Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 6 Oct 1892, p. 8

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bl s every Thursday, at 144 Superior Street (Leader Building,) CLEVELAND, O. \ - - Proprietors. ; : BRANCH OFFICE. ‘OntcaGo Iun., - - - 85 Franklin St. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor. SUBSCRIPTION, ‘One copy, one year, postage paid, e e ‘One copy, one year, to foreign countries, - . 2 v4 Invariably in advance. ADVERTISING. Rates given on application. CLEVELAND, ©., OCTOBER 6, 1892. eee eee ee ead VESSELMEN will be well pleased at the action of the Light-Houss Board in appropriating funds for the main- tenance of a light on Squaw Island during the remainder of the season. A few weeks ago it was thought that this dangerous location would have to go unmarked for an- other season, notwithstanding the fact that the light- house was completed and ready to be illuminated, On a re-consideration of ‘ways and means,” the Board evi- dently found a method of granting the request of the Lake Carriers’ Association for a light at Squaw Island this fall, and early next week another beacon “co light the seaman on his way” will be established at that poiat. The Board are also to be congratulated on the explanatory additions made in the usual “Notices to Mariners” re- garding bearings and distances. se ee Tue system of insuring modern lake-built vessels according to an arbitrary valuation basad chiefly upon a guess and a notion, with a liberal assumption of their earning capabilities during the period when the assessment is made, is, perhaps, open to criti- cism. Why should not underwriters accepf the class aud rating which the tonnage holds under a duly recorded, qualified, and disinterested survey, rather than inflict a moral injustice upon owners to the tune of thirty per cent., viz.: twenty under, or ten over a partly imagi- nary intrinsic value, A certain tonnage, under a positive class, is groundwork enough for insurance valuations, irrespective of the annual fluctuations of the freight mar- ket. Given aclose hard freight season, and a majority of the present assessed values would take a tumble like “the fall of Babylon.” ———————————— A More liberal use of tidal guages should be adopted on the lakes, and their readiugs systema‘ized, so that the periodical fluctuations might be brought within the bounds of comprehension. Mark W. Harriogton, chief of the Weather Bureiu, Department of Agriculture, has done more in this direction for the lakes than has ever been attempted before, and, as it is widely ackuowl- edged that atmospheric causes enter largely into the aparent eccentricities of the surface movements, baro- metrical readings, and tidal guages ought to beinvalu- able agents in determining the at present, meteorologi- eal phenomena and physical geopraphy of the lakes. River surfaces are well guaged, why not the) lakes? Existing levels might also be known daily, and not “kept under the hat,” as they are now, at afew stations in oper- ation for strictly departmental uses and service only. rr ae ALTHOUGH no advance proof sheets of the annual report of the Commissioner of Navigation has yet been given out for publication, it is learned that he will strongly endorse the establishing of schools for iustruc- tion in the higher branches of nautical education. Three months’ courses are to be furnished gratuitously to all applicants and scientific attainments will probably be in- culeated by naval instructors. This is a step in the right direction, and beiug embodied in the Commission- er’s report, it no doubt has the endorsement of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, and possibly also of President Harri- son. So little has bean done in the past years for the merchant marine of the United States that it is simply refreshing to learn of any movement emanating from the governmant looking towards a rehabilitation of the Service, and this educational course in science, engineering and navigation is a highly commendable departure. Ee Ir a nautical college in the form of a schoo) ship is _ placed on the lakes-by the United States Government, ‘ according to the recommendations of the Hon. E. (0, _ O’Brien, Commissioner of Navigation, every facility should be given those desiring of proving their superior qualifications, in obtaining the honors of the service. 