Hpon all general questions relating to the dine the Greas Lakes, maintain nec- and in general to the common President: M.A. Brapury, + - Cleveland, e ~ Vice-Presidents : Chi _ Jamns W. Minuax, + > ‘toledo. F.d Fira, a F) + Milwaukeo. Zucwaa oso, - Cleveland Lh, Duluth PLP Mitier, . - Buffalo Coantes H Keer, . + Gro, P. McKay, - : Harvey D, Guvworr, . Buffalo. Cleveland, Cleveiand, es Board of Managers. + Ogdenalurg. Thomas Wilson, . Cleveland. - Erie. H. M, Braliey, . < Cleveland, W.EL » Sandusky, — Jus, Corrigan, : Cleveland, ©. 'T. Morley, . Marine City 1. M. Hanna, + + Cleveland. Seah - PortHuren. G P. McKey, Cleveland, Day 5 « Bay City 1.G, Da'ton, - - Cleveland, Charles A. Eddy, — - a iy. Ivey H Brown, ~ Cleveland. McDougal, + uluth. J, W. Moore, - = Cleveland, F,W. Gilchrist, = - - Alpena. LL. Pennington, - Cleveland. J. ©. Gilchrist, + Vermillion, Menry A. Hawgood, - Cleveland, 3H eye hivayo. W. C. Richardson, Cleveland, Jesse Spaulding, - Chir ago. 8. D. Caldwell, Buffalo, J.8, Dun! > Chicago, Peer P Miller, Buffalo. John Keith, = - + Chicago. £. T. Evans, - Buffalo, J A Chicago. James Ash, - Buffalo, David Vance, Milwaukee, W. Bullard, — - : Buffalo, RP. Fitzgerald, - Milwaukee. J.J. H Brown, - + Buffalo, Ww. Livingstone, ‘Jr, - Detroit WP. Henry, s Buffalo, James Millen, Detroit John Gordon, - + Buffalo, David Carter, © + - Detroit. W. 8, Brainard, Toledo, E. M. Peck, = Detroit, L, S. Sullivan, . - Toledo. D. 0. Whitney, - - Detroit. A.W Colton, - + Toledo Hodge, - ~- Detroit. CLEVELAND. Capt. A. F. Green has been appointed master of the schooner Ida Keith. ‘Capt. James Ash, of Buffalo, visited this port on Tues- day on, vessel business. Capt. Alex McDougall passed through the city on Saturday evening, bound west. _ The ore handlers’ strike at Fairport is settled. The men returned to work Tuesday morning. The Ship Owner’s Dry Dock is receiving a wide patronage and docking is very brisk. Lieutenant Moore, U.S. N., acting superintendent of _the ninth life saving district, visited this port Wednes- say. The London Assurance Co., through Palmer & Co., shave paid S. H. Curtis his insurance on his share in the steamer Western Reserve. __ Mr. Thomas Quayle, one of the builders of the steamer Neshoto, has been ordered on the survey and to super- intend repairs to the vessel at W. Superior, Wis. . Capt. George Simpson, compass adjuster, was in the city Wednesday and reports a fairly brisk season in the adjustment of ship’s compasses. . The scow Mariner has been seized by'the marshal at Toledo, O., and all claims against her must be filed by October 3. L. G. Richardson, of this port, is proctor for the libelants.. _ Ata meeting of the stockholders of the new Cleve- land-Buffalo Transit Co., on Monday, directors were elected and the officers will be appointed today. The capital stock is $150,000, under an Ohio corporation. . The bodies of all the members of the Minch family, lost in the Western Reserve disaster, have been found. The body of Mrs. Minch was found near the Life Say- ing station.on Sunday and the two children on Friday and Saturday. . ‘The steam barge S. Neff, recently sunk in the outer harbor, has been, raised and towed to the head of the old wiyer bed. Great difficulty was experienced in getting her afloat, but her owners, Messrs. James and John Cor- vigan seldom-give up an undertaking once started on. Capt. ‘N. Bartlett the g. m. a. w. is still to the fore, *he is now getting to be a barometrical vessel guager for when shipping is plenty he is as chipper as a two year old, but when there is a scarcity of arrivals his tempera- ture falls below zero. » ‘A’swarm of butterflies passed over Superior street on Tuesday afternoon, bound west, whether they were ‘skipping from the cholera germs, locating for the *World’s Exposition, or maintained their elevation on ‘account of weather conditions, is not known, but it is ‘pronounced a very unusual occurrence. ’ “Excavation and construction work on the enlarge- ment of the Cleveland Dry Dock is progressing satis- factorily to all concerned, and the dock is now assuming a more finished appearance. About two-thirds of the entire work is completed, and a spell of fair dry weather ‘will greatly facilitate operations. » Mr. Louis Scherzinger, the local agent for the Chicago ‘Photo-Gravure Co., is a thorough representative of a ‘house doing business in the ‘‘Windy City.’’ No stone is left unturned under which there may be any prestige or ‘duecats for his firm, and the major portion of the recent handsome marine photogravures issued to the lake ma- ‘rine was through the assiduous of attention of Mr. Scherzinger, secured for and by his firm. The steamer Neshoto, owned by R. R. Rhodes of this ‘port is booked for docking in the American Steel Barge Co's new dry dock at W. Superior, Wis. Although she ‘THE MARINE RECORD. reef near Keweenaw Point did not prevent her from steaming into Duluth with her own power. Quayle’s Sons built a strong faithful steamer when they put together the Neshoto and the record of all their tonnage is equally good. * ihe Sew of the steambarge Vienna, which was sunk in Whitefish Bay Saturday, by collision with the Nipi- gon, came down on the steamers John Mitchell and Castalia, and made their depositions to Harvey D. Goulder, proctor in admiralty, as to the cause of the wreck. The gist of their statement is that the Vienna had blown one whistle, and the Nipigon had replied with two; and that a single whistle was blown only immediately before the boats came together. Captain Jerry Green, a lake seamen of half scene tury’s experience, favored Tu RECORD office with a pleasant call this week. The Captain has moved from Willoughby, Ohio, back to this port, and will dispose of some of his vessel property during the winter; chatting on lake navigation, he has witnessed the revolution in lake transportation from 3,000 pushel schooners to 3,000 ton steel steamers; a stage of affairs he says, which if prophesied half a century ago, would not only have been subject to ridicule, but would have confined the advocate thereof in the asylum for the care of those who were found furiously “on compos mentis Chaplain Jones, of the Floating Bethel, has now nearly completed a quarter of a century’s service in his chosen calling and is still well to the fore. It may be that “‘the hub of the universe’’ can equal this record, as the good people of Boston have always taken a’ strong interest in their seamen, and provided moral as well as physical comforts to the class for many years, but in the absence of positive information to the contrary, it may be held that the Chaplain’s record of twenty-five years faithful service at this port stands second to no other sky pilots in the world, and it isa pleasure to state that there is lots of good work around him, and in him yet. More power to you Chaplain, and when the eight bell racket summons you to your long watch below, we believe you will be ready with your, Aye, Aye, Sir! ‘The shipbuilding yards have been somewhat delayed owing to a lack of material, shipments of iron and steel from Pennsylvania being very slow. The Globe Iron Works Co., however, have managed to keep well ahead and the keel is laid for the first of the Buffalo-Duluth passenger steamers,as also the preliminary work for the hifll. “Phe steam yacht Comanche will be completed in about four weeks, when, if the St. Lawrence river canals are navigable, she will be taken to the coast. No expense has been spared in the construction and outfit of this elegant yacht, aad in fancy tonnage she repre- sents the highest skill known to the art of marine archi- tecture, and withal,a roomy comfortable s2a boat and one in which I yenture to say, that under sail or steam, she will be found all there. Should her builders desire to contract, there can be little doubt but that an order for a sister ship will soon be forthcoming after the Co- manche gets around on her cruise. Mr. Woods, representing the firm of John Hall & Co., Ogdensburg, N. ¥.,.was in the city Wednesday and closed a contract with the Cleveland Ship Building Co., for pontooning the steel steam yacht Wadena from Montreal, through the St. Lawrence river canals to the lakes again. ‘The pontoons will be the same ones made when Mr. Robert Wallace, vice-president of the Cleve- land Ship Building Co., took the Wadena to the coast, although they have done service since on the light- house tenders Lilac and Columbine. The Wadena will arrive at Montreal in about ten days after making an extended cruise from this port to the Mediterranean and northern Europe. During her voyage harbors were visited where the American ensign was never sighted over the hull of a United States vessel before and the handsome little steam yacht returns to the port where she was built with a greater prestige than ae ever attained by a lake built vessel. On the cruise er seaworthy qualities and mechanical efficiency were amply tested with a result most flattering to her build- ers, the Cleveland Ship Building Co, Send $2.00 to Smith & Swainson, Publishe E rs THE MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, 0., for @ large photo- gravure picture of the steel steamer “ West ti Size 22 x 28 inches. mae _—_—_—— ce THE WEEK’S MARINE NEWS AT CHICAGO, Special Correspondence to The Marine Record, Cuicaco, I11s.