THE MarRInNE RECORD. ANTIC FERRY TRADE. recently delivered before the Liver- : ¢ ety, by Mr. Arthur J. Maginnis of the machinery of Atlantic liners. remarks Mr. Maginnis pointed out was centered in the new vessels which were to ply across the Atlan- eferred to the gradual development of the most important steamers until the He contrasted the first steamer—the {819—the speed of which was six knots an expenditure of 7% cwts. of coal per , to Oct., 1892—he said that although there s than over 1900 sailings from each side of ic, or nearly 4,000 departures from port, in all nearly 74 per week, he had only been able to breakdowns of machinery which caused delay, and only three total disable- Such a gratifying condition of things, this age of unique achievements, was of note, and, although redounding to edit of both builders and owners in prov- the best designs, materials, and work- p had been utilized, it would be idle , that, were it not for the care and at- taken and given by the engineers in at sea, the men who bore the heat and of the day from the chief downwards, sult would not be so satisfactory nor the neces which had been made would not have acticable. ly remains to question what of the fu- of this great “ferry ""? Looking back to then the greatest horse-power on any Sailing across the Atlantic was 6,000 and tat the present time 30,000 was within meas- able distance, it might be taken that before years the passage would be four anda days, as 26 knots was not beyond the scope lvancing improvements ; and as the future must be mail and passenger carriers , there was no doubt commercial success yould follow as more voyages were made. om what other builders had proposed, he thered that Belfast, the Clyde, and Tyne yild not for some time to come have to yield y other shipbuilding centers. : GETTING READY FOR THE FAIR. thicago yachtsmen are making great pre- ations for the entertainment of visiting rachtsmen to the World’s Fair, and it is ex- ted that the New York Yacht Club will nd 200 boats to Chicago, and if they can be pontooned through the canals they will add 9 this number 80 more. A conipany is now be- ing organed in Canada whose purpose it is to pontoon yachts drawing as much as 15 feet of water and measuring over all 184 feet. Cor- _ tespondence has also been had with the yachts- men of Great Britain, Germany, Denmark and Greece. A new club house costing $50,000 1 be built at Chicago for the use of yacht row-boat clubs, At Chicago avenue there is a basin 1,500 feet long and 333 feet wide. Here it is proposed to build a temporary mar- ee for signaling purposes—a place where atsmayrunin. ‘Three of the Lincoln Park commissioners have signed an order for the ilding of a breakwater from Diversey street to Fullerton avenue to cost $40,000. It will Protect 1,000 acres of land and constitute a refuge if need be, for boats starting from Evanston. + Evanston seven acres have been secured and a handsome club house built of tile is contemplated. Thus boats of any size may start from Evanston and ‘to the fair grounds with assurances of harbors of e available to them at all points on the journey. An expenditure of $600,000 is contemplated, © There be a sufficient number of members, it is said, pay- the annual dues of $100, to make up $300,000 of this, ans are made for raising the remainder. Part of work to be done will require the permission of the slature, and Col, Rae will go before that body with plans and ask that such consent be given. All the cht and boat clubs, he says, will have an equal right use these facilities by paying the initiation fee and ing the rules of the club. —— ee a U. S. light-house tender, Columbine built by the Tron Works Co.,Cleveland, O., under command of Comdr. C. H, West, U. S. N., is reported from ‘ork for Portland, Ore., arrived at Bahia, Brazil, 19; all well. - STORM SIGNAL CODE AS EMPLOYED AT CANADIAN LAKE STATIONS. (Illustrated.) Through the courtesy of Prof. Charles Carpmael, di- rector of the meteorological service of the Dominion of Canada, we are enabled to present to the United States lake marine the storm signal code displayed at Canadian lake stations, and directions to mariners with reference to Canadian storm warning signals issued for the lakes. Fic. No, 1—This signal, if displayed on Lakes Su- perior, Erie or Ontario indicates ‘“‘moderate gale is ex- pected at first from an easterly direction.”’ If displayed on Lake Huron or Georgian Bay indicates a ‘moderate gale is expected at first from a southerly direction.” Fic, No, 2—If displayed on Lake Superior, Erie or Ontario, indicates ‘“‘moderate gale is expected, at first from a westerly direction.” If displayed on Lake Huron or Georgian Bay indicates ‘‘ moderate gale is expected, at first from a northerly direction.” Fic. No. 3.—If displayed on Lake Superior, Brie or Ontario, indicates that a ‘theavy gale is expected at first ) NS Lord NIGHT NIGHT from an easterly direction.”’ If displaped on Lake Huron or Georgian Bay, indicates, “‘heayy gale is ex- pected at first from a southerly direction.” Fic. No. 4.