NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, Captain John Stover, who for a number of seasons has sailed the large side-wheel steamer Metropolis, on the. Bay City and Alpena route, is to be the commander of the ferry Stewart during the coming season. Oil for the lighthouses of the Dominion is supplied by « company in London, from 2346 cents at Hamilton and Goderich to 26 ‘cents at Halifax or St. Juhn. ‘The total quantity used last year was 109,237 gallons. A very modest young lady, who wasa passenger on board a packet ship, it is said, sprang out ot her berth and jumped over- board on hearing the Captain, during a storm, order the mute to pull down the sheet. ‘The transfer boat Saginaw, now running between Port Huron and Sarnia, will be taken to Windsor iu a few weeks and put in commission. carrying passengers between the Grand ‘Trunk slip and the D., G. & M. depot. A Kingston dispatch says: ‘The steamer Sparton goes on Lake Huron and the Geor- gian Bay branch in place of the Passport, as at first announced. ‘The leasees think the Spartan a better boat for the upper lake ser- vice. Excelsor of Windsor has been chartered by thé ‘Toledo common council to carry passengers between east and west ‘Toledo, and leaves tor there this week. Sheis now being painted and re- fitted throughout. The steamer A Cheboygan, Mich., Telegram says: Dr. Champion, of this place, is the first to navi- gate the Straits of Mackinace this spring with an iceboat. ‘The ice is smooth ‘as glass for miles and eighteen inches thick. It extends as far as the eye can see on Lake Huron.) A new steamboat company is being or- ganized in Kingston, Ont., in which J. F. Maynard, ot Utica, is one of the leading men. The object is to furnish transporta- tion facilities for passengers and freight be- tween Lake Ontario and the Saguenay river. During the month of February the col- lections at the Brockville custom house were $5,429.33; the imports were $59,714; and the exports were $24,482, coming under the heads: Forest, $9,015; animals, $9,173; agricultural products, $4,744; manufactures, $1,461; fisheries, $99. We do not care to buy our ships; we must have shipyards; we must have plants in those shipyards and thus encourage and {os- ter the. national interest in,.a strong. mer- |- chant marine. By thus fostering such a murine, the standard of‘ American seaman- ship would be raised to that eminent degree when our sailors were equal to the seamen who twice fought England and once brought the Barbarry pirates to their knees. Among the steam yachts to be put on the St. Lawrence river during the ensuing pleasure season, is one now being ‘construct ed xt Alexandria Bay by John Hoadley, of that village, who will run it for parties at their will. The dimensions of the little steamer will be 55 feet in keel, 10 feet berm and about 65 feet over all. The engine will be 25 horse, 8xI0. She will have a white | oak hull, and be No. 1 in finish with aft cabin. The duty collected on toreign goods im- ported into the United States in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1882, amounted to $216,- 138,916, which all went into che United States Treasury. And the beauty of the thing is, a large part of this was paid by foreign producers. To illustrate: the price of pig iron is no higher in New York than in Montreal, although our government imposes on the same a duty of $7 per ton, while the Canadian government admits it at $2. Under free trade this vast sum of $216,- 138,216 would have to be raised by internal taxation. The directors of the White Star Line and the Star Line of river steamers have held a conference and decided to pool their gross earnings the coming season. Geo McMillan and Wm. Cowle, of the White Star Line, and J.S. Newberry and W. K. Muir, of the Star Line, have been chosen to represent the eommon interests. ‘ney have leased the dock at the foot of Shelby street, Detr a for $2,500 per year, so the four steamers, Sagin- aw, M.D. Ward, Idlewild and Evening Star, will all hereatter leave the dock at the foot of Shelby street. The Brockville Recorder gives the follow- ing description of the successful effort of the steamer Armstrong a few days since to 4 a a passage through the ice between orristown and Brockville. “The new wheel worked satisfactorily, and with a crush and a roar the old craft ploughed her way through the heavy ice, crushing it like so much straw. She took the path in which she has travelled all winter, and despite the fact that the ice was strong enough to allow the passage ot heavily laden sleighs, she worked her way through it with apparent ease. Her performance, watched by many people on both sides, was an exceedingly creditable one, considering the fact that her path led through solid ice which had re- mained undisturbed trom Monday morning until Saturday night. She reached her dock here about six o’clock, and once more her familiar whistle makes pleasant music for the ears of our town’s people.” SALE OF HULL, ETC. OF THE REVENUE STEAMER “FESSEN DEN.” Will be sold at public auction to the “highest and best bidder for cash at 12 o'clock noon of Thursday the 29th day of March, 1883, at Buffalo, NY. the wooden huh, old boiler. ete, of the Revenue Steamer Fessenden, Said hull is of white oak and che- nut and was built in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1865, and thoroughly repaired in June 1874. She is of about 500 tons (O. M ) 192 feet be- tween perpendiculars. and 27 feet beam. The vessel can be seen until the day