Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 28, 1883, p. 4

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Ghe Marine Record. Journal devoted to Commerce Navigation and Science, Published Weekly ar CLEVELAND, OHIO Office Nos. 171 Superior and 136 Bank Streets, Room 7- TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. INVARIBLY IN ADVANCE, AGENTS me WANTED IN EVERY PORT ADWERT Ten cents per line solid Nonpariel measurement. Twelve lines of Nonpariel set solid make one inch, Twenty cents per line for realing notices, sulid minion meastirement, - Articles, letters and queries on all subjects are soli- cited. 8@-The Editor assumes no respoysibility for the opinions of correspondents. To insure notice, contributors must give name and address, and write on one side of the paper only. THE MARINE I ORD has an Agent in every port on the Lukes and Rivers, and will consequently circu- ate more or less in all of them, Asa medium for advertising it has no superior, as it circulates among @ class of people that can be reached in no other way.. REMOVAL APR.1. Owing tothe “March of improvement” in this our great and growing city, we are com elled to remove from our old quarters to the Bretanal Block at the entrance of the Viaduct. No. 2 South Water St. which is directly under the Office of the Merchantile Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Our Offices will be nearer to the docks and very handy for vesselmen, whom we shall be pleased :o see at any time. The Block in which we. are now situated will be torn down and a fine new building erected n its place. ie ELECTRICITY. The success of electricity as an economic renewed Where it is in constant use. If the storing of electricity could be accomplished on a large seale it might be possible to adopt it for use on much larger vessels than the above mentioned class with good results. though considerable uncertainty hangs over the matter as yet, it would evidently be very unwise—in view of past experience—to pre- dict the success or failure in future to make electricity an economical motive power. New inventions may come up hereafter that will succeed in’ accomplishing all that may be desired in that respeet, und we may be able in our own time to obtain powerful na- chinery driven by that power at a relatively small cost. Fortunately for tnose making experiments of that kind, they have the good will of the people in their undertaking, [and have not to overcome such ignorant op- position as resisted the introduction of steam. They are thus left untrammelled by public opinion to pursue their experiments and work out if possible some benefit to the people. While we are looking forward to the future developments of electricity as a motive power, we should not forget that we have in it at the present time a powerful Hlumina- tion agent, that can be made available to insure greater security to vessels approach- ing our coasts’or on the seas. The intensity of the light makes it possible for it to be seen at a very great distance. Its adoption, therefore, in the lighthouses on many of the most dangerous parts of our coast should be seriously considered. .1t would be more ex- pensive than the oil lamp now in use, but it is hardly’ to be doubted whether the in- creased cost of maintaining such a light would not more than pay for itself tn the greater security afforded to shipping fre- quenting our ports. -‘This light-could_also be used to advantage on board of ocean going steamers. ‘It would serve to distinguish agent is not,yet fully demonstrated. ‘The use to which it has been put in illuminating many of our public thoroughfares and the adoption ot it in-someof our business houses is significant as showing its popularity with he people. generally. The advantage of this light over gaslight is very great, and its rapid progress as a substitute for the latter in this and other countries would appear to indicate its adoption generally in the future. Much, however, will depend upon the cheapness of its cost to the consumer, wheth- er it will be used in private houses to any greatextent. At present though giving a brighter—and in the latest inventions a much steadier—light than gas, it is yet as expensive as the latter, and this in connec- tion with the uncertainty in the minds of the people as to its absolute safety for hous hold uses will doa great deal to retard its progress in that direction. Experience may enable the companies who furnish that light with the means of cheapening the cust: of production, So far “as the’ quality of the light is concerned it can be said to have proved very sat'sfactory. here exists with many people a desire to see electricity made available for use asa niotive power in the hope that it will do away witha great deal ot the annoyance and ineonvenience re- sulting fromthe use of steam. ‘There are great efforts being put forth looking to that end, but as yet very little has been accom- plished in that respect, and none, as far as known to us, that does not contemplate the use Of steam power in connection with an electrical machine either directly or indi rectly. Many experiments have been made with it as a propelling power but they have not proved altogether satisfactory, particu- larly in the great expense attending the running of those machines. Steam is still an important factor in experiments of that kind, and as dependence must be placed up- on itas the best agent for producing the electric current in sufficient quantity, it serves to increase the cost to an extent which makes it improbable that it will be adopted by the manufacturing industries for some time to come. ‘The method of so called “storing” electricity seems to have more in its favor than most other methods that have yet been tried, and it might, if the cost is