—If displayed on Lakes Superior, Erie or Ontario, indicates “‘heayy gale is expected at first from a Westerly direction,’’ If displayed on Lake Huron or Georgian Bay, indicates ‘heavy gale is expected at first from a northerly direction.” ‘The Cone, when hoisted by itself, indicates that it is expected that the wind will attain a velocity of 25 miles an hour, but will not exceed 35 miles, and it is not in- tended that an ordinary well found vessel should stay in port, but simply as a warning to mariners that strong winds are expected from the quarter indicated. ‘The Drum will always be hoisted when the velocity of the wind is expected to exceed 35 miles an hour. The night signal, corresponding to Nos. 1 and 3, is two lanterns hanging perpendicularly, Night signal corresponding to Nos. 2 and 4 is two lanterns hanging horizontally. N22 or4 : Plats Rae: seh be able to obtain further in- ormation from Storm Signal Agents, the daily probabilities. ‘ sii oye ical ag Notr 2:—Mariners must always bear in mind that the | storm signals are merely cautionary, and do not neces~ sarily mean that a storm will occur at a place where the signal is displayed, but that one is expected either there orwithin such a distance that vessels leavin, be liable to be caught in it. Ripdiciaiess se Nore 3.—October and November are the months in which severe storms most fre uently occur on the lakes. In these fall storms on Lake Brie and Ontario, the wind almost invariably commences at the S. E., works round through south to west and north-west, the time of the hardest blow being usually when the barometer begins to rise as the wind gets around to the west. On Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay, the wind—though for the most part changing as on the Lower Lakes—not unfre- quently changes with great suddenness, chopping after a lull from. S. S. EK. to N. W., and blowi rule from the N. W. : Sen Neseene ae anced ee SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS, It is announced that the most prominent and influen- tial men in the shipbuilding and shipping in- terests of the United States have completed the preliminary organization of a profession- al society of high standing, to be called the “Society of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers,”’ whose object shall be to promote the art of shipbuilding in all its branches, both commercial and naval. The committee of organization, consisting of William H. Webb, of New York; Lewis Nixon, general manager of Cramp’s Shipbuilding Co., of Philadelphia; Colonel BE. A. Stevens, of Ho- boken; Francis T. Bowles, naval constructor, United States Navy, and Clement A. Griscom, president of the International Navigation Co., expect to incorporate the society in New York and are now sending out invitations to mem- bership, hoping to have the first meeting at the time of the naval review next spring. The list of those who have accepted positions in the preliminary organization include many well known ‘names from all sections of the country. The president is Clement A. Gris- com; vice-presidents, Theodore D. Wilson, chief constructor of the navy; Charles H. Cramp, George W. Melville, George W. Quint- ard, New York; Irving M. Scott, San Francis- co; General Francis A. Walker, Boston, and W. H. Webb, New York. The members of the council include H. T. Ganse, Wilmington, Del.; Hon. F. W. Wheeler, West Bay City, Mich. ; W. H. Jacques, Bethlehem Iron Works; Gen. T. W. Hyde, Bath, Me.; J. W. Miller, New York; C. H. Orcutt, Newport News, Va.; Na- thaniel G. Herreshoff, Newport; J. F. Pank- hurst, Cleveland, O.; Naval Constructors Hichborn and Bowles, of the navy; Chas. H. Loring, Captains Sampson and Chadwick, of the navy, and Harrington Putnam, of New York. W. Ll. Cappa is secretary and treasurer. In view of the increasing importance of American shipbuilding interests and the de- velopment of the navy, the organization of this society upon a basis similar to that of the civl engineers and kindred professions is regarded as opportune and having a valuable and ex- tended field of influence in technical subjects ; and public affairs. Zz THE FUEL CONSUMPTION ON OCEAN STEAMERS. Ocean steamers consume much more fuel ye than the average person is aware of. Take, for an instance, the vessels of the Orient — Line, which make regular trips between | ~ Australia and Great Britain. The fastest steam- — er of that line is the Austral, which makes the trip from London to Sydney in thirty-five days. During — the ‘‘trip out’? she never uses less than 3,650 tons o: coal, and on the return voyage often as much as 4,000 tons. She has three coaling stations, and bunkers that will hold 2,750 tons without overcrowding. Atlantic “liners’’ like the Oregon consume over 300 tons of coal per day for every day between Liverpool and New York. A foreign exchange says the Stirling Castle on a re- cent voyage to China brought back a cargo of 2,200 tons” of tea but consumed 5,000 tons of coal inmaking the — round trip from Liverpool. Immense stocks of coal — are constantly kept on hand at St. Vincent, Madeira, — Port Said, Singapore and other oriental coaling sta- tions, there often being as much as 200,000 tons in store © at the last-named place. - WINTER INSURANCE, eg ‘The Chicago Board of Marine Underwriters fixed thi following rates of marine and fire insurance on grain, stored on vessels in Chicago river during the winter and moyed next spring : To Ree on Lake Michigan, $1; to ports on Lake Superior, $1.25 ; Lake Huron, Sarnia an Detroit river, $1; Georgian Bay and Lake Erie, $1.10 Lake Ontario, $1.25; Ogdensburg, $1.20 ae $1.50. These rates are per $100 and will rem: until Jan. 1.