The Nevers uk Cork, Jacket Twenty per cent. more buoyancy than any othe Lite-Preserver in the market. Is the SAFEST and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER in EXISTENCE, as proved by the late wreck on the Pacific Coast, of the Pacifie Mai] Steamship, ‘City of San Francisco.” RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. ‘LSAT VGHO Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;2180 by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D.KAHNWEILER 120 Cenrer St.N.Y POUND MANUFACTURING Co, MAKE A SPECIALTY OF STEAM UGS, Steam Dredges, Shovels, Hoisting Derricks, Ore and Coal Hoisters STATIONARY AND MARINE ENGINES, LOCKPORT, N. Y. * ||BOILER COMPOUND: | WILL LOOSEN SCALE AY | STEAM BOILERS ANUS | PREVENT ITS FORMATION, FUEL, a sees TABOR AND -palk$ SAFES CHEAP. | @ SEND FOR CIRCULARS WR Vessel Owners & Agents, No. 130 Water Street. CLEVELAND, - OH\0. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 130 Water Street, CLEVELAND, - OHIO. THOS. WILSON MANAGEING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen.’ Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents, 366 and 368 Broadway MILWAUKEE, WIS 114 La Salle Street, CHICAGQ, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So. Water Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel. Owners & Agents, 127 LaSalle Street, CHICAGO, - ILL. BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and Agent, 130 Water Street, Room 14, Formerly of the firm of Becker & Bartow, CLEVELAND, - OHIO Telephone No. 953. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, No. 15 Exchange St. Buffalo, N. Y. te IF YOU DO NOT OUR MONTHLY LIST OF VESSELS FOR SALE, SEND FOR IT. RECEIVE As only a few men can operate AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS COMPANY = nea HW EB EPEC Coen THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. ——MANUFACTURED BY— EFE oe He. CRANK CAPSTAN. PATENTED SEPTEMBER 7, 1880 a crank capstan, it is seen at once that it must be very powerful to answer the pur- pose. The company had this fact particularly in view when designing this capstan, and a comparison with any style in the market will show its superiority in this respect. ‘To make the gearing equal to the great strain often put on it, the gears are a all made of the South Boston Iron Company’s celebrated gun iron. The same care is taken in its manufacture as with the power capstan to make every part as perfect as possible. It is made to work Power or Speed, according to the direction in » Without any other change. D. S. AUSTIN & CO. - UPSON, WALTON & CO. M. I. WILCOX. - JAMES. DUNHAMG HOI', - J. Ship Chandlers AND SAIL MAKERS—— 117&119 River street Cleveland.O 134&135 Dock. UPSON WALTON & CO. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. (@"One of the largest stocks of Wire Rope in the United States, CLEVELAND, - - - > OHIO. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, N, .Y. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. “Anchor” Snatch ALL STEEL Blocks. — ROLLER BUSH , WITH OUR SELE-LUBRIGATING PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bush- ings isthe celebrated Phos- phor Bronze, the best bear- ing metal in market and being perfect self-lubrica- tors they are fast supersed- ing all other styles. For sale by Ship Chand- lers everywhere, ASK FOR “ANCHOR BRAND” BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free P. DONALDSON & CO. . . . . : G.D. NORRIS& CO. - - = oe W. Grover & Son. SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES - : - - - BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. ESTABLISHED 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS. ——MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very b Ree eee UETSISAL BINDER TWINE, © (U0 Very Pest quality made to order AT ONE Office No. (13 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklvn, N. Y. ‘STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL& LOUD, Boston, Mass. Sole Manufacturers in U.S. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS, ETC. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, BUNTING, FLAGS, Improved Snatrcu BLock Clasp Closed. Improved SnaTcH Biock Clasp Opened. upon application. Latest Improvement. Sample orders solicited. MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK- la