Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 20 Oct 1892, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. EK’S BUFFALO MARINE, to The Marine Recora. uring the past week nearly 30,000,000 save arrived at Buffalo and Tonawanda, but eek has been unusually dull. Coal shipments th up to Tuesday night are nearly 300,000 tons, rate of business is kept up October will ae: in this direction. “bé reports of grain shortages. The (01 bushels short, but 500 bushels of the short- yards found. The Aurora ran 406 bushels be- eee J. I, Case had 1,600 bushels of wet flax 6 Galvin, the outside agent of the Mills Dry Peay, has bought the old barge, Dan Rogers, y ‘said to‘have made a good bargain. tain McUartney, who owns part of the schooner C. H. “ee waxed exceeding wroth at the delay his boat en- rhile unloading a cargo of 480 tons of pig iron at ‘Erie docks in the ‘Ohio basin, so he attached the cargo as discharged on the dock, for a demurrage claim ‘The Burton was delayed nearly a week. ontract for Hurd & Hauenstein’s new steam barge s fina ly been awarded to Anderson, of Marine City. é chi inges were made upon the original plan, which will the steamer 190 feet keel, 205 feet over all, 35 feet beat and 13 feet deep. e steamer China ran out of her course in the fog last " sppickday and got aground between Windmill Point and Roses Reef. A tug released her. The same morning the Oscar T. Flint went on the beach at Stony Point. It took two tugs to pull her off. ‘Phe steam canal boat Haines cleared for West Troy last week with a cargo of 200 tons of copper, valued at about $60,000. This is the first cargo of the kind shipped by ca- nal within the memory of the present canal officials. The forwarders of eust-bound freight are mostly in a bad way from scarcity of cats and canal boats. So many of the latter jumped at four cent wheat, that they are now at the other end of the route. The Erie & Lackawanna have been receivinz no through grain at Chicago for some time, and are perhaps in better shape than the other companies. The sit- uation is serious, and some vessel men predict another j: jam like the one late last fall. “Coal freights to Lake Michigan advanced last Saturday to 75 cents to Chicago and 70 cents to Milwaukee. At this writing freights are strong at the advance, with shippers taking all the tonnage they can get. The Lehigh Line boats load at 60 cents by especial arrangement. The Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots’ Association are already _ making arrangements for their first annual ball, which will be held in Thespian Hall some time in January. This same a Thespian Hall was formerly the Church of the Messiah, and is now run by Sloan & Cowles, the well-known shipbuilders aud owners of excursion steamers, as a dance hall and danc- ing school. David Bell, speaking of the Canal Convention, said his j idea of improving that’ water-way would be to widen the locks. Now boats of greater than 17 or 18 feet beam cannot : get through. Mr. Bell argues that if they were widened to or 30 feet it would pay to build light draft steel steamers which could carry 25,000 bushels of grain and take care of themselves all the way to New York. The trip would be much shortened and the canal made a much more formid- able rival of the railroads by this plan, and the cost of the improvement would be trifling compared to the amount nec- essary to follow out some of the schemes talked of. The arrival of the E. C. Pope here with the record cargo -of the lakes from Chicago, 120,000 bushels of wheat on a 16 feet, 11 inches mean draft, is awaited with interest by newspaper and vesselmen. The schooner Southwest poked her bowsprit over into the yard of the life-saving station the other day and torea sma'l tree up by the roots. The tree remained on the bow- sprit until a tug got a line to it and hauled it off. Ps > rr + ae + THE WEEKLY CHICAGO GRIST. Cuicaco, I1..