Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 25 Aug 1892, p. 10

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ON CORRECTING LAKE COURSES. 7 Marine Record: Herewith please find a list of the principal runs on the lakes that require correction for the “inclination” of the magnetic meridians, with the required corrections, also error that would result in the “landfall” if the cor- rection were not applied—the compass being regarded as correct, or in proper adjustment. Of course, it is only those runs that make a consider- able difference of longitude that require this correction, as explained in Tue MARINE RECORD for August 4. The reason for making this correction will be seen when we recollect that in sailing on any course that makes “departure” or difference of longitude away from the immediate vicinity of the equator, the compass card ‘swings to the right or left—to the right when the ship makes westing, to the left when she makes easting— the magnetic pole being the center of motion, thus taking ship to north in either case. At the equator, the correction for this “swing” of the card is nothing, for, the meridians being parallel for all differences of longitude, there is no inclination, and con- sequently no ‘‘swing” of the card. At the magnetic pole the inclination of the meridians is at its greatest, which is the full difference of Jongitude, while between these limits the inclination varies as the sine of the mean latitude of the two points between which the ship sails. But for reasons given in the issue of Tux Mariner Recorp abovereferred to, the difference of longitude is assumed as the inclination of the meridian passing through the points between which the ship sails. na is very slightly too large—say 2 per cent. to 4 per cent. This ditference of longitude, derived from the U.S. List of Lights, is given in the frst column of the follow- ing table, and suows the full amount of the swing of the card between the points named—the half of which, given in the second column, is the amount of the “correction,” always to be applied to the south—#. ¢., to the left when the ship makes westings, to the right when she makes eastings. . The distance given in the third column is the approxi- mate distance between the points named, as deduced from the chart. This distance, with the correction-angle given in the second column, are the factors from which the “error” of landfall is derived, that would result were the correction not applied. The 1% of a point being 1°24’, it will be seen that most, or the greater part of them may be called the 14 of a point. But the student may ask “how are we to make correction for the fraction of an 1¢ of a point when cur compasses are not graduated below 1°?—say the correction of 46’, South Manitou and Chi- cago. Here it will be seen that 46’ is slightly more than 4% of an 14 of a point. Sail with a correction of a full 3%, alittle more than one-half of the distance, and sail the balance of the distance without any correction. This correction of the course is small? but it is import- ant, as without it we should find ourselves out full three miles: ‘ CORREOTION OF COURSES FOR INCLINATION OF MAGNETIC MERIDIANS. . jai is gigs |b B28 83acsg 88 JESE Name or Course or Run. Sage als ask o! gS /25 SA SAE CS arses] eee AO" | 3 ie et Baer g ( Whitefish Point—Copper Harbo1| 2.54 | 1.27] 145] 36 g -| 3.48 | 1.54] 192] 6.0 E 230} 1,15} 116| 2.6 B 2,57 | 1.28) 138] 3.6 4 2.39 | 1.20) 136] 3.2 1,20) 40} 68] 8 4 {South Manitou—Chicago. 1,82] .46) 228] 3.0 = ( Grand Haven—Chicago... 1,22} 41) 109] 13 e hone Poiut—Point Pelee. 2.24) 1.12] 183] 2.8 « ( Buffalo—Long Point... 1.10} 35] 60] 6 It is to be remembered that this correction must always be applied to the soutii, 7. e. to the left when ship makes westings, to the right when she makes eastings. H. C. PEARSONS. ODO er AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. SAN FRANCISCO, AUG. 15, 1892. To THE HonoraBLE CuAs, Foster, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, WASHINGTON, D. ©. DEAR Sir :—We, the officers of the American Mercan- tile Marine Service, residents of the city of San Francisco, Cal, respectfully call your attention to the efforts being made to grant American registry and license to the alien Officers of the steamships “City of Paris” and “ City of New York,” and to urge upon you the necessity for re- taining the management of all steamers earrying the American flag, in the hands of regularly licensed Ameri- ean citizens. For nearly one hundred years American ' Officers have shown their superiority to those of all foreign nations. In the last war with England, our OY ae ‘THE MARINE RECORD. ships were the better sailed, better handled, and almost invariably victorious in action. The American trans- Atlantic packet service, owned and manned exclusively by American officers, was from 1816 to the time of our rebellion, the pride and glory of the American nation. Our foreign clipper service from 1845 until