THE L B compelled to remove to other premises on} ‘I'ug Chicago (release) Victor Burghoffer NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. AROUND THEUARES aracat of the Milwaukee and St. Paul R.| to Leon Byron and Fred Medynski. ps bel built at the “Soo.” OLEVELAND R. Co. requiring the old stand. He can now| ‘Tug Chicago (billof sale) John L. Palmer| The tug Peck is being rebuilt at the . to Leon Byron, one-half, $3,500, ‘Tug Chicago (mortgage), Leon Byron to J.P. Lowe, all, $1 ,080, Propeller City of Frement (bill of sale), Helen L. Spencer, to Albert ‘I’. Spencer, one-quarter, $1. ‘Tug Charmer (bill of sale), George ‘Turner to St. Clair Sutherland, oné-third, $1,050. Schooner Millard Filmore (bill of sale), English & Ward to Edward Mullins, all, $4,000, Schooner Fleetwing (mortgage), Andrew L. McGraw to Gardner, Spry & Co., two- thirds, $2,187. Schooner Kate Gillette (release), Hiram Lake and Hiram Judson, to J. V. Taylor and F, M. Canfield, all, $7,000. Schooner Guiding Star (bill of sale), Sam- uel F, Leopold to Aaron F. Leopold, two- The tug Pacific is for sale or season charter, The WhiteStar line has a paid up capital of $54,125 and only $7,000 debts. The cargo of the schooner Marengo, corn, was insured at Milwaukee at 40 cents, An iceboat ran from Gananoque to Kings- ton the other day at a rate of speed ofa mile a minute. ‘The excursion steamer Maud will appear’ on the river next season much changed in v appearance, ‘The propeller Peerless, of the Lake Mich- igan and Lake Superior line, is undergoing repairs at Chicago, The trame of the new tug for the M. T. Company is now nearly completed. The craft will be a good one, Next seuson it will be Captain Charles Chambers. He will sail the Eureka, having purchased an interest in that vessel. Captain John Gahagen, who was on the barge R. Gaskin last year, has been appoint- ed master of th3 John Gaskin. The steamer Maud is receiving ‘a new The weather the past tew days has been] be found at No. 248 South Water street, be- pleasant and vesselmen are beginning to|tween Franklin and Lake streets on the arrive to superintend the repairs and fitting | river side of the street, where he will be out of their cratt. A pile driver has been | most happy to see his old friends. His busi- repairing the docks washed out by the recent| ness will be carried on in the usual way, floods. ‘he ice has been blown to the other | keeping a full stock of vessels’ signal lamps. side of the Jake and the S. 8S. Stone made a lanterns, globes, chimneys burners, tin an trip to the brakewater, and took the depth of | sheet iron ware. He still manufactures his water along the course, which will be built | celebrated “Chester Fog and Signal Horn” this summer. and has a large stock of them on hand. Any It is thought that there will not be as} orders received will get prompt attention. much railroad iron shipped from here as| He also doesa general repairing business on there was last year, as the iron market has| the premises. Signal glasses always on hand. been very unsteady during the past winter. DULUTH: Vesselmen give it as their opinion that business will open dull, but will improve as Senator McMillan, says the Journal, ad- the season advances aud will be very good | vises the Chamber of Commerce of Duluth by the openingof fall trade. Very few vessels | that the present Congress will not take any have changed hands, during the past winter | action on the proposed consolidation of cus- i at this port,the Jarvis Lord has been pur-| toms district. ‘his is well enough for us at twelfths, $1. chased by Moore & Barstow for. $25,000. present but as some action of that kind is li- " Propeller Joseph L. Hurd (bill of sale), The H. A. Kent is now undergoing | able to be taken in the future, would it not|Samuel F. Leopold to Aaron F, Leopold, repairs, and Capt. Vader of Lorain is here|be well for our chamber of commerce to one-third, $1. looking after her. Messrs Grover & Son|have the Secretary of the Treasury thor-| ‘Tug L. B. Johnson (bill of sale) Leon By- are placing new spars on the King Sisters, | oughly posted as to the relative importance| ron to Mrs. C. Burghoffer, seven twelfths, Alvah Bradley, and Thomas Quayle. The]of the different custoais districts of the $3,000. Schr. General Sigel is at Russels’ Lime| Northwest so that when a change is made,| Tug L. B. Johnson (bill of sale), Clemence Kiln ready to leave for the Islands as scon|if at all, it may be made somewhat in con-| Burghoffer to Leon Byron, seven-tweltths, as the weather and ice