THE pais a eae eo FRANK E. KIRBY, President. RUDOLPHUS FULLER, epivinteatent. R,HUMFFREYS-ROBERTS, Secretary and —< nt, PON TAINE CROSSING Gas Corner Russell Street and Boulevard, DETROIT, MICH. MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED PULLER DYNAMOS AND MOTORS The slowest speed and most perfectly Automatic Dynamo in the world, therefore THE BEST FOR STEAMBOAT INSTALLATION, NO VIBRATION. SIGNAL WORK A SPECIALTY. VENTILATING FANS AND MOTORS, Steamers already equipped with our Plants: E.C. POPE, MINNIE M., SOO CITY, SAPPHO. TELEPHONE 755.—4 Rings. Correspondence Solicited. LOUIS K.GILLSON, D, OWNER OF FIRST-CLASS a FOR PATENTS. >:,8. GRUMMOND, srecume ser ronme 2 WRECKING Te MANISTIQUE, Capt. FRANKH. DANGER, STATIONED AT MACKINAW CITY, With great power and speed, light draft, and can do her own lightering and is in fact the only complete Wrecker on fresh waters carrying Complete Wreck- ing Outfit on board, including New Pumps, Improved =, Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks, 2 Der- ricks, Steam Hoists, Buckets, Sub-Marine Divers, = New 10-12-14 inch Hawsers, 1,200 feet long. 87 METROPOLITAN BUILDING, Cor, Randolph & La Salle Sts, : CHICAGO, ILL, ‘Free-24-page pamphlet, “Pointers from the Patent: om the Patent)Laws.” P. M. CHURCH & CO., SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. SHIP CHANDLERY, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, AND ALL CLASSES OF VESSEL SUPPLIES. Coppersmith Shop in connection. OFFICES OPEN DAY AND NIGH SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Corner Portage and Ashmun Sts. Branch Offices & Warehouses at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH. General Office & Warehouse, TELEPHONES - JSOFFICE No. 4@ PLENTY OF WRECKING MATERIAL AT ALL STATIONS NAMED. FOOT OF FIRST STs DETROIT. CURESIDENCE No. 4. SoutH Brookiyn Steam Encine Works. HELE CONDENSER AND ENGINEERING CO, VAN BRUNT AND SUMMIT STREETS, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Successors To WM. A. LIGHTHALL. 92 & 94 Liberty St., NEW YORK. Proprietors and naatcnees of PIGHTHALL QURFACE (ONDENSERS, WHEELER'S IMPROVED Patent SURFACE CONDENSERS Lighthall Surface Condensers with Cobb’s Improvements. Light Weight Bras: ALSO THE Condensers a Specialty. Also Feed Water Heaters, Iron and Brass Tube Heads, Wheeler “Admiralty” Condenser, Screw Glands, Paper, Wood and Fibre Packings, Etc. WITH PATENT SCREW GLANDS, Builders of Brass and Composition Surface Condensers for U. S. Cruisers MAINE, No. 11, | << The Wheeler-Lighthall Condenser Gunboats Nos. 5 and 6, CONCORD and BENNINGTON and HARBOR DEFENCE RAM. With Patent? Waterproof! Beeiines Se] fee COBEESTONDEN GE TO. THE.COMPANY, LIGHT WEIGHT SURFACE AND JET CONDENSERS, FOR STEAM YACHTS, ETC., A SPECIALTY Garlock Packings. Our Elastic Ring, Sectional, a and Special Water Packings are the pioneers in this line. For Steam, Water, Ammonia, High Speed Work and all places where packings are used they excel, Try our Special water Packing, § fully guaranteed for water end of pumps. See that our trade mark is on each package. Correspondence solicited. FALMYRA, N, V. NEW. elite 138) Water Pe Bas, woe ‘The Garlock Packing Company. R28. « ITTSBURG, 64 Fifth Ave KH G a KING IRON WORKS, MAKE A MISTAKE IF YOU DON’T COMPARE THESE . : ’ BUFFALO, N. Y. U PRICES BEFORE BUYING A PAIR OF MANUFACTURER OF Rae rere 3 GLASSES oR A BAROMETER. TRIPLE EXPANSION, THREE CYLINDER, PORE | °°! eves) Bigeye re Be) Qaee ae AND AFT AND STEEPLE COMPOUND U, 8, Sig MARINE ENGINES, Maximum a 4 Aneroid Bart ete High and Low Pressure Engines. me Chart Protract Transparent « 12) HIGH POWER “ 1600) DAY and NIGHT, “ 95 00-FINEST POWER, OUR GOODS THE BEST Cowles Aluminum and Manganese 42rWe make a Specialty, of Refilling and adjusting Compasses, Repairing Marine Glasses, Barometers, Etc. Bronze Propeller Wheels, Thaxe Wheels are noted for their extra speed and) DOES or does it not pay to advertise? Yen, if well. damage ing a0 apr rtionate sa oO oe old, established papers, No, if not well done, ‘ towing power, or a proportionate saving of coal, YES ! cepted papers of no paid circulation. The MarineRecord | a 447 PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION was established in 1878, and publishes more columns of ad- SECTIONAL TUG & YACHT PROPELLER WHEELS. BLACK & CO. Opticians, 145 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. yertisements than any other Mariue paper. It pays aah