superseded by steam, challenged the admiration of the entire mari- time world. ‘The “Collins” line of American steam- ships, were further examples of American enterprise, and surpassed all steamship records to that date. The yacht “ America” defeated all competitors in the great race in the British channel, proving that American builders and officers acknowledged no equals in the world, and since that time the Trophy won by her has never been wrested from our possession. Now that Congress has authorized the purchase of these foreign built vessels, we desire to prove to the world that Americans can equal, or excel the British officers who are now seeking to retain their positions by special legislation after the transfer of these ships to American registry. We earnestly request that you use your exertions to defeat any proposition that may be advauced with a view to this end, and denounce such an attempt as un- American and impolitic and which should merit the condemnation of all patriotic Americans without dis- tinction of party. We of San Francisco, numbering nearly two thousand licensed officers of the Mercantile Marine, unanimously condemn such legislation, and ask that the inherent rights of American citizens be maintained, to the total exclusion of aliens from American registry. We have the honor to remain, 4 Yours very respectfully, Joint Committees: Capt. G. H. Bennett, Capt. J. W. Gage, Capt. R. C. B. Schwartz, of Steamboat Pilot Cal. Harbor No. 15. F. Cookson, Gso0. A. Dunn, Chas. 8. True, of Marine Engineers Association No. 35. a+ CONTRACT FOR TWO LARGE STEEL TWIN- SCREW PASSENGER STEAMERS. The contract for the construction of two large passen- ger propellers for the Great Northern Railroad Line, has finally been awarded to the Globe Iron Works Co., Cleve- Jand, Ohio. Although it was widely announced that the dealhad been closed some two weeks ago it was not until last Saturday that the preliminaries were settled, and the “ Globe” instructed to go ahead with the work, , The placing of this order marks perhaps the most im- portant step ever undertaken in the history of the Jake marine, and positively so, as regards the class of ton- nage under construction; for the two large new boats are to eclipse in every point all the tonnage heretofore con- structed on the great lakes. The Lake Superior passenger traffic has been steadily increasing each year; 24,856 passad through St. Mary’s canal in 1890, and in 1891, 26,190, with probably a corres- ponding increase in the passenger traftic for the calendar year ending 1892. It may also be stated that the present service is inadequate to supply the transportation facili- ties, as during the height of the season existing lines are obliged to refuse carrying a large number of passengers. This feature of the traffic has, however, been closely gone over by those financially interested in the outcome of this seemingly stupendous transportation deal, and the statistics at hand would seem to fully warrant the million dollar expenditure entered into by the Great Northern Railroad Co.; for a connecting link in their future Trans-Pacific Continental-Atlantie trafic, for which a thorough and perfect system has already been mapped out. The geveral hull dimensions of the new steamers will be 380 feet over all, 360 feet keel, 44 feet beam, and 26 feet depth of hold. Ihe engines are to be of the triple expansion type of 6,000 horse power, and steam will be generated by thirteen 12 feet boilers; both steamers are to have twin-screws, and a guaranteed speed of twenty miles an hour, making the distance of 1,000 miles between Buffalo and Duluth or West Superior in fifty hours, the lesser speed obtained in shoal water being pro- vided for by the power to increase speed in deep water. Passenger accommodation as at present planned is for 450 persons, or say, 250 saloon and 200 steerage, and it is safe to say that the entire appointments will be a revela- tion to the traveling public, not only of the lake states but of the world. " The entire machinery is estimated to weigh 1,000 tons, so that but little freight will be carried, probal few hundred tons, This is to be a pace tae eee nothing else till after the passenger capacity is made the most of. Though with 4,000 tons displacement they will come well up among good ocean steamers for size, hay- ete vintden 4 capacity of the New York and Savannah ough of course incomparabl: i respects parably superior in other The estimated cost of these steamers is $500, and the contract calls for their completion by ce in £ ae ee in Weels which would bar out of compe. ition any smaller or less well equipped shi i than the Globe Iron Works Co.t Preah sbanalea yar | the canal tolls dispute. Thus far no cabinet meeting has Tur Yacht Outing, owned by Mr. D. H. burg, N. Y., has her propeller wheel placed ab forward of her stern post. She is only 45 fe-t kee feet over all, The Outing is the only yacht constr this model, the advantage of which eonsists largely