will permit. ‘Che H | tormity with the fitness of things. $3,500. B. Tuttle has been newly painted. and now! ‘The tug Amethyst, now undergoing ex- “4 onc eonn sn aioe ei bees 7B. HH ’ o - presents a fine appearance, her boiler and | tensive repairs including entirely new boil- shade-deck and having her wheel-house engines are being overhauled. ers, will be run next season by Captain ‘I | thirds, $1. raised. She will look better than ever. ‘ F. Hector, under whom Arthur Pruden will |, Schooner John Kelderhouse (bill of sale), SANDUSKY. be engineer. T. B, Gardner to Hattie @. Stockton, ten-| It is stated that Capt. Coburn, of Superior, B : will command one of the propellers in twenty-thirds, $7,500. Schooner Gilbert Knapp (mortgage), Lu- cas Edward Merrill to Merchants National Bank, $10,500. ‘Tug James H. Martin (bill of sale) M. M. Sinclair to Wm. Harmon, one-quarter, $1.150. Tug James H. Martin (bill of sale), John Southwich to William Harmon, one-quarter, $1,125, Captain Riley Burlington, of this port, will ‘The steamyacht John Pridgeon : ie having take the tugs Johnson and Maple Leaf for some renstce hinds to her machinery, and is work at and around Duluth this season. It being otherwise improved and refitted for is reported that he has a contract to tow logs the spring opening. by the thousand for Norton, Thomas & At- ‘The old outside St. P. & D. Warehouse is Mato, “Taylan &/ Sens, Mish: Bros. & Hall, being* torn down to be re-erected into a and John McKinley. ‘The Johnson is a Be 3 very powerful tug, having a 20x30-inch en-| bonded warehouse at their inside slip. gine. ‘The leat has two fifteen inch engines.| ‘Ihe machinery is being removed from the burnt steamyacht Frank C. Fero, and her Ward’s Detroit line the coming season. Patrick Cullin and his assistant are en- gaged in repairing and fitting up the machinery of the propeller Manistee, The’ steamer Clara has been extensively repaired and will soon be in sheen for busi- ness again. A new deck has beap given her. A platform has been erected around Cap- CHICAGO: hull.will be fitted up as a tow-barge. Propeller Manistee (bill of sale), Samuel] tain Frasers drydock, so that itis ready to William Dean will collect this season for A large force of men will be put to work F. Leopold to Aaron F. Leopold, one-quar- commence oak aa the opening of Peps the tugs Spans rong ker. aelen the Ohio Central Barge and Coal Com- eee Manistee (bill of sale), Samuel |!" The tug Mosher broke her crank in the pany’s dock. )y C ap ; B . s tain J. McMaugh, of St. Cather- harbor. The Miller takes her place. ‘The work of repairing the tug John A. F. = : or to Joseph Austrian, one-twenty: Ge Eonan Sane peter ue ae steamer Ontario, of the Beatty line on the upper lakes. The Jessie Breck hag been chartered to bring two loads of timber from ‘Toledo to Kingston at fair rates. Marine matters -are. as yet very dull, The Peck Line Company (river steamers) is insolvent. Three of their boats were seized by a United states Marshal Tuesday at Covington, Neb, , woot The Prentess Lumber Co., of Alpena, Michigan, expect to raft and tow to Alpena from Lake Superior about 16,000,000 feet of logs the coming summer. Messrs McEwan & Son have received the contract from Captain Cuthbert to make the engine and boiler for the new steam yacht he is building at Belleville. Capt. A. Dunlop has gone to Sorel, where he has been enguged by Messrs Cook & Jones to superintend the construction of a dredge and a tug for that firm. It is reported that Captain Collier has sold the steamer Flight to the Deseronto Navi- gation Company, and she will become a part of Messrs. Rathbun & Son’s fleet. Henry T. Bacon, one of Ogdensburg’s most respected citizens died Saturday morning, at his residence on Caroline street at the age of 63 years. Mr. Bacon had been sick about a year, ‘The first vessel sailing from Port Hope was the schooner Erie Queen which left there light on Saturday morning for Whitby, where she loads grain. She is indeed com- mencing early. The name of the steambarge forierly| Paige was commenced on Monday. ‘The known as the R. McDonald has just been improvements will imount to $600. changed, und she will be known hereafter ALPEN A as the Ida M. ‘Torrent. : i F. W. Giichrist is giving the tug E. H. Captain St. Clair Suhel _ been ap; | Miller a thorongh rebuild. ner name will “pointed dispatcher of the Vessel Owners be changed; she will be called the Ralph Towing Company, aS les occupied last She will be 3 feet longer, 1 foot more beat season by Mr. William Dean. and 1 foot