— rr NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, There is at present no ice at Sand Beach. The schooner Snow Drop is being re- paired at Dunford & Alverson’s drydock. A dispatch trom Lexington reports the lake clear of ice for six to eight miles off that port. The Straits from McGilpin’s Point to the vicinity of the Foxes, is densely packed with 18-inch ice. Wilson, the sub-marine diver, is patching the hole in the bottom of the barge D. M. Baker, which lies at Bottsford’s dock. The schooner Midge, owned by Captain John Clausen, was damaged to the extent of $250 by a fire in the Green Bay canal. A hittle new paint on_ vessels, like the “Liquid Pearl” used by ladies on their taces, makes a great improvement in their appear- ance, The steambarge now building at Marine Juty for the Saginaw & Toledo Transporta- Cin Company will be completed early in tione. ‘Two steamers have.arrived at Halifax with an aggregate of 52,000 seals. ‘Khe almost to- tal extinction of these valuable animals seems imminent. 7 ‘The propeller Mary Martini will run on the Sebewaing, Caseville and T'awas route this season, in competition with shore line of steamers. Deputy United States Marshal Marshall seized the scow Prince Albert, of Egg Har- bor at Ahnapee last week ch aclaim of sea- man’s wages by Adolph Roder for $112. A petition is in circulation among’ vessel- men at Chicago, asking the United States lighthouse board to put a steam fog-whistle on the outer breakwater north: of the light- house. ‘The beam on which the tonnage and offi- cial numbers of vessels must be marked, has been decided by the ‘Treasury Department to be the one under the forward side of the main -hatch. ; Sailor’s wages out of Chicago have not yet been fixed by the union, and president Pow- ers says that nothing will be done towards fixing them until the straits are open and a basis established by the needs of the business. The lumber barge Baker lies at Bottsford - fina ged condition with a hole in her bottom, made when she settled down on a pile after the flood. As soon as possible she will be towed to a drydock and repaired. An island in Vermillion bay on the coast of Louisiana, has’a solid mass of salt ata depth of twenty feet so hard that it requires to be mined with dynamite and ground in steam mills. About 200 tons a day are taken out. The propeller Messenger has changed hands, and will run between Manistee and Cheboygan thecoming season. She was re- cently measured in Chicago under the act of August 5, 1882, for exemptions. Her old measurement (gross) was 444.57. The ex- emption under the new law is 102.95, making her tonnage now (net) 341.62. Lieutenant C. H. McLellan, of the Reve- nue Marine, having been detailed to repre- sent the United States Life Saving Service at the International Fisheries Exhibition to be held in. London next month, sailed on the steamship Grecian Monarch. He took with him bvats, buoys, mortars, rockets, and cth- er life saving appliances. The investigation of complaints of impro- per treatment of Italian steerage passengers on the steamship Viking brought out the testimony that they had soft bread and cof- fee for breakfast, macaroni, butter, cheese, soup, boiled vegetables, and bread for din- ner and meat and potatoes for supper. The passengers testified that there was not enough of the tood, and that they had to pay extra for a sufficiency. In August Nordenskjold, the Swedish navigator, will start on an expedition to Greenland. He proposes to make a com- plete exploration of the interior of that country. As comparatively but little is now known of Greenland, and as it is among the dossibilities that information so obtained may be of some practical value, it would seem that such an exploration is worthy of more encouragement than the many truitless and fatal efforts to find the North Pole. The Ottawa Official Gazette says the Owen Steamship Company have applied to Parlia- *ment for letters patent tor the purpose of running a steamships and other boats and vessels for freight and passenger traffle be- tween different ports and landings on Geor- gian Bay, Lake Huron, the River St. Marys, Luke Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake St. Clair, Detroit river, and the adjoining gulfs, and bays, and streams, including ports on the American side, and for that purpose to build, purchase, or lease from time to time steamships and otier boats, and to operate the same. HOW THE ANCIENTS SPENT THEIR MONEY. People may say what they please, but some facts of history are, metaphorically speaking, diMeult to swallow. For instance we are told, that Cleopatra drank a glass of wine, in which was dissolved a pearl worth $40,000; Ptolemus Philadelphus, of Egypt, had a fortune of $350,000,000; that Aesop, the poet, paid $400,000 for a single supper, and that Heliogabalous reposed in a bed- stead ot solid gold. All this may be true; but it seems more probable to say, that Swayne’s Pills cure dropsy, billious head- ache, and indigestion, for there is more truth than poetry in it. Sub-Marine Divine Sunken Machinery and Cargoes Raised And Sub-Marine Blasting done at Reasonable Rates. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mich. <GRESCEN;™ BOILER COMPOUND WILL LOOSEN SCALE | STEAM BOILERS €NO PREVENT ITS FORMATION, FUEL, ‘S AND IRS. LABOR RePAn “SAFE g cHEAP. SEND FOR CIRCULARS 2 Crescent Mrc.Co a2 ‘ JsCLEVELAND.O. \gos ; ji saves NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN. & COMPANY’S DIAGNAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METELIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU- PERVISING INSPEC TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOR PRICE LIST DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Vesselmen sxAOULD HAVE OU INE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts ra —on ——-——~. Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, , Towage, Registry, ‘ _ Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. The volumnis handsomely bound in stiff Board Covers, and tine English cloth binding. Books of this kind generally cost $3.00, but we will send it to any address, postaze paid for $1,30,‘or with the MARINE RECORD for one year, both for only "$3.25. Address MARINE Rtcorp. Cleveland O. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED . All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS, Thes» Powers are the only preparation known that will cure consumption and all «tiseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indee'l, so‘strong is our faith in them. ant al-o to convince you that thev are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a Free T:ial Box- Wedo ’t want your money until you are perfectly sat- isfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS a trial as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10 00. Sent to any part of the Unit-d States or Canada, by mail, ov receipt of price. Address. ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. FITS, EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CUR"D—NO HUMBUG — by one Month's usage of DR. GOULARD'S celebrate d Infa llible Fit kowders. ‘Vo convince sufferers that these Powers will do all we claim for them we wiil send them by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Box 4s Dr. Goulard is the only Physician that has ever made this di-ease a sp: study, and as to* our knowledge thousands have permanently cure: by the use of these Powders, we Will guarantee a permanent cure inevery case or refund your all money ex- pended. All sufferers should give these Powders an carly trial, and be convin ed of their curative power Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. nt by mail to any pirtof the United States or Canad on receipt of price, or by exnress C. O, D. Addres ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N Y \ ‘Eeivets and Duyrs, @IGHARD HAMMOND. JOHN COON, MARINE. Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. Gasometers ,Salt Pans Smoke Stacks. And all kinds of Heavy Plate & Sheet Iron Work OFFICE & WORKS, 244.246 .248.250.252. And. 254. Perry St. OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. _Repairing Promptly Attended to BUREALO, BLY, ‘TANKS. ESTABLISHED 1830, WM. WALL'S SONS. —— MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE &* OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of th best ’ DAY’S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. puedes tues anaes econiere ALON Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brookivn, N.Y. MARINE ENGINE WORKS j ROBT. TARRANT., MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - 55, 57 & 59 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL NO ENCINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it frez from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and : Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to ‘HOUCHTON & Co, i Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. THE BEST BOILER FEEDER KNOWN LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not Liable to Get Out of Order and al- ways Delivers Water HOT to the Boiler EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS The Simplest Bilge-Pump made that is operated by Steam. Manufactured by JAS. JENKS. s 16 & 18 ATWATER ST., E. DETROIT, Mich THE BROWN MANUFACTURING CO., AGENTS... CLEVELAND, OHIO. DETRUIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF Copper in Sheets, Braziers’ Copper, COPPER BOTTOMS, COPPER WIRE, Circles, ite High Brass, Low Brass and German Silver in all forms of Roll, Sheet and Wire. Corner of Larned and Fourth Streets. DETROIT. Mich THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. NENW? OF MANUFACTURERS WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., Mention this Paper. All, KINDS OF FOR ALL PURPOSES CLEVELAND, OHIO.