Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 8 Sep 1892, p. 5

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FINE “RECORD. nt, iaieAs inspector general o ‘was'ltere this Week from Washitigton, D. of, the Western Reserve ;disaster,, he rts w! ‘ig be investigated, by Local seas with. eres haste. If a report is the builders object there cam be no mont and Supervising Inspector Westcott for. Chicago, where they will provide for _ DULUTH, MINN. ¢ to the Marine Record. two big carriers of the Minnesota Iron Co., the and Mariposa have come and gone and the gest cargoes that ever passed the Sault have There is a good deal of coniment'on the fact that of two vessels measuriug within 7 tons of each other ‘iy 300 tons on a similar draft, and of the case € Western Reserve comes up as a moral. Both ts ate splendid specimens of marine architecture id/botH received unlimited praise from all who were Range road begins Udllesting its new track e Mesabiiiines this week, and expects to ship sup- Hind imacuinety into‘the mines before the month over. | The? Siness of the big Biwabic mine goes to | Besewne aré' therefore straining every nerve, for a carrying traffic of 400,000 tons a year is not to be disre- garded. Ore’ shipments for August were just what the iron company had figured on, 225,000 tons, and'they will beabout the same this month. Chandler sent’ forward 133,000 to Minnesota 88,000, and the new’ Zenith ‘nioved -— -3,090its ‘first business. tthe shipyard 1 the two steamers, 126 aud 127, are in e, and the James B. Colgate is ready for launching. rt i almost ready, and water was let in to- “tt will be épened with some ceremony in a week s rop year ended last week, and the showing ‘bf Wiieat rect wonderful. “A’ total of 52,000 bush. | of wheat W received here, and 46, 000, 090, bushels were | the receipts 88 per cent. were of the three | of No. 1 hard, No. 1 northern and No, 2| over half of the remainder was “0 wheat of an ‘equally high grade Gievar ct eevee Aiuindned: Such a proportion of high thé lists for the past few months show that several ‘hottie | papers from each of the following observers haye ‘been pickéd up and forwarded to Mark W. Harrington, ‘Chie ‘of the Weather Burdait, within the last ninety | days: f Capt. D. Bordeaux, steamer H. J. Jewett; Capt. Lock- wood, schooner B. ly. Pennington; Capt. John Byrne, steamer Owego; Capt. A. J. Greenlee, steamer Roman; Capt. J. B. Mondor, steamer Minnie M.; Capt. Kirtland, steamer Menominee; Capt. Donald Mclain, steamer City of Duluth; Capt. K. J. Rattray, steamer Specular; Capt. D, McLachlan, steamer City of Detroit No. 2; Capt. B. McCaffrey, schooner Hunter) Savidge; George W. Downs, U.S. S, Michigan; J: McCallum, steamer City of Alpena; Capt. J. Dunn, steamer Cambria; Capt. George Phelps, schooner Clara Youell; Capt. George H. Martin, steamer Wnited Lumberman; Capt. Walter Robinson, ade ation nes never yet been received at any large rae een re, 1d Such an amount of wheat in a year la’st tecord except for Minneapolis, which eal OF grain for its milling trade. ent of ‘the arnia line in connection with the “the: Sault canal. He had fig- ig the Unit a Empire through with a large day ‘before e toll went into force and ee ye up with all she could get along under. Con- ye to expectations, however, the boat did not make anal until < an hour « or two ‘too late, and the captain forced to ‘put up the tlis. It is not probable that any Canadian vessels except the Sarnia line boats will _ tun here the rest of thiS°season- The Ossifrage, that was “in! the Duluth-Port Arthur trade a few years ago under-the management of Capt. has been brought back here and is the e Smith-Fee Co., who operate a line of mM general trade. She will be put by jor passenger business, running Stato ‘ton, Isle Royale and intermediate sake to be a big thing in that trade, as’ the. yale fats ines sh s this year become very large. Ee iaiiess to Houghton and Hancock H “poth for passenger and way OS hhas been lengthened, and, is otha era F {08 arrivals and departures of i an aggregate tonnage of 542,- ed list is as follows: Coastwise, 245,587; coastwise, arrived, 211; age) 242, 777: American vessels from foreign ports. ag 1erican vessels to foreign ports, 10; ; foreign vessels from foreign ports, 29; S is to foreign ports, 30, tonnage 22,602. To- ivals, 383; tonnage, 271,959. Total departures, 1,739. For the entire head of Lake Su- 1 is oe 