of this city, was elected president emen’s National Association, in session reek. They are following the lead of rs, and want to do away with the job- s. Their action may possibly precipi- e here. ore, assistant inspector of the 9th dis- ving service, arrived in Buffalo Tues- ily fill the place left vacant by the death >. Dobbins. Anchor Line steamer, Susquehanna, this dport for the first time this season. Her e inspected here. an steamer Rosedale, which was compelled ier charter for coal to Port William to avoid nt of the 20 cent toll, which would be imposed hrough the ‘Soo’ canal, put on a new wheel ‘hout going into dry dock, freights have been yery weak since the strike, ww rather shady at 55 cents to Chicago and u It is said several vessels have been offered cents, and that cargoes, though not chartered at ure, have paid a rebate on the 55 cent rate to up an appearance of strength in freights. ‘The movement showed activity Tuesday, for the first e since the strike, offices of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Co. ‘been moved from the corner of Seneca and Main , to the Potter building on lower Main street, ere are also the offices of the Northern Steamship Co., | five other lines. This change is made to give Gen- al Manager Gordon, who takes charge of the Lehigh ‘alley Line Sept. 1, direct supervision of the offices of 1 companies. 3) THE BRIDGE QUESTION AT DULUTH. + Special Correspondence tv The Marine Record. Dururs, Minn.—The movement of wheat out of here = the last week has not been so great as during pre- weeks, amounting only to about 190,000 bushels, while shipments were also light, a trifle less than the receipts. The stocks of wheat here now are increased a little for the week, being some 1,730,000 bushels, as against 1,703,000 a week ago.. New wheat has begun to _ -atrive in small quantity, about a dozen cars so far re- ported, but it is not expected that there will. be any _ largereceipts for three weeks yet. Threshing is not _ yet fairly under way in the district from which Duluth gets its supplies. Harvesting, however, is nearly com- _ pleted along the line of the Northern Pacific road, and outlook is for an excellent yield, as well as an excel- . tent quality. Frost has not interfered at all, and all t the farmers think they need now is dry weather for ‘their threshing. Wheat charters out of here have been also, and are now quoted at 3 cents; quite a little Canadian. tonnage loaded here the last of last week for Kingston, in order to get through the Sault canal before _ the tolls go into effect, at 4cents. Ore rates are said to be dull and weaker. There is a great deal of lumber to forward, not only from Duluth, but from all Lake iperior ‘ports, and rates are strong at $2.50 to Buffalo and Tonawanda, and $3to Lake Michigan. The amount of coal now coming up is very large, and the season’s ; tonnage at the head of Lake Superior will be larger than _ eyer, but rates are weak and low. Considerable tonnage that has been in the wheat trade Buffalo, has been turned by the late strikes in that to the ore trade, and the output of the Minnesota _Co,’s mines has therefore been increased. Shipmentsof Ba e season to date have been 740,000 gross tons, of which iy last week sent out 48,000 tons. There remain three onths of navigation, in which the comqany’s allot- ent was 480,000 tons; if this is all sent out, as now ap- ars likely, the total shipments of the year will be 220,000 tons, or about 250,000 tons ahead of last year. ‘The Duluth City Council takes up the question of the s0sed canal bridge again this evening. There is no imity of opinion, locally, as to the desirability of a though all experts seem to claim that the city = rou Probably the Board of Works will be au- dto go ahead and advertise for bids for building e, on the lift plan, as designed by Engineer Wad- Kansas City. It is expected to cost $180,000, of he property directly benefitted, that below the will pay two-thirds, and the city proper, and one lways that will use it, the remaining third. ft bridge is designed to weigh 500 tons, and will t on towers that will support counter-balances weight. It will lift the entire height in two nd will be operated by electric machinery. of the steamer D. W. Rust, have filed a the United States Supreme Court here, to 276 from the Lake Superior Elevator Com- and delay caused by the trestle on the steamer Rust dur- ’ DE. W. +e THE MARINE RECORD. GOSSIP FROM CANADA. Special Correspoudence to The Marine Record. ‘Toronto, CANADA.