THE MARINE RECORL, Nl |ARINE DIVISION-WORLD’S FAIR NOTES. Jd whaling bark “Progress,” with her extensive of marine curios and relies of whaling voyages, the harbor at Chicago, and is being visited by of people. he pilot commission of New York has decided to ke an exhibit at the World’s Fair in the Transporta ion department. A model of a pilot boat, on the scale of one-half inch to the foot, and a number of oil paint- illustrating the pilot service will be in the exhibit. - The Hoboken Ferry company of New York wants to show afac-simile model of the twin screw steamer at the World’s Fair, built in 1805, with original engines and poiler. As a contrast to this venerable craft it will show the model of a modern screw ferry boat, the Hamburg. built in 1892. ~The Electric Launch and Navigation Company of New York has been awarded the contract for running electric boats on the interior waterways at Jackson park during the World’s Fair. It will pay the Exposition _ 833g per cent. of the gross receipts. These boats will convey visitors from one point to another or on a gen- ~ eral three mile tour of the grounds, as desired. Such a tour affords some of the finest views of the buildings ~ and grounds, and is sure to be popular. _ Chief Willard A. Smith of the Transportation Depart- ment of the World’s Fair has secured for exhibition one of the old French voyager’s boats, which he found in the State Historical Museum of Wisconsin, at Madison. Tne boat is an old batteau of the pattern used by the French-Canadian fur traders in their voyages on the lakes and rivers of the Northwest before Ilinois or Wisconsin had been organized as territories. It is a _ leviathan of canoes, weighing 1,100 pounds, is thirty feet long, and in its day carried eighteen men and over a ton of goods for the Indian trade. Secretary Thwait of the Wisconsin Historical Museum, on one ot his canoe trips two years ago, found this relic, water-logged, on the banks of the upper St. Croix, and had it conveyed to Madison. a ee ss cnled SS " MANUFACTURING WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS. There is no more prominent marine industry in the United States than that of. manufacturing windlasses and capstans for the use of the various classes of ton- nage put afloat each year. The American Ship Windlass Co., of Providence, R. 1., established in 1857, is the Jead— ing plant in this special manufacture, and so adept have their skilled workmen become, that within the past few years the price of all ground tackle mechanism has been reduced fully 25 per cent. on former close margins. Special tools, patent machinery, and a liberal equipment, ” with energetic management, has, of course, had much to do with the reduction in the price of some ot the most important portions of a ship’s outfit, but, it is safe to say ~ that this great industry would not have been what it is to-day if foreign nations bad been allowed to build and equip American tonnage. Tt is also gratifying to note that the export trade of American capstans and wiudlasses has now reached a ‘special feature in the mauufacture, and that shipments are made from Providence, R. I., to all civilized portions of the world, for the purpose of equipping foreign yachts, _Merchantmen, and naval tonnage. one ee WELLAND CANAL STATISTICS. = ry The following statement shows the total quantity of freight passed through the Welland Canal, and the quan- tity passed through the canal between United {states ports, during’ the fiseal years ended 30th June, 1867 to 1891, - inclusive ; _ YWEARs. Toran. U.S. Ports. " Tons. Tons, 933,260 458,386 1,161,821 641,711 1,231,903 688,700 1,311,956 747,756 L478122 772/567 1,319,996 638,039 1,391,692 634,913 1,540,081 703,185, 1,142,853 595,217 1,121,802 24197 1,126,429 482/878 1091808 448413 918,924 361,304 896,122 248,044 798,809 ~~ 196,285 644,727 191,817 861634 837,619 965,880 417,972 $39,521 416,825 934/862 443/0¢1 838,587 387,109 827,300 887,555 938,254 464,415 1104553 550,844 959,502 563,856 seen by the foregoing figures that the largest ctelght passed through the Welland Canal Was ( vs the fiscal year of 1874, when the ,081 tons. The smallest quantity passed through in any one year was in 1882, when the quantity decreased to 644,727 tons; in 1890 the quantity increased to 1,104,553 tons, and decreased in 1491 to 959,502 tons. The largest tonnage passed through the Welland Canal, between United States ports, for the same period, was during the fiscal year of 1871, the quantity being 747,756 tons, the quantity, however, decreased to 191,817 tons in er but has since gradually increased to 563,856 tons in 91, rr et ee THE STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. The annual report of the Supervising Laspectors of Steam Vessels, just received, contains the following in- teresting statistics for the year ending Dee. 31, 1891: ‘Total number of steamers inspected in the United States 7,627, with a net tonnage of 1,523,303 22; number of boilers inspected, 10,453; number found defective, 748; increase of steamers inspected