of sale at the wharf of the Union Dry Dock Company, at Buffalo, and further information can be obtained o| C aptain A. A. Fengar, at that place, of whom a list cf the articles to be sold with the vessel can be procured. The Depart- ment reserves the right to reject any oral) bids. has. J. Folger Cee Decetary. TO IRON SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, } Wasuincton D. C. MARCH 6 1883 Sealéd proposals for rebuilding with Iren hull, the Revenue Steamer “Perry” will be rec‘ived at this Department until 12 o’clock noon of Tuesday the 27th day of March 1883 Bidders must state the time in which they will nares to complete the work. Bids must, be in accordance with the specifi-ations, aud should be addressed to the Secretary of the "Treasur and indorsed on the envelo| e, ‘Proposals for rebuil ing with iron hull, the “Revenue Steamer “Perry” specifications for the work will be furnished on aj ication to the Collectors of Customs at Detrvit Mich. Cleveland, Ohio, and Buffilo N_ Y.. Captain Geo R. Sleier Superintendent of Construction U. S R. M. No. 3 Bowling Green New York, and to this Deartment. The Department reserves the right to reject auy or all bids and t® waive defects if deemed for the interest of the Government so to do, H. F. French. Acting Secretaly MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Vesselmen SsoOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all polite of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts - —oNn ——_——. Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters cf eee Bill of Luding, Wages, The volumn is handsomely bound* in bind Board Covers, and tine English clath binding. Books, of this kind generally cost $3.00, but We will send it toany address, postage paid for $1,50, or with the MARINE RECORD for one year, both for only $3.25. Address MARINE Recorp. Cleveland 0. Excelsior Copper Gasket- Acids, or THE EXCELSIOR GASKET is especial'y adapted to F'e<\\Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will resist the cnemical action of— Oits & AcIDs. u—— ORDERS LEFT AT Wm. BINGHAM & CO’S, Cleveland, O. —Will receive prompt attention. — REFFERENCES, Cleveland Kolling Mil! Co. Plate Mills, C. R. M- Co. Bingham Mills, Briton Iron and Steel Works Ceeveland Water Works, Lake Erie Iron Co. Uleve nd City Forge, Cuyshogo Furnace Co, ete. \ Vulcan Iron Works MILWAUKEE, WIS. JAMES SHERIFFS, Manufacturer of PROPELLER WHEELS MARINE ENGINES, Boilers, Mill Machinry, Brass Castings. SELLING AGENTS. SmirH & OLWILL, Cleveland, 0. F. W. WHEELER, Bay City. Mich. FirzGERALD & SON, Port Huron, Mich. JamEs M. Jones, Detroit, Mich, LIND”. MARINE ENGINE WORKS ROBT. TARRA Marine and Stationar gines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GE aE uy INERY- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 55,57 & 59 oars St. CHICAGO ILL NO ENCINEER Should be content: to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to HOUCHTON & Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers NEW YORK, _130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, ' THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. { . THE BEST BOILER FEEDER KNOWN LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not Liable to Get Out of Order and al- ways Delivers Water HOT to the Boiler. EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS, The Simplest Bilge-Pump made that is operated by Steam. Manufactured by JAS. JENKS. 16 & 18 ATWATER ST., E, DETROIT, Mich THE BROWN MANUFACTURING CO., AGENTS., CLEVELAND, OHIO. DETROIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF Copper in Sheets, Braziers’ Copper, COPPER BOTTOMS, COPPER WIRE, Fivets and BDure, Circles, =to High Brass, Low Brass and German Silver in all forms of Roll, Sheet and ‘Wire. DETROIT, Mich OND OIMTIMD Corner of Larned and Fourth Streets THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. MANUFACTU RERS OF All KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., Mention this Paper. CONSUMPTION =| —SCYTS, EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS, PERMANENTLY CURED—NO MBUG— by, one Month’s usage of DR GouraeD BC ebra: llible Fit Powders. fs convince sufferers t! a infallible Fit Fowa all ae claim for them we will send them by mail, post p a Free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard ts the obly rh aid a that has ever Ha 8 this disease a special sendy. and as to our knowle Be thousands have been permanently cured by the use 0 these Powders, we will guarantee a age oure in every case or refund your all money ex- pended, A 1 sufferers should give these Powders an éarly trial, and be convinced of their curative powe Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Bent by mail to any part of the United States or Canac&® on roceipt of price, or by express C. O, D. Addr tt, ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N.Y FOR ALL PURPOSES _CEEVELAND, OHIO. Mention this Papers CONSUMPTION | POSITIVELY CURED All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS, These Powders are the only pre paration known that will cure consum pon and all liseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indeed so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Bo: Wedo \’t want your money unulyed are per! eotly sat- isfied of their curative powers. lf your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS 2 trial as they will surely cure pus Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address ASH &-ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y.