Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 28, 1883, p. 7

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THE CHESTER SONG. Brigh!ly gleams the shades of evening On R. Chester’s new lump store; Signals, lamps and lanterns beaming, As their wont in days of yore. Burners, chimneys, glittering, dancing, Blinking on the new-made shelves, Tiny lamps an‘ glasses prancing Just like a band of litile elves. Now, if you’re somewhat at a loss To find out the new retreat; From the old stand the brid ye just cross To 248 -outh Water street. And down the st'irs you'll have to go, With steady step and -trong. And there you'll meet with such a show That'll make yuu sing a song. For Jam»sand lanterns red and green, Tinware of strongest grade-- In no store else such stock is seen. It’s just the place to trade. Blasts which blow from the Chester horn, When fogs are thick and near, Makes siilors look at fear with scorn *Cause they know just where to steer,, LIFE SAVING SERVICE. ' The Port Austin News says that yesterday the lite saving cretvs received orders to go into commission on Monday. ‘That of No, 2, at Point-anx-Barques light, it made up as follows: Samuel Neal, George Smith, George Losey, James Sheridan, Charles Parker, Charles Farton, William Ashworth, signal sergeant; Q. Morgan, captain. Five of the old crew and two new; one of the old could not pass doctor’s examination, and the other could not pass the marine examina- tion in the keeper’s judgment. The department:is supplying all the sta- tions in the tenth district with force pumps’ as a protection against fire, and the one re- ceived at Station No. 2is found to do its work admirably. Station No. 3, above Grindstone City, has all of last season’s crew back again, with Henry Gill, jr., as Captain. C..C. Goodwin, jr., last year a member of the Cleveland Life Saving crew, has gone to Erfe to serve at the station at that port. We have received. from Mr. 8. I. Kimball the General Superintendant of the Life Sav- ing Service a circular giving the designations of stations in the Life Saving Service which will take effect on June 1 1883. The present deaignation by numbers will be abandoned. Officers and employes of the Life Saving Ser- vice will, in all correspondence, and upon all official torms, observe the changes. APPOINTMENTS. Captain D. ‘Titus will take command of the schooner H. D. Root. . The large steamshin Onoko will be com- manded by William Trinter this season. Captain William Young, Jr., goes into the schooner H. J. Webb. Captain Peter Minch will again command the A. Everett this year. Captain William Young goes in the John N. Glidden this year, He will be succeeded in the Fred A. Morse by Charles Clover. The Menominee ‘Transportation Compa- ny’s craft will be commanded this year as follows: Propeller Progress, Captain L. B. Goldsmith; D. W. Rust, Captain R. J. Cow- ley; schooner L. C. Butts; Captain Joseph Kendritk; schooner D. K. Clint, Captain Harry Clement. : The Anchor Line appointments are an- nounced as follows: Propellers Alaska, M. Riley; G. Campbell, D. Murphy; Clarion, H. A. Sisson; Conemaugh, James Corcoran ; Conestoga, George L. Hogg; Delaware, Charles Christy; Juniata, P. O’neil; Lehigh D. Coughlin, Lycoming, J. ‘Todd; Philadel- phia, S. E. Chatterson; Wissahickon, H. Brown; Arizona, Johy Leonard; India, C. B. Chatterson; China, A. MeDougall; Ja- pan, M. Niland; Winslow, E. Mooney; sehooners Schuylkill, Geo. Blair; Alleghe- ny, C. H. Wilson; Annie Sherwood, J. Me- Carthy. The Kingston Whig says: John Finuean, of Ganonoque, is in. the city for the purpose of fitting out the s eamers Rothesay and Prince Arthur for the St. Lawrence Steam- boat Company. There is little probability of the amalgamation talked of between this company and the royal mail line being ef- fected. The latter wants to get too much. Sub-Marine Divine Sunken Machinery and Cargoes Raised And Sub-Mirine Blasting done at Reasonable Rates. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mich. . ‘t “GRESCENS™ \|BOILER COMPOUND N SEND FOR CIRCULARS > Crescent Mrs.Co aes (| GURVEARND.O, QO” CANFIELD Wrecking and Towing Line, MANISTEE, MICH. Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, é&c., To be had on short notice, by mail or tele- grah. CHAS, GNEWUCH. Wrecking Master. A. O. WHEELER, Manager. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN & COMPANY’S DIAGNAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METELIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU- PERVISING INSPEC TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOR PRICE LIST. DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. ¥. Vesselmen SoOULD HAVE OU INE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts - —ON — Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. 7 The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board Covers, and tine English cloth binding. books of this kind genefally cost $3.00, but’ we will send it to any address, postage paid for $1,50, or with the MARINE RECORD for one year, both for only $3.25. Address MARINE RecorD. Cleveland 0. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS, These Powders are the only preparation Known that will cure consumption and all :tiseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indeeu, so strong is our faith in them, and al-o to convince you that thev are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, 0 Free Trial Box. Wedo \’t want your money until you are perfectly sat- istied of their curative powers, If your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS a trial as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10 00. Sent to any part of the Unit-d States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address. ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. FITS, EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CURED—NO HUMBUG —bd one Month's usage of DR. GOULARD'S Celebrated Infa llible Fit kowders. ‘To convince sufferers that hese oe ore wll do all bel for them we will send them by mail, post paid, a As Dr. Goulard is the oy pRysician tat Friel Box. e this di-ease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cure'l by the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a permanent oure in every case or refund your all money ex- pended, All sufferers should give these Powders an carly trial, and be convin: ed of their curative power Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10 00. nt by mail to any part of the United States or Cunad on receipt of price, or by express C. O, D. Address ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N Y RIGHARD HAMMOND. JOHN COON, Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. Gasometers ,Salt Pans Smnoke Stacks. peeping AGITATORS. _ Repairing Promptly Attended to, BUFFALO, WLY, OFFICE & WORKS, 244.246. 248. 250.252. And.254. Perry St. “TANKS. ESTABLISHED 1830. . WM. WALL'S SONS. ——MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE &* OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very best quality made to order AT ON DAY’S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. {13 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklvn, N. Y. MARINE ENGINE WORKS ROBT, TARRANT, Marine and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 55,57 &59 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL NO ENCINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without ind HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the ; liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to HOUCHTON & Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, | THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. i { THE BEST — , BOILER FEEDER KNOWN FOR LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not Liable to Get Out of Order and al- ways Delivers Water HOT to the Boiler EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS The Simplest Bilge-Pump made that is operated by Steam. Manufactured by JAS. JENKS, 16 & 18 ATWATER ST., E. DETROIT, Mich AGENTS., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Calkins patent metalic life raft. H.C. & J. H. Calkin, Coppersmiths and Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitting, GALLEY STOVES. 250 & 257 West St., Cor, Laight NEW YORK, THE BROWN MANUFACTURING CO., Circulars sent upon application, THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. Wisy, ' ERY) Wy & aN MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT sr., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Montion this Paper,

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