THE MARINE RECORD. — (Continuea from page five.) of union men along the lumber market. Our sailors have been persecuted a great deal in that locality, and we think most of this will be avoided by getting the shipping » away from there. We are also handier to the de- pots, when men are sent here from the seaboard.” Shipping master Biemel, of the Lake Carriers’ Asso- be; ion, has been incapacitated from attending to his duties for several weeks by a bad attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He is improving. i ‘The whaleback steamer. Samuel Mather,’did not break i he record for big grain cargoes Monday. Every nook under her round deck was filled when she had taken _ 116,000 bushels of corn on board. She then drew fifteen feet five inches. With wheat it is thought she could have loaded 120,000 bushels. Her consort, barge 105, carried 105,000 bushels of wheat. WILLIAMS. BUFFALO, N. Y. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The W. H. Arthur Paint Co. are enjoying a well-earned marine patronage. Their store at the foot of Main street has excellent dock facilities, and prompt attention is given all veasel orders. The late W. H. Arthur established the business, and the present firm retain the name and prestige gained by its : founder. The Buffalo ‘Courier was kind enough to “roast” your correspondent last Sunday regarding the note sent to the ‘Rucorp last week, which stated thut Capt. Newman, of the Niagara, saved the lives of three sailors whose yacht was cap- sized, and that the accident was in plain sight of the life— saving station, and but a few hundred yards distant from it. The ‘‘Courier’’ said: “This aroused Capt. D, P. Dobbins, and caused him to examine into the correspondent’s allegations. He has done so, und pronounces the whole « fabrication. No member of the local Life Saving Crew saw any kind of a boat capsize. and Capt. Newman says he neither knew of any or picked up any drowning men—soldiers or civilians.” Capt. Dobbins was certainly talking at random if he made any such statement, and Capt] Newman has said nothing - except what he told your correspondent. The accident did occur within plain sight of the life-saving station, and if it ys true, as Capt. Dobbins says, that the capsized boat was not seen by any one at the life-saving station, the credit due the local crew for watchfulness will not very soon cover them with gold medals. The “Courier” found out its mistake, and on Tuesday corrected Capt. Dobbin’s statement. Since last week’s RecorD reached Buffalo, it is said mem— bers of the life-saving station can be seen at any time pacing the wall of the breakwater with a spy-glass in each hand, looking for capsized yachts. Four big package freight carrier’s of the Union Steamboat and Lehigh Valley lines have left light for Chicago within the week. This is an unusual occurrence. I also note that the Canadian schooner Mary, loaded a full cargo of American wheat last week at the Niagara elevator, for shipment to St, Catherines, Ont. This is another unusual record. Messrs. Sloan, Cowles & Sloan will next winter build a wooden excursion steamer to be called the Puritan. She will be about 120 feet long, and 30 feet beam. The cost will be about $30,000. The small steamer Eldorado, which this firm is building for their own business, will be launched inside of two weeks, The steamer Columbia one day last week ran to Dunkirk, a distance of 40 miles, in 2 hours 19 minutes, an average of over 16 miles an hour. The tug L. Dimick, of Hand & Johnson’s line, was last week suld to Capt. J. Hursley, of Sault Ste. Marie, for about $8,000. The Dimick left for her new station last Saturday. Hand & J.-hnson’s new tug, which has been named the Cas— cade, will be out next week, The schooner G. G. Houghton was short 121 bushels on a wheat cargo from Toledo. The vessel unloaded at Hefford’s “Black Diamond” coal elevator. Coal freights are firm at last week’s figures, with only a fair amount of business doing. Canal freights are higher and - Atronger, ruling on a basis of 214 cents for wheat to New York, It is now considered an assured fact that the Union Line will build two large steel steamers at this port during the com— ing winter. [f s0, the Union Dry Dock Co. will also have all | the work that tuey may care to attend to. - DETROIT, MICH. Special Corresp ondence to The Marine Record. The steamer Wm. Edwards, Captain Wm. W. Collins, while passing here with the Golden Ageand C. Foster in tow grounded on the shoal lying about 500 feet from the lower end of the Michigan Central depot. Evidently this middle ground is making and deep draft vessels should ayoid it until the bank is marked or dredged, which ought to be done at the earliest possible time. ‘The work of raising the sunken steamer Progress is going 00 satisfactorily, she has now been moved to shoal water and it is expected that she will be ready for dry dock during the ‘course of a week or ten days, no slip will be allowed to take Place between where she now is and the shipyard. The Detroit Dry Dock Co., have been awarded the con- tract to build a large steel freight package steamer for the New York Central. Railroad Co., at a cost of $220,000. The Hudson and Harlem built here for the same Line has given such excellent satisfaction that the new boat will be on similar lines, only larger, and fitted with every known appliance and equipment to facilitate the handling