over previous year, 327; increase of tonnage, 38,281.14. Number of masters who have licenses, 9,171; number of pilots, 8,301; number of engineers, 16,033; number of mates, 2,166; number of joint pilots’ and engineers’ licenses issued, 278, making a total of 35,949 licensed steam vessel officers in the United States. Total number of lives lost 205; decrease from the previous year, 163; value of steam vessel property lost by all causes for the yer, $1,691,746—a decrease from the year previous of $64,648.70, SUEEEEEEEEediieentie NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notices is hereby given that a small shoal, gravel and boulders, has been found 900 yards west, 3g south of the Waugoshance 18 foot shoal buoy. The least depth of water over this shoal is 15 feet 10 inches. A second-class nun buoy painted black has been placed in 23 feet of water 15 vards northwest of the shoal. The position of the buoy is as follows: Wanugoshance Light Station, S. E. by S.. 14g miles; St. Helena Light Station, E. N. EB. 1g, E_121¢ miles; White Shoal, Light Vessel, N. W. by N., 25¢ miles; Grays Reef Light Vessel, W. S. W. 3¢, W. 4 miles The buoy is on a line between Waugoshance Light Station and White Shoal Light Vessel and nearly on a line between St. Helena Light Station and Gray’s Reef Light Vessel. These ranges should be useful in turning this buoy at night. The red and black nun buoy on the 18 foot shoal has been removed. Byorderof the Lighthouse Board, Commander NicoLu Lup.ow, U.S. A., Inspector 9th Lighthouse District. s™. MARY'S RIVER LIGHTS, Notice is hereby given that the following described aids to navigation have been established on the St. Marys River, Michigan: Sweets Point.—A fixed white lens lantern light, show ing through 360° of are, on a crib structure standing in 7 feet of water. Marks the turning point in the channel, and guides up the river to the northward and westward. Winter Point Range —Two fixed white lens-lantern lights, showing throngh 270° of are. The front light is shown from an npright on a cluster of piles and the rear light from an iron skeleton tower on the southern end of Neebish Island. The range guides up to or down from the mid channel] buoy in Mud Lake, Encampment Crib.—A fixed red tubular-lantern light, shown from an upright on a crib in 8 feet of water, off the southern end of Sailors Encampment. Marks a shoal and the western side of the entrance to Sailors Encampment passage. East Range, Dark Hole.—Two fixed red tubular- lantern lights, shown from uprights on the upper end of Sailors Encampment. The range intersects with Point of Woods Range to mark the turning point in the chan- nel, and leads to or from an intersection with the chan nel marked by the West Range, Dark Hole, West Range, Dark Hole.—Two fixed white tubular— lantern lights, shown from uprights on the upper end of Sailors Encampment. The rauge intersects with East ange, Dark Hole, to mark the turning point in the channel, and leads to or from abreast the second black spar buoy below Harwoods Point. Point of Woods Range.—Two fixed red tubular-lantern lights, sbown from uprights on the eastern side of Nee- bish Island. This range guides through the Dark Hole passave, and by its intersection with the West Range, Dark Hole, marks the turning point to or from the lower reach of Little Mud Lake. Hen and Chickens (Neebish Island) Range—Two fixed red tubular-lautern lights, showu from uprights. The front light is on the most easterly of the small group of islauds known as the Hen and Chickens, and t‘e rear Jight is on the northeasterly shore of Neebish Island. The range guides through the passage between Sugar Island aud St. Joseph Island (Canadian.) East Neebish Range.—Two fixed red tubular-lantern lights, on uprights on Sugar Island at the foot of East Neebish. The range guides through the upper reach of Hast Neebish and its mtersection with Indian Point Range marks the turning point. Indian Point Range.—Two fixed white tubular-lan— tern lights, on uprights on Indian Point, East Neebish. ‘The range guides through the lower reach of East Nee- bish and its intersecuon with East Neebish -Range marks the turning point. Duck Island Range.—Two fixed red tubular-lantern lights, on uprights near the water’s edge on the channel side of the lower end of Duck Island, above East Nee- bish. The range shows upstream towards the lower Lake George crib-light, and the range between these may be followed from the crib down to abreast of the head of Dueck Island. Lower Lake George.—A fixed white tubular-lantern light, on an upright rising from a crib 50 feet from the east side of the lower end of the main Lake George Chan- nel, _ Middle Take George—A fixed red tubular-lantern light, ou top of a dwelling resting on a erib 50 faet from site east side of the main Lake George Channel, at the elbow. Upper Lake George—< fixed red lens lantern light, on an upright rising from aecrib 50 feet from the east side of the upper end of the main Lake George Channel, and marks the northerly entranee into the dredged cut. Notr:—The threo lake George lights marks the entranoe into, the elbow of, andythe outlet from the main channel of Lake George. Church's Point.