—There is a great diversity of view even among marine men at this port, with regard to the imposition of tolls on the St. Mary’s Falls Canal by President Harrison against all freight bound for Cana- dian ports, Some agree that the procedure is quite jus- tifiable on the part of the United States, whilst others maintain loudly that it is a violation of the treaty rights which should not be tolerated by Britain, not to mention Canada. Meantime work on the Canadian Sault Canal will rush. Divers vessel owners have informed me that Mr. Geddes is mistaken in what he said about the exclusive privileges enjoyed by British-registered ships, published in last week’s MARINE RECORD. Captain Solomon Syl- yester is one of our most representative marine men, besides being a gentleman who carefully studies all in- ternational questions. Ihad an interview with Captain Sylvester which will prove of interest: “In which manner,’’ he asked, ‘‘could the Algonquin, being a ship sailing under a British register, demand different treatment in the American Sault Canal from that given to Colonial vessels? That is, of course, assuming that the treaty under which canal privileges, and so forth, were granted between the United States and Canada was ratified by the Imperial Government, which undoubtedly leaves them a party to the agree- ment. That being the case, we think that Mr. Geddes sight, for the information of his vessel-owning brethren, make us aware wherein all claims for a difference lie. I am sure he is mistaken. ”” “What do you think will be the effect of the Presi- dent’s action? ”’ “It certainly won’t have the effect to increase trade by way of the St. Lawrence route?’’ He replied, “It will considerably decrease it. The great bulk of Canadian tonnage trades to the western lakes, and particularly to Lake Superior, The object of the Dominion Govern- ment in granting the rebate on grain cargoes trans- shipped at Kingston was to encourage trade by the way of Montreal, and it was rendered necessary by the keen competition in rates between, New York, Baltimore and Boston. The rebate is 18 cents a ton, but the imposition of a toll of 20 cents a ton on cargoes passing through the Soo Canal leaves us in a position of being 20 cents a ton worse off than before the rebate was granted on grain from Lake Superior. Of course there is always a per- centage of grain coming by way of Lake Huron and Lake Erie, but 90 per cent of the grain from Toledo and Detroit which comes in by rail from the tributary country goes to Kingston in American bottoms. “The most practical way of getting out of the difficul- ty would, in my opinion, be to call an international con- vention or conference, to discuss the questions of differ- ence, and in the interest of the shipping trade of both countries, arrive at some agreement wherein no injus- tice would be done to either craft or channels, or cities in the west or in all the east. If that were done the petty bickering between the two Governments would be stop- ped and trade would be placed on a permanent basis. ‘Thése changes in policy have a very injurious effect on business. They unsettle trade and interfere with contracts. Business men are in a constant state of unrest, because they never know when a change is to be made that will upset their plans.” “Flow do you regard the action of the Dominion Gov- ernment in declaring to abolish the rebate at the end of the season ?”’ “They haye been going to do that for years, We have been obliged to petition them from day to day to haye them continue the rebate, believing then, as we do now, that it was not a violation of article 27 of the Washing- ton treaty. I would suggest a conference at Ottawa or Washington to consider the points of difference between the two Governments. ‘The President’s action will have an injurious effect upon the Canadian Lake trade generally, but Montreal will be the greater sufferer, and in that predicament it now behoyes that city to do something for themselves in the way of inducing trade to go by their channel. I think if they were to look around and see what charges are imposed in the way of harbor tolls, etc., at Montreal, and compare them with those at other points they will find that they are very burdensome, Let them abolish the harbor tolls on cargo and vessel, which amount to a great deal, the cargo toll alone being 25 cents per ton, and that would enable vesselmen to better meet the loss of the 18 cents per ton rebate which the Dominion Goy- ernment now allows. If a vessel is delayed long in the port of Montreal, her different dues soon mount up to hundreds of dollars. ” “‘ Have the Montreal people done anything to further the interest of the inland marine trade?” “Montreal still imposes all her tolls. The Federal Government should have stipulated when they undertook to pay the money spent on the river channel that Montreal should be a free port.’ J. A.C, - NEWSY DETROIT ITEMS. a Special Correspondence to The Marine Record, : Derrorr, Micu.—Thomas Murphy, the wrecker has com- pleted the task of raisinz the steamer ‘ Progress.’