SO I AROUND THE LAKES. OSWEGO, ‘The schooner Marie Annette which was reported caught in the ice, is at the Char- lotte all right. ‘I'he owners have telegraphed her captain to come on and the schooner will probably arrive by night. The Maria Antoinette, which ran into Charlotte from Port Hope and there waited for the ice to leave the shore, left this morn- ing at 101g o’clock tor Oswego. She will Probably arrive this po. The schooner Caroling Marsh, with 16,625 bushels of barley for Irwin and Sloan, was caught in the ice yesterday, but finally managed to work through and arrived in portall right the first schooner to reach Oswego this season. The schooner Ariel from Port Hope is in with barley and rye for Irwin and Sloan. The tug cummings, Captain Donovan, is the only one in commission yet. ‘The schooner Beutley is on Goble & Mac- Farlane’s drydozk for repairs. P. J. Klein has been appointed Milwaukee agent of the new Ogdensburg line of pro- pellers. ‘They will land at the foot ot Fowler street. The tug Cummings lies exactly in the ame position in which she was first sunk, wedged against the wharf and abutments. Captain McCloud of Buffalo, agent of the insurance companies, isin town and has inspected the wreck and is receiving bids from parties for the work of removing the tug. Superintencant Phelps and agents of the coal company. had atalk with Mr. Me Cloud this morning and endeavored to im- press upon him the fact that the obstruction was causing them greaier loss, as they were unable to send vessels up the river to load at their trestles. ‘lhe harbormaster this morning told Captain MeCloud that he would give him a reasonable time to get the hull out of the way, but would not permit long delay, and if the matter was not at- tended to“at once the board ot public works would take itin hand,if they had to use dynamite to remove it. ‘There was con- siderable talk about the streets to-day in reference to the control of the water in which the hull lies. Some seem to think that the government have control of it, others that it 18 under the power of the state as faras the removal of this wreck is con- sidered. A.C. Mattoon, who is perhaps as well posted as any man in the city in regard to it,-says that both are wrong and that _ While the- water 1s a public highway, it is absolutely under the control of the city and the harbormaster alone has authority over the, removal of such an obstruction. In common justice to those whose )usiness suffers from the wreck, it ought to-be re- moved at once. We understand that com- petent persons in this city are willing to do the work at reasunable figures. ; Captain Richard Saunders, of Cape Vin- cent has arrived in this city tor the purpose of superintending extensive repairs on the schooner L.S. Hammond. She will receive new frames forward and aft, stern planking and all necessary work to put her in first class shape. Mr. George Goble, the well- known and efficient vessel builder of this city, will have charge of the work. ’ There is an immense body of ice off to the northward of this portand at Cape Vincent in the St. Lawrence river, and at the foot of the lake it is not yet broken up. On the morning of the 13th of Aprila sleigh loaded with freignt was drawn across the river with one horse and it is doubtful whether navigation will be open at that Place before the first of May. BUFFALO. At Mills & Company’s shipyard a tug is being built for the ‘Tittabawassee Boom com- pany. ‘This craft is very shallow, being in- tended to draw only three feet of water. Her length is 40 feet, beam 13 feetanda half, bold four and a half feet. Her engine will be 10x12 inches. She will turn a four anda halt toot wheel. The planking is nearly finished. This is the fourth tug built there for this booming company. The Commercial Line of steamers will probably run in connection with the Lack- awanna Railroad the coming season. ‘lhe arrangements are nearly all made and it is assured by authority that such will no‘doubt be the result of the negotations. ‘Ine Lack- awanna Company is blasting the rocks in the Erie Basin in front of its property there, and will provide eighteen teet of water for the Commercial propellers. A warehouse with 290 feet front will be built at this point for the storage of package freight. Crosby & Dimmnick, of Buffalo, are mak- ing up a hull book of their own. SANDUSKY. The demand for vessels for the fsland stone trade is good. Steambarge Mary Mills cleared for De- troit loaded with coal at 40 cents. and re- turned towing the schooner Rounds, corn laden, She will load coal tor Windsor, Schooner Rogers arrived from ‘Toledo with a cargo of wheat in