Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 26 May 1892, p. 8

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THE MARINE RECORD. The Marine Record. ESTABLISHED 1878. Published every Thursday, at 144 Superior Street, (Leader Building,) CLEVELAND, O. gving B Smitr. APT. JOHN SWAINSON. Proprietors. BRANCH OFFICE, ‘4nircaao, Inu., - - - 35 Franklin St. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor SUPSCRIPTION. ‘One copy, one year, postag > paid, - - - - . Opn jopy, one year, to foreign countries, - rs é Invariably in advance, ADVERTISING. Rates given on application. CLEVELAND, 0O., MAY 26, 1892. ComMMENT is being made on the state of the harbors along the east shore of Lake Michigan on account of bars forming. If the current trends northerly along the east shore, it is possible that east and west piers form an obstruction to the silt carried in suspension by and with the body of moving water, thereby causing a deposit sufficient to form a bar. In such a case harbor entrances would be better if excavated from the high water mark, in shore, and a breakwater running north and south for weather protection. The main features have no doubt . been intelligently dealt with previous to the construction of these piers, yet, it would be of great service to learn why bars should form in open water. D+ oo + or Tue City Council of Duluth seem to be somewhat premature in their action authorizing a railroad com- pany to construct a bridge across the entrance to such a highly important harbor, especially as the commerce of the port has increased 50 per cent. in three years. The days are gone by when railroad corporations may “‘infloo- ence” city councils, to the detriment of a vastly in- creasing and future unlimited commerce, and such trifling matters are now placed in the hands of the Sec- retary of War, who will no doubt consider the terminal features of the port before allowing an obstruction to choke up the entrance to the western terminal port of lake navigation. _—_—_— a +o oa Two important collision cases on Lake Erie within a few days of each other, either argues defective rules for the guidance of steamers under way in a fog, or inatten- tion to the precautions observed by the ordinary practice of navigation. ‘The first collision, off Rondeau, resulted in the total loss of the Dominion steamer Celtic, with one life and her cargo; and, including detention, nearly $100,000 loss on the one that came out of it best. The second collision, in a fog off Port Burwell, was attended with no loss of life and but little in property, yet, the facts show the same in se far as the collision is con- cerned, and in point of navigation they show if anything, still worse, because, two steamers collided in open water, and neither ascertained the names, official number or resultant damages to each other, when it was their sworr duty so to do. A former commissioner of navigation asked for an official board of inquiry on these and similar cases, but no steps in this direction have as yet been taken, though it will never ke ascertained where the blame rests until such an inquiry is instituted in each ease. If there are any means which may be taken to avoid loss of life and property the sooner these means are determined the better, and the burden rests with the ‘Treasury Department until proper action can be taken. Be a AMERICAN REGISTRY FOR FOREIGN BUILT SHIPS. Too much care, prudence and scrutiny cannot be exer- cised in granting American registry to foreign built ships. Already have the Inman Line steamers gained admission through the vote and voice of the nation, but, in that case the line was drawn at 8,090 ton vessels, a high standard of efficiency, and an equal amount of ton- nage to be at once contracted for in American shipyards. ‘Taking all in all, it was argued on the principle that “half aloat was better than no bread,” and a compromise on 32,000 tons under the American flag was held out as a national bonanza if only 16,000 tons of it could be or- dered for construction by citizens of the United States. ‘There can be no question but that the Inman deal was a finely eugineered scheme to insert the thin eud of the free ship wedge,and lake shipbuilders, while admitting that the 8,000 ton limit is practically a safe one at this time, are somewhat dubious of the terms being lived up to in future coucessions. syndicate seeking American registry for a fleet of foreign built steamers of 7,000 tons and a speed of not less than 19 knots an hour, provided a similar amount of tonnage is contracted for in American shipyards. This follows the former measure, but reduces the efficiency of the tonnage seeking admission under the flag. A still further reduc: tion is made, however, in the case of the steamer China of the Pacific Mail Line. A foreign built steamer of about 5,0W tons is here presented for