—A fixed white lens-lantern light, on an upright rising from a erib in 14 feet of water, at the head of Lake George. Marks the approach to the pas sage between Sagar and Squirrel Islands, and is to be left to the westward by vessels bound either way. _ Manhattan Shoal.—A fixed red and white lens-lantern light, on an upright rising from a crib on a 10-foot shoal ofi the N. E. end of Sugar Island, The light shows red up and down stream and white between. The down stream line between the white and red light marks the turn to the eastward to be made midway in the bend, and the like line up stream shows where the deflection is to be made to pass into or from the Garden River reach. Catholic Mission Range.—Two fixed white tubular- lantern lights on uprights on the south shore of Little Lake George, north end of Sugar Island. The range marks the upper reach of Little Lake George, and its Bago with Payment Range marks the turning point. Payment Range.—T wo fixed red tubular-lantern lights, on uprights on the south shore of Little Lake George, north end of Sugar Island. The range marks the lower reach of Little Lake George, and its intersection with the Catholic Mission Range marks the turning point. Palmer's Point—A tixeda white Isns-lantern light, with two fixed red sectors, on an upright rising from a crib on the channel bank off Palmer’s Point, upper end of Little Lake George. The northerly edge of the east-— tern red sector cuts the first black buoy below the light and the northerly edge of the western red sector cuts the first black buoy aboye Wilson’s Wharf, thus marking the two turning points. Farmers Ridges Range —T wo fixed red tubular-lantern lights, on uprights on the northwest side of Sugar Island. The range guides through the Farmer’s Ridges passage. Partridge Point Range—Two fixed red tubular-lantern lights, on uprights on the northwestern side of Sugar Island. The range intersects with Farmers Ridges range to mark the turning poiut in the channel abreast of Bru- sants Point. Topsail Island Range.—Two fixed red tubular lantern lights, on uprights on the northwestern side of Sugar Island. The range intersects with Sault range to lead clear of the shoal extending southward from ‘Topsail Island, and also intersects with Farmers Ridges range at the turning point in the channel. Bayfiela Rock Range.—Two fixed white tubular Jan- tern lights, on uprights on the northwestern side of Sugar Island. The range leads past Bayfield Rock to. the lower end of the canal, intersecting with Sault range to make the channel clear of Topsail Island Shoal. Sault Kange—Two fixed red tubular lantern lights, on uprights on shore below the city of Sault Ste. Marie. Iutersects with Bayfield Rock range to mark the channel to the intersection of Topsail Island range, and also marks the turning point in the channel on the’ Baytield Rock range leading up to the lower entrance tu the canal. iS By order of the Light House Board, James A. GREER, Rear Admiral, U. 8. Navy, Chairman. Office of the Light House Board, Washington, D. C., August 11, 1892. $a + INQUIRY INTO THE LOSS OF SHIPPING. The July number.or the Vautical Wagazine contains an article on the causes of marine casualties which points out very forcibly how an apparently trifling over- sight or disubedience to instructions, be they ever so slight, may at times cause a serious disaster. ae The stranding of the Minnia on the coast of: Brazil was caused by the fact that the master kept away for a boat supposed to contain a pilot, notwithstanding the fact that his sailing directions stated distinetly that pilots never ventured outside the port. _ vi ne The steamer Derwenutwater was lost because he officer mistook the light of Cape Finisterre for that of an approaching steamer. rn baad Casualties to ships, concerning which inquiries have been held at home ports during the period embraced: by the twelve numbers of the Magazine for 1891, may fairly be classed under the following heads: Neglect of the lead ; negligent navigation ; stress of weather ; collision ; erroneous inferences with respect to lights, soundings, tides and currents; -explosion; foundering; dre; and unknown dangers. Forty-one vessels were incautiously navigated ; 21 came to grief by neglect of the lead; 18 suffered through stress of weather ; there were 4 cases of collision affecting 28 ships; 9 were endangered by erroneous references with respect to lights and currents ; 4 struck unknewn submerged dangers ; one was burnt; one was danaged by an explosion caused by coal gas coming into contact with a naked light ; and oneship has not been heard of since leaving England. Not one of these ships was proved to have been faulty in construc- tion or overladen. Sa eee a a cc jus been issued. A copy will be sent free to any Ship application to the office of the Light-House Bo ton, D. C., or to the offices of the Light Chicago, Buffalo, or Detroit.