not too great, be successfully used in’ places where but a small amount of power is re- quired, as in the case recently of a lannch which was both propelled and steered by means of it for several miles. By this method the electrical current is necessarily of limited duration, and requires to be often them at night from the sailing vessel, and it might be the means of preventing many accidents which ovcur from a lack of such recoynition on the part of the latter, by giv- ing them timely warning of the steamer’s approach, and in calculating the distance of the vessels apart. ‘his should receive earnest attention, the more so, as it would give greater security to both life and valuable property. — THE NEXT TEN YEARS ON PACIFIC COAST. The world moves; and the events which make bistory never transpired more rapidly than now. ‘The greatest development in the United States and adjacent countries, will be on the Pacific Coast during the next de- cade. Some of the aiost prominent move- ments are already foreshadowed. Alaska will have a Territorial Government in spite of all the opposition made by the few per- sons Who have most to gain by the present condition of things. There will be a large emigration to that Territory, because the natural resources are far greater than the outside public suppose. THE Just now Alaska isa far-away country. [tis hardly more remote than the interior of Arizona, but with the difference that the latter is reached by railroad, and the former only by sailing vessels and steamers, and with no regularity. Now the-best: fur-bear- ing region, the best lumber region, the best fishings grounds, and possibly one of the most important mineral: countries within the jurisdiction of the United States, will not long be neglected. It invites enterprise. A few adventurers are going therein search of precious metals. There will never be another Frazer river excitement. But it is now probabie that there isto bea great min- eral development in) Alaska. ‘here facts enough already at hand to warrent such a conclusion, Ten years ago Arizona was thought ty be well nigh a worthless country. There were a few people who knew better. To-day itis the most promising mineral territory ino the whole country. Alaska has fur greater resources than Arizona. ‘Ten years hence this fact will be apparent enough. Fifty thousand people under a good terri- torial administration in Alaska, would puta new phase upon the real interests of that country. si There will bea great mineral develop- ment not only in Arizona, but in Sonora and all the upper tier of Mexican States during are the next ten years. If there is anything in the famous mines of these States, American capital and enterprise will get it out. The stime machinery in kind now employed on the Comstock Lode will be employed in the mines of Sonora, ‘here is one pump at the formertnines, which has just been set up, larger than any other in operation in the world. Lt\lifts 14,000 tons of water a day, at a cost less by 25 per cent. than any of the former pumps, employed. ‘This putap cost in round numbers, very. near a quarter of a million dollars. ‘Nota pound of good ore may be found in aby of the mines having a proprietary interest tu this pump. But this is mining enterprise, because without such a resource, further deep mining was prac- tically out of the question. Americans go over the border line into\ Mexico with as little hesitation as they would go from one State to another in the Union, \ This drift of Americans is one of the most\ interesting events of the times. What will be the re- sult of ten years of such emigration, on the theory that a great mining interest \will be developed in these border Mexican States? In its way it would amount to a revolution. ‘Ten years hence these States will be quite unlike what they are to-day. This emigra- tion Americanizes the country just as cer- tainly as it did California thirty years ago. Just now there are something like 50,000 laborers employed in building railroads on the strength of American capital in Mexico. These laborers are mostly natives of the country. But the brains and the enterprise employed are largely American, Since Mexico was a republic it has not had so bright a future as to-day, simply because American ecterprise and capital have gone there. Railroads are in process of building in all directions. Once built, they must be operated and go on creating business. What the relations of Mexico will be to the United States ten years hence can be enly a matter of conjecture. The logic of present facts points to a closer relation than was ever known before-—San Francisco Bulletin. — WHAT A BOY CAN DO. In 1881 Russell Wallace McKee, of Wil- loughby. avenue, Brooklyn, then but 15 years of-ayge, designed and modeled the schooner Ella. In the roomy depth ofa celler her keel was laid. Each and every timber, steamed and bent by his own hands, was put in place, and slowly but surely the work progressed, till, despite its dimen- sions, the celler could no longer contain the growing vessel. ‘The stable yard was next resorted to, and no matter how inclement the weather every day saw the boy resolutely laboring. ‘The ribs all in place, the heavy planking of oak required more than one small pair of hands to manage, and assistance had to be sought. All through the spring and sweltering summer months which succeeded he labored on alone. The fall of 1882 had almost passed away when -it became neeéssary to remove her again, this time to the water side. A truck was engaged, jacks and hoisting tackle set in motion, and, in the dea’ of night, mod- estly avoiding public gaze, the nearly com- pleted Ella was conveyed to the shipyard, and took her place among the most costly experiments in naval architecture of the day. Winter came again, but