tow of the tug Green. She cleared light for Toledo to load grain for Buffalo, Schooner Corsican is expected here to load coal for Ainherstburg. Schooner Bliss is expected with corn. from Detroit Schooner Harry Bissell, loaded with corn and wheat, in tow of the Kate Edwards, ar- rived at the B. & O. Elevator. She was leak- ing badly, having struck a reef between Mouse and Starve islands. Schooner Irene cleared from here loaded with stone for Detroit. Barge Emeu, for Detroit, schooners ‘T. F. Merry, Jewett and Siegel, for Cleveland, all take stone, Scow Homer Hine is loading stone at Johnson’s Island for Detroit, Steamer B. F, Ferris will commence run- ning on her regular route this week, having been generally overhauled. Vallentine Doller, of Put-in-Bay, has sold the steamyacht Sallie to L.S. Sullivan and Captain James Sheldon, of ‘Toledo, for $1,600, She will be used for a pleasure boat. Scow Morning Lark carried away her jibboom. Schooner Cleveland cleared trom Marble- head with stone for Cleveland. Steamer Alaska arrived from Detroit on Monday, with all flags flying, it being her first trip. She has been generally over- hauled and renovated, new carpets, ete. She will be officered as follows: A, Harry- man, captain; A.S. Clark, clerk; John Gal- way, first engineer; Fred Nein, third engi- neer; mate, Wm. Smith, She will make three trips a week, every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday. ‘There were 350 foreign entries at South- port, Pelee Island last year. City of Dresden arrived from Windsor Monday. Cleared next morning, light. Forde’s vessel agency at this port reports business good, and as it has not been prop- erly attended to heretofore the prospect is that there is quite a profitable trade to be done at this point. The soft coal shipments at this port will be very light this season, but it is expected that more hard coal than ever will be han- dled this summer. PORT HURON, The propeller Saginaw Valley is “fitting out at this port. ot Port Huron dry docks and ship yards are booming just now. Every captain — is anxious to get his boat overhauled as speed- ily as possible. ‘ J.W. ‘Thompson & Son will this season be agents for the following reliable lines here: Superior Transit Company, Union Steamship Line, Anchor Line, and Western ‘Transportation Company. Parsons & Son will probably be the agents of the White Star and Chicago Lines this season. : “ Bay ciry | m4 Navigation is now tully opened on Sag- inaw river, but it will be several days yet before any outside craft enter. A vessel man states that nothing will be done in the marine line, to speak of, before May Ist. ‘The steamer George L. Dunlap sank at her moorings near the west end of the rail- road bridge during Monday night in twelve feet of water. ‘The ship keeper had been working away from the steamer during Monday and when he returned, found her leaking through some open seams. ‘The lateness of the hour prevented him trom getting a tug to goto her rescue and at 5. a.m. yesterday she reached bottom. She isowned by Cole & Holt and has not been in use for two years. She will be raised when a favorable south wind prevails.— Bay City Press. EAST SAGINAW. The Herald states that the heavy wind Tuesday night and Wednesday seems to have started the ice all along the Lake Huron shore, and the prospects are it will now break up quite rapidly. The wages of dockwollopers, it is said, will open at 30 cents an hour, that is to load the fleet that wintered in the river, but the incoming fleet, it is said, will have to pay 40 cents. Captain Price left Tuesday evening for Cleveland to fit out the barge B. M. Baker. Captain Byron Inman goes to Cleveland this week to fit out the steambarge Hia- watha, The proposed placing of the propeller Saginaw Valley on the Chicago and Ogdens- burg route has fallen through. It is now talked of her running between Buffalo and Green Bay. . The steamer belonging to the Flint & Pere Marquette, Ludington and Milwaukee Line, are now making 1egular trips across the lake in connection with the roads, and are doing aheavy passenger and freight business. The Arundell has received a new smoke stack, and is ready for business. The steambarge Sanilac is coaled up and ready for her first trip. The tug Waldo A, Avery has gone into commission under command of Captain Sey- mour Stratton, The fire tugs Lee and Farrar are being painted and fitted for business. The steamer Carrington is getting ready to make the tiip to the Rifle river as soon as the ice moves in the bay. The tug Witch, which has been rebuilt at Davidson’s yard, was launched Saturday, and is now receiving her machinery. The