ESTABLISHED 1878. VOL. XV. CLEVELAND, OHIO, M AY 12 » 1892. (ORGANIZED 1880,) CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION. (Membership 1892.) pne hundred and sixty-three steamers, and t ne hundred and forty-four sail and barge, Maintains shipping offices at Cleveland, Ashtabula Harbor, Fairport and Toledo. Regulates wages, protects crews and takes cognizance of all matters 4n the interest of the members and of the lake commerce generally. Aggregating 208,127 tons, OFFICERS = - President, - Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. Gounsel. H, M. Hanna, : - M, A. Brapuey, - - = Qyorar P. McKay, — - : a Hi. D. Gounprr, - > = MANAGERS OR ADVISORY BOARD. ff. M. Hanna, R. K. Winslow, Thomas Wilson, P. G. Minch, M. A. Bradley, W. D. Reese, Geo. P. McKay, J. H. Palmer, B, L. Peanington, W. C. Richardson, J. W. Moore, Jas. Corrigan, H. G. Dalton, H. H. Brown, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : fl. M, Hanna, M. A, Bradley, Thomas Wilson, J. W. Moore, Geo, P. McKay, sames Corrigan, B, L, Pennington. FHE MARINE RECORD.—Official Paper, CLEVELAND, O. First Lieutenant, W. C. De Hart, of the revenue ma- rine steamer Fessenden, stationed at Detroit, in a letter to Commodore George W. Gardner, speaks very highly of the training ship project for this port, and suggests that the bark S. P. Chase, formerly a school ship for cadets in the revenue service, but now Jaid up, would be a good vessel for the purpose, and might be procured from the government. § Capt. Alexander F. Norris, from Mobile, Ala., an old and well known lake mariner, has just arrived in the city to spend a vacation of a couple of months. The captain has found his sight suffering somewhat from the hot glare of the sun down south, and during his stay here will undergo medical treatment. The receipts of lumber last week amounted to 9,121,- 000 feet, iron ore, 36,565 gross tons, and the shipment of coal by lake amounted to 13,066 tons, the average being cut down on account of the coal handler’s strike. Allis quiet along the docks, and the coal handlers are again at work, having accepted the terms of their em- ployers. Capt. Frank Stanton has been appointed master of the Menominee Line steamer German, vice Capt. Dunn, re- signed, Capt. George Manning has been appointed mas- ter of the steamer Northerner, vice Captain Stanton, resigned, General Manager Carter, of the D. & C. line, visited the city from Detroit on Tuesday, and stated that Chicago people have been making a futile attempt to lease the steamer City of Detroit No.1 for World’s Fair excur- sions this summer, but he prefers to keep up the Put-in- Bay line, feeling sure of an extensive patronage this season, The steel steamer Republic, which was on the rocks at Topsail Island, is in the Ship Owner’s dry-dock for re- pairs to her bottom in which there are four large holes, twenty-six plates will have to be taken off and replaced with new ones, though from the way bottom damage is repaired here it will only take a tw. days to get her ready for work again. Capt. James Millen, of the well-known Detroit firm of Parker & Millen, visited the city this week on vessel bus- ‘iness; we are pleased to say that Capt Millen is looking and feeling well and hearty. . K. Winslow, the veteran vessel-owner of this port, around again attending to business, and though not ro- apes; isin fairly good health. Capt. Hatch, the inventor and patentee of an econom freight carrier, a description of which was given in hese columns last winter, was in the city this week on usiness in connection with his patented plans of con- struction and equipment, it is likely that some of his | patents will be placed on new tonnage out of this port. Edward Nesbitt has been appointed shipping-master | for the Lake Carriers’ Association at Escanaba, Mich. | In speaking of the new Anchor Line steamer Codorus, under coustruction at the yards of the Union Dry Dock Co. at Buffalo. Joseph R. Oldham stated yesterday that she was ready for launching so far as the hull was con- cerned, but she will not ba put in the water before the end of next week. Mr. Oldham speaks in the highest terins of this steamer, as regards design, strength, and general efliciency, and says we nave little to fear from either cuast or foreign competition, while the lake ship yards are worked by such conscientious naval architects and ship-builders as they now are. The ability of Mr. Edward Gaskin, of the Union Dry Dock Co., has been ably demonstrated by the construvtion of the Codorus, and in the trio of sister ships now building for the Anchor Line she will prove herself equal to the honors of the Buff- | alo built steel tonnage, and add to the well-known pres tige of her builders. At a meeting of the finance committee of Lake Car- aiers’ Association, held on Tuesday, James W. Millen, H. A, Hawgood, Thomas Wilson, Alexander. McDougall, and C. H. Keep were appointed a committee to investi- gate the condition of the water at the Soolocks. Vessel- men are satisfied there is more water than reported. Boats daily have passed through without trouble draw- ing 13 feet 8 inches and more, while the highest stage re— ported has been 14 feet 6 inches. The committee will confer with Gen. Poe before going to the Soo next week. CHICAGO, ILLS. Special Telegram to The Marine Record. The schooner