Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 7 Apr 1892, p. 4

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f hats ae. LAND VESSEL OWNERS’ “ASSOCIATION (Membership 1892.)° ré a and dauiiitierattent tangy |} Aronia 261 tom ~ | Maintains shippi land, Ashtabula Harbor, ani ‘ae v ee aebais id takes cognizance of all matters Regulates wages, protects crews interest of the Tern bers and of the lake commerce generally, Oe: 4 é * 2 Pregideat. it x morte ‘as gee - - Vice-President. Gonor P, McKay, - “ - » Secretary and Treasurer, ‘H, D, GounpER, . 5 - . + Counsel, MANAGERS OR ADVISORY BOARD : M. Hanna, R. K, Winslow, Thomas Wilson, P. G. Minch, M. A. Bradley, ay ‘Reese, Geo, P. McKay, J, H, Palmer, B. L. Peanington, W.0.” Richardson, J. W. Moore, Jas. Corrigan, H. G. Dalton, H. H. Brown, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : Bradley, Thomas Wilson, J. W. Moore, Geo. P, McKay, James Corrigan, B, L, Pennington. THE MARINE RECORD,—Official Paper, ei ee NEWS AROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND, 0. 2 Mr. Valentine Fries, of Milan, O., a prominent vessel- owner, was in the city Wednesday on business connected with his vessel property. Mr. Fries is an upright, self- made man, who is quoted as a millionaire. His wealth has all been earned through steady, hard work. The Floating Bethel during the month preceding the opening of navigation has for the past fourteen years given a free supper to the seamen who come to this port toship. Last Sunday the president, Miss Miller, and several members of the Minute Girls, also Capt. Thomas Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, attended the 4 p. m. service . and gave the chaplain a check for $25 to help on the work. The quarterly report of the Floating Bethel shows that 9,162 people attended the meetings. Groceries and other necessaries and twenty tons of coal were given in extreme cases. Mr. William Johnson of Liverpool, Eng., an extensive owner of steam vessel property, visited the city on Tues- day and was introduced to the most prominent vessel men. He is now on his way to Superior, Wis., to make an examination of the whaleback type of vessel, out of this visit may come a direct transatlantic service. The Johnson firm control nearly forty steamers of large di- mensions, and if there is any money in a “whaleback” connection, the wily Britisher will no doubt be willing to join forces with Capt. McDougall. Mr. Johnson is a most affable and business-like gentleman, and impresses one with the belief that he is in commercial circles to secure the “plums” if there are any to be gathered, and as this is not his first trip over the lakes, he probably means business, although anything regarding future developments could not be learned during his brief stay at this port. At the yards of the Cleveland Shipbuilding Company the freight monitor Andaste, launched last week, has re- ceived her engines and boilers, the after house is all plated, and the deck is being laid, there will be no loss of time on the finishing work,and she will be ready for business in about two weeks. The second monitor, No. 17, to be named the Choctaw, is now all plated, and will probably be ready for launching towards the end of this month. The $14,000 repair work on the light-house ten- der Dahlia has made her practically a new boat; she will take on coal to-day and proceed to Detroit. The new lighthonse tender Amaranth, built by the Cleve- land Shipbuilding Company, will leave for Detroit next Monday. Repairs and new work on the large freight steamer Onoko have been completed, and the Cumber- land has just received new cylinders, air-pump and con- denser and new crank pins. <A keel will be laid for an- other monitor on the ways which the Andaste has just vacated. Mr. R. K. Winslow, who has been under the weather during the past few weeks, is around again attending to business, although he is not to say robust. Masters and engineers are leaving this port daily to fit out their craft wintering at other ports. - Coal freights are nominal and a five cent. limit is ban- died about with few takers. at 55 cents; Escanaba 50 cents to 45 cents; Port Huron 35 cents, and Detroit river 25 cents. There has been a considerable amount of coal placed at opening rates, though it would seem that some proviso was made on the rate, as the above low quotations do not seem to interest those owners very much who have already loaded their vessels. The Cleveland Yacht Club held a special meeting last night. The plans for the new club house were approved and the building committee instructed to receive esti- mates and bids for the erection of what will be, when completed, the finest club house on the chain of lakes. Members were furnished blue prints of the building on which to solicit stock. It is expected that the house will be finished by the latter part of July. Compass Adjusters George A. Simpson, Frank Morri- A.M, Hanna, M, A. - Milwaukee is quoted | THE MARINE RECORD. son, and Jack Beverly visited port this week and are now ready for any work that they may be required to under- take in the adjustment of ships’ compasses. ‘At the yards of the Globe Iron Works Co. the light- house tender Lilac, No. 44 and launched last week, is un- dergoing her finishing work. No. 45 is the Columbine, a sister boat to the Lilac, and destined for service on the Pacific Coast, the former vessel going to Portland, Me., and the Columbine to Portland, Ore. No. 46 is the hand- some steel steam yacht Comanche, now well on towards being fitted out complete. No. 47 is the large steel freight steamer building for Samuel Mitchell, of Negau- nee, under the able superintendence of Capt. Wilford, of Lorain. She will have a carrying capacity of 2,800 tons and be launched next Saturday, April 9th. No. 48 is the ‘| steel steamer Mariposa, building to the order of the Min nesota Steamship Company, and of the following general dimensions: 348 feet over all, 330 feet keel, 45 feet beam, and 24 feet 6 inches molded depth. She is now all plated, and is having her deck houses put on previous to Jauneh- ing. Her sister ship is being built by the Chicago Ship- building Company and will be named the Cadillac. W. G. Mather, of this city, has also a fine steel steamer being built at the Chicago yard. No. 49 is the steel steamer Schuylkill, building to the order of the Anchor Line, of Buffalo, she is all in frame, and her plating is now well along. Her dimensions are 292 feet over all, 275 feet keel, 40 feet beam, and 26 feet molded depth. The foregoing represent a fleet of six high classed steel steamers, and a diversity of tonnage, as shown from one of the handsomest steam yachts afloat to United States light-house tenders, modern freight steamers of large dimensions and carrying capacity, and the “straight- back,” though perhaps better described as a sheerless hull, buildingfor the Anchor Line. Anoldtime “flatfoot,” could always guage the best way to wash decks, and would begin either in the ends, or amidship if she was slightly hogged, but the straightbacks, monitors and whalebacks would certainly pall his cunning, in so far as the washing decks in fine weather was eoncerned. At this rate of new devices and models in shipbuilding, it ean only be a few years until a trip may be made under the surface, with certain places mapped out to come up and blow. CHICAGO, ILLS. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Navigation opened up at this port April Ist in good shape. ‘The steamers Robert C. Wente and Ida BE. hay- ing arrived here from Manistee with lumber. The steambarge M. F. Butters, Capt. Louis Oleson, with the schooner Ralph Campbell in tow, left here light for Ludington, March 30th, being the first lumber carry- ing vessels to leave Chicago this season. The Goodrich Co.’s steamer City of Racine arrived light from Manitowoc on the 4th April and left here the same evening for Grand Haven and Muskegon, the first boat of the season. The steamer Petoskey of the Seymour Line arrived on the morning of the5th April from Manistee with sun- dries and left here for Northern Michigan ports the same evening. A large number of Chicago vessel owners have signed a contract with the Marine Workers Organization, who have established a shipping office at rooms 12 and 13 No, 242 South Water street. John J. Dolan is the president, and Ben C. Smith secretary and shipping-master. It is agreed that wages shall not be less than $1.75 per day during the season from April Ist to September Ist, on the basis of lumber freights from Menominee, Mich. be- ing $1.50 per M feet, and to be advanced on the scale of one shilling freight and one shilling wages as freights may advance from the same place, and the same wages to apply and govern all other points, and itis understood that a difference of 25 cents per day less shall be paid on tow barges than is paid on sail vessels as seamen’s wages; that wages be increased 25 cents per day for the month of September and 50 cents for the balance of the season, and optional to make a trip scale of wages from Ist No- vember to the end of the season. John J. Dolan, president of the Marine Workers’ or— ganization, is making a tour of the lakes for the purpose of organizing with vessel owners on the principle of live and let live, so that both can live when freights are low and share together when freights go up. The steambarge L. Worthington is at the Chicago Dry Dock Co.’s dry dock receiving her new engine. Capt. W. G. Phelps arrived here from Saugatuck last Thursday to take charge of the steambarge E. E.'Thomp- son. Capt. Phelps has been suffering from rheumatism nearly all the winter. Capt. Paul Howell, of the steamer Imperial, is here looking after the general repairs, fitting out and loading of the Bradley fleet, in winter quarters at this port. ‘The steambarge D. W. Powers, Capt. Simon O’Day, arrived here Saturday night with lumber from Muske- gon, the first arrival from that port this season. O'Day reports very low water at Muskegon. It took him Capt. | several hours to come out of the harbor s tug assisting him. The steamer Saugatuck arrived here Monday with lumber from Pentwater, the first arrival f port this season. 