admission to American registry, her speed efficiency being ignored entirely, although the same principte is made applicable to this registry also,that is, an equal tonnage to be built by citizens of the United States. Under the rule of re- paired tonnage entitled to registry, the following named steamers seek a United States register. Foxhall, 8. Oteri, Claribel, Athos and barge Sea Bird. With the foregoing in view, lake shipbuilders need to scan closely the about 5,000 ton limit, irrespective of speed, as it comes dangerously near to the capacity now being put afloat on the lakes. It is not desirable to have foreign bottoms competing for lake favors, and the coast shipyards have demonstrated their ability to take,care of the larger class of ocean tonnage, so that, in this era of shipbuilding, the fewer foreign built ships that are ad- mitted to American registry the more prosperous will our own industry become. En THE LAKE LEVELS. All interests are now at one inadmitting that precipi- tation alone rules the level of the lakes. The theory gf seven year cycles, solar and Junar influences, submarine rivers, etc., seem now to have exploded, owing to the marked raise in the levels occasioned by the recent con- tinual rains. With the opening of navigation, the Lake Superior trade was somewhat slighted on account cf the light draft of water through the St. Mary’s Falls Canal ,and the lower lake tonnage, at least the heavier portion of it was forced to lose from 15 to 20 per cent of their ordinary carrying capacity, and while hopes were expressed that the steady midsummer rise would in a measure compensate for the lighter draft in the spring, the authority of the corps of engineers in their plans for improving the waterways were questioned by those who had other theories to advance, and believed in only by the vessel owning community. The gratifying reports from all sections of the lakes relative to the increased depth of water knocks the bot- tom out of the pessimistic views held by those who main- tained that the chain of lakes were gradually though per- manently shoaling, and we now hope that the upward tendency which has repeatedly marked the level of the lakes has again set in for a series of years. aoe HARBOR-MASTERS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. The infiux of foreign and domestic tonnage, which will undoubtedly put in an appearance at the World’s Fair, calls for well-advised measures in the apportioning of anchorages, mooring ground, and; similar facilities to accommodate the various typesfand classes of tonnage so as not to unduly interfere with the ordinary commerce of the port. Neither the “windy city” ror the general shipping interests can afford to make every day a Sunday during thejcontinuance of the Exposition, and it is only in line with the best order of supervision that adequate regulations should be enforced and a proper staff of men engaged to care for the large fleet which will be kept hoy- ering around the entrance to the port. It may be said that there is ample time for all arrange- ments to be made in this direction, yet, if a proper system of buoyage, landings and divisions are made it will take con siderable time to carry out the work, as for instance, the channel or fairway to the port should be so marked out that no vessels, squadrons, or reviewing fleets would at any time block ingress or egress from or to the port. A limit of anchorage ground might be allotted to steam yachts, another to sail yachts, and commodious landing places arranged for each fleet. There will also be a num- ber of stationary craft, and others requiring a good draft of water in which to anchor, ete., so that a knowledge of the visiting tonnage frequenting the port would be nec- essary, for the officials to act intelligently in determining suitable locations. In the event of this policing of anchorages and moor- ing ground, being neglected, utter confusior, unpleasant experiences, and possibly a loss of life and propertyjis al- most certain to ensue, and it is to be hoped that the at- tention of the officials of the marine division will be directed to this feature so that adequate regulations may be framed before the rush of tonnage sets in. a The arrival of the steamer Wergland this week from Bergen, Norway, at Chicego, with fish and cod liver oil is another indication of trans-atlantic commerce. Al- though her freight has been expended in transhippmg That there is some grounds for the feeling of inse- | charges, special tonna; re i me grou , ge may yet be co! curity in this direction is evidenced by the Austin-Corbin | lake and ocean service, nf Gear FREIGHT SITUATION. The vessel interests are turned down this the tied-up condition of the grain market having effect in the reduction of ore freights from both Hs aba and Lake Superior. the wide-spreading effects which gambling