APPOINTMENTS. , SPE IAL OFFER, 1 THE NICKEL PLATE! ‘he crew of the Hero is as follows: ‘T.| A year’ssubscrip on from Nov., 1882, and the 00 er, Il ll Gl 0, NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST, LOUIS RAILWA Craig, captain; S Cox, Steward; ‘Thomas wolve numbers of the past year, unbound, $60, This company makes a new departu Barlow, engineer; M. Lawless, mate. A subscription and the twelve back numhers bound in its day coaones which the iavellug Captain Peter Lawson has taken command | in two elegant volumeswith gilt top, $7.50, public will undoubtedly appreciate. Each x i] | of the schooner Levi Grant, Tue CENTURY CO, New York, N. Y. coach has a marble top wash stand with Captain P. Costello sails the schooner 5 , soap and towels, thus turnishing free Hull Fe yee alt Gupiaaas Canela H. D, GOULDER. JOHN F. WEH aoe has heretofore been a luxury of the aptain Wm. Olmstead succeeds Ca AND drawing room car, The windows are F,. M. Olmstead on the schooner Merchant. GOULDER. & WEH, wide aul high, giving a splendid view of Captain John Carlson succeeds Captain VESSEL Bro KE RS the country. The large paper car wheels William Disher on the schooner John Bean, Attorneys and Counsellors, DULUTH, MINN ) 42 inches in diameters fake the coaches Jr. Ps P : AND 4 op AEAIN DNs ride so smoothly and noiselessly that The Lehigh Valley ‘Transportation Com- PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. - conversation is carried on as easily as in pany 8 ae ye oe - or 14. & 16 ATW ATER BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. a a parlor. ‘The smoking cars have rattan pws PR. A. Packer, Vapt. ie Ne Our Collection Department isin charge of an Ex- Vv. D. N ickerson seats, making them much cleaner and salle: If, E. Pace Captain William Brad- ; ; 7 more pleas y style, 3 = | a erienced Collector: YLEVELAD ' pleasant than the old style. All ee ee reur,) Captain F. TL. Pope; nies pr acl aataeeg the coaches are new and of latest designs TEE # in Ed Ci > Oceanica, Cap. , ry ‘ . ape Rea 5 Cia, Canfaiy Bad Condon; Gessnies OWE Or Salel Rare Chancel) “MARINE ARTISTS | Poem tins selon! ee now rensng— Condon. i 7 i i q Passen’r Passen’r Ihe Advocate gives the following list of}| We have on our books a good, large tug Ly, Chicago. officers who will have charge of the several | that can be had ata batgain if sold) within » » Chit tugs at Sturgeon Bay this season: ‘Thos. | 60 days, she is 65 ft. length, 16 ft. beam, 8 ft. IN BLACK AND WHITE H. Smith—Wm, Boyd, master; Thos, Olson, | hold, draft of water from 6 to 7 tt, Her I mate Joe Sweatman, engineer; Win. Helm Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler was new Pastel and Water : Rew tr aver holtz, second engineer; Rhoda Laplant, | last years. Burns wood or coal, will carry “© Ateadi steward, C. M. Charnley—@.‘B. Packard, | 100 Ibs. steam and 115 Ibs, if necessary. Color. Fosto master; Martin Nygaard, mate; Mart Holt, | With dishes and bedding fitted up, and has Pept engineer; Frank Bird, second; ‘Theod. Mi-| a license to carry 66. passengers, all ready Le Pallsvu nor, steward. John Gregory——,, mas-| for business. Rebuilt in’ 1880 at cost of “ Vermillio ter; Fred Larson, engineer, , John Leathem | $16,00. If sold within 30 days can be had Ke Larals —Louis Lego (Lefee), master; 5, R. Steph-| for $5,500 cash. Good reasons for selling, avant . ft oponn enson, engineer; Charles E. Brigham, stew- | The tug is now lying at Chicago. For further Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- “"Euelid Ave ard. A. W. Spt petits erie particulars. . apolis Railway. Se Mentor. master; David Machia, engineer; Oscar An- Address Marine Record Office. Auhtn derson, steward. W. C, ‘Tilson—Gabriel Eg- Cleveland, O. The Great Central Trunk. Route to the Ohio | | Aghtabula. land, master; ‘Thos. Swaty, engineer; Chas, | —— and Mississippi Rivers. Ly Conneaut. Van Dreese, steward, City of Sturgeon Ba ————— is : —Jobn Campbell, master; Henry Machis, FOR SALE. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS an ee ’ : engineer; —— Minor, steward. Tornado-- GOING WEST. An Iron yacht 35 feet long'very finally finished anu Constant Lego (Lefee), ma er; Nate Sco-| surnished. Draft 1-2. feet runs very fast, TWO-'TRAINS SUNDAYS, Ly Buffalo.. 8:00am field, engineer. A. S.Piper—Wm. Anger, Enquire of D. P. Nickerson nee . fe © Dunk 53 a -1n master; Frank Kimber; engineer. Harkness Block Euclid Ave Station, | Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Cette we 16+ Captain John Raleigh is in command of Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for Ly Connsant: the propeller Oconto again, and Capt. Wm. E} h - * Ashtabula. Armstrong will resume command of the XC ange. Cc oO LU M B U Ss, Hi Painesville. ris H i 6 y : . 4 er: schooner Peoria. Captain Wm. McDonald Will exchange two houses and lots in Cl NC 1 N N ATI “« Euclid Ave takes command of the schooner Conquest, | Cleveland worth $7,000 for floating property 5 Arr Cleveland ¥ eveland ., and Norman Mathieson takes charge of O-} Steam Barge or ‘I'ug preferred. IN D I A N APOL | Ss “« Lorain B. Green’s dredge at Cedar River, Mich. ‘Address, E. D. 113 Franklin St. Captain Conners will sail the schooner | ‘ Cleveland, Ohio, T E R R E H (e) U T E ar Bellevue Skylark, as usual. © Gree James Dunn, who sailed the Manistee last —aAND— x ae ENGINES FOR SALE ! «Boston year will command the tug Agate this year. ST Lou is oo ACA ed Double engine 14x20, wa do for steamer cor tug, “ New Haven ees ane: . all up, as good as_new, also aseven foot Philadelphia Be “ Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag-| wheel’ po shait. Will sell the whole very cheap. WITHOUT CHANGE. ’ ra yore Warne azine in the World.””—Tug Nationa, N.Y. | Address Marine Record Office. ” Valpraiso, ; Arr So_ Chicago. Sept. 188: This is the only line making Direct Connection Arr Chicago... 2. oO 8 TH E CENTU RY F R Ss A L E wi... alithe principal Trunk Lines of the East for al Trains run by Columbus time, which is twenty : FOR 1882--83. eerie) “a roel: Beam 20 foes depth Sas Southern, Southwestern and Western points, either ainittes faster — Chicago time, five minutes * re d : slower n The twelfth year of this magazine—the first | her fuel. Built in 1882. Address Ms RiNE RECORD Office. | bY way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Lou 1 | Sower than Cleveland time and sixteen minutes. under the new name, and the most successful. in |§ —£ —<$@ —$________—$_________— Railway Towns For rates or information, call on nearest Agent its history, closed with the October number. The W t d : MISSOURI, ARKANS , of the Company, or address circulation has shown a large. gain over that of an e ; TEXAS, KANSAS, B. Ee HORNER, xk the proceeding season, and THe CENTURY | ste ht 35 or 40 feet long of good speed and good . en'l Passenger Agent, benine its thirteenth year with an edition of power, 0 carry 40 or 50 passengers: address Manin NEBRASKA, : COLORADO Levig Wiktiaase” Clair an: vat teralned, o. 140,000 COPIES. CORD: offlee. 