Mediator is undergoing extensive repairs: ‘The schooner Vega, going dovn the river in tow, col- lided with State street bridge, and carried away her jib boom and head-gear, damaged the bridge, and obstructed navigation for about an hour. The schooner C. C. Trow- bridge had a similar experience on Tuesday morning. J. D. Brown, sales agent ‘for T. M. Sullivan’s Marine Supply Store, returned from Green Bay City last Thurs- day with his newly wedded wife, nee Anna Zimmerman, who he entered into partnership with the previous day. We wish them much happiness. The well known firm of Finney & Channon, ship- chandlers, dissolved partnership May 5th. The business will be carried on in the future by Geo. C, Finney & Co. James Wheeler, formerly book-keeper with the Chi- cago Dry Dock Co.,has been appointed to a similar position at George ©. Finney & Co.’s. = *», The tremendous heavy rain storm which visited Chi- cago and vicinity last week, caused the water in the river to overflow its banks at the lumber yards up the South branch. Last Thursday, ¥riday aud Saturday naviga- tion was almost at a standstill in consequence of the heavy current. The O. S. Richardson Fueling Co. have supplied along needed requirement on Chicago river. They having built a scow with a carrying capacity of 200 tons of fueling coal, upon which is built a derrick which can be used for coaling vessels in the river, and also for lightering, The scow has been named “Spring Heel Jack,” a cognomen by which John. F, Hodell, the company’s sales agent, is well known. Grain freights ‘Tuesday were weak, at 2 cents. on wheat, and 134 cents on corn to Buffalo, There is a very large lumber laden fleet in port this week. The schooner Commerce went up the river with a tremendous big deck load of lumber, and the schooner Windsor, with a similar deck load of cedar ties Monday. The lighthouse tender Dahlia is in port undergoing re- pairs to her boiler. Captain Charley Moore, of the schooner Fanny Neil, is suffering severely from injuries received when the schooner broke away from the White and Friant on Lake Superior. Ie will net take the Neil out next trip. WILLIAMS. BUFFALO, N. Y. Speciai Correspondence to The Marine Record. The steamer Gazelie has arrived here from Detroit, and appears to be in excellent shape. Over $3,000 was spent on her last winter, and she made her first trip to Crystal Beach on Tuesday afternoon. Capt. Thomas Doyle is in charge. The excursion steamer William Harrison, arrived at Niagara Falls from Boston last Saturday. Her clearance read from Boston to Niagara Falls, and is undoubtedly the only one ever issued between those two ports direct. The Harrison was brought up by Capt. Campau, who will sail her thissummer. He says’ the trip was a very pleasant one until about thirty-five miles west of Quebec, where much ice was encountered The steamer had to run back and was delayed several days. ‘The entire trip occupied five weeks. A large new fuel scow for H. K. Wicks & Co., was launched from the Union Dry Dock yard last week. The big steamer W. H. Gilcher, with a cargo of 80,000 bushels of wheat from Duluth, delivered her cargo at four different elevators, and ran short but 13 bushels on the whole amont. The steamer A. L. Hopkins has been delivered to the new Union Transit Line, who will place her between here and Duluth with the Avon and Portage. The steamer Russia, which came into port last week, is in the Urion Dry Dock, she shows a badly;twisted'stem and several bad holes in her port bow. It is estimated that the value of the portion of her deck load of package freight, consisting of clothing, stoves and iron pipe, which was jettisoned amounted to $50,000. In the survey-on the Russia Mr. Oldham represented M.M. Drage, the owner, and Mr. Gaskin, Smith, Davis & Co., the underwriters. The survey shows a total hull damage of $11,376, $9,376 of that amount, being a partic- ular average and the balance a general average. About forty new plates are required, besides a new stem, frames stringers, etc. Mr. Edward Gaskin, superintendent of the Union Dry Dock Co., will, no doubt, have the entire work on her completed in about two weeks, The schooner Northwest, after having arough time on Lake Superior, was found to have wet about 650 bushels of her wheat cargo, when it was examined here. The loss flel on the owners of the grain. The local branch of the new Lake Carriers, began here last week, ard their recommendation to haye Captains Fletcher and Lynch appointed shipping-masters has been acted upon, The official appointment was received two days ago. The union sailors continue to kick up occasional rows, and have taken off so many crews of non union men in the past week, that nearly every sailing vessel not em- ploying union crews have requested public protection while in this port. E. H. Nesbitt, who was associate shipping master with Boyd here last year, has heen appointed shipping-master in Escanaba by the new Lake Carriers Association. Nes- bitt is a capable man, and does not take the imitative in | making trouble,but when trouble is made the other men want to look out, for Nesbitt’s strength, and ability to use it effectively has been often tested at Buffalo. : The Lake Line managers met here Saturday and re- — stored eastbound rates to a basis of 15 cents, sixth class. (Concluded on page nine.)