tug C. W, Likens has been chartered by the Au Gres Boom company to do their log towing for the season of 1883, ‘The barge C. F. Curtis, of the ‘Toledo & Transportation company is being furnished with boilers and engine. ‘he engine will be a compound with cylinders, 26 and 48 inches, with a 42 inch stroke; the boiler is 16 feet in length and 62 feet shell, Consider- able work has also been put on her cabins. The tug Anna, which has been in com- mission at Saginaw for some days past, came to Bay City Sunday, towing the barge Sylvia Morton. Her passage through tke ice gorge above Third street bridge was decidedly exciting and was witnessed by hundreds of spectators. The tug George B. Dickson came up from Bay City Saturday ; the first craft to make the trip this season. George L. Colwell’s tug Lark will tow between the ‘Tawases and Au Sable this seuson. Captain Stormer will command her. MT. CLEMENS, The river is free of ice here and boats will begin to leave about the last of this week for different points. The steamer Handy Boy and her. consort leave for ‘Toledo to load coal tor J. Janks of Sand Beach then she goes to Cuaseville to load lumber for Detroit at Bay City rates. ‘The steamer Ida expects to leave a week from this Monday for treight and passengers torun between Detroit and Mt. Clemens, three trips a week. The steamer City of Mt. Clemens makes her first trip to Kelleys island for a load of stone for this place. The steamer Windsor had new plank all over and a through overhauling this spring and will trade between Bear Creek and Mt. Clemens this coming season. ¢ The steamer J.S. Ruby isto start out the last ot this week perhaps to take ona luad ot staves from Fair Haven to Cleve- land. Mr. Lonsby has made his lighter one foot higher and other repars tor the purpose of lightering his lumber in this river. ST. IGNACE, The weather bas been very warm for the past week and the ice is wasting fast. ‘The lumbering campe broke up Saturday. - ‘The Algoman makes daily trips to Cheboygan. Any propeller can come to this port from Lake Huron at any time. MUSKEGON, The Muskegon lake tug fleet has been overhauled and is ready tor business. ‘Tow- ing Mes will be the same as last year. ‘The fleet will be under the management of the association. Muskegon lake is now | free from ice and vessels are commencing to load lumber for Chicago. Navigation is open. commenced running. SAUGATUCK,. The steam excursion yacht built by J. B. Martel for captain H. Dohleke, of Chicago, was successiully launched in the presence of many inspectors. She was named J. W. Parmelee, in honor of Chicago’s popular bus man. Following are her dimensions: Length over all, 76 feet; breath of beain,. 1544 feet; depth of hold, 7 feet 9 inenes; steel boiler, 5x10; engine, 16 square; wheel, 5 feet 4 inches, and of Butfalo make. She is tu be fitted up as an excursion boat, and will be ready for business about the middle of May. The ferry boats have CHICAGO. The Chicago coal unloaders are organized for. the season. Also the longshoreman employed by the propeller lines. Captain Johnson, of the steambarge G. T Burroughs, says there is no ice on the west shore from Chicago to the Door. There is no hull pool, and little prospect of one. Only one Canadian craft wintered Chicago the schooner Arabia. Vessel owners are happy over the advance in grain freights. Graham & Morton’s new propeller is called the City of st Joseph. The Officers of the Chicago Vessel Owners’ Association are as follows: President, Wiley M. Egan; Vice President, A G. Schaick: ‘Treasurer, C. W. Elphicke ; Secretary, Frank B. Higgie; Executive Committee, J. G. Keith, ‘Thomas Hood, C. W. Elphicke. Chicago Dry Dock Co. The L. M. H. S. ‘Transportation Companys’ propeller J. 8. Hurd has been in dry dock getting her stem repaired and her wheel balanced. The Schooner H.C. Winslow, Capt. Sam Murdoch went into dry dock to get her but- tom .:e-calked and her ceutre board box re- paired, The schooner B. IF. Wade went into dry dock to get her bottom calked The steam barge Inter Ocean) went dry doék to have her bottom valked new "heel, The Schooner W. M. Jones is at_ this companys’ new derrick and will have her Mainmast taken out and replaced by a new one. Capt. Hickman’s splendid new tug Lorena went into Commission with the Chicago Union Tug Line on Monday, last she’ is as handsome and well equipped boat as any on the river, and will bea grand addition to in into and a the Line, Capt. Hickman is in command and Patrick Keehey is the engineer. She had the Schooner H. W. Sage, and the Pro- peller Lehigh for her first days tow in the river and she handled them first