Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 22 Sep 1892, p. 6

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in ileproper location of six light- DOs on the lakes has not been fixed by t His left to the discretion of the Lighthouse of these ships, in the opinion of Buffalo ‘Carriers’ Association, should be e-) Reef, in the Straits of Mackinac. Charles H. Keep, of the Lake Carriers’ As- ‘explains the situation as follows: “By the Civil Appropriation pill, eight light-ships were ed d by the last Congress. Two of these were to place of the: two private lights now main- - ditio: ition, three small light-ships were authorized to be built for Detroit river. ‘These the Lighthouse Board _ has offered to locate at'any convenient points that may Furthermore, a sum of $60,000 was ap- on Hleven Foot Shoal, Green but this being insufficient for the purpose intended as made available for the purchase of lightships. ee more light-ships can be built with this money and their location on the lakes will also be made by the - Board to meet the convenience of the Lake Carriers. ‘There are therefore six light-ships in all whose location 2 has not been determined by Congress. The Lighthouse Board has made an order that. the three Inspectors of the three lake lighthouse districts act together as a board : to determine the location of these six light-ships. The “Lighthouse Board has directed the Board of Inspectors i to confer with the Lake Carriers’ Association, which has appointeda committee of three, consisting of George P. McKay, James Corrigan and Harvey D. Goulder, of Cleveland, to meet the Board of Inspectors and confer with them about the location of the six light-ships. Nearly all of the Buffalo members of the Association haye signed a request that one of the light-ships be lo- cated at Poe’s Reef, in the Straits of Mackinac. It has been urged and proposed that of the three Green Bay light-ships one should be located on Eleven Foot Shoal, the second opposite Poverty Passage, and the third on Driscoe Shoal. In regard to the latter the Buffalo members prefer Poe’s Reef as being the more important point to guard, The reasons adduced are: (1) Because there have been a great many more disasters there; (2) because even the tonnage that comes out of * Green Bay, nearly all ofsit passes nearer to Poe’s Reef than to Driscoe Shoal; and (3) because the immense ton- nage from Chicago and Milwaukee could not be bene- fitted at all by a light-ship at Driscoe Shoal, but would be much benefitted by one at Poe’s Reef. If one of the Detroit light-ships is placed on Ballard’s Reef in Detroit river, as is probable, there will remain no- where on the American shore,or in the waters of the lakes and connecting rivers, any lights maintained by the Lake Carriers’ Association. The only lights after this season maintained by private subscription,will be those located on Canadian soil,where they will be beyond the jurisdic- tion of our Government. The cost of maintaining pri- vate lights will then be less than half what it has been for several years. 4 The Lake Carriers’ Association transacts its business through its standing committees appointed at the begin- ning of the year. The committee having this matter in charge is the committee on aids to navigation, which has appointed the sub-committee referred to, It will no doubt be of interest to add that TH» RucoRD man interviewed vessel men at Detroit and Cleveland, and finds that this third light-ship,if only three are built from the appropriation of $6,000 originally intend- ed for the construction of a lighthouse at Pt. Peninsula, is, that one should be placed at Pt. Peninsula, the second at Poverty Passage, and the third at the foot of Lake Huron, in the vicinity of Corsica and Northwest Shoals, * This third light-ship is really the only one in question and several Cleveland vessel owners favor the location at the foot of Lake Huron, as being of the greatest value to the general commerce of the lakes, notwithstanding the fact that Buffalo owners urgently petition for the location of this third light-ship on Poe’s Reef, a very dangerous obstruction bearing southeasterly from Bois Bianc Island, in the Straits of Mackinac. Green Bay traders hold that as the original appropriation of $60,- 000 was for an aid in that locality, the amount, if used for 3 or 4 light-ships, should still be held in that district, and in support of this view point out that legislation is now pending for a light-ship on Poe’s Reef, and that they have Peshtigo, Whaleback and Driscoe Shoals to light. The sum total of this eagerness tolestablish a light- ship, points out very clearly the number of places where aids to navigation are considered not only essential, but necessary, for the safety of lake commerce, and where- ever the third light-ship is placed, it will clearly: fulfill its entire duty, though it is certain that unless four t-ships are built for