deeper. She will have all new Cargo and hull insurance pools are in or- ceiling, part new freme, new stern post, der just now and conferences are being held. new plankshear from water edge up; in Henry Sill, and E. B, Smithyof Smith &| fact she will be all new from the water's Davis, Buffalo, and. Mr. C.uH. Bigelow, edge up. Her engine is having a thorough President of the.St. Paul Fire and Marine, overhauling, new bed plate, new frames, new have arrived here and others are looked for. crank, and will be as good as new in every ‘The Chicago Vessel Owners’ Association | respect. She will be commanded by the is preparing for the opening of navigation. | veteran tug captain, C. A. Richardeon, one At the annual meeting the following Board | of the oldest and best captains on this shore. of Directors was elected: Aj A. Carpenter,! —steambarge East Saginaw has had her en- A. G. Van Schaick, Thomas- Hood, George | pines raised 20 inches, new crosshead and C. Finney, John G. Keith, Charles W. El-| her engine is having a thorough overhaul- phicke, W. M. Egan. ing-and the hull will be recalked, outside. At the Chicago Dry Dock Co’s yard, the Steambarge Garden City, has had all new Schooner John Martin has ‘béen in dry dock, | deck put inand her hull. recalked all over where she got new ceiling, part. new top outaide. sides, recalked, and a thorough Sverhenling, : Tug McKinnon ito have new deka. daw 4 4 and Mdectvett gr Abe Pe aad ais aid house and will be putin first class order for P next season. She will be commanded by | ana = pce frei thorough roa Thos. K. Lillis, who sailed her last season. | The tug Hann has comeout of dry dock] ‘Tug Sigison is having new crown sheet, where she was lengthened 18 feet amidships. | and new flue put in her boiler. The steambarge Charles Reitz has been! ‘Towbarge Goffe has had new stem and all in dry dock getting her bottom calked and} new stern, and general overhauling; and repairs to her shoe, : all Mr. Gilchrist’s fleet are being put in good The tug Gardener has been in dry dock | shape for the coming season. for recalking. I will give you the appointments here as ‘The le ee pe . be dr y dere for | soon as they are madé for all the vessels. mew NACo nae ec bame:to. ner elem bearing The ice is three feet thick on ‘Thunder and shoe. : , The Company are building a new derrick cay. Vesselmen all look for a late opening at their south side dock which will be raised | "© The vessel owners of Alpena contemplate this week. , th 8 CAE the Vessel Owners dry dock the steam | joining with the vessel owners of Cleveland barge Leland is having considerable repairs | in agreeing not to fit out their vessels for and her top sides calked. service before May 1, or before May 15, pro- The schooner S. G. Andrews is having a viding a majority of vessel owners on the general overhauling. lakes agree to the latter date. ‘The schooner M. R. Warner is having a — new fore boom and timber head and some VESSEL SALES. p irs. bal pti eb tet We find the following sales recorded at Ty hooner Commerce will have con- a aeine repairs done. the Chicago custom house as reported by The barge Windsor will have new plank, | the Inter Ocean: shear, anunlece bulwarks, and rail and her |, Schooner 8S. G@. Andrews (mortgage), Nic decks calked. Zimmer to Bernard Baer, all, $400. ‘At Miller Brothers’ drydock the schooner; ‘lug W. H. Alley (mortgage), F. B. Gard- tf M. E. Tremble is receiving a new prick | ner to James Davidson, all, $7,400, t post and steering gear No.1 size, the dia-| Schooner A. B. C. F, M. (mortgage), Lu- | mond screw, and other repairs; also being | Cas Edward Merrill to Union National Bank, recalked. ‘The steambarge Buckeye is hav- | all, $4,600. ing her decks and topsides calked and will] ‘lug W. H. Alley (mortgage), F. B. Gard- have a new wheel. ‘The new tug being built | ner to W. H. Alley, all, $10,000. for the Union Tug Line to replace the| ‘Tug D. L. Babcock, (mortgage), D. Bar- Campbell will be launched on Thursday. rett to Henry D, Regensburg, one-half, $200. Captain Patterson has purchased a one-| Propeller Beaver, United States Marshal boy. He} to Theodore Mosher, et al., all, $126, third interest in the schooner Newsboy. e Propeller City of Duluth (release), John will sail her. 4 The schooner Emma C. Hutchinson was ey ae to Charles F. A. Spencer, one-half, 000. chartered for corn at 334c; Michigan, wheat, Tug Chicago (nesignment), William H, 33403 Joseph Paige, corn, 334¢; barges Kel-| waite, vices Burghotter aii, $1,211. | ley and Warner, cor: ny 3c. Schooner