NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. Another expedition of two steamers, a military force, and three guns started trom Norfolk, Va., last night against the illegat -oyster-dredgers. The schooner Eureka was sold by Captain ‘W. Dandy to Messrs. Chadwick and Cham- "bers for 2.000. She was purchased at auc- ‘tion a week ago for $1,300. ‘Two powerful marine firms in this locality ‘have arrived at an arrangement whereby they will not work all next season for noth- ‘ing. ‘The competition was too strong. The Bayfield Press says that D. Best re- ‘ports having visited the schooner Maple Leaf ‘at Iron river and that to all appearances she ‘ie all right and may be rescued in the spring. Senator Ferry, of Michigan has intro- ‘duced a bill providing for the erection of a ‘lighthouse at Elmer Foot Shoal, Poverty Passuge, near Escanaba. Ontonagon is the only other harbor on Lake Superior recognized by the new river and harbor bill, It secures an appropria- tion of $15,000. Congressmen Hubbel has presented the petition of fifty-five vessel owners for an appropriation of $100,000 for the further improvement of the harbor of refuge at ‘Grand Marais, Lake Superior. Kingston Whig: Ata meeting of the di- ‘rectors of the Richelieu and Ontario Navi- :gation Company the steamers Passport and Magnet were leased to the Toronto, Grey ‘and Bruce railway for five years at $5,000 per annum. ‘The steamers are to run on the ‘Georgian Bay in connection with the rail- way. Smith & Adame have purchased the fine ‘propeller Messenger to place on the Che- ‘boygan and Manistique route'instead of the: Van Raalte which has proved too small for the rapidly growing business which has "been built up along the south. shore of this peninsula. ‘This leaves the Van Raalte with- out business. Mr. Jay Gould’s new yacht,.in which he iis to cireuinnavigate the globe, is of course, “a flouting palace. Among its notable ‘features is. an arrangement by which a state- room can be turned intoa bath-tub and no harm done. To ordiniry mortals such a combination would seem impossible, but as Mr. Gould never speculates ‘he has a good deal of money to expend ‘in experimental fancy fixings. The cargo of the lost steamer Glamorgan was:valued at nbout $200,000, on which there was an insurance in the'local offices of Boston, ineluding the foreign agencies es- ‘tabhshed there, of about $100,000; but no definite statement can be made as many con- signees are accustomed to insure on open polices who have not yet received invoices. ‘There was considerable insurance in Euro- pean offices. By Mr. Robinson, of New York: A reso- lution calling on the Secretary of State tor information as to whether the officers of the Briti-h steamship Republic, within a few days past, held an immigrant under arrest until they sent for the British Consul and held a pretended trial before the British Consul, within the territory of the United States, before allowing said immigrant to land. Mr. Neelon’s large composite ship now under construction by the Shickluna bro- thers begina to assume shape. Tre frame work is entirely out of wrought iron, ‘The riba are all in position and riveters are at work joining the flanges to which the in- ner and outer planking will be united. So ‘far the wood workers have no: had a chance to show much of their handiwork, but they will soon have plenty to do on the St. Catharines leviathan. The lake navigation and transportation companies held their annual meetings at Detroit ‘Thursday for the election of officers. The Peninaular ‘Transportation Company, Detroit & Lake Erie Steamboat Company, and the Detroit Navigation Company have passed out of existance, while several, new companies, not existing at the correspond- ing time last year, are now on the list. The elections resulted as follows: . White star Line—President and Treasurer George McMillan; Secretary and General R. I. Montgomery ; Directors, Pein Cowles George McMillian, and John Porteone. & Cleveland Steam Navigation 2troit et ae President and ‘Ireasurer, John core Vice-President, James McMillan; Secretary and General Manager, David ‘Carters Line of Steamers—President James ae Vice-President, James 8S. New- berry; ‘Treasurer, Hugh MeMillan; Secre- tary and General Manager, David Carter; Directors, the above, together with W. K. Muir. q Traneportation Company—Presi- Bek oiines fcMillan; Vice-President, John Owen; Treasurer, Hugh McMillan; Secretary, W. K. Anderson; Directors, the above, with John S. Newberry. Ward’s Detroit & Luke Superior Line— President, W. H. Stevens; Vice-President, Samuel F. Hodge; Secretary, J. V. Moran; Treasurer and General Manager, Eber Ward; Directors, the above, and Don. M. Dickinson. While the steamship I. C. Harris was an- chored in the bay at Brazos, Santiago, dur- ng a dense fog, a full-grown wildcat, which it is supposed had floated down the river on a log, presumably concluded to take a free passage to @alvestun on the wheel house, on which he climbed, creating something of a sensation on board the vessel. ‘I'he boys