class. Capt, A. Robertson who sailed the schr. Samana the last 3 seasons will sail the sehr. Jamaica this season, Capt W. F. Andrews vill sail the Samana. — which is loaded with corn for Kingston Ont. at 634 cents and the Jamaica at 6 cents for the same port. At Miller Brothers drydock the propeller Lawrence has been getting new frames and ceiling forward, new stanchions, covering board and rail, and a thorough overhauling. she will run between Chicago and Cheboy- gan, Mich., this season with passengers and freight. ‘I'he steambarge Michael Croh had a leak stopped. ‘The schooner ‘IT, Y. Avery has had new biige streaks and futtoeks and has been converted into a three-and-af- ter. Her mainmast has been moved forward and a new mizzenmast putin, ‘he tug Mil- dred was recalked, reironed and had her shaft straightened, ‘I'he schooner David Stewart went into drydock to stop a lenk, she was loaded with 80,000 bushels of grain- The schooner F. B. Gardner was recalked. Schooner Starlight is to be recalked. ‘lhe schooner Clipper City is to receive a recalk- ing. Schooner 8. B. Pomeroy had her deck calked. Schooners Otter and) Maxwell had their decks calked, At the Vessel Owners’ drydock the pro- peller Toledo has had a €horough overhaul- ing at a cost of about $600. ‘Tne steambarge Fayette will have a leak stopped and a thor- ough overhauling. The barge Windsor is having a general overhauling. Schooner Pilgrim has had her topsides calked. ‘he schooner Metropolis has had a new foretop- mast anya general overhauling. ‘The steam barge Queen of the West is getting some general repairs. The tug’J. H. Hackley is in dry dock receiving some general repairs, Steambarge Iron Chief is having some gen- eral repairs. Propeller M. Drake has had some calking done, Schooners M. L. Higgie has had a new boom, Scotia a new gaff, Nas- sau a new topmast and North Cape has had some calking. MILWAUKEE. The report that the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company has purchased of the Good- rich Transportation Company the steamer City of Milwaukee and the propellers Mich- igan and Wisconsin and would tike posses- sion of them on the 15th inst., is not con- firmed, although it is admitted that negotia- tions have been pending and the rallway company were given until the 15th to accept or decline. The first. vesselo bend canvass at. Mil- waukee was the John Mee, Jr., which left for Manistee. A Milwaukee vessel owner, who wrote to the headquarters of the Welland in relation to the recent order that no vessel with fixed Low-sprit would be permitted to piss through the canal, received a dispateh that the order was peremptory from Ottawa and had not been repealed. ‘The order is cause ing considerable dissatisfaction among American vessel owners. The scow H. H. Williams, the first sail arrival, and the steambarge Nellie ‘Torrent, the first lumber carrier to arrive this year, came on the 12th, the former with a cargo of wood from Horn’s Pier and the latter with a cargo of lumber from Manistee. ‘Che seow Durham, the first sail departure, and the steambarge G. ‘I’, Burroughs lett tor Bailey’s Harbor that afternoon. ‘There were seven clearances and six arriyals at this port that day. During the ‘fore part of the week Hopkin’s Pier and Perry’s pier at Pierport: were con- siderably damaged by the ice, and Swaty & ° Fallow’s pier at Foseara, with 100 cords of wood was uearly all carried away. About 100 feet of the pier at yClaybanks was also carried away. The propeller Oconto has arrived from Manitowoc on her first trip of the season, and will ply on the west shore route for the present. _ The steamer Chicago will go into commis- sion on the west shore route. ‘he steamer Corona will probably be run from Luding- ton to Frankfort the ensuing season, Captain Carr, last season on the Maria Martin, has arrived to fit out the schooner Red Wing. HORN’8 PIER. The lake is free from ice along the west shore to Death’s Door. ‘The Sturgeon Bay Canalis also open. ‘The schooner FW. Williams, the first arrived at this place, and only vessel seen here since last fall cleared for Milwaukee with cordwood last’ Sunday night. “The ice at Sturgeon Bay and in Green Bay in disappearing fast, but there is no opening yet. ‘The Steainbarge ‘Thoms Smith is loaded at Sturgeon Bay and ex- pects to break a channel through, via the canal, ina few days. The weather is warm and pleasing ; wind light northeast. DULUTH. lhe repairs to the Northern Pacific dock are finished, and the steamers can now com- thence running as soon a3 they want to. Vhe steam scow which C, P. MeDongall is building on the Northern Pacific doek will soon be ready for launching,