4 NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO General Manager. The following are the leading features ; ——————— a inp eae A NEW NOVEL BY W. D, HOWELL’S, to nted D a - Wanted, PACIFIC COASr. Cleveland to N. York succeed this author’s ‘Modern Instance.” It will be an internationa] story entitled “A steam barge that will carry 500 gross tons on 9 feet draft Ww n’s Reason.” and ¢ould also be loaded down to 11 or 15 feet, if i i ome r necessary. Also two towbarges that will carry 500 or | Equipment New and Comprising all Modern | NEW YORK PRENNSYLVANIA & LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY | 690 ¢ 9 feet draft, Address MarINE RECorD | & EDWARD EGGLESTON —the leading histor-| Omics.” Improvements. _ hict es ape = Gen aa aes ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of For New York Boston a aie Ba the shone papers, on such topics as “The Beginning of a FOR SALE OR CHARTER. +The Best Roadbed and tha Safe- | stand auickestroute to Pittsburgh.” Washington taenagr ear ial Life in the Colonies,” etc., the Baltimore and the Southeast. Nation, Soci i if We have in our list, the large, powerful tug Samson, R . W Until further notice trains will leave from st Road in the West. VIA THE whole forming a complete history of early life in| \hich will be sold, outright or chartered for the trip or new Central Depot, South’ Water street and V the United States. Especial attention will be paid | season. duct as follows. to accuracy of illustrations, / ——— aT 2 oor WPL Pan Pee ceeeeraee entree or henoee eer A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY BOILER FOR ALE! (@#Tickets by this popular route for sale | dtivom{eavittshareh 8:65 a. ne Ton Nee, ene MARY HAMLOCK FO’ EE, pile «T a Led- 3 . ‘ |at all regular Tickets Office: erpeny and rote setout change.. Parlor t ao aay : 7 y ‘ sa e Py ‘leveland to Salamanca. ives at Meadville 1: Horse Claim,” t0 be in LY HENRY |, 20 Almost new steel boiler 5x0/¢ ft | E. B. THOMAS, 0.B.SKINNE , | s midinnery Franklin 12:38 p.m. oil Gity 100 p oe POIN ies of eight letters from In fine condition will sell less than half General Manager. Traffic Manager Ta a amenown (hake Chautauqual) 1337 p.m rs r., ascries of e r: mag- re ‘ = i fh Soe * uffalo 6.15 p.m ochester 8.30 » He 11 JA Jr, 8- | price. A. J. SMITH, ville 6:40 p. mi, supper }; Corning 835 p: m, ‘Bhnira ‘“ inary persons of various nationalities, criticising | ‘4 (dress MARINE RECORD, Cleveland,O ‘America, its people, society, manners, railroads. 8:57 p. m. Binghanton 10:58 p. 1 Albany 6:00 a General Passenger Agent. m, Boston 2:45 : ivi a 7 . Bos 145 p.m.; arriving at New York 6:50 a.m CLEVELAND, OHIO. 11:05 Nisht Express( daily except A D. ll Sunday) Pullman sleeping coach tc. i THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI- M. V. BORGMAN, Proprietor. 3 2 | from Leavittsburgh to New York without ch @ cuT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An h e M ad iso n | Arrives at Youngstown at 1:45 a. m.: Pittsburgh account of practical . cooperation in Christian | 5 | 6:15 2. m Washi gton 9:15 p, m.; Baltimore 10:34 p G apue was formed = - cr Eee een ; m. Meadville .m.: Corry 5:20a, m. Ji work, showing how : . en jaa at +. a (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) Town 622 a.m, Battalo 945 a ey iatnes- small town in Connecticut what kind of wor it * . Hornellsville 1120 am, Corning 1253 pm, Elm attempted, and how it spread throughout the Detroit, Mich. ral 21pm. Binghampton 250 pm, New York whole State. Most Centrally Located. Hea Pitt aa ' sburg Express dail «RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD,” by | Frank, Street cars p the door every few “30 D. il. through without change, Parlor cue | Cleveland to Pittsburg arrives at Youngstown 5 00 R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll «Rudder | minutes to Depots and all parts of the | Grange” stories, the scene being now in Europe. | City. Three minute’s walk toL 8S & M| THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE- 1D & M, and Wabash Depots. pm, Pittsburg 8 20 pm, V hington 7 30 a m, Balt- imore 845 a m via Sharon and SharpsvtNe io Mead vill 