2 - $200 THE MARINE RECORD. ‘The steamboat inspectors who are now the licensing body for alt waters, are wedged around with too many grades of licenses, and it seems to us that the technical and moral discretion of the zealous examiner must be fre- quently stretched to distraction in determining to what grade he should relegate an aspiring candidate seeking the honors of the service. This is more especially the ease with the engineers’ licenses, but pilots and masters are also in the same category. The law, as now applied, is susceptible of too narrow an understanding, inasmuch, if a candidate is found worthy of the highest honors, he cannot receive a license equal to his merits. No coast or, ocean license is ever granted to a lake engineer or sea- man, however qualified, unless he goes to salt water to get it, therefore this feature is soon likely to become a glaring evil in the service. — A CHANCE FOR BRIDGE BUILDERS. THE citizens of Duluth, Minn., seem to have recon sidered theirrecent action endorsing the construction of a bridge across the entrance to their port and attention is now being directed to-the feasibility-of a railroad tun- nel to connect Minnesota Point with Duluth. In so far as bridges are concerned, there is a wide field for im- provement on the system of construction now in use at all lake ports, and it would no doubt be a paying invest- ment for scientific and practical bridge-builders to devote time, attention and skill to the development, of a modern span which would not require so much valuable space in the conter of our crowded rivers and harbors as the pres- ent ancient structures take up. Given a clear river span of 240 feet, abutments of about 25 feet on each side, are now called for, and a center_crib, or construction of stone and piles the width and length of the entire bridge is built in the center of the channel, which, witha bridge 35 feet wide, forms an unwarrantahle obstruction of 40 by 190 fest, directly in the most advantageous portion of the river, and diminishes the original 240 feet width toa draw of only 75 feet on each side of the center of obstruc tion. A hundred of these nondescript swing bridges represent just so much loss of valuable river space and permanent obstructions in waterways already inadequate to accommodate the present tonnage and likely to be- come much more so as commerce increases. ss Se es: oa - DECAYING WHITE PINE JETTIES. THE white pine jetties run out at the entrance of nearly all lake ports and dignified by the name of piers, are en- tirely behind the age and unworthy of the skill and tal- ent expended in their original construction. The up, er work of these apologies for’ piers become sun rent, dry and as inflammable as tinder during the summer months, and in the winter time every crevice that can hold water is filled and the continuity of destruction began almost before the work (if of any pretensions) is completed in its primal form. It would seem the height of folly fur a private corporation to invest millions of dollars year after year in the constructive work of an adventure or improvement with the knowledge that at the termination thereof a series of annual repairs, in time equaling the first cost, would be needed to keep up the etlicieney of the improvement. In other words, what is the life of an exposed white pine jetty, on which no repairs are 1aade up to ths time of its fiual decay. Such property would have a substantial and material value one year, but at a later period could exist only on paper, and we have many such cases on the lakes. In fact, dredging to get better water close up to the piles forming the docks and piers, is in some cases forbidden on account of the danger of undermining the entire fabric, It would appear to an unprofessional in the science of civil engineering, that the area over which a pier line was projected should at first be dredgeu down to hard-pan or level rock surface, and a concrete foundation with boundary walls of a per manent nature put in position. The only work of this nature at present in sight is that of the St. Mary’s Falls canal and approaches, and some sections of the Buffalo breakwater. Most others are a good deal like rickety hen roosts or tiers of dry goods boxes strung along across a harbor front. The query presents itself: Has the con- struction of permanent improvements in river aud har- bor work kept pace with the march of modern engineer- i ? Ene! cg WHAT CLASS SHOULD THE LAKES ADOPT ? The articles contained in the last several issues of ‘Tur MARINE RECORD on the classification of lake tonnage, has been followed up by energetic and important action on the part of shipbuilders, underwriters and classifica- tion societies, with a view to ‘he adoption of such rules as would be universally accepted. A representative of the United States Standard Steamship Owners’, Builders’ and Underwriters’ Association, L’d, of New York, helda preliminary meeting in Detroit last week at which several wooden shipbuilders were gathered for the purpose of formulating rules for the classification of wooden tonnage. A representative of “The Ree- cord of American and Foreiga Shipping” issued by the American Shipmaster’s Association, also secured the tention, in a marked degree, of builders and owners, and some tonnage now under construction, or contracted for was placed in his hands for classification, and there f little doubt but that still more will be built under the “Record” class. however, in the appointment of a chief