: THE MARINE RECORD. PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, 366 Milwaukee street, Milwaukee, Wis., August 4, 1892.—Sealed proposals for improv- ing Kewaunee Harbor, Wis., by the construc- tion of 550 feet more or less, of Pile Pier, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon August 20, 1892, and then publicly opened. Specifications, blank forms and all available in- formation will be furnished on application to this office. JAmes F. Grecory, Major of Engineers, U.S. A. 8-11 UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, room 9.), 134 Van Buren street, Chicago, Ill., August 6, 1892. Sealed proposals in triplicate for constructing three miles or less of the trunk of the Illinois and Mississippi canal near the mouth of Rock River; for screening, sorting and delivering sand and p¢bbles, and for excavating the lock pits, and#constructing the foundations for two locks, will be received at this office unti] 12 noon, central time, Satur- day, Avgvst 27, 1892, and then publicly opened. Specifications, blank forms, and all available information will be furnished on ap- plication to this office or to the office of assist- ant engineer, L. L. Wheeler, at Milan, lil. W. L. MArswarr, Captain, Corps of Engi- ARMY BUILDING, WHITEHALL-ST., New York City, July 26th, 1892, Sealed proposals, in duplicate, for the purchase of the side-wheel steamer Chester A. Arthur, will be received here until 12 o’clock, M, August 3lst., 1892, and then opened The vessel is in good condition and is sold because her services are no longer required. She is 124 feet long on deck, overall; 42 feet in width, over all; width of hull, 24 feet from outside to outside; tonnage about 178; drait abont 7k feet. Has passenger saloon 25 feet long by 12 feet wide, 8 feet wide aft. One stateroom, Lower cabin fitted up with berths, Machinery is in good condition, and boat is ready for immediate and continuous service. She was practically rebuilt in 1887, and new boilers were put in the year before. Terms cash on delivery of the boat. Each bid must be ac— companied by a certified check equal to ten per centum of the amount of the bid, She can now be seen at wharf foot of Van Dyke street, South Brooklyn, The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, Pro- posals must be endorsed “proposal for pur- chase of steamer Chester A. Arthur,’’ and ad- dressed to Alex, J. Perry, Assistant Quarter- ii MORE NEW TONNAGE. A special from West Bay City states that F, W. Wheeler & Co. have just closed a contract for a duplicate of the steel steamer recently ordered by Hawgood & Avery,"with the gen- eral dimensions of 380 by 45 by 25 feet, The comtract was closed also for a schooner of 250 foot keel, 41 feet beam and 18 feet deep, Mr. Wheeler declines to state for whom the new boats are to be built. Capt. James Davidson will begin laying the keel for a schooner 210 feet long, 35 feet beam and 18 feet deep,a sister ship of the two now under way intheyard. This makes the seventh boat built by him the present season, three steamers, three schooners and a barge, They will all be managed by | the Davidson Transportatian Co. It isalso on the boards that the D. & Cy Line will build two large passenger steamers to take the place of two of their side-wheel steamers which will be run in a new company be- iween Buffalo and Cleveland, though it is rather early to count on these contracts yet. Certainly the World’s Fair year will see a complete revolution in the steamboat passenger trade of the Great Lakes. WE call the attention of our readers to tie advertisement in jhe column of ‘*Proposals,’’ on page 11, where bids are asked for the U. 8, steamer Chester A. Arthur, nuw lying at neers, U.S. A. 8-11 25 master General, U. S. Army. 8-11 South Brooklyn. WALTER F. COBB, Vice-President and Treasurer. W. I. BABCOCK, Manager. O. R. SINCLAIR, Secretary and Asst. Treas. Chicago Ship Building Company, STEEL STEAM-SHIP BUILDERS. roist Street and Calumet River, COLEHOU Rois Daily at 8:30 A.M. to PUT-IN-BAY & RETURN $1. Meals, Refreshments, Brass and String Music, Evening Lake Rides every BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON, STEEL AND SKE Steamer City of Detroit F. W. WH EELER & COM PANY., MONDAY & SATURDAY, 8 P.M. © FROM SUPERIOR ST, WHARF. j SATURDAY NIGHT EXCURSIONS to DETROIT From June 5 to October 1, GIVING A FULL DAY IN THAT BEAUTIFUL CITY. FARE $2.25 ROUND TRIP. WHARF 23 RIVER STREET. A. A. SHANTZ, G, P. A. T. F, NEWMAN, G. A, £. T. HOWELL, City Pass. Agt, WOODEN SHIPS, FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. F. W. WHEELER, Prest. E. T. CARRINGTON, Vice-Prest. F. L, GILBERT, Secretary. INCORPORATED 1794. lnsurance Company of North CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, - Rena eo EN ee Soe eg America, $3,0C0,050.00 President, & Treas, CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A PLATT, Vice- EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E FRYER, JOHN H, ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department. GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manager, CHICAGO, ILLS. ORGANIZED 1881, $e Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance Co,,' CAPITAL, 3 s _ $ 400,000 ASSETS, : t - 900,000 LOSSES PAID, over - : - 1,500,000 DN. WHITNEY, Jr., President. EUGENE HARBECK, Secretary. This Company will transact a Hull and Cargo business on the Lakes during the season of 1892. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. INSURE IN A STRONG HOME COMPANY. DETROIT, MICH. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Marine Boiler, For YACHTS, LAUNCHES and other Steamers, THE ORIGINAL FIXED WATER LINE PIPE BOILER. “IMITATION THE SINCEREST FLATTERY.” We are collecting royalties from the customers of many infringers, NEARLY 400 IN USE. SAFE, RELIABLE, SIMPLE, LIGHT WEIGHT, ECONOMICAL, NO SHOP REPAIRS, SMALL SPACE. Send for ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET and other reading matter, with huudreds of enthusiastic letters from purchasers and engineers. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co., Works covering 1 2000 sq. ft. of ground at RED BANK, N. 3. 18 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK CITY, 9,273,220.00_ MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. | ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, (ORGANIZED 1842.) Office, 64 Wall Street, NEW YORK. | Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and will issue Policies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its Policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the remiums terminated during the year; thereby reducing the cost of insurance. For such diy- idends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. J, D. JONES, Prest. W.H.H. MOORE, Vice-Prest. A. A. RAVEN, 2nd Vice-Prest. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secy. CAPITAL $300,000. The Marine Bank Company, Incorporated in 1894 under State Law. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Successors to E. B, HALE & CO., established in 1852. DIRECTORS: W. H. BARRISS, President. H. C. RANNEY, Vice-President, C. E, BURKE, THOS. FITZPATRICK, THOS, H. WHITE, Would be pleased to meet or correspond with an, oue whose present Banking relations are not entirely satisfactory, or who, for any reason, ,ropose to open a new account, ) We promise to make every effort to make ou» Bank a safe, agreeable and profitable place W. B. HALE, Cashier. MARTYN BONNELL to do business. PHCENIX IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Modern Marine Engines, Boilers, Ete. ))}SPEOLAL ATTENTION GIVEN 10 REPAIRS. Office, 15. i ; TELEPHONES : { epee PORT HURON, MICH. | The above cut represents our new Deck Hoist.