Cecelia (mortgage), B. R. Smith R. Chester, the old and well-known ma-| to Samuel Marshall, one-balt, $500. rine signal lamp manfacturer, who has car- Schooner Cecelia (bill of sale), Samuel ried on business in Chicago for upwards ot | Marshall to B. R. Smith, one-half, $2,050. swans years and for the last 17 years at} ‘Tug Chicago (elease), Leon Byron to Nos. 2 and4 West Lake street, has been | freq Medynski, one-half. Schooner J. B. Penfield (mortgage), An- nie O. Hansen to Frank F. Cole, all, $2,000. Schooner J. B. Penfield (telease), Michael Brand to Annie O Hansen, all, $1. Schooner Phoenix (bill of sale), Albert G. Sinclair et al to E. Warner and N. Johnson, all, $2,975. : ‘Tug Charles W. Parker (release), Jacob Johneon to James B. Cortes, all, $1. Propeller Peerless (bill of sale), Samuel F. Leoppld to Aaron F. Leopold, one-quar- ter, $1. ’ Schooner J. B. Penfield (bill of sale) An- nie O. Hansen to Frank F. Cole, all, $6,950. Tug Red Jacket (bill of sale), William H. Snyderto John B. Bodenchaiz et al., all, $2,500. Propeller G. J. ‘ruesdell (release), ‘hos. R. Lyon and John B. Lyon to James Good- man and John Otis, all, $1. Tug Viva (bill of sale), H. B. Prosser to Veter Stalker, one-third, $500. ; Steamship J. R. Whiting (bill of sale) Samuel F. Leopold to Aaron F. Leopold, two-twelfths, $1. Schooner Yankee Blade (bill of siile) Bos- ton Marine Insurance Company to Arthur R. Atkins, one third, $1,000. Schooner Z. Y. M. C. A. (mortgage), Lu- cas E. Merrill to Merchants’ National Bank, $9,300. i A SELF EVIDENT FACT, “Plate sin with gold,” says the poet, ‘“‘and the strong lance of Justice hurtless breaks. Arm it in rags, a pigmy’s straw doth pierce it’? This same principle applies to thous- ands of quack medicines now in the market. Extravagance and specious advertisements and elaborate wrappings are the means em- ployed to swindle a credulous public. One trial proves the worthlessness of the article, Dr. Swayne merely calls attention to his ointment for itching plles, ‘relying entirely upon its merits for itssale. Intense itching after getting warm in bed is now a thing of the past. The propeller Ocean will run in her old route between St. Catharines and Montreal. The steamers Berthier and Cultivateur will run between Hamilton and Montreal. with the other boats. , Captain Rounds, of the tna Insurance Company, has made the hull surveys in Chicago for the Lloyds’ Register. Other ports are also completed, and the book will soon be out. Saturday evening H. L. Jones, who has been collector of the / port of Oswegatchie since September last, turned over the affairs to Deputy Collector Partridge, and retired from the office. ‘he receipts of the custom house at Cape Vincent for the past. week were nearly $10- 000. A port that does that amount of. busi- Ey ness should certainly have a public building to do business in. The following appointments have been made by the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior ‘Transit Company for the season of 1883: Propeller Peerless—Allen MclIntyra, captain, H. D. Haddock. clerk. Propeller City of Duluth—Lyman Hunt, captain, Ss. Walker, clekr. Propeller Joseph L. Hurd— Hiram C. Puige, captain, H, J. Seaton clerk Propeller City of Fremont--Ell M. Smith, captain, R. G. Mercer, clerk. For propeller Manistee of the Lake Superior South Shore line—John McKay, captain, George H. Seaton, clerk. No appointments have as yet been made for the freight. propeller Justin R. Whiting and consort Guiding Star. Mr. Powers, President of the Chicago Sea- man’s Union, and Mr. Murphy, President of the Toronto branch, are in Kingston. They are making a tour of the several branches in Canada. ‘They will address a meeting of sailors there, and then leave for Oswego. They report a good outlook for sailors next season. The Engineer (London) estimates that the steam power of the main boiler of a large ocean steamer is sufficiently great to pump out the whole dispiacement of a vessel in fifteen or twenty minutes, and that for $5,000 or $6,000 a pump could have been put into the City of Brussels that would have kept her afloat, in spite of the tremendous hole made tn her by the Kirby Hall. Col. W. E. Merrill foots up the losses to navigators on the Ohio, from the bridges re- ferred to below, in collisions upto June 30, 1881: Beaver Bridge Company, $28,587; Steubenville Company, $69,55: 3. Bellaire Company ; $116,746: Parkersburg Company, 55,000; Newport Company, $34,626; Cin- cinnati Southern Railroad Company, $9,812; nanan Company, $70,000. ‘I'otal, $384,-