THR MARINE RECORD, A SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL SIGHT FEED LUBRICATOR, Lunkenheimer’s Improved ‘‘Senior’’ Sight Feed Lubrica- tor is acknowledged by all users to be the most satisfactory and perfect working cup on the market, and is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. DESCRIPTION, B—Oil reservoir, C—Upper valve, E—Filling plug. F—Drain valve, H—Union to con- nect condenser pipe and valve. K—Discharge valve L—Valve for regu- lating flow of oil. N—Indicator glass, P—Sight feed glass. Valve to drain or blow out sight-feed glass oe It will pay those not yet familiar with this lubricator, to investigate same and become acquainted with its many and superior advantages not to be. found in any other cup. These consist in First-—Simple und practical construction. Second—No condensing bulb or chamber to freeze and burst. Third—Plugs (S) to facilitate replacing and cleaning of glasses. Fourth—Vent to blow out sight-feed ylass (P). Fifth—Shanks on } and } pint sizes threaded for %” pipe instead of }”’, consequently easily attached to small steam pipes. Sixth—Every cup tested and warranted. . z These advantages, combined with neat design, superior workmanship and finish, make the ‘‘Senior” the most modern and efficient sight feed lubricator in the market. Complete directions are sent with every cup. The “Senior” is made in 8 sizes from } pint to one gallon inclusive, either in brass or nickel plated, and can be sup— plied by any dealer in brass goods. This lubricator is manufactured only by The Lunken— heimer Brass Manufacturing Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. A. en a cm LIVE UP TO THE RULES OF THE ROAD. CLEVELAND, June 7th. To the Editor of The Marine Record. As marine disasters are growing quite frequent of late in our lake navigation it will probably prove wholesome for the interests at large to have some neg!ects pointed out regarding how the ‘‘rules of the road’’ are lived up to by at least a few of our pilots. Undersigned has convinced himself as to the true state of things by making trips in different cratt of some of the higher classed tonnage, and found that there is three of of these rules specially neglected, and one of these being the very first and most important of all, that is two steamers meeting head on, ‘The rule given for this case is that when two steamers are meeting head on they shall each give one short blast of their steam whistle and direct their course to starboard, thereby passing on port side of one another. This is the lawin plain English and as posted up in every p lot house, and the only rule that will be accepted by the courts of admiralty. But itis not lived up to. Starboard signals are just as frequent as port signals when meeting head on, according to the feeling of the pilot that sounds his whistle first, the meeting pilot very good naturedly answering by the same signals in most instances, even if they are un- lawful. This is the prevailing custom, although the proper way should be that when two steamers are meeting head on and one of them first signals two blasts, the other boat should in every instance answer oue blast and if within the half a mile limit check down until the proper signal is received. And be it remembered that in case of a collision the boat that per- sisted on the port signal of one blast has complied with the law and the other one will stand the consequences, which lately has been proved by the decision of several marine cases of this nature, the courts not accepling any excuse for diverging from this rule. When such confusion is allowed to exist, regarding the very first of the rules, it can easily be imagined that the rest of them are lived up to accordingly. There are specially two more instances where signals are required by the law that I haye noticed neglected. One is the rule that re- quires a steamer when nearing a short bend in a river or channel to give one long blast of her steam whistle, and that a steamer within hearing distance on the other side of such bend shail answer by the same signal, - Phe second instance is that a steamer when overtaking another boat ahead of her shall before attempting to pass gtve a port or starboard signal, according to which side she intends to take, and the boat ahead to answer by the same signal, but not to change her course so as to interfere with the first beat passing her in safety. Now these two requirements of the law are not generally lived up to. The existing confusion and disobeying of the common “rules of the road’’ hasno doubt something to do with the many late disasters and steps should be taken toward having this most important part of the marine laws enforced and no more life and property allowed to be endangered. Apoien L. Frrerscr, —_— ro THE NICARAGUA CANAL. The delegates who attended the Convention at St, Louis on Friday last in the interests of the Nicaragua Canal were un- animous in their support of this important commercial water- way, and resolutions will