—The owners of the schooner Richard _ Mott have commenced proceedings against the city of Chicago and the Independent Tug Co. for $2,000, for damage done by collision with Jackson Street bridge, last month, when the schooner’s jibboom, bowsprit, head gear and fore and main masts were carried away. The U.S. Michigan and revenue cutters Andy Johnson and Fessenden are in port and will take part in the nay- al demonstration at the dedication of the World's Colum- bian Exposition, on the 21st inst. Xaver Thieler, second engineer of the tug Art Car- penter, fell overboard and was drowned Monday, at agen The tig was just inside the water works crib at the time, towing the schooner Winslow into port. body was not recovered. ‘The deceased was a single i n a stock of provisions. The steamer has paid a visit to the lighthouses on the east shore of Lake Michigan and will visit those on the west shore. The Amaranth was built bythe Cleveland Ship ‘Building Co. She is of steel, and is a very handsome, well-equipped steamer. Henry Bloecker, of Grand Haven, arrived here Thursday morning via. South Haven, where he is put- ting the machinery into the new steamer City of Kala- mazoo. He is building three high-pressure marine en- gines, 7x7, for the Burbeck Lumber Co., Louisiana, and one 13x14 for Obecke & Co., Grand Haven, for a fishing tug, building by the Grand Haven Ship Building Co. The launching of the H. W. Williams Transportation Line’s new passenger propeller, to be christened the City of Kalamazoo, will take place Saturday afternoon, October 22nd, at 3 o’clock.’ The new steamer has been built by Capt. John B, Martel. Her dimensions are 176 feet over all, 31 feet 6 inches beam, 12 feet depth of hold; engine, high pressure, 26x30, with independent condensor built by Henry Bloecker, Grand Haven; Scotch type boiler, 11x11, allowed 150 pounds steam pressure, built by Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg and Chicago. WILLIAMS. + + LAKE TONNAGE NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. A summary of the new tonnage recently contracted for, and now under construction, or equipment at lake shipyards, is given herewith, The tonnage has in a few instances been estimated, as also the cost, but in all cases the reports are those furnished by the builders and estimates have only been made where these partic- ulars were omitted. We also take this meats of pre- senting our thanks for the prompt attention and courtesy received at the hands of the builders in furnish- ing THE RECORD with their latest ona fide contracts. Sheboygan, for a large steam lumber carrier, whose probable cost would be at least $130,000, and there are several minor contracts talked of at thé various ports, some of which will no doubt be closed at an early date. The tonnage in sight, according to the foregoing, ag- gregates a total of eight steamers, at a cost of $1,480,000, which amount if added to the tonnage now contracted for, shows a grand total of 42. vessels, amounting to $7,379,000, as their estimated cost. The several Cana- dian contracts would certainly amount. to another. mil- lion dollars, the most notable of which are a large steel freight steamer for Thos. Marks & Co., of Port Arthur, and the new fishery cruiser now building at the yards of the Polson Iron Works, Owen Sound, at a cost of $45,000, and. to be completed December 1st, 1892. In addition to the foregoing, Hurd & Hauenstein, of Buffalo has awarded a contract to Anderson of Marine City, for a steambarge, 190 feet keel, 35 feet beam and 13 feet deep. The boat is to be finished by the first of May, but Mr. Hurd declines to state the price of the new steamer. A new passenger steamer of 176 feet over all, built by Capt. John B. Martel on Lake Michi- gan, to the order of H. W. Williams Transportation Line to be named the City of Kalamazoo, will be launched on Saturday next, but approximate figures. are also wanted on this tonnage. SSunEEeeee cheat ee THE EIGHT HOUR BILL. The provisions of the eight hour bill state that it shall be unlawful for any government officer or any contrac-. tor or sub-contractor'to require any laborers or me? chanics to work more than eight hours, in any calendar © day, except in case of extraordinary emergency. For violation of this law a penalty is provided, not to ex- ceed a fine of $1,000, or six months’ imprisonment, or both, Mr. "Tarsney; of Missouri, introduced this bill in lieu of one that had been on the statutes without pro- visions for enforcing it, for upward of 20 years. BUILDERS. NAME oR No. |Tons. TyrE: OwnERrs. Cost. Coe Am. Steel Barge Co. Barge No. 126 | 1,111 Steel Tow-Barge | Am. Steel Barge Co. $90,000} Noy. 15, 1892 Am. Steel Barge Co. Barge No. 127 | 1,111} Steel Tow-Barge | Am. Steel Barge Co. 90,000: | Nov. 1, 1892 Am, Steel Barge Co. J. B. Colgate | 1,318 | Screw Steamer Am. Steel Barge Co, | 140,000 | Oct. 15, 1892 Ain. Steel Barge Co. No. 128 1,500 | Screw Pass. st’r. | Col’b’n Wh’b’k S. S.Co.| 240,000 May:1, 1893 David Bell Calumet -—— | Revenue Cutter U.S. Government 38,500| May 1, 1893 Chicago Shipbuild’g Co.| Tho. Maytham| 2,400 | Screw Freight st’r.| Drake et. al. 160,000 | Nov. 1892 Chicago Shipbuild’g Co.) Arthur Orr 2,400 | Screw Freight st’r.| Elphicke & Co. | 160,000 April, 1893 Chicago Shipbuild’g Co.| No. 8 2,800 | Screw Pass. st'r. | L. M. & L. S. T. Co. 300,000 | June, 1893 Clevel’d Shipbuild’g Co.) No, 18 2,565 | Screw Freight st’r.| Builder’s Account 190,000 | O’g Nay. 1893 Clevel’d Shipbuild’g Co,| No. 19 2,565 | Screw Freight st’r.| M. A. Bradley, et. al. | 200,000 O’g Nav. 1893 Craig Shipbuilding Co. Ann Arb. No.,1| 1,800 | 'R. R. Ferry st’mer.| T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. 190,000 | Oct*b’r, “1892 Craig Shipbuilding Co.) Ann Arb. No. 2| 1,800] R. R. Ferry st’mer.| T. A. A. & N. M. R.-R.| 190,000 Decem., 1892. James Davidson No. 51 95.| Tug-boat Builder’s Account 20,000 | Oct'b’r, . 1892 James Davidson No. 52 2,200 | Schooner Builder’s Account 60,000 | Oct’b’r, 1892 James Davidson | No, 53 2,200 | Schooner Builder’s Account 60,000 | Novem., 1892 James Davidson No. 54 2,200 | Schooner Builder’s Account 60,000 | Jan ’ry, 1893 James Davidson No. 55 2,200 | Schooner Builder’s Account 60,000 | April, 1893, Detroit Dry Dock Co. Wyandotte - 800 | Screw Pass. st’r. | Clark Estate 75,000 | Oct’b’r, 1892 Detroit Dry Dock Co. | No. 112 1,200 | Screw R.R.F’yst’r.| Mackinac Trans. Co. | 325,000 | Rarly i in 1893 Detroit Dry Dock Co. | No, 113 3,600 | Screw Freight st’r.| Eddy Bros. & Co. 225,000 | Early in 1893 Detroit Dry Dock Co. | No. 114 2,000 | Side wh. Pass. st’r.| D. & C. Navigation Co.} 300,000 | Karly in’ 1893 Detroit Dry Dock Co. | No. 115 3,000 | Screw Freight st’r.| N. Y. C. R. R. 225,000 |.O’g Nay. 1893 Detroit Dry Dock Co. No. 116 2,000 | Side wh. Pass. st’r.| D. & C. Navigation Co.| 300,000 | 0” 'g Nay. 1893 - Detroit Dry Dock Co. No. 117 280 | Tug-boat Alex Ruelle 15,000 | O'g Nav. 1893 Freeman Bros. Keewaydin 15 | Sail Yacht Marquette-Y. C. 3,000 | O’'g Nav. 1893 Globe Iron Works Co. | No, 50 4,000 | ‘Twin ser. Pas. st’r.| J.J. Hill 550,000] O’'g Nav. 1894 Globe Iron Works Co. } No. 51 4,000 | ‘Twin scr. Pas. st’r.| J. J. Hill 550,000 | O’g Nav. 1894 Globe Iron Works Co. | No. 52 1,800 | Screw Freight st’r.| Wallace, et. al. 160,000 | O’g Nay. 1893 » F. W. Kirby No. 50. 