ij that the screw ean never be raised out of the water ey strongest sea, and moreover, the vibration that results ¢ long shaft is to a considerable extent avoided, sy THE present season, if it continues as it has th gressed, will be remarkable in the history of trai travel in the high average of voyagea made by the great The City of Paris, the Teutonic, the Umbria, have feats that have been, when taken in comparison with | achievements in the past, remarkable to a profound Records have been made that, while not regarded ag able, are nevertheless wonderful. The proportion of ¢ ters has been excepticnally small. hie Hon. Joun HacGerry, minister of railways and is quoted as saying that he had issued orders to the cont tors of the canal of the Canadian ‘‘Soo,” to rush the wo through to completion without a moment’s delay, — increased number of men will be engaged, and the wo maintaiued summer and winter until the job is finished, — I members of the Government continue to decline to called, and the impression prevails that the Government not recede from its position, but will continue the eba system until the end of the season. bY Mruister RyAN, in transmitting to the State Departm recently published statistical tables of Mexican, foreign shipping movements for 1891, calls attention to the hi gratifying condition of our ocean commerce with the nei boring Republic. He says: ‘‘It will beseen that more Am can steamers entered the Mexican ports than those of all | other nations of the world combined; that American sailing vessels entering were infinitely in excess of those cf any other country, and that Mexico’s domestic or internal commerce was carried by more American steamships and sailing vessels. than those of all other nations combined, with the single ex~ ception of Mexico itself.”” ‘A MODEL of ocean currents is to be exhibited at the World’s Fair which will possess great practical value. This model, which is a huge scientific tank, is made to represent the sui 4 face of the earth spread out on an area of about thirty fi et square, the ocean and seas being shown by actual water. Small streams of water are ejected through pipes under the mode! so that the whole body of water moves exactly as the ocean — currents move. The direction of the currents is shown di tinctly by a white powder on the surface of the water. Ne the model will be placed alarge map giving the fullest details of the furce, volume and direction of the various ccean cur- rents. - ; Arrer a life-long service, working earnestly and conscien- tiously for God and man, Captain David P. Dobbins was laid — to rest Monday afternoon, The chapel of the Trinity Church Buffalo, N. Y., was filled with his late friends and associates wh came to render him just homage, when he was beyond the cal of this world. The honorary bearers were the vestry men of Trinity Church of which body deceased had long been a met ber. The active bearers were chosen from his associates in t Life Saving Service: Capt..Wm. Fish of Big Sandy Light, E, Chapman, Oswego; Joseph O. Doyle, Charlotte; Thomas Williams, Buffalo; A. P. Junsen, Erie; C. C. Goodwin, Cley: land; &. M. Clements, Point Marblehead, O, and Wn. M. Devan, Louisville, Ky. Among others present were: William F, Williams, of the local service; Capt. John Blackburn, of | Oswego, and Lieut. Moore, who has now temporary charge o} the station at Buffalo, H $$$ PROPOSALS. < TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE of General Superintendent U.S. Life-Saving Service, Washington, D. C., August 18, 1892, Sealed proposals will be received at: this of- fice until 2 p. m. of Saturday, the 17th day of September, 1892, for furnishing supplies re- quired for use of the Life-Saving Service for 3 the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893; the sup- plies to be delivered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich., and San Francisco, Cal., as may be required; and in the quantities named in the specifications. The supplies needed consist of Beds and Bed- ding, Blocks and Sheaves, Cordage, Crockery, Furniture, Hardware, Lamps, Lanterns, ete.; Lumber, Medicines,ete,; Paints,Oils, ete.; Ship Chandlery ,Stoves,ete.;Tools and Miscellaneous articles, all of which are enumerated in the specifications attached to the form of bid, ete., which may be obtained upon application to — this office, or to the Inspector of Life-Saving Stations, 24 State street, New York City; Superintendent Eleventh Life-Saving Dis- trict, Grand Haven, Mich., and Superintend- ent Twelfth Life-Saving District, Appraisers’ New Building, San Francisco, Cal, Enye- lopes containing, proposals should be ad- dressed to the ‘‘General Superintendent U, S. Life-Saving Service, Washington, and marked on the outside ‘Proposals ‘ Annual Supplies.” The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive defeets, i deemed for the interests of the Governme: 8. I. Kiwparn, Gen, Supt. y Sabo

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