the $60,000, either the foot of e Huron or Poe’s Reef will have to be neglected for bh there by the Lake Carriers’ Association. In ad- | the time being; and in any case, the Green Bay com- merce can not obtain all they desire at this time. Referring to pending legislation in which lake car- riers are interested, Mr. Keep says: “Our committee on legislation, which has its headquarters in Buffalo, has not had any meeting lately, but will have to consider some matters with reference to navigation before the next Congress gets together. Among these is a bill now ‘pending in Congress forbidding water carriers from in- serting any limitations of their common law liability in their bills of lading. “Another matter that has to be put in shape for in- troduction in the form of a bill before Congress is the matter of regulating the size and manner of towning rafts on the lakes. It is probable that a bill will be prepared directing the Secretary of War to appoint a ‘competent Board of engineers to examine the whole question of ‘Taft -towing on the lakes and report to Con- gtess what restrictions, if any, should be placed on the size of rafts passing through the connecting rivers of the lakes, and what regulations in addition to the exist- ing law may be called for as regards towing and light- ing rafts.” Se EEE MAGNOLIA METAL. A most pronounced mechanical success has been attained by the Magnolia Metal as it is learned that “the sales of the composition for the year 1891 were about 22 4 times as great as the combined sales for 1886 and 1887; and the sales for 1892, from present indica- tions, will exceed thirty times the business done during years 1886 and 1887.” Mechanics are eminently practical men, and an article of this kind cannot be juggled into success, but must pass the trying ordeal of hard every day use. If it 'ipossesses unique qualities they will certainly be found out and appreciated; but if the article does not possess value, no amount of persuasion can change an opinion fairly formed after an unbiassed trial. There is an unquestionable appreciation of this fine metal and the manufacturers claim that Magnolia Metal is the best metal that has ever been devised for Steamship, Railroad, Dynamo, Rolling Mill, High-speed and Heavy Engine, Saw Mill, Cotton Mill, Paper Mill and for every other class of mechanical bearings, and the enormous trade in this commodity that has been developed during the few years since this metal was first put onthe market seems to be a logical confirma- tion of their claims. ee aoe THE STEAMER VIENNA SUNK BY COLLISION. The steamer Vienna, Capt. J. W. Nicholson, went down in 60 fathoms of water near Whitefish Point last Friday night, the result of a collision with the steam- barge Nipigon. ‘The Vienna, with the Mattie C. Bell in tow, was bound down, laden with ore from Marquette. The Nipigon, towing the schooners Melbourne and Deleware, was bound up. The weatherwwas fair and the night clear. As the two steamers met four miles this side of Whitefish Point both whistled'for the port side. ‘They seemed to be passing all right, but at the last mo- ment it was seen that a collision was inevitable, the Nipigon striking the Vienna on the port side. The Nipigon’s stem and fore foot were badly crushed, but she was not leaking much. ‘The Vienna, however, had received serious damage. Both steamers at once dropped their consorts and the Nipigon towed ‘the Vienna towards the shore. When within a mileiof shoal water, after being towed for an hour, the Vienna sunk. Her crew were all saved, together with their effects. ‘The cause of the collision is not yet known, though it is claimed that cross whistles are again responsible for this casualty as well as so many others of recent date. The Vienna was owned by the Orient ‘Transportation Company of Cleveland, and was valued at $46,000, and was insured to the amount of $44,000, divided as follows: Commercial Union, $14,000; St. Paul, Greenwich, De- troit Fire and Marine, Michigan Fire and Marine, North America and London, $5,000 each, er ee WATER TUBE BOILERS. Water tube boilers are rapidly encroaching upon the field so long held by the tire tube boilers, and every year sees some new type put on the market. It sur- prises even those who are supposed to know what is going on to see the aggregate horse power of water tube boilers installed within five years. The maker of a water tube boiler which was practically unknown five years ago, has, within this period, sold nearly 500 boil- ers, from ten horse power up to twelve hundred horse power each, Other companies haye not sold so many, but they have sold a great many, and if the demand continues, as it undoubtedly will, the water tube boiler will be practically the only one in use. Water tube boilers are not confined to any special duty, but are to be found in all kinds of work on land and sea, and the rapidity with which they are coming into service