The Port Huron ‘Times of April 27 says: Some time between the fourth and eighth of next month the first of the Beatty line is expected to navigate the upper lakes, the ae as usual taking the lead. ‘The United mpire is nearly complete. She will have accommodation for 150 cabin passengers, Her officers are: E, Robertson, captain ; T. Pettigrew, first engineer; John McEd- ward, purser; George Bussy, steward. ‘lhe Quebec has had $10,000 expended upon her in refitting this spring. New furnaces and boiler, and anew pair of arches, besides carpetings and furniture, have made this boat as good as when first built. ‘he officers are: John Moore, captain; Mr. Scott, first engineer; George R. King, purser; W. Ben- nett, steward. The Ontario has bad. new furnaces and boilers placed in her, and) was thoroughly overhauled and ___ refitted. Officers: James McMaugh, captain; R. Kenny, first engineer; P. A. McCollum, purser: P. Covney, steward. ‘he Manitoba has received considerable attention in order to keep ‘up her well earned reputation. ‘Officers: L. Morrison, captain ; John ‘omp- kins, first engineer; E. Robertson, purser; A. Kidd, steward: GOOD ADVICE, Never spend money before yoo earn it. If you are earning six shillings, save three of ‘them at least. Establish yourself in some kind of business and then attend to it. Do not build too many “air castles” —they soon come to naught. And if you hive never used Swayne’s ointment, especially prepared for itching piles and humors of every name and nature, ask your druggist * tor it and take no other. Nothing like it. Safe, and sure cure. . Excelsior Cop er Gasket Acids, or THE EXCELSIOR GASKET is especially adapted to Heavy Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will resist the cnemical action of— OiLts & AcIDs. u—— ORDERS LEFT AT Wm.-BINGHAM, & C0’S, Cleveland, O.. tay ——Will receive prompt attention. — REFFERENCES. Cleveland Kolling Mil! Co, Plate Mills, C. R. M Co. Bingham Mills, Briton Iron and Steel Work Ceeveland Water Works, Lake Erie Iron Co. Uley ndigt y Forge, Cuyahogo Furnace Co ete. Sub-Marine’ Divine Sunken Machinery and Cargoes Raised And Sub-Marine Blasting done at Reasonable Rates. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mich. vane GRESCEN; J BOILER COMPOUND WILL LOOSEN SCALE INgy STEAM BOILERS ANUS SEND FOR CIRCULARS gOS ws C7 RESGENT MFG.Co J, CLEVELAND.O, 2 CANFIELD Wrecking and Towing Line, MANISTEE, MICH Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, : &c., To be had on-short notice, by mail or tele- grah. —_0——— CHAS. GNEWUCH. Wrecking Master, NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN & COMPANY’S DIAGNAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METELIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU- PERVISING INSPEC TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOR PRICE LIST ‘DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR © With Premium. Sample Copies Free. ~ JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St.. New York, N. Y. Vesselmen soOULD HAVE OU INE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de-" termined by the United States Courts A. O. WHEELER, Manager. - —ON a Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, Common Carriers, Masters & Owners, General Average, Duties of Seamen, Bill of Lading, Wages, &c. he volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board ers, and line English cloth binding. Kooks of kind generally cost $3.00, but we will send it ny address, postage paid for $1,50, or with the RINE RECORD for one year, both for only 5. Address MARINE RucorD. Cleveland 0. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS, These Powders-are the only preparation known that will cure consumption and all diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indeed, so strong is our faith in them..and also to convince you that thev are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Box- We dou’t want your money until yeu are perfectly sat- isfied of their curative powers. f your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS a trial as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address. ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, M. Y. FITS, EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CURED—NO HUMBUG —by one Month usage of DR. GOULARD’S Celebrate d Infa llible fire ders. Toconvince sufferers that these Powders will do all we claim for them_we will send them by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard is the otily Physician that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these Powders, we Will guarantee fi permanent oure in every case or refund your all money ex- ended, All sufferers should give these Powders an éarly trial, and be convinced of their curative power Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. by mail to any part of the United States or Canad receipt of price, or by express C. O, D. Addres ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, NY nt on BIGHARD HAMMOND. JOHN COON, »» a. N eT POW ra MARINE. ts co. LOCOMOTIVE. Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. ¢* Gasometers ,Salt Pans Stroke Stacks. ““™ And all kinds of Heavy Plate & Sheet IronWork. 4 OFFICE & WORKS, 244.246. 248. 250.252. And. 254. Perry St. OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing Promplly Attended to BUREALO, BLY, 5 To &9.000.BbS ‘TANKS. ESTABLISHED 1830, WM. WALL’S SONS. ——MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE & OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very best quality made to order AT ON DAY’S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklvn, N. Y. ROBT... TARRANT. Marine and Stationary Engines, MANUFACTURER OF PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, ‘65,57 &59 Michigant. CHICAGO ILL NO ENCINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or . Marine, without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, _ Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to 4% HOUCHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers NEW YORK, 130 Reade. St., cer. Hudson, THE NEW PULSOMETER F- CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL Fs STEAM PUMP. IN THE MARKET, for raising liquids under and up to 100 feet. No Machinery, No Oil, No Special Care. Can be worked suspended by achain. Will pass grit, mud, sand, pulp, etec., without injury to its parts. Needs only a steam pipe from Holler to run it. Price, 600 gallons per hour, 850; 1,200 do. \ 75; 3,600 do. 8100; 6,000 do. 8150; 10,000 do. $175; 18,400 do. $225; 25,000 do. $275; 45,000 do. 8400; 60,000 do. &500; 120,000 do. $1,000. Compare this with any other Pump List. Write for illustrated descriptive book wirh testimonials, &c. , Mailed free. PULSOMETER 8!1EAM PUMP CO., 83 John St., New York City, U.S.A- MECHANICAL BOOKS MECHANICS ENGINEERS AND VESSELMEN. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS A'l REDUCED PRICES. J. Q.WILIAMS & CO. 171 SUPERIOR ST, : . : : CLEVELAND, 0. Breckenridge, Miche Carrollton, Mich. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & C0., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK- THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. p.8 St. Mary’s, Ohio. Montpelier, Ohio. ORE FACTORIES. = WG ~~ iq MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., OLEVEL AND, OHIO. Mention vais Papse .