on the ship got ropes and lassoed the animal, catching him around the head and the hind legs with the ropes, and succeeded in cag- ing him. On the arrival of the Harris at the Galveston wharf he was taken off and deposited in one of the sheds, He is a large, sleek, and rather good-natured looking fel- low, and lucks the gaunt and hungry look of the animal generally on exhibition in shows. THE TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS HEALTH. If you don’t believe this ask the man who is troubled with dyspepsia, talk with the woman who ie afflicted with constipation, liaten to the conversation of sufferes bur- dened with liver or kidney trouble, and you will hear the same dismal words. “I feel so drowsy, dull and not fit todo anything.” ‘lo all who thus suffer we say Cheer up! for the bright day is duwning! Swayne’s Pills are here and disease must flee before their march. Read and ask about them. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Vesselmen SoOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE de- termined by the United States Courts —-—_+—_on — ——— Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board Covers, and line English cloth binding. Books of this kind generally cost $3.00, but we will séhd-it to any address, os e paid for $1,50, or with the . MARINE RECORD for one year, both for only $3.25. Address MARINE RicoRD. Cleveland O. Excelsior Copper Gasket- HOT AIR. THE EXCELSIOR GASKET is especial'y adapted to Heavy Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will resist the cnemical action of— Os & AcIDs. ORDERS LEFT AT Wm. BINGHAM & CO’S, Cleveland, O. —Will receive prompt attention. — REFFERENCES, Cleveland Rolling Mill Co, Plate Mills, C. R. M- Co. Bingham Mills, Briton Iron and Steel Works Ceeveland Water Works, Lake Erie Iron Co. Oleve and City Forge, Cuyahogo Furnace Co, ete. Vulcan Iron Works MILWAUKEE, WIS. JAMES SHERIFFS, Manufacturer of PROPELLER WHEELS MARINE ENGINES, Boilers, Mill Machinry, Brass Castings. SELLING AGENTS, SmirH & OLWILL, Cleveland, O. F. W. WHEELER, Ba Citys Mich. Fitz@gratp & Son, Port Huron, Mich. JaMEs M. Jonzs, Detroit, Mich. MARINE INE WORKS ROBT. TARRANT. Engines, . 2 Marine and Stationar PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MA ERY. - CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 55, 57 & 569 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENCINEER Should be content to run a Boiler, stationary o Marine, without ~ HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. ‘It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and ; Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to HOUCHTON & Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers NEW YORK, 130 Reade St:, cor. Hudson, ; THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. THE BEST BOILER FEEDER KNOWN LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS “Not Liable to Get Out of Order and al- ways Delivers Water HOT to the Boiler. EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS, The Simplest Bilge-Pump made that is operated by Steam. Manufactured by JAS. JENKS. 16 & 18 ATWATER ST., E. DETROIT, Mich THE BROWN MANUFACTURING CO., AGENTS.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. DETROIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF Copper in Sheets, Braziers’ Copper, COPPER BOTTOMS, COPPER WIRE, Rivets and Burs, Circles, Etc High Brass, Low Brass and German Silver in all forms of Roll, Sheet Corner of Larned and Fourth Stet. DETROIT, Mich THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and. TRUCK CO. BNI LINIHD MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS ‘AND TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST. ——GONSUMPTION, =| FITS, RPILEPSY, POSITIVELY CURED FALLING SICKNESS, ll sufforers from this disease that are anxious to be ts 24 aurea should try DR. KI8SNER'S CELEBRATED | PERMANENTLY CURED NO HUMBUG. TY 4 CONSUME ok POWDERS. rit cure const or eiten Int aliiolo tbe Sea et cate sufferers nt aA re Saneaol enon OAT and LUNGS —in ead these Powders will do all we claim for them_we wall so strong is our faith in them. and also to convince you send thom by mail, post, paid, a Free Trial Box. se inte Set a eal Lens worl morrinaae every | this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge a yerdou’ewant your money unill ypuare perfectly sate ousands/baze been permanently cured - sel week {sfied of their curative powers. lf your life is worth powers: ng ntee FPO ene saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS 2 trial pond ade RA case or refund zor pall, mong a! x anes Yor lntge NBox, § (00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Sent | early wal; ang balcony need of thei carative enowele 9 fad. ,: Price, for large Box, $3.00 or xes for . toreny vate er es Btates or Canada, by mall, on by mail to anyypart of the Un:ted States or Canada on receipt of price. rons: receipt of price, or by express C. O, D. Address, ASH & ROBBINS. , 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. Eee eee aiettila: ee