Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 19, 1883, p. 3

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NEE. eee ee ie b » <i aie eel: ee is ll CHICAGO OFFICE, SPE! [AL OFFER, j | NiCKEI, PLATE! The various and growing intercst of the A year’s subscrip’ on from Nov,, 1882, and the 00 Gr Crittel il 0 | NEW YORK, C HICAGO & ST, LOUIS RAILWA MaRINE RecorD have induced us to open a walve numbers of the past year, unbound, $60. ’ 4 This compan awh a new departu branch office in Chicago, It will be under, A subscription andthe twelve back numhers bound ; in its day coa ich the travellng the management of our officient agent | it two elegant voluweswith gilt top, 7.50. ' 1st public will undoubtedly appreciate. Each Thomas Williams who has so well re-| | Tie CENTURY CO. New York, N.Y. coach bas a marble top wash stand with presented the Marinké RECORD the. past two | ~~ 7 ~ a _ y y soap and towels, thus \rnishing free D re The new office is located at 24d South H. D. GOULDER. JOHN F. WEH what has heretofore been a luxury of the ater street, room 6. Where Mr. Williams drawing room car. “The windows are ‘an be seen by our patrons. GOULD ER & WEH, \ 7 wide and high, giving a splendid view ot — A d C ll S ESSEL Bro KE RS, the country. The large paper car wh AN OLD SALT. ttorneys an ounse or ’ DULUTH, MINN 42 inches'in diameter, make the coa ; » MINN. i y ride sos yy incleas Captain McDonnell of the schooner Pride AN pretonaar nd : ee noisele ssly of American, is a canny Scot and seems to PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. Ain rae on el think the harbor has changed since he came | 14 & 16 ATWATER BUILDING, — CLEVELAND, 0. . ae ee g cars he ’ here over 11 years ago. ‘“hey’ve got me| Our Collection Department isin charge of an Ex- Vv. D. N ickerson | ae md Si mae a pl \i aground,” he said “and now they’ve got to perienced Collector: CLEVELAND, 0. | an ant than the old style. get me off’? Captein McDonnell used to WANTED. MARIN E ARTIS | the coaches are new and of latest designs , f u : ) Following ig time of local trains now rung sail to this port 45 years ago and is tull of 8 GOING EAST. anecdotes of the good old days and re- ~— aan A | members the old merchants) who used to} A small steainynoht or passonger boat that _ carry PORTRAITS | Ly. Chicago pate earn depen . . 75 to 100 pas-engers—light draft—must not ¢ (6 ee Eanes flourish in his time. He reports that when 100 pas-engers—lig Adie MeAdeaie Recs i ll > So. hicag | Local Loceal Con passing the Galloo’s ten feet of water when loaded « Valprais N BLACK AND WHITE. Passen’r Passen’r A 10a. m. : 2% t night he saw a big | oxy, stating dimensions and pri j j Fy : . ig dimensions and price. Valp ¢ light which he now thinