Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 14 Apr 1892, p. 5

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a = THE MARINE RECORD. | a pares ~ re SS § not delay the consummation of the act. The inhuman- _ ity of the wrecking laws has long been painfully palpa- ble to those most interested in the navigation of our great, inland seas. is to be practicelly tested. I waited on that gentleman at his quarters as manager of the John Doty Engine Company’s shipyard at this port, and he informed me that Mr. Marks, the well-known wealthy marine man of Port Arthur, and a few other gentlemen, have resolved to have an experimental vessel built. The contract is not yet signed, but all the preliminaries have been ar- ranged ; and, under the personal superintendence of Mr. Redway, work will be started on this new whaleback at the Doty shipyard shortly. In an article which I wrote for the Globe of Toronto, and which appeared in the illustrated supplement of that paper on November 28; 1891, I gave a description of Mr. Redway’s projected ves- sel. This craft will carry 750 gross tons on9 feet draught, 1,200 tons on 12 feet draught, and 1,800 tons at 15 feet. Mr. Redway’s model is fashioned like an Indian canoe: it has a flat bottom, with a fraction of keel at the stern to accompany the rudder. There are no bulwarks. The upper structures are compact—a cabin with concaye sides to shed the seas at the stern, where the boilers and machinery are, and a small protection at the bows, which coterminate in a ram prow. The dimensions are: Ex- treme length, 180 feet; extreme beam, 42 feet; extreme depth, 19 feet 4 inches; light-load draught, 9 feet; deep- load draught, 12 feet. Tonnage—Displacement at light draught, 1,417 gross tons; displacement at deep-load draught, 1,890 gross tons; dead-weight capacity, 1,200 gross tons; dead-weight capacity, light, 750 gross tons, Machinery—compound engines, twin screws; cylinders, 15inches and 27 inches by 24-inch stroke; pressure, 120 pounds per square inch. Speed—Ten knots at load draught; eleven knots at light draught. A cellular double-bottom will contain 450 tons of water ballast. Two reporters met on the water front here recently, one of whom was making his first round. Jack was the veteran newsgatherer; Sam was the novice. “Well, how are you making out?” cried hearty Jack. “Poorly,” growled Sam ; “I don’t see where you get so much news. It makes me sick to go near the water.” About two weeks later they met again. “You seem to be doing better now, Sam 2” said Jack. “Yes,” Sam answered, grinning. “Where do you strike so much good news?” Jack fur- ther asked. “Would you really like to know ?” Sam queried, striking his own chest with infinite satisfaction. “Certainly,” said Jack. “I take THE MARINE REcorD of Cleveland,” Sam vouchsafed. J. A.C. LAUNCH AT BAY CITY, NAVIGATION NOTES, Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Bay Ciry, Micu.—Capt. Lester, of Marine City, was in the city last week. He took thestand as an expert in thecase of Burrows & Rust vs. the Delta Transportation Co. His barge the Tempest, will carry lumber from Georgian Bay to eastern points, her consorts will be the Coine, City of the Straits, and Brainard. The latter goes into the dry dock to receive new steel keelsons. Capt. Powell and the Folsom estate have sold the barge Racine to Capt. A. Neal, of Port Huron. It is said the Mills Transportation Co. is also interested in the deal. C. R. Hubbell’s tugjthe C. R. Wells, goes to the AuSablo riaer with dredge No. 4. The Maggie Ashton goes into the slings to get a new wheel. The barge Antelopeis the first boat to load this season, She takes lumber to Buffalo at $1.75. The steam yacht Straightaway, owned by {ke Bearinger of Saginaw, is at Wheeier’s yard getting overhauled, and will receive a new Roberts water tube boiler. The first clearance of the season reported at the Custom House was Smith & Boutell’s big tug the Traveller. She goes to Ashland, Wis. ‘Their barge, the Agnes, goes up the river to load at U. K. Eddy’s mill at Saginaw. The keel has been laid at Davidson’s yard for another Schooner for the Davidson Transportation Co. She will be 210 feet keel, 35 feet beam, and 18 feet hold. She will be the largest schooner of the company’s fleet. The propeller R.G. Stewart has made her first round trip to Alpena. She has the honor of being the first boat of the season to touch at shore points. At Alpena she as greeted by shrieks of mill whistles. ‘The City of Berlin is the first arrival in the Saginaw -tiver. She came up from Port Huron where she had been ying, all winter, and went immediately to Dayidson’s yard she will be repaired. Her stern is crushed in and |have to be rebuilt. fhe Vandalia railroad line of boats, which are receiving verhauling at Wheelers, will be oflicered as follews: ity—Byron Armstrong, captain, and Thomas Reese ineer; Minnie M.—James Modon captain, and Adolph nier engineer; Lora M.—J. Driscoll captain, and ~ Engineer W. E. Redway’s improved whaleback model |, M. King engineer; Ossifrage—A. @. Aldrich captain, and Louis Gelinas engineer. The second trialin the Bay County Circuit Court of Burrows vs, the Delta Transportation Co., has been occu- pying the attention of the court during the past week, In this case the plaintiffs sue to recover damages for the value of a quantity of lumber burnedin November, 1890, at Cheboygan, the fire starting, it was claimed, from a spark thrown out of the smokestack of the steamer Min- nie M., owned by the defendants, Harvey G. Goulder, of Cleveland, assisted J. E. Simonson, of this city, and Chauncey Wisner, of Saginaw, to conduct the case for the defense. The jury returned a verdict of no cause for ac- tion, At the first trial the jury disagreed. The large wooden steamship Uganda, built at Wheeler & Co.'s was launched today. Everything went off lovely. The Uganda is 308 feet over all, 41 feet beam, and 23 feet moulded depth. She will have triple expan- sion engines, 20, 32, and 54 inches, with a 42 inch stroke. Her boilers are of the Scotch type, 11 feet 6 inches in di- ameter, and 12 feet long. She also has a pony boiler which will furnish power for her steam capstans, windlasses, deck hoisters and pumps. She isowned by McBrier and others of Erie Pa., and will be put into the grain trade as soon as completed. Oy ob Rey A NEW “GARDEN CITY.” Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Toronto, Cax.—The new sidewheel steamboat which is being built here by the Juhn Doty Engine Co., under the architective management of Marine Engineer W. E. Redway, for the St. Catharines, Grimsby & Toronto Navigation Co,, is to be called the Garden City. She will be launched from the Doty shipyard this week, Everything has been done by Mr. Redway to make the lavncia success. The Garden City will be one of the handsomest and most commodious steamboat plying on Lake Ontario. Her length over all is 180 feet, just long enough to fill a lock in any of the Canadian canals; beam 26 feet; width over guards, 44 feet; depth, 11 feet; dranght, with ail her freight aboard and 500 passengers, 6 feet; guaran teed speed, 19 miles an hour; speed capacity, 18 miles. The engines will be double compound, with cylinders 28 and 54 inches in diameter respectively, by 48 inches stroke. Not an ounce of iron has been put into the hull; it is steel from cutwater to rudder post, and the rivets used are of spec- ial quality steel. The hold is divided by six water-tight steel bulkheads into seven compartments, four of which will float the vessel if the others become stove in. Steam will be gener- ated by two boilers of 1,1.0 horse power, which, beside running the main engines, will supply a small donkey engine with power to propel the electric light dynamos. As the hull now lies on the stocks, its symmetrical propor- tions are well defined. ‘The cutwater and sheer are palpably adapted to speed, and Mr. Redway has taken special pains to see that the rudder be not hung in the less substantial way peculiar to yessels built in the United States, as witness the mishaps of the whaleback steamer Wetmore. Capt. MeDoug- al, the builder of the Wetmore, was warned by Engineer Redway that the rudder of that vessel would be certainly carried away if she went to sea. The prediction proved true; for the Wetmore got into serious trouble while on her ocean voyage as a consegence of losing her rudder. The American mode is to attach the rudder simply at the top and bottom, but Mr, Redway follows the British style, and connects the rudder at intervals all the way up the stern post; hence, if the base fastenings happen to be destroyed in any way, the upper connections retain the rudder in position to steer the ship. J.A.C. A TORONTO WHALEBACK MODEL. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Toronto, Onr.—As considerable dredging was necessary before the steamer Garden City could be launched and it was impossible to get this finished by Saturday, the Jaunch has been postponed until the 13th inst. The steamer Carmona that last year ran between Toronto and Grimsby will this year make tri-weekly trips between Toronto and Charlotte, where it is expected a large freight and passenger trade will be had. Capt. Xaviere La France wili again sail the Carmona, Messrs. Ingles & Son who have the contract for the new boilers for the Campana are building them in the steamer, and have a large force of men working day and night so that they will be ready for the lst of May. Chief engineer Frank White and his assistants are getting the machinery into shape for a start. Mr. T. Marks, owner of the steamer Algonquin, and sev- eral other gentlemen interested in marine business are about to form a company to build a steel whaleback at the yards of Messrs. Doty & Co., from plans that haye been drawn by Mr. W. E. Redway, when completed she will be placed in the Kingston and Lake Superior trade. Messrs. Doty & Co. have also reeeived a contract to build a high-class steel steam yacht for Mr. George Gooderham, the well-known distiller. She will be built after designs from Watson, the celebrated Scotch designer, The Niagara Navigation Co. have made the following ap- pointments: Cibola—Capt. John McGiffen; engineer, Will- iam Walsh; purser, N. Harbottle, Chicora—Capt. W. H. Solmes; engineer, 8. Wilson; purser, W. J, Chapman. On- giara—Capt. James Harbottle. The Cibola and Chicora will leave here for Kingston about May 1st to go on dry dock to have an overhauling preparatory to commencing the season’s business. The Chicora will commence her regular trips be- tween here and Lewiston about the 15th of May. Capt. Harbottle, Government hull inspector, was in Port Colborne Inst week and inspected the steamers Algonquin, Orion, Tecumesh and Clinton. The tug Frank Jackman left here on Saturday for Whitby with a steam pump to be placed on the schooner Flora Car- veth, which went ashore there last fall. She will be brought here to go on dry dock. Capt George Williamson, of the schooner J. G. Worts, has been confined to his house for several weeks with brain fever, He is now getting better and will soon be able to be out again. The steamer Rosedale will leave here for Port Arthur as soon as the Welland Canal opens. Capt. James Ewart has got her in fine shape for the season’s business, One of the Island ferry steamers commenced running this week from Geddes dock. | Capt, William Van Viack will sail’ the steamer Enterprise with James McArthur as chief engineer. Capt. Cornwall, of Cobourg, will sail the schooner Herber | Dudley. Capt. Dolph Carson will sail the schooner Annie | Falconer. Sparta, | GEORGIAN BAY ITEMS. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Owen Sounp, Ont —Commander Boulton and Captain McGregor arrived in Owen Sound last week, and have com- menced to fit out the Government survey steamer Bayfield. Last Monday, Vharles Kenney, who is greaser on the Atha- basca, and son of the chief of the Manitoba, had his arm and | hand hurt quite severely. One of the brasses of the engine struck Kenny on the right arm, tearing the flesh into the | bone, and smashing the base of the thumb. Mr. Dowding will be steward of the Alberta this season. Smith’s new dock will be ready in a couple of weeks. Engineer Charles Scott left last Monday for Detroit, where he will take charge of the Charlton as chief. Captain James Dick was in town last. week. The captain was in command of the first steamer that ever arrived in Owen Sound. She was the “Gore,” and arrived from Buffalo Tune 20th, 1845, The tug King was launched here Monday. The fish tug Heather Belle left here Monday for her fishing grounds in the vicinity of Cape Croker. The Revenue Cutter Constance, which was launched here last November, has steam up, and will be ready for duty in a few weeks. Navigation is now open at this port. The first passenger steamer will leave here about the 2Uth of the month. The schooner Calliope, Captain Smith Conklin, arrived here Saturday with a load of red oak lumber, from White Cloud Island. The captain reports heavy weather outside, about four feet of her deck load being washed overboard in the gale Friday night. The steam barge Kincardine went into dry dock Tuesday for repairs. The tug Douglass is being fitted up. Captain John Ainslie will take command. Captain Finlay McPherson arrived here Thursday from Kincardine to fit up his schooner, the Ariel. Captain James Canaan is overhauling his two dredges for this season’s work. Captain McNabb, First Mate Hans Halyeston, Second Mate John MelIntyre, Steward Charles Harris leave here for To- ronto this week to fit up the Campana, FB; OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Rodee & Bill have chartered the schooner E. P, Beals, with 22,000 bushels of wheat, from Detroit to Ogdensburg, The water in the St, Lawrence is lower this spring than it was at any time during last summer. James A, Wood, of this city, will be steward of the steamer Grecian of the Menominee line and J. Meagher will occupy that position on the steamer H R. James of the O. T. Co,’s Line, Mate John McAvoy, of the steamer Wissahickon, and four others of the crew, left Saturday, for Chicago to fitout their boat. The steamers W, A Haskell and W. L. Frost have received new upper decks and a general overhauling this spring. The Haskell has also received a new iron boiler house, which was built by the Detroit Sheet Metal and Brass Works and shipped here by rail in sections. Mr, William Wise, of Buffalo, who has been appointed chief engineer of the Ogdensburg Transit Co,’s Line, arrived from Chicago Saturday where he has been looking after the machinery of the company’s steamers wintering at that port. Repairs on the steamer Oregon, which stranded near Cross- over light last fall, are completed and she is now ready to sail, Edward Davidson will be engineer on one of the O,'T’, Co.’s steamers this season, Mr, Davidson is a practical machinist and has been for several years employed in Nash Bro.’s shop. The many Ogdensburg friends of Capt. Boland, of Buffalo, regret that he has sold his schooner, the E, P. Beals, ashe was a frequent visitor at this port, E.C. R,

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