. ESTABLISHED 1878. CLEVELAND, OHIO, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. NO. 36 THE HURONTARIO SHIP RAILWAY. At the-last session of the Ontario legislature an act was passed incorporating the Ontario Ship Railway Co ~The project of this company is to build a three-track railway from Toronto, on Lake Ontario, to Collingwood, on Georgian Bay,in Lake Huron, for the purpose of hauling lake vessels between those two points. Simply stated, the plans provide for basins or docks at the terminals, which can beemptied and filled at will, and where the vessels can be floated on and off the enormous _ ear designed to transport them. On the car the vessels will rest securely oncradles. The caritself willbe drawn _ by six or more powerful locomotives. The Ontario ship railway will be about 66 miles long, _ and will run from Collingwood, on Georgian Bay, to the mouth of a small river west of Toronto. Georgian bay isan arm of Lake Huron, and this ship railway would _ make a new route between Lake Huron and Lake Onta- Tio, by cutting off the round-about course through Lake Huron, St. Clair river, Lake St. Clair, Detroit river, Lake Erie and the Welland canal, or any part of the route. Immense adjustable. cradles are fitted, or to be fited, on three railway tracks of the standard guage, and by this means vessels of all forms or size may be conveyed from basin to basin. The sole question is, whether it is practicable to trans- _ portan ordinary freight carrier over 66 miles of railroad _ and deposit her uninjured, not only once, but year after year. Of course vessels go on and come off a marine rail- toad, or slip, without injury; and by acarefuladjustment of the cradles, it is somewhat difficult to understand why they can not be moved as successfully as when water. borne. But if this cannot be done with surety over a moving roadbed, as it were, ordinary vessels will not be risked by their owners in this kind of a journey, although perhaps the “whaleback” model, or a modification of same, might be found particularly adapted for such ser- vice, and if so, the comparative cost of building a railroad will not be permitted to stand in the way for a much longer period. The Chignecto ship railway, which is placed at the boundary between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and _ spans the narrow is:hmus between Chignecto bay, at the head of the Bay of Fundy and Northumberland straits, _ is far beyond being a mere enterprise on paper. Great _ sums have been laid out upon it, and even the machinery for lifting the ships has been built. Operations were sus- pended some years ago by the want of funds, but within afew weeks money for going on with the work is said to have been raised in London. Marine interests generally willeagerly watch the developments of the Chignecto system, and if successful, capital without stint will be found ready to invest in so plausibleand time-saving - a route as the Hurontario sbip rail way offers. P $$$ THE BRIDGING QUESTION IN CHICAGO RIVER. Much complaint is made by the marine interests _ against the inaction of the War Department in the Chi cago river cases, now in its hands. It was nearly a year ago when a complaint was first filed against the Fort Wayne Railroad Bridge as an unreasonable obstruction _ to navigation. Captain Marshall, the United States En- _ gineer, investigated the complaint, and his report was to the effect that the bridge could be remodeled. Secretary Proctor sustained Captain Marsball’s findings, and the Fort Wayne road was ordered to make the changes. Be- ! anything had been done, however, Secretary Redfield tor resigned, and was succeeded by Secretary Steve The company asked for a rehearing, and ime to this nothing has been done, so far as The railroad company is quite willing to let the case drag along until next year, when it can be pleaded that changes in the bridge will interfere with its World’s Fair business. Marine men have suffered great delay all this season at the objectionable bridge, and pow have no hope of any relief for the rest of the season. The same delay is experienced with the South Halsted street bridge. The Lake Line Agents’ Association is unable to get a reply from the War Department in regard to what action is to be taken to stop the city from the construction of the proposed bridge. If the department does not act soon the marine men will apply for an injunction to stop the city from its construction. OED Oo oa A CHANCE FOR THE WEATHER-WISE. The United States Weather Bureau desires to make as complete a collection of the weather proverbs of the United States as pussible, and for that purpose is seeking the co-operation of citizens throughout the country. A distinction is asked to be made, when possible, between those of American origin and those which have been im- ported, the origin of each being given, when possible; whether Indian, Scotch, Irish, English, French or German, ete. Asimilar work was issued by the Department in 1883, by H. H. C. Dunwoody, under the direction of Gen, Hazen, Chief Signal Officer, U.S. A., and it is evidently expected that a great deal more lore may be added in the compila- tion of anewedition. All conceivable styles and theories of prognostications are contained in the former issue of ‘‘Weather