of ship and cargo. The ‘Evening News’’ has the following to say on the canal tolls question: ‘Canada’s action in rescinding the order in council which provided for a rebste system that put the Cana- dian yesselmen to unfair competition with American ship- owners in the St. Lawrence river is a much more sensible out- come of the Canadian-American differences than any retali— atory acts would have been. The Canadians were clearly out- side the engagements of the trenty when they made gach dig- crimination against our vessel owners, and the application of the same rule to their floating property on the part of our government would come too near the bankruptcy of the Cana- dian lake merchant marine for our neighbors to take any chances on it. How badly the retaliation act advocated by President Harrison and given immediate effect by Congress hurt the Canadian national spirit was apparent from the chimerical schemes proposed for counter-retaliation, such as the draining of the lower lakes and the construction of the Humber river and Georgian bay ship canal. None of these methods, even if feasible, was necessury to the situation. All the Americans asked was to be treated as well ag they treat the Canadians, and that is the sensible course that the Cana— dians have adopted. The regatta has been the excitement of the week on the river. The Crusader won in the first class, Alice Enright in the second class, the Shamrock in the third, Ugo in the fourth, Cyclone in the fifth and the Corsar, Jr., in the sixth class, 45 yachts entered the lists and the Enright made the best time over the course. For some time past negotiations have been pending for the sale of the steamers City of Mackinaw and the City of Alpena to a syndicate of Cleveland capitalists and the deal is now completed. The consideration named is $275,000. The in- tention of the new Cleveland company is to establish a daily route between Cleveland and Buffalo. T. F. Newman, agent of the Detroit & Cleveland Line, will manage the Cleveland- Buffalo Line. They will not begin on this new route until next season, the D,. & C, Line retaining’ possession until the close of this season’s business, It is also proposed to lengthen the route of the Lake Huron division to take in Toledo on the south and Petoskey on the north. The City of Mackinac and City of Alpena are fast steamers, their average speed being 16 miles an hour, Plans are now being got out by Frank E, Kirby for two new bvats to cost $250,000 each. They will be built by June 1 next. Their hulls will be of steel, and they will be the fastest and best equipped vessels that ever ran on Lake Huron. They will be about 265 feet over all, and will have a guaranteed speed of 20 miles an hour. D. Whitney, Jr., the well-known vesselowner of this port, has just placed a contract with F. W. Wheeler & Co,, West Bay City, for a sister ship to the one recently ordered by the Hawgood & Avery Transit Co., of Cleveland. These will be the two largest steel steamers on the lakes. Colin McLach- lan, of Port Huron, owner of the Kittie M. Forbes and other fluating property has also placed a contract with Wheeler for a large schooner. Mr. McLachlan figured last winter on having a whaleback tow barge built, though why he switched off I have been unable to learn, @The large wooden steamer Neshoto, aground at Grosse Point for two days was pulled off by the Grummond Line wrecking tug early Wednesday morning. The D. & C, Line., steamer City of Mackinaw, on the Lake Huron division, left this port on Wednesday with 350 pas- sengers for upper lake points, this with a valuable freight list may be called fair business and the lake passenger trade is still in its initial movement, A NEW HARTI LINE STEAMER TO BE BUILT. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Escanaba, Micu.—There is not the least doubt but that the fine steel steamer Maryland, Capt Yax, will yet find the carry: ing capacity of this noted flag ship. On Monday last she took from this port 3,653 gross tons (4,091 net tons) consigned to the Illinois Steel Co. at South Chicago. ‘This cargo, which is by long odds the heaviest one yet carried on the lakes, was loaded in a draft of 17 feet 4 inches, and should there ever admit of a heavier draft atjSouth Chicago, the Maryland will swell the figures in excess of the four thousand mafk, and here I will say, what a boom to the carrying business it would be, if there was a depth of water at all wharves and in all harbors that was equal to the depth here, and even then the government has never expended one dollar towards improving this harbor, simply because it never has, nor will it probably ever require any expenditure to keep it what it is, one of the best, It seems probable that in the case of the schooner Baldwin, which was abandoned by the crew in,Lake Michigan last fall, and subsequently picked up by Booth’s tug, that the evidence given by Capt. Bartley and Arthur Leighton will tend toward making the case a rather peculiar one, and hardly will it preve anything but interesting to the owners and theshipper, It will, however, prove a big feature if they win, for they are today engaged in a fight that is watched with great interest to every vessel and insurance man in the lake trade. The little steamer Truscott was sold at Marshal’s sale .Mon- day for three hundred dollars. She will be fitted and will go in the cedar towing business across the