33 per cent. more. D. E. w. stotigh wae planned. by the determining .theiset and! drift wee BOM L | The» steel’ steamer Northern Wave was close ' “by how! steamer Chemung; Capt. Duncan Mclachlan, steamer, City of Detroit No. 1; Capt. George Robinson, schooner M. A. Lydon; Capt. Angus McCormick, steamer City of Duluth; Capt. H. J. Slyfield, steamer City of Mackinac; Capt. W. DeWaite, steamer W. G. Averill; Capt. Joseph White, steamer Jay Gould; Capt. C. Mason, steamer China; Capt. Joseph Braum, schooner Vienna; Capt. J. M. Twitchell, steamer City of Traverse; Capt. A. J. McKay, steamer City of Detroit; Capt. M. J. Haberer; steamer Northern Light; Capt. James Owen, steamer H. R. James; Capt. A. B. Smith, steamer Home Rule; Capt. F. B. Osborn, steamer India; Capt. Lightbody, steamer City of Alpena; Capt. David Morris, steamer H. W. Williams; Capt. P. Fleming, tug Seymour; Capt. A. Keith, schooner E. Fisher; Capt. William McCarty, steamer West; Capt. Campau, steamer Northern King; Capt. Streeter, steamer Norman; Capt. G. Graser, steamer Gordon Campbell; Capt. L. G. Vosburgh, schooner Emma C, Hutchinson; Capt. M. J. Driscoll, steamer Lora; Capt. O. Murphy, steamer Saxon; Capt. Wm. Thorne, steamer North Star; Capt. Robert Murray steamer Vanderbilt; Capt, Robert Smith, steamer Ja- pan; Capt. M. W. Gotham, steamer Briton. In addition to the foregoing, bottle papers have been picked up from the following steamers: Badger State, Northern Light, Gilbert, Gov. Smith, Grecian, North Star, City of Wind- sor, Corona, Philadelphia, DePere, F. E. Kirby, Nor- man, Peerless, Rochester and Corona. The data obtained through the set and drift of, these bottle papers, when closely charted, will no doubt show currents hitherto unsuspected, and perhaps account for many seemingly inexplicable strandings, besides giving the lake marine a knowledge which they have long de- sired to be possessed of. oO LE (kas es | eT a CASUALTIES OF THE WEEK. The large steel steamer ‘‘Western Reserve” of which a full account is given in another column of this issue is the most deplorable and unaccountable casualty expe- rienced on the lakes for the past ten years. Last Wednesday night during a heavy gale from the north, the schooner Nett Woodward attempted to make South Hampton harbor. When about two miles out she was struck by a heavy sea and turned over on her beam ends. The crew with one exception got on the mainmast. The mate, Joseph Greathed, got on a hatch and drifted away. His body was found on the’beach the next morning about one mile south of the harbor. Capt. Caldwell and three’sailors held on all night. About 3 0’clock Thursday morning N. Mahon perished in the Captain’s arms from xposure.| His body was washed from the spar, drifted away, and has not yet been found, At daylight the wreck was'seen by Capt: Lambert, light-house keeper on Chantry Island, he at once put off ina skiff only 12 feet long and bravely rescued the unfortunate survivors who, but for his timely efforts, would have found a watery grave. The Nett Woodward was owned by Capt. Caldwell and was uninsured. She was partly loaded with cordwood which was owned by ‘Dr. Lowery of Sauble Mills.. There is at present no adequate provision for rendering assistance to unfortunate mariners when in distress and itnmediate steps will be taken to draw the attention of the Dominion Government to the necessity of establishing a life saving station at Southampton, Ont. Wreckers are at work on the schooner City of Toledo, capsized last Tuesday off Manistee harbor and drown- [ing allhands. Every effort will be made to right the schooner and if possible tow her into port. ‘The body of the cook, Lizzie McMillan, daughter of the Captain, was found drifted seven miles north of the scene of the casuality. ‘The schooner Oneonta and Guiding Star broke away from the steamer Toledo off Manitou Islands, Lake Superior, in the blow the Wester Reserve went down. } ever,-and) her’ Pas de atonce came'to the rescue! © “He ing Star, : Satlehenitiot NUctherd Wave pita strain 64 the tow-rope ‘itvcarried’ away, Her Captdin tried “it again, but Wiscovered that the broken liri@ was too Short and was then compelfett to hail! the’k¢hobnerd dnd warn them that he could dono more for.thenn andthat they must look out for themselves.) "The Captain ana’ crew of the Oneonta expressed their admiration! for the gal- antry and skill of the Captain of the Northern Wave in the warmest terms. He stood by them heroically and did all that man could do to save them when it looked as if they would be lost if abandoned, the crews of both vessels, however, were ultimately saved although the Guiding Star stranded on Big Bay Point and drove in- to four feet of water, assistance sent was promptly to her from Marquette. -—--————— 2 > THE FREIGHT SITUATION. * Ore freights remain in a practically unchanged don- dition; grain freights are firmer at Chicago and an advance is predicted. It is now likely that the grain rates will pick up slowly and steadily during the next few weeks, and will be even more slowly followed bya forced advance in ore, although no fancy figures will be obtained. The heavy movement of wheat may be expected to begin at the end of a fortnight, when: some lively chartering will be done. The coal rate to the head of Lake Superior’ is still 60 cents with no prospect of a change. The Milwaukee and Chicago rates have been fluctuating between 50 atid 60 cents, but have settled to 55 cents for Chicago and 50 cents for Milwaukee. » On cargoes for Gladstone and Escanaba the rate continues at 40 cents. c ¢ The fall weather has set in early this season, and. in consequence the owners of some of the smaller boats have threatened to lay them up, saying they can not keep them out of debt at present rates, and with the delays and detention to which all but the largest and staunchest crafts are subjected to on account of rough weather. = ‘ FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN... ‘The Cleveland owned tug C. E. Benhanr is doing” a remunerative rafting business on Lake Superior. | + ou Henry Rigg fell into the river from whaleback No. ‘115 at Toledo last Thursday and was drowned. The big cargo of the steamer Mariposa, 3,083 gross tons, was unloaded at the Nypano docks in Cleveland in exactly eight hours. The barge Sangamon arrived in Cleveland on maiden trip last Friday night with 3,025 gross tons. ore. She towed this trip with the steamer Ketcham, Pathfiuder not being ready for service, Wednesday afternoon while crossing Saginaw Bay, Jean Callinau, mate of the barge Alaska, im tow of the H. J. Kendall fell overboard and was drowned. Callinan lived ten miles back of Black River, Mich. One or two large transactions in ore that will aggré- gate 60,900 to 70,000 tons are on the verge of béing clos- ed, but the buying of last week was mostly ‘of the 500 ton order. Concessions are being made on certain grades of ores, but No. 1 Bessemer hematites show but slight variations from the $4,25, at which they opened. There is no change in the situation regarding Hard ores» The movement to crush these at the mines may put*a’ differ- ent aspect on the situation later in the ‘season, ‘but fut- nace men are acting with great caution, as it- seis just — at this time. Ponte ad The new St. Mary’s Falls Canal the Canadians ‘are building, will with its branches, be three anda half miles long. The length of the canal ‘proper will ‘be two thirds of a mile. It will have a lock 900 feet longvand 60 feet wide. The water on the sills wee Des +o) feet deep; and the lift will be 18 feet more. we Dire, The steamer Ossifrage was sateen for =. $60/000 from the St. Joseph and Lake Michigan Transportation company by the Smith Fee company’ of Dulathy The largest cargo of wheat ‘ever carried ‘out of Chicago was that loaded last Wednesday at” Chicago on — the Onoko, the first steel steamer ever builtin Cleve-_ k, Jand. It was 113,734 bushels. The broken tecord was . made by the Western Reserve, ‘lately ‘lost on Lake fe Stiperior, and was 115,431 busnels* | Tn’ weight “the Onoko’s cargo is beaten only by the record ofthe steamer BE, C. Pope, which coe ey 125;730 ‘bushel of corn. sober Sate ‘The steam barge D. W. Powers has beet? purchased | by - the Shores Lumber Company, of Ashland,’ Wi Ser ae will go into the lumber trade between Ashland and Chi- cago, towing two barges. The Powers has a Lloyd’s valuation of $17,000. She has been engaged in the: lin ber trade on Lake McBee ever since she'was Built! in 1871. 60) eo nonh aate) ‘A party of citizens in’ Marinette; Wisiyowil? 5 steamer'to carry them to World's Pair! 1h Will’ be “fitted itp to board the passenger's du stay at Chicago, and will “ake @éveral trips’ hiring the seasons Several” ‘ Will tHus'te entabled to tal axelewialt dappehed ss ne ie aay ole

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