of the Bureau Veritas, with headquarters in Chicago, and we may look to see an energetic campaign on the lines of classification for lake tonnage in the near future, Already, under: writers are becoming curious to learn on what class of bottoms their millions are, and have been, at stake, yet,” — before the final adoption of any elass or rating, we would —- suggest that a convention be called after the elose of | navigation and the representatives of the several class__ bureaux be asked to address underwriters, builders and owners on the merits and claims of their respective rules for the construction of all classes of lake tonnage, in cluding iron, steel, composite and wooden, steam and sail vessels, The assertion that a universally known class is essen- tial or necessary for lake tonnage; may atrfirst be thought somewhat of a too rapid advance from past mathods, er, more strictly speaking, an unwarranted innovation on former customs. This is not so, however, and the advent of an inspection, survey, rating and classification society of universal repute on the lakes, but heralds the fact that the tonnage now represents seventy million dollars, instead of as formerly, only a moiety of this vast sam, representing, a3 it did, so insignificant a portion of the world’s tonnage, that lucal ideas, however susceptible of being improved upon, were thought amply sufficient to protect the minor interests at stake, as bounded by the underwriters’ view of the horizon of lake commerce. All interests would do wel! to keep in mind that the rules of the associations now seeking to rate and classify lake tonnage, are somewhat more pronounced and arbi- trary than those which have hitherto obtained, This feature is absolutely necessary in order to beget and maintain confidence in the work of the bureaux, and so it follows, that a vessel’s class is the first and positive index of her value at the time of her launch, throughout her career, or in whatever portion of the world she may be engaged. By this means an underwriter, owner, shipper, consignee, intending purchaser, ete., can rely on the class and rating determined by the competent and careful sur- veys of disinterested inspectors, whose findings are is- sued by a universally recoguizad authority. Hence, none other than the most gratifying results can be brought about through the introduction of a system of elassifica- tion for at least iron and steel lake built tonnage. When this is accomplished, the mercantile marine of the Great Lakes will be on a par, or at least take its proper rank with the tonnage of the world and be officially recognized as a factor in the lists of universally kKuowo American tonnage, and no longer be ignored and unknown outside of domestic or local limits. Seeing that the time is approaching for vessel owners to accept the ratings of a classification bureau, the query arises: What class should the lakes adopt? A list of the classification societies of the world was contained in our last issue, yet, this may certainly be narrowed down to a choice of not more thao two, and, fucthermore, it may be found that the acme of discretion in maritime affairs might be better subserved by the ultimate adoption of one standard for the inspection, survey, class, and rating of all lake tonnage. as ete aes neg ON HANDLING ROW-BOATS IN A SEA=WAY: As the fall season is again approaching, it is probable that lake seamen will be called upon to undertake more or less handling of row-boats in a sea-way before naviga- tion is brought to a close. A brief article under this caption may be the means of imparting a knowledge gained by others under similarly trying circumstances, and there can be no easier way of acquiring a perception of the requisites, mode of action, and what to expect, than by a perusal of the experiences of those who have gone before. In getting a boat over the side in heavy weather, care should be taken to float her in the most protected spot, and this may be found abaft the beam, to leeward, when the vessel is brought to the wind. The equipment of the boat and a couple of hands in her previous to lowering in the water, will, of course, have been attended to, when the essential, of having a good long painter led from well forward is of vitalimportauce. In this connection it would be well to note that the majority of boats launched from the rail, fill, capsize, or are bilged, so that, although it may be the speediest and. handiest way of putting a boat into the water, it is seldom of any avail in a sea-way, and the ship-shape way is the best. In going alongside of a wreck or hull in open water, the same conditions exist in so far as boarding to leeward, long painter, etc., is concerned, always having in view any wreckage which may be, or is likely to be, expe- rienced to leeward. Insuch cases the ends of a vessel is A still farther advance has been made

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