4 The splendid new steamer Edward Buckley here from Manistee with lumber Sunday. It is h trip. She was built at Manitowoc by Burger & shipbuilders, and launched last fall. She isagrand ing steamer and Capt. Charles Gnewuch, who is co mander and part owner, is very proud of her. 2 Capt. J.S. Danham, Hugh McMillan and ‘TI. T. Me ford, who attended at Washington, D. C., as represent tives of the Chicago River and vessel interests last wi made a determined stand against the Illinois Congre ‘ men, who went there for the purpose of having the Chi- — cago river turned over to the city authorities. They fought the Congressmen to the bitter end and gained a _ great victory over them, so that the Chicago River will remain under Federal control, and not be placed in th hands of boodlers and despoilers. ¥ The schooner Hattie Hutt, going down the river light Monday morning in tow of the tug O. B. Green, collided with Twelfth street bridge and carried away her jib- boom. Capt. Hanson, her owner, will look to the city for damages, as the bridge tender swung the bridge to- wards the schooner instead of opening it properly. The schooner Winnie Wing, light, going out in tow of the tug Crowell Monday evening, collided with one of the Lehigh Valley steamers, laying at their dock near the Mlinois railroad bridge. The schooner had her main and main topmast and fore topmast rigging carried away and was compelled to stay in port for repairs. Thomas Elderkin has again been appointed president of the Seamens’ Union at this port and D. Robertson sec- P, retary, and wages have been put at $2 per day from the 7 ist of April. The Vessel Owners’ Towing Co.’s tug Calumet towed the barge Mabel Wilson from Milwaukee last week to ~ load grain at this port. The Vessel Owners’ Towing Co. haye removed from the basement at 240 South Water street to more commo- dious offices upstairs in the same building. Capt. W. E. Ladner left here last Thursday night to join and fit out the steambarge A. D. Hayward, in win- ter quarters at Escanaba. She will make her first trip this season from Escanaba with lumber to Chicago, and will then go to Oscoda for lumber and return with two barges lumber laden. She will tow the barge Peshtigo during the season. WILLIAMS. BUFFALO, N. Y. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. — BuFrraLo, N. Y.—Nothing has been done yet toward establishing coal rates, but several charters have been made at the opening figure, whatever that may be. The Northern Line steamers North Star, North Wind, North King, Northern Light and Northern Queen have been engaged to load at the Reading docks for Duluth, and the Majestic at the Pennsylvania pockets for Chicago. The barge Ogarita, which was in the Arctic tow last season, has been sold by the Penokee Lumber Co. to Connelly Bros., of this city; the price is said to be $12, 000. The excursion steamer Riverside was launched at Beach Rock Monday afternoon, She is 96 feet over all, 90 feet between uprights, 19 feet beam, and her molded depth is 6 feet 6 inches. Power is furnished to a 14x16 single high pressure engine, made by Dsvid Bell, by a Riter boiler 6 feet shell and 10 feet long. The Riverside will carry 400 passengers and will be ready for business by the last of May. “re The Buffalo steamer Vision, which has been running all winter on New York Harbor between the Battery and Bay Ridge, has been chartered to Philadelphia parties for _ 100 days, beginning June 15. The terms of the charter are $2,000, the chartering parties to supply thecrew com- plete. : The steamers Brazil and America are likely to be the first out of this port. They have 400,000 bushels of wheat to bring from Toledo at 2 cents at the opening 0! navigation and are all fitted out ready for business. — mand of the Shrewsbury, which is rapidly fitting out. The Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association last now 63 members, and has adopted a blue pennant, wh flies on every association tug in the harbor. Each which appears on the flag of his tug. * There are now 900 men at work on the Erie Ce sections 8, 9 and 10, between Buffalo and Clyde; 2 have been placed between Lockport and Sulphur a distance of only five miles, which is a very bad: of the canal. ‘The well-known firm of Russell & Watson, manufacturers, haye secured the outfits for ‘

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