is worth this brief mention,—Zngencer, New York, A RECENT LAKE BUILT SCHOONER [TLLUSTRATED.] The large photogravure of the schooner John | c patrick, which THY MARINE RECORD issues in suppl ment form this week, is reproduced by the Chicago Phot Gravure Co. from an oil painting exclusively for ’ MARINE RECORD, and is an exact picture of the v under canvas. ‘There has been a large number of steamboat eusre ings issued from time to time, but the sailing tonn: has been somewhat ignored, so that we take pleasure placing before our readers a representation of the lates vessel built for sailing and towing purposes. The John ©. Fitzpatrick was built by F. W. Wheeler & Co., of West Bay City, to the order of the Cleveland vessel owner whose portrait and synopsis of career is contained in our current issue. Her dimensions are 256 — feet over all, 242 feet keel, 39 feet 6 inches beam, and 18 feel 1 inch depth of hold. ‘To support these dimen- sions, in fhe hardest trade on the lakes, viz.: carrying iton ore, we find that her main keel, keelson, rider and sister keelsons are of first quality oak timber, 14 by 14 inches, and the latter 14 by 10% inches through bolted, and as firm as timber can be joined together. In ad- dition to this are heavy steel plates, 24 by 34 inch, given a liberal lap, and through-bolted on each side of the keelson. Her frames are diagonal strapped, run at an angle of 45 degrees, extending from the covering board to the heads of the floor timbers, and fastened in every frame, which are doubled by 6-inch flitches, 22 inch cen- ters. A heavy steel strap is bolted around the vessel on — head of frames, and diagonals, besides a steel arch or cord runs along on each side the whole length of the hull. The garboard strakes are of 6-inch oak, doubled on each side. The bottom planking is of long first qual- — ity oak, 5 inches thick, increasing to 6 inches at the turn — of the bilges, and continuing up to the rail with 5-inch planking well fastened by being eArouEhy bolted and clinched. Her deck fittings, to which much attention was paid, shows eight hatchways with 24 feet centers, a commodi- ous after house, fitted inside with a fine hardwood finish. and every convenience for crew and a limited number of passengers. She also carries the Providence steam windlass and steam capstans manufactured by the American Ship Windlass Co., of Providence, R. I., deck engines, steam ptmps and every modern facility for the speedy handling of ship and cargo. ‘The Fitzpatrick has proved herself a large carrier as the record of her first cargoes show 2,396 tons on a 16,8 feet draft of water. The easy handling, large carrying capacity and generally economy found in the handling of this new schooner has no doubt had its weight in the placing of another contract with the builders, Mr. Colin McLachlan, of Port Huron, having just contracted for a new vessel on the same lines. 9 a cr PUMPING OUT LAKE ANGELINE. Lake Angeline, within the city limits of Ishpeming, Mich., is a bowl shaped lake a mile long and half a mile wide and about forty feet deep, situated about 1,000 feet above the level of Lake Superior and three miles inland, ‘The lake formerly furnished a water supply tothe town of Ishpeming and the characteristic of the country is broken and hilly, but, notwithstanding this, the water supply for 15,000 inhabitants is now pumped from Lake Superior. Iron ore mining has been extensively carried on in the vicinity of Lake Angeline, and it haying been found, through the process of diamond drill explorations, that very rich veins of iron ore existed under the bed of the lake, under which the surrounding mines have been ex- tended for a short distance, the mining companies own- ing the adjacent mines, feeling insecure while prosecut- ing work, decided to pump the lake dry, and accord- ‘ingly an immense rotary pump was placed in position — and has been at work for six weeks discharging a stream of water 22 inches in diameter, equal to 20,000 gallons of "7 water a minute. It is now expected that another month will complete the pumping out work and leave the basin — i dry, when only a small plant will be necessary to pump out the rainfall, The mining experts already know amount of ore beneath the lake,and they say that t area under the lake will pan out for fifty years, DD 1 OO a Simon Ingersoll of Stamford, Conn. has recently fected an invention which he calls a friction reduc ‘The object is to reduce the friction of propeller s! to a minimum. His invention is similar to the b bearings on bicycles, which reduces the friction to imperceptible fraction, but in his reducer, instead using balls, his bearings are small wheels, throt which the shaft runs. In an experimential trial of reducer on a small seale, it was found that more speed was attained with the same consump’ coal, and the working of the nieecee was ir satisfactory.

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