740. p.m. BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus- ’ Mahoning Accomm trated, devoted to (1) City, Houses, (2), Country ie caiealisida iia 4°25 Dy I, sin ota 05 Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. a. TVR RS ville 8 40 p m, conneets at Leavittsburgh wi i Hews sot ES OF LOUISIANA by Ge, MARINEIE LAWYERS. Xo 20 for Medutvitle and intermediate. wait teste =z jut a er : —_—-_-_ rives at Meadville Op fe # W. Cable, author of « Old Creole Days, ’ ete; a Kneip & Morrison TIO . Pittsburg Express daily fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, f y iy a, ih. through githout change. — Arrives MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H, 115 Monroe St Room 54 Chicago. ORALLSKIN, ville 11 05.2'm, Plttabiirgh | 08 sp ae Reteribe Cushing, government ethnologist; an adopted : - — REMEDY gycyag DISEASES leaves Pittsburgh at 4° 43am, 554m, 113 pm member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Tllustrated. BOAT BULLDERS. TETTER. ITCH, SORES. PIMPLES and 420 p. ee ‘ Pi ‘ x TE PAPERS THE TI 7 . foungstown @ ttsb: _ ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI Dean & Co. 10 A. M. commodation, stopping at all Wey NAL CAPITAL, including “The Capitol,” «The BOAT BULLDERS Strtions, arriving at Youngstown | 50 p.m.; Pitts- COAL. Pleasant, economical and positive cure, SWAYNE'S a number. Subscriptions should begin with the ; a t new subscribers | ——————————————— ot INTMENT is superior to any article in the market. November number, and to enable subscri > Sold by druggists, or send 50 cts. in 3-ct. Stamps. 3 i ies THE vid Birnhisel Ag | mence with | e new series under ‘THE Darvic : » Bowe $120 Address Da Sv Set, Btarop Gaui make the following. B3. TGRADES OF STEAMND J AYNE & Son, Phila., Pa CentuRY name, y M. L, FOUTS, J. M, FERRIS, Pass 131 Bank St, Gen'l Man'gr. Clevela d Cleveland, O. upreme Court,” “The White House,” etc. Rae een ee ae i burgh, 6.10 p.m. ‘Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6.05 ISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, | 2PTROIT MUCH: _| | acm Ho.55 a.m 2.00 p.m; 7.00 p.m and 10°15 p. < J | “H, H, ”; three or four papers of an exceed- LAUNDRY. HB-This is the only route by which ngly interesting character, richly illustrated, eee oss oe cliche, can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, passengers MISCELLANEOUS. 30AT WASHING and general Laundry City and. dnrermediate folate WEEHOUT Ex- f . ; ‘ . 5 aad 4 a S hn a @ ong: Further work is expected from FE, C, Stedman, | iy few hours. CLBVELAND STEAM LAUN- land Cities. nd New Eng Thomas Hughes, Joel Chandler Harris («Uncle St. Clair St Telephone 118. |! Baggage Checked Through to all Points Remus”), Charles Dudley Warner, John Bur- DRY: Eh aciietes teehee i CURE FOR | East. . * J T a oughs, E, V, Smalley, HL H. Boyesen, | and aj SALL MAKERS. ne.Through tickets Md information regarding ong list fo others. Entertaining short stories and | J | the route oan be oblained at the Union TieketOf- - willbe among the leading features of m : | fice corner Bank and Superior Streets; at office 131 fovelettes wi . i ie fore aaathe iiagazing Noble & ones LARRS | annie strect and at new Depot of New York, Penn- MWR CENTURY) 3s : ? ‘ SALL MAKERS anp RIGGERS. pint oe | y vania and Ohio Railway, South Water strect and . tinue its edvance in general excellence. cae a a . lymptoms are moisture, stinging, itching, worse at | iaduct, Cleveland, O. will continue its Pia eae z t Foot of Griswold st. DETROIT, MICH. night; seems as if pin-worms were crawling about A. B, CLARK The subscription price is $ a year; 35 cents | ____"0""__= | __thorectum; the private partsare often affected. Asa | Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t Clevelan | ee