Proverbs”, the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms being called upon to contribute their quota. $$ $$$ oc A VESSEL REPORTING STATION. According to an appropriation granted by the first ses- sion of the Fifty-second Congress, 4 sub-marine cable is now being laid between Thunder Bay Island and Middle Island, to connect by telephone with the weather bureau station at Alpena. Superintendent E. L. Bugbee, in charge of the U.S. Weather Bureau telegraph lines, will carry out the work of connecting these important points, and in the near fu- ture an official vessel reporting telegraph station will no doubt be organized, so that all vessels passing by day, and by showing a distinguishing signal at night, may be re- ported to their owners from Alpena by wire. 1 oO? or EQUIPMENT OF THE PASSENGER STEAMER CHICORA. In the outfit of the Graham & Morton, Lake Michigan passenger steamer, Chicora, there is found a series of modern equipments equal to the finest tonnage afloat. The most thorough and perfect system of electric light- ing has been furnished by the Detroit Electrical Works, and this firm having given special attention to marine work, the installation on tue Chicora is claimed to be su- perior to any afloat on the lakes; and now after a fair trial itis pronounced most satisfactory. ‘The standard equipment of modern steam windlass, aud capstans, and pumps are from the best manufacturers in the trade, and the Worthington, Rumsey, the estate of Wm. Moses, and other well known names contribute to the outfit. The entire ship chandler’s equipment was furnished by H. D. Edwards & Co., and the magnificent saloon fittings and furnishings by the Leonard & Carter Furniture Co. | diameter will be thrown 240 feet, reaching a height of The hard-wood finish and interior decorations by wil- | 160 or 170 feet, which would go completely over any liam Wright & Co. Painting and glazing by Whitney & Smith. Carpets and bedding by Newcomb, Endicott & | number of connections for hose, and will carry 5, Co. As all of the above firms are specialists in their line of goods and work, the best results have been ob. tained in all branches of the outfit. NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN AND NortH- WESTERN LAKES.—WAUGOSHANCE LiguT STATION. Notice is hereby given that, on or about September 25, 1892, the color of the tower, dwelling and fog-signal house at Waugoshance Light-Station, northerly end of Lake Michigan, Michigan, will be changed from a dull hrown to bright red and white, painted in alternate horizontal bands in such a way that the band immediately under the lantern gallery will be white, and that lower down the band of red shall cover the roof of the dwelling, leay- ‘ing dwelling, tower and fog-signal house below the lower edge of the roof white. The first band immediately under the gallery will be 8 feet wide, painted white; the second band 8 feet wide, painted red; the third band 9 feet wide, painted white; and the fourth band 11 feet wide, painted red, and will cover the roof of the dwelling. The gallery deck and lantern will remain black, as heretofore. By order of the Light House Board. JAMES A. GREER, Rear Admiral U.S. Navy, Chairman. a FOR LIFE SAVERS. One of the noble works inaugurated hy the United Society of Christian Endeavor is the holding of religious services in Life Saving Stations in the United States and British Provinces. This feature was first introduced on the New Jersey coast through the instrumentality of Rev. S. Edward Young, of Asbury Park, and meetings have been held, it is stated with encouraging success. Rev. Mr. Young has also helped to secure through Congress better wages for the Life Savers, and they are especially thankful for the encrgetic interest he received in this work. The movement has been indorsed by Hon, Sum- ner I. Kimball, Superintendent of the Life Saving Service of the United States, and assumed international propor- tions when the cause was espoused by the thirty-five thousand delegates of Endeavorites who appointed an in- ternational committee to look after the interests of the work. There are 250 life saving stations in the United States, and a large number in the British Provinces, manned by brave men, and meetings will be held for them, and it is desired to extend the work to the whole world. The members of the committee residing at lake ports are C. F. Comstock, Milwaukee, Wis; Rey. A. J, Haugh, Cleveland, Ohio. CO. L. Stevens, Ypsilanti, Mich- igan, and Rey. A. M. Phillips, Toronto, Ont. ae A FIRE BOAT FOR DETROIT. The managers of insurance companies and marine in- terests generally are very much pleased over the fact that Detroit is to have a fire boat to protect its river front. She is expected to be ready forservice about next May. Bids have been received for her construction. The boat will be 110 feet over all, 16 feet beam and 8 feet draft The specifications require aguaranteed speed of sixteen and one half miles an hour. The capacity for throwing water will be enormous, and from the swivel nozel ontop of the pilot house a stream four and a half inches in structure along the docks. The boat is to have a large feet of hose on the reels. The estimated cost of uable protection to property along the water fror be about $35,000, ee . Pend a