be presented to Congress asking for national assistance towards the completion of the work. Nearly every state in the Union was represented at the Convention, though California took the initiative in calling the delegates together and to M, M. Estee, of that State is due the credit of furnishing the following statistical information regarding the benefits to be derived from the canal: “Think of what this canal would accomplish, It would shorten the distance by sea from the Pacific to the Gulf and Atlantic coast 10,000 miles. It wonld increase the trade of the Pacific with the Atlantic coast. It would build up our markets with all Asiatic countries. Its construction would bring irto our country the commerce of the Pacific Islands, now largely controlled by Great Britain. It would make New York and New Orleans 2,000 miles nearer Yokohama than is Liverpool by the Suezcanal, The importance of the trade so secured may be noted when it is knuwn that the foreign commerce of the countries fronting on the Pacific ocean is more than $100,000,000 annually and the actual annual ton- nage from those vast regions which would pass through the Nicaragua canal would exceed 8,500,000. More than 40,000,- 000 people would be the direct patrons of this water-way..Japan would be one of our best cotton markets, It would furnish to the great states bordering on the Atlantic seaboard an incen— tive far better investments for capital aad more renumerative rewards fur labor. It would vitalize the flagging industries of the great west. Iu time it would make New York the center of the monetary exchanges of the western world, which are now controlled by London, and it would Americanize all America by making it commercially independent,” MULTIPLE SCREW PROPULSION. The twin screw has certainly come to stay. The largest and swiftest steamers across the Atlantic are fitted with twin screws, and an average of over 20 knots an hour are obtained under present conditions. It is notalone in the merchant service that the multiple screw propelling power is being adopted, the navies of the world are also being brought to a belief in the eflicacy of even the triple propeller mechanism, and the action of the U. 8. Navy Department in the use of triple screws for warships, largely based on the confidence shown in the principle by Engineer-in-Chief Melville, has attracted the attention of foreign nayies. He recommended the triple screws in Cruis— ers No. 12 and No. 13, whose maximum speed, it is hoped, will be twenty-three knots an hour, as propelled by engines of 23,000 horse power. The French Government long ago had under construction the Dupuy de Lome, and more re- cently began the erection of an armored battleship of some twelve thousand tons displacement, to be called the Massena, which is also to be propelled by triple screws, Another ship of the Massena class is to be begun the latter part of the pres- ent year by the same government. The German nayal authorities have under construction a triple screw war yessel called the Kaiserin Augusta, haying a displacement of six thousand tons and an indicated horse power of twelve thous- and, The anticipated speed is twenty knots an hour, In point of speed, the U.S. vessels Nos, 12 and 13 will exceed the triple-screw ships of any other nation. EE oe ee TO FIND THE MAGNETIC POLE, At a meeting of the American Geographical Society, held in New York on May 2nd, the proposed expedition to find the north magnetic pole, which is about 1,200 miles further south than the geographical pole, was discussed. Gen. A. W. Greeley and Col. W. IH. Gilder told how safely and comfort- ably the proposed expedition could be made. It is calculated that the magnetic pole is somewhere inthe neighborhood of King William Land, possibly on water instead of land. Eng- lish and other European explorers have been in that neighborhood. One of them got within afew miles of the exact point several years ago, and the magnetic needle point- ed almost vertically, Its angle with the horizontal was 89° 59’. It is believed that the magnetic pole, which moves around a little, has a regular period that can be determined, It will be of advantage to navigators and surveyors to be able to allow for the variation at any time. Ool. Gilder, who accompaaied Lient. Schwatka on his expedition, has offered to take charge of the proposed trip to find the magnetic pole, and make a general survey of the surroundings. It is beliey- ed that there will be no difficulty in raising the necessary $25,000. It was suggested that the U.S. coast and geodetic survey will put the necessary instruments at the disposal of the expedition, Notes. Tie American Ship Windlass Co., Providence, R. L, will furnish the large tug, building by F. W. Wheeler & Co. for Nicarauga, with two double barrel steam capstans, one to go aft and one forward, Dense fogs have prevailed over lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan during the week. On Sunday the fog was accom- panied by rain, with the wind