? The Detroit Sieet Metal & Brass Works, one of the Jargest firms of copper-smiths on the lakes, are now making a great specialty of brass furniture set off with onyx. The Davis Boat & Oar Co. of this city, who by the way have a very fine exhibit at the exposition, have just closed a contract for the building of a steam yacht the coming winter for some Chicago capitalist, who is spending the summer at Mackinac, from which point, Mr. BE, A. Davis has just returned with a contract for the vessel, delivered with com- plete outfit at as early a date in 1893 as possible. Although Hon. 8. B. Grummond has added to his many ocenpations, both public and private the acceptance of the position of President of the ‘Board of Police Commissioners” for the city, a place to which he was appointed by Mayor Pingree but a short time ago, he still has time to and does give personal attention to almost all the details of his large passenger, freight, wrecking and towing business. The old store formerly oceupied by the well known firm of Teuton, McWilliams & Co., marine grocers, which was destroyed by a gas explosion some months since, and which is being rebuilt, is rapidly approaching completion, when they will move back into it from their present temporary quarters. The steamer Chas. F. Bielman, named after the hustling passenger agent of the Star Line Steamers, passed up last Sunday, and although light, made a fine appearance. A. Brady Wendell, the designer of the fast yacht, “ City of the Straits’? and owner of nearly a score of bvats, at least three of which class as yachts, and altogether the best known all-round yachtsman in these waters, has during the past week caused a sensation in society circles by the announce- ment of his engagement to the daughter of Levi T. Griffin, who was on the eve of being married to an eastern gentleman. Mr. Wendell is the son of the president of the First National Bank of this city, and is widely and favorably known in marine circles in this state. Isaac Watt and Thomas F. Hayes, both of Windsor, Ontario, Aaron A. Parker, Byron Parker and James W. Millen of Detroit will incorporate as the Isaac Watt Wrecking company (limited), with headquarters at Windsor and a capital of $20,000. The number of passengers being carried this season by the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., to and from the Island, Des-Chree-Sho-Ska and the other river points, to say nothing of the score or more of excursions they run weekly is far in excess of any former years business. This is largely if not wholly due to the constant advertising done by the present management of the company, in addition to the im- proved facilities they now have for carrying passengers. Their ferry-steamer Promise, built. by the Detroit Dry Dock Co., is by long odds the best open pleasure steamer on fresh waters. : It is understood that the business of the late Jno. Hurley, including his interest in the firm of J. & T. Hurley, fueling- men and steam-boat owners, will be closed out entirely to Timothy Hurley. The wide diversity of their interests are such,however, that it may be some months before the old firm name dissappears from common usage. ~ The business done by the steamer, Riverside, owned by Ashley & Dustin is of such magnitude, on the Detroit & Wyandotte route this season, that they daily bewail their present inadequate facility for handling the passenger traffic. This with the advent of their new steel steamer which is about completed at the yards of the Detroit Dry Dock Co., will be done away with, and the route made pleasant and all as it shou!d be. The fast steamer ‘ Frank E. Kirby”’ on the Put-in-Bay route came out this season with new carpets throughout, together with other furnishings that make her a palace indeed. It is scarcely necessary to remark that she is carry- ing her full capacity to and from the Islands daily. Toledo people are learning that as pleasant a day may be put in on the run from Toledo to Detroit and return by way of the Star Line, Steamer Idlewild, as can we | be imagined. The amount of freight, package goods, and manufactured articles handled on this route to Toledo and local northern Ohio points yearly increases. ‘i Owing to the increased popularity of the hotel at the down river resorts with the unmentionablename of Des-Chree-Sho- — Ska run by E. H. Gilman, and where a supper fora dollar may — be had, that is equal to any American hotel table; the Star Island house at the flats is not booming as formerly and the — four o’clock boat out of Detroit does not carry the crowds it did in former seasons to the het Seb: supper served at th latter place. E i yi The Canadian wrecker Saginaw has received a thor rebuild and is about ready for service. Her equipmen| wrecking ability are much better than before she was b Parker & Miller are agents for the Saginaw, which iso a company incorporated in Canada, + The wrecking tug Favorite towed the H. D Co! cessfully from Sand Beach to Port Huron dry doc! The contract for the new fireboat for service. been secured by the Craig Ship Buill in J. P. Manning, of Clerelangs fi Ce ee