45 | Steamer Builder’s Account 12,500 | Nov., 1892 F. W. Wheeler & Co. No. 93 3,500 | Screw Freight st’r.| Mitchell Trans. Co. 225,000 | April, © 1893 F,. W. Wheeler & Co. No. 94 4,000 | Screw Freight st’r.| Hawgood & Avery 240,000 | April, - 1893 F. W. Wheeler & Co. No. 95 4,000 | Screw Freight st’r.| D. C. Whitney 240,000 | April, — . 1893. F. W. Wheeler & Co. No. 96 2,500 | Schooner Colin McLachlin,| 75,000} April, 1893 F. W. Wheeler & Co. No, 97 24,00 | Screw Freight st’r.] Hawgood & Canfield. | 130,000 | April, | 1893 The tonnage contained in the foregoing table repre- sents hLigh-classed twin screw steel passenger steam- ers ; side-wheel passenger steamers; double-ended, twin screw steamers for transporting loaded railroad cars across Lake Michigan, and the Straits of Mackinac throughout the winter months, thus making them for- midable ice-crushers, a fleet of the ‘‘ whaleback ’’ type, both steam and tow, steel freight steamers of 4,000-ton capacity, and also wooden schooners. The totals found from the table are 34 vessels, of 69,105 tons, at a valuation of $5,899,000. In addition to these contracts others have been talked of, and are likely to be placed any day, though ‘‘still in the air,” as it were; for instance, the Craig Shipbuilding Co., of Toledo, O., is credited with having secured the contract to build two new steamers for the Lake Erie Transpor- tation Co., at a cost of about $175,000 each. The Union Dry Dock Co., of Buffalo, has also been mentioned in connection with the building of two large modern steel freight steamers for the Union Steamboat Co., at a cost of about $200,000 each, and the Central Vermont R. R. Line, it has also been stated, intended to add to their fine wooden fleet, three steel freight steamers, to be constructed by the Detroit Dry Dock Dock Co., this lat- ter contract, however, has been authoritatively denied by the ship building firm, and providing that the Central Vermont has postponed the letting of their contract, it is generally admitted that new tonnage will soon be added to their line, these boats should cost about $200,000 each. Hubbell & Co., of Buffalo, are also mentioned as receiving specifications from Rieboldt, Wolter & Co., of CAPPED THE RECORD TO THE WESTWARD. _ The log. of the City of Paris, which arrived at New York early Wednesday morning, shows the passage from Queenstown to have been made in five days, four- teen hours and twenty-four minutes, the distance tray- ersed being 2,782 miles. The day’s runs were 448, 508, 503, 505, 530 and 288. This beats the record for a west- ward passage. The record up to this voyage was five days fifteen hours fifty-eight minutes, held -by the Oiy: of Paris. The City of Paris’ previous record was on n July ath, last. ‘This record is now beaten by one hour and thirty-. four minutes. Her average daily run this trip was over 500 miles and her greatest run 530 miles. _ ae ST ae a ore ith a 7 WHY IS FORT WILLIAM BLOCKADED? Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. f Port Arvuur, ONT,—Why the Canadian Gavacanenn should place an embargo on the commerce of these ports I can’t imagine. Here is our neighboring port at the mouth of the Kaministiqua. River, and to which vessels are chartered, left under the blockade of an impassable bar when a small investment for dredg-. ing would overcome the difficulty altogether. Within the past two weeks the large schooner Alva Bradley. grounded and stopped navigation, then comes along the C. P, R. steamer Manitoba and laid alongside ete and completely blocked all ingress or egress to Fort William for twenty hours. Two tugs aad erat lightering eventually raised the blockade, but the difficulty is liable to be experienced as any time. _

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