he who had given up all his semmer holidays’ outing was not to be daunted. For the heavy work of raising and stepping the masts agsistance, was again invoked, but aside from that his own hands accomplished it all. ‘l'o-day she rises from the sea, Venus-like, shapely and complete. Her dimensions are as follows: Length over all, 32 feet; length on water line and keel, 30 feet; beam, 10 feet 9 inches; draught, 4 feet. The interior of the cabin is nicely paneled with alternate California redwood and selected spruce, She has, forward of the cabin a small stuterooom on the port side and closet, on the starboard hand, with basin and gunning water. ‘The main saloon pre- sents, with its paneling of hard woods and red cushioned transoms, a very cozy - ap- pearance, She will carry jib, flying jib, jibtopsail, foresail, mainsail, and their re- spective topsails: has four anda half tons pig and scrap iron ballast and is rated at 8 100 tons, new measurement. In general appearance the Ella is not handsome; her lines are calculated more for safety than speed. She will tully accomplish the desire, however, and will, therefore differ consider- ably from the many yachts designed for speed, which finally accomplish nothing ex- cept their builder's chagrin and their owner’s disgust.— Brooklyn Hagle. THE STEAMBOAT REPORT, The annual report of the Supervising In- spector for the last fiscal year has been re- ceived at Chicago. The following ta @ shows the number of steam vessels inspect- ed, their aggregate tonnage and the officers licensed for the several divisions of naviga-. tion during the fiscal year: Officers Divisions, Steamers, ‘Tonnage. heensed. Pacific coast 121,493.91 1,258 Atlantic coast 587 349.37 8,277 Western river 187,729 60 4,805 Northern lake 292,709.64 4,196 Gulf coas 73,282 11 1,992 Total......... 1,278,564.93 20,467 RECAPITULATION, Total number of vessels inspecte ‘ 5,117 Total tonnage of vessels ins; e tec 278,564.63 Total oumber of officers licensed 20,467 ase over the preceeding Showing an iner year as follows: Increase in number of vessels i Increase in tonnage..... 7 Increase in number of officers. RECEIPTS. Receipts from inspection of steam vessels. Receipts from sales of licenses ected 338 7,841.30 102 048.00 Total........ EXPENDITURES, Salaries of inspectors and clerks... Traveling and miscellaneous expenses. 189,744.17 37:871.49 POC ec ccsesstujeasevpicssteven Total receipts from all source: 63 279,886.30 ‘Total expenditures. 1615.63 Balance of receipts unexpended.. seees $52,273.67 Decrease'in receipts from inspect team vessels OVEr 185L.......0000 0 eee oe 10,212.09 Decrease in receipts from officers licenses, 37,887.00 Net decrease in receipts for the year.........927,604.91 REDUCED FEES, . ‘The decrease in receipts for fees from li- censed officers is explained by the fact that’ section 4,458, revised Statutes, was amended by xnact of Congress, approved April Ty 1882, reducing the fees from $10 for licenses - of. the frst class, and $5 for licenses of ofli- cers of the second. class toa fee of but 50 cents all classes, such reduction having been-made-upon—the-recommendation—eon- tained in the last annual report from this office. . ‘The reductions shown in receipts from lie censed officers is only \ for the three last months in the fiscal year} had it extended through the year, there would have been an excess of expenditures over receipts of about $40,000, instead of, as now shown, an excess of receipts over expenditures of $52,273.67 ; which sum, added to the surplus of $649,- 320.35 remaining on hand at the close of the previous fiscal year, would give a gross sur- plus of $701,594.02, asum amply suflicient to supply the deficiency for seventeen years and upward, even if there should be no an- nual gains in receipts from inspections of vessels. As these annual gains for five years past have averaged upward of $6,000 a year, itis not unreasonable tosuppose that long before the surplus shall be exhausted the service will again become self-sustain- ing. or the surplus $701,594.02 on hand at the present time, at least 17 per cent isthe result of economy in the management of the con- tingent expenses of the service during the six years of the present administration of the service. The total number of acoldents ge ay aee i year resulting in loss of life a, i a Snags, wrecks, and sinking Total......... as Total number of lives lost treet eeerenres AL by accidents ‘rom various causes during the year: Explosions Fire besente 4 Collisions Ht Snags, wrecks, and sinking, i Accidental drowning 4 Miscellaneous casualties. ¢ Total........... Decrease from previ Of the fore-going lives Jost but fitt ix are reported as those of passengers, the re mainder being employes of the steamers many such losing their lives through care- lessness begot by familiarity with dangerous duties. There were carried during the year (partly estimated) 354,000,000 passenge _ =. = CAUTION TO VESSEL MASTERS, The following, received b 5 c| Spaiding yoaterdey, explains ie TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WasnINar April10.—sir: The department initrd that the contractor of the government who is to do the work at the mouth of the Sag. inaw river, which consists in dredgin es deeper channel for some two miles out ite the bay, complains that he suffered } losses last year by his dredges being run into by vessels passing whieh are in trade You are accordingly directed to make A minute on the clearance of all vessels pro: ceeding to that locality, to guard carefull , against any interferance of collision with the dredge doing the government work which, it is understood, will be in. progresa all the summer. Very respectfully, oe Joun C. New. Assistant Secrety heavy Ary.

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