on Chan has upon the legitimate. Corn is cornered until it has been necessary for some Chicago dealers to secur grain at Buffalo, and pay for carrying it back = order to avoid the payment of extortionate margins, MB) This bubble must burst, however, in a few days, and if the weather clears up large quantities of corn willenter — Chicago for shipment- The situation is similar at Du- z luth, though brought about by different causes. There the heavy exports have reduced the amount in elevators to about 5,000,000 bushels, and this seems such asmall — amount that elevator men seem to fear a famine,an| 4 decline to ship much more at 34c. At that port ship- ments will also pick up again when settled weather visits the Northwest. This sudden transfer of boats to the grain trade has been sufficient cause for breaking the tate, but nobody thinks it will go lower. Coal rates have not changed during the week. Rates are as follows: Ore —Ashland to Lake Erie, $1.15; Escanaba to Lake Erie, 70c. Coal—Lake Erie ports to Chicago, Milwaukee and Green Bay, hard and soft, 50c.; to Escanaba, 40¢.; Lake Erie to the head of Lake Superior, hard, 30c., and soft, 45e.; to Lake Huron ports, 40¢ ; St. Clair river, 35¢.; to Toledo and Detroit, 25c. SS a eee CONTRACT FOR A LARGE STEEL STEAMER. The Chicago Ship Building Co. have just secured a contract from John Keldernouse, Thomas Maytham and others of Buffalo, N Y., for the construction of a large steel steamer to cost $170,000. It is evident that the Maytham Kelderhouse syndicate are well pleased vith the Buffalo built steamers America and Brazil, built at the yards of the Union Dry Dock Co. while Mr. Bub cock was superintendent of that yard, and now that he is general manager of the Chicago Ship Building Co, the aew work has probably followed him. The dimensions of the new steamer will be 287 feet keel, 41 feet beam, and 24 feet 6 inches depth of hold. Her engines are to be a triple expansion by Trout, of Buf- falo, Cylinders 19, 23 and 52 inches, with 45 inch stroke; two Scotch type boilers, the contract for which has al- ready been signed by the Lake Erie Boiler Works of Buffalo. The new steamer is to be fitted with all the latest im- provements for handling both ship and cargo, and to be completed in October, so that she will probably come in for a share of this season’s fall business. Work on her nas already commenced, and brisk construction work will go forward until she is finished. a LAUNCH OF THE CHOCTAW. The freight monitor Choctaw was successfully launched from the yards of the Cleveland Ship Building Co. on Wed- uesday afternoon, and a large number of sightseers and in- terested parties were on hand to witness the consigning of the second monitor type steamer to her natural element. The Choctaw is a sister boat to the Andaste, aow on her second trip. Her dimensions are 280 feet over all, 260 feet keel, 48 feet bear, and 23 feet deep. She has a large tumble home on her upper works, and instead of bulwarks she has ridge ropes rove through cast steel stanchions; 7 hatchways, with the afterhouse and small forward house, both of iron, ~ complete the deck fittings. Her sister boat has discharged 2,300 gross tons of ore on a draft of 15 feet. Ata distance the monitors resemble the whalebuck type of vessel. Capt. Brown, late of the Bradley Line, has been appointed to the command of the Choctaw. ee 6 ie Ae LAUNCH FROM THE YARDS OF THE CHICAGO SHIP BUILDING CO, The steel steamer Cadillac, sister boat to the Pioneer, re- cently launched at Detroit for the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., was launched from the yards of the Ohicago Ship Building Ov,, at South Chicago, on Tuesday afternoon. She will be ready for service in about two weeks. ea The dimensions of the Cadillac are 247 feet over all, 230 feet keel, 37 feet beam, and 19 feet deep, Register tonnay about 1,500 tons; cost, $115,000 ‘The engines, built by the Cleveland Ship Building Co., are triple expansion; boiler of the Scotch type, 13 by 11} feet. Captain Wesley Brown will have charge, and Engineer Thomas Kelley will handle her — machinery. ih ———— LAUNCH OF THE STEEL STEAMER CODORUS. The following courteous invitation, received at this offi rine: “The Union Dry Dock Company cordially invites you be present at the launching of the new Steel Steamship ‘* dorus,’’ built by them for the Erie & Western Transport Company (Anchor Line), at their shipyard, on Ganson Buffalo, N. Y,, Saturday, May 28th, 1892, at 3 p. m.’’ The following dimensions of the Codorus may be p record; Leugth keel, 275 feet; length over all, 290 molded beam, 40 feet; molded depth, 26 feet; displacem 16 feet draught, 4,340 tons; triple expansion engines, ter cylinders, 20-83 54, stroke 45 inches; two boilers, long, 14 feet diameter, for 160 Ibs, steam; whe piteh,

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