK COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO. INCORPORATED IN 1891 UNDER STATE LAW. Successors to E, B. HALE & CO., established in 1852. DIRECTORS. W. H. BARRISS, President. H, C. RANNEY, Vice-President. W. B. HALF, Cashier. MARTYN BONNELL. C, E. BURKE. THOS. FITZPATRICK. THOS. H. WHITE. Would be pleased to meet or correspond with any one whose present Banking relations are not entirely satisfactory, or who, for any reason, propose to opea a new account. We promise to make every effort to make our Banka safe, agreeable and profitable WHEELER CONDENSER AND ENGINEERING C eae, : } 92 & 94 Liberty St., NEW YORK. © Proprietors and Manufacturers of WHEELER’S IMPROVED Patent SURFACE CONDENSERS — ALSO THE Wheeler “ Admiralty” Condenser, WITH PATENT SCREW GLANDS, a The Wheeler-Lighthall Condenser = a E With Patent Waterproof Packing. | LIGHT WEIGHT SURFACE AND JET CONDENSERS, FOR STEAM YACHTS, ETC,, A SPECIALTY BUFFALO SIGNAL LAMPS, | For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS AND PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. MANUFACTURED BY ; RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL. 139 & 141 Main St. BUFFALO, N, SEND FOR CATALOGUE, PEARSON’S DUMB COMPAS! ade set essential instrument for Mariners to find the COMPAS ERRORS; with full instructions how to use it. ~ Manufactured by L. BECKMEXN, 319 Adams Street, TOLEDO LsBERAL SISCOUNT TO THE TRAE, : Also full line of BAROMETERS AND MARINE GLA

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