Bay. The steamer Nellie took a pleasant party of our ‘old and young folks up the bay last week for a day's outing and they had a most erjoyable excursion, Capt. Marsh, of the steamer Ohio, very pleasantly entertained about twenty of our young folks on his steamer Monday evening. The Western Reserve may be accredited with carrying the heaviest cargo recorded as taken through the rivers, She took from Escanaba to Ashtabula 3,717 tons of iron ore. Assoon as the big steamer Maritana is completed we will, no doubt, hear of 4,500 tons being transported in one cargo from Esca- naba to South Chicago. She is expected to do this feat on a draft of seventeen feet, six inches, I have learned from reliable authority that the Hart line of stenmers will be extended next season through to Cleveland. It is nuw proposed to build next winter a much larger and finer craft than either of the present boats. This new craft will rum in connection with the Fannie C. Hart between Green Bay and Cleveland, stopping at all the intermediate points of interest,and the C. W. Moore, (now on the Sturgeon Bay-Menominee route, and Eugene C. Hart will take the Green Bay-Cheboygan route whilst the steamer Welcome will take the present route of the Moore, The Hart Bros, commenced this business only a few years ago with the Farnie C., and through persistent effort and efficient management they have added the remaining three craft, forming as pleasant and profitable a business as can be found in the passenger line. Snecess to such enterprise! Another instance of this kind is that of Hannah Lay & Co.’s steamer City of Grand Rapids, With but gloomy proepects they placed this fine passenger boat on the Traverse City, Es- canaba and Gladstone route, and though new rontes invariably call for a considerable amouut of cold cash, they have ‘‘stayed by her,” and today it may be said she has a pleasant business and about all she can handle. She makes this port three times each week (on time too), and with the re-opening of fruitand general produce it is doubtful whether she can handle all_ that comes her way, but, if such proves the case, the company have stated they areprepared to promptly meet the demand with another craft, thus making a daily line. Making direct con- nections with railroads on each side, as she does, a glance at the topography of the country will show the observer that not only does she save the through traveller twelve hours’ time, but she also saves him about one hundred and forty miles of travel, and seven of his dollars. The lighthouse tender Dahlia has been in this port for a few days looking after Government interests. As they relate to ‘aids to navigation.” anand Tue Martine Recorp man will, this week, make a trip or two as circumstances may require, to the port of Gladstone in the interests of the lake marine in general, and it is hoped that the interests of that port will fully_warrant the continuance of his regular visits. Uno. FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. The steamer Taylor,owned by the late Isle Royale Exploration Co , which has been lying at Duluth all season, has been sold to Grand Haven parties for $7,500. She will be used in the passenger business at Grand Haven, Mich. F. W. Wheeler & Co., West Bay City ship builders, find it too expensive to ship the anchors, chains, ete., which go with the lightships they are building for service on the Atlantic, by rail to Montreal, and yet when they are loaded upon tbe light- ships the vessels draw too much water for the St. Lawrence canals. The company has therefore decided to (ry the expe- riment of using canvas air bags under decks to make the boats draw less water in the canals, to balloon them up as it were, ' The owners of the barge Oliver Jeannette, of the Smith Transportation Co., Friday, caused « libel to be filed against the coal cargo recent'y delivered at Milwaukee by that vessel for W.M. Brigham & Co. The vessel was detained in port one week, and the demurrage claim amounts to $550, The new vessel which the Deroitt Drydock Co, has ¢on- tracted to build for the New York Central is to be 300° feet long, 41} feet beam and 23 feet depth of hold. We have received from the Vandalia or Diamond V Line a handsome pamphlet on the beauties of Lake Michigan tour- ing, and, of course, holding that the St. Joseph and Lake Michigan Transportation Uo. offer every advantage to the excursionist. The Ossifrage, Lora and Soo City comprise the & line between Milwaukee, Chicago and St. Joseph and’ Benton Harbor, and as the steamers make excellent railroad conec- tions and are managed by efficient caterers to the traveling public, the best possible enjoyment at economicn! rates must be obtained by traveling on the Vandalia Line steamers on Lake Michigan. A Chicago wrecking expedition has reached Toledo, O., and chartered the tug Schenck to locate the: schooner Favor— ite, which foundered off Monroe thirty-five years ago. The Favorite had a cargo of whisky and wine, whieh hay;become — yaluable on acconnt of its old age, if it can be found., Several previous expeditions have failed to locate her. »This‘one. Well! The excursion stermer Nebraska, is still in the hands of the United States marshall a. Milwaukee. i : The tug Dowling, Capt. John Moiles, passed through the Hay Lake channel last week drawing nine feet of water, She had no difficulty at the cut at the upper endinear Little Rap- ‘ ids. j