northwest at the straits, and light clear weather on Lake Superior. BOUTELLE & Smrrn, the extensive lumber firm are now putting a raft together in the Cheboygan harbor which will contain about 9,500,000 feet of lumber. It is the largest one ever constructed on the lakes, and probably the largest raft of lumber ever floated. Two or three large tugs belonging to the firm will tow it away when completed. Tue ore handlers strike at Ashland, Wis., has been de- clared off, and the men are now at work for $1.75 per day and 25 cents an nour overtime. Many vessels had to change ports on account of the strike, and it was threatened to give the work over to Italian laborers rather than ruin the trade of the port. This the ore men could not stand, and tney at once resumed work. Dayipson’s addition to the fleet at West Bay City this year will consist of his three big steamers, two schooners, and atug. It isexpevted that the steamers will be launched and completed at an early date and so that they will leave Sag- inaw river about the same time. Two are now ready for jaunching, but are being held for machinery, and the third is being rapidly planked and decked. Tue owners of the Pilgrim, which Znk the steamer Kula- mazoo in Lake Michigan, turned her over to the owners of the Kalamazoo, who pay $6,000 to avoid the chances of litigation, The Pilgrim is worth $23,000, while the Kala— mazoo wae worth $26,000, This transfer seems to prove that the collision was caused by mistaken orders on the Pilgrim when the two steamers sighted each other through the fog. Tue Pennsylvania company has bought land along the river front at Toledo, O., the intention being to build coal and iron- ore docks, the cost of which it is estimated will reach at least $500,000, The company will make Toledo their central ship- ping point on the lakes, thus being able to compete directly with the Hocking Valley and Ohio Central, whose superior shipping facilities have heretofore given them a great advan— tage over the Pennsylvania. THE new capital that recently purchased the extensive plant of the Chicago Shipbuilding Co. are considering the advisability 0% building a drydock of the largest class on their property at Colehour. The proposed dock would not be less than 400 feet long, 100 feet in width at the top, and 60 feet in the bottom, with 16 feet of water over the the keel- blocks and a 70-foot gate. The location would be in the Calu- met River, about a mile from Lake Michigan. Tur North Atlantic Pilot Chart for Jane is accompanied with a supplement giving all of the late reports of the use of oil to prevent heavy seas from breaking on board vessels, the path of several important storms are also delineated and the ice reports for the month shows the banks of Newfonndland studded over with bergs and field ice. The work of publish- ing this valuble chart is carried on by two officers of the U. 8. Navy, and marine meteorologist Everett Hayden, Carr. Towers of Hamilton, Mr. W, A. Geddes of Toronto, secretary of the Canadian Inland Marine Association, and Mr. A. Jacques, of the Merchants’ Line, Montreal, accompanied by Messrs. McKay, Curran, Ryckman and Boyle, M, P.’s, had an interview with the Minister of Railways and Canals to ask that the Government provide a means for assisting vessels up the channel at Morrisburg, whereby the necessity for using the rapid du Plat canal will be avoided. It was suggested that as the water at the entrance to the canal is low, if a chain tug be provided at the head of the channel it would be a great benefit to vessels. The Minister has promised to con— sider the request, In speaking of the height of a bridge necessary to clear the spars of a vessel, it was recently stated “that the tallest masts on the lakes being 160 feet high, and allowing 6 feet fur the heave of the sea, no less than a height of 166 feet would clear the trucks of the masts.” There is no appreciative rise and fall of tides on the lakes, but in quoting figures like the fore— going, it should be stated whether the vessel is light or loaded — as the difference would be even greater than that allowed for the heave of the sea. AxrHouGniit is now nearly three months sincethe ship calk— ers’ strike began in Detroit the struggle isnot yet ended. The 12 calkers who came from Maine are still pretty close prisoners inthe yard ‘of the Detroit Dry Dock Co. A cor fortable house has been erected on a craft and there the calkers take their mealsandsleep. ‘The officers of the company say the quarters on the scow are excellent, and the men remain there rather than go to a boa: ding-house outside, because they believe that they could not be boarded so cheaply or so comfortably else- — where, The strikers and their friends intimate, however, at it is because they do not feel safe outside of the company premises thatthey remain on the scow. Tue Luke Carriers Association have now th offices at the various ports in fair working order and being shipped with less friction than formerly, 7 7 f } 1 i j | | } |