—Flags were placed at half- shipchandlers and on a large number of ves port on receipt of the news of the death of Kenny, at Buffalo last week. Captain Frank B. Higgie purchased Maggie Duncan last ‘Chureday at eRe cw, Duncan has been taken off the Ashland trade mae make shorter runs on Lake Michigan and Lake H re the remainder of the season and will run alone ey mast at the sels at this Captain P, was loaded with coal the pounding she receiyed on the | consort, Her | the J. E. Potts, is la Keweenaw will be consort to the Sch Saturday last a United States mars go of lumber on the barge J. E. Potts, in the United States Court in favor of the Howard Towing Association. Capt master of the barge, was placed’ in charge of as custodian. On Monday a detective made his ance on board the barge and arrested Captain son on a charge of larceny. The property Was \ a custodian Monday, and it was hinted that the Ca, had been arrested to annoy the parties who ‘libeled cargo. Marshal Hitchcock has placed another cust an in charge. a 2 At Miller Bros. shipyard, the steaniers J. R Toltec and Hesper were in dock for repairs to stern bearings. The steamers H. A. Root and Peerless, tugs Elphicke and Halliday for necessary repairs, t] achooners Gracie M. Filer and B. F. Wade for re-calkin, ‘he schooner Fanny Neil received a new forem The I. I’. Co.’s tug John Miner, has received a new house and boiler house. ie Stewart H. Moore, boiler inspector, re-inspected the Warrington boiler on the steamer Buena last ‘Thurs. day and allowed it a steam pressure of 250 Ibs. to square inch. : Grain freights continue steady at 2% cents on wheat _ to Buffalo. ; A dispatch from Manitowoc of September 19th, states that the tug Morford with the schooner Flying Clond — bound for Chicago arrived there for shelter. The schooner is leaking badly. The steambarge Fayette arrived with a broken plank in her bottom, the result of getting on the rocks. She will go into Burger & Burger’s dry dock for repairs. a Be The Dunham Towing Company are burning hard coal on several of their tugs which do inside towing. The Vv. O. T. Co. and the I. T. Co., are still trying smoke burning devices, the prepared coke which it is hoped will do away with the smoke, has not yet arrived from Pittsburgh. The city authorities seem determined to victimize the tug owner's, last week some cases were heard before Justice Glennon, and the Burlington Rail- _ road Company were fined $5 and costs only in each case for four of their locomotives for offenses against the smoke ordinance, and the fines were suspended, but the Independent Tug Line were fined $50 and costs for their tug John Miner for committing a_ similar offense and — there was no suspension of the fine. The probability is that the railroad company have a bigger political pull in Chicago than the tug company. ‘The Lake Carriers’ Association met Saturday after- noon to discuss the question of delays at railroad — bridges. It was stated that the Northwestern, Northern Pacific and Fort Wayne railroad bridges were used for half an hour at a time in switching cars. Frequently cars would be run out on the bridge and remain there a long time as the remainder of the train was being made up. As the use of railroad bridges for switch-yards is not permitted by the War Department the secretary of the association was directed to write to the officials of the various railroad companies calling attention to the delays which steamers encounter at their bridges and requesting that orders be given to remedy the difficulty, If this has no effect, complaint will be made to the War Department. Fr ‘The steam yacht Buena, Captain Louis J. Larsen, won the ‘“Tribune” cup, valued at $50, as first prize for first- class steam yachts in the Yacht Club races last Satur- day afternoon, beating the steam yacht Alcoyne, the only other competitor in that class, by about 25 minutes. ‘The race was over a twenty-seven mile course, which — was made by the Buena in 2 hours 35, minutes and 52 seconds. ‘The Buena was built by E. W. Heath, of Be ton Harbor, and her machinery and boiler by George Warrington of the Vulcan Iron Works, Chicago, She — is 65 feet long, 10 feet beam, is schooner rigged, and a very handsome, well-built steam yacht. The Bu Park Yacht Club are her owners. ‘The “Graphic” Cup valued at $25 was won by the Wilbur, a first-cl and a set of colors valued at $15 was won by Then,” a second-class steam launch. Captaii Prindirille and James S. Dunham were the judges. Allison V, Armour owner of the steam! yacht G has challenged the Argo club owners of the steam y Argo for a race at a date to be fixed hereafter. -§ The steam yacht Gryphon, Captain Buscey, rather rough experience on Lake Michigan las When on her way to this port from Grand Hay air pump gave out and her machinery was di She was hove-to for 45 hours, and was picke the steamer Seymour Jr., and towed into St. ‘Thursday afternoon. = ee ina and constructing engine ; Sa a ty roit Dry Dock Company, — le city last Thursday, and held an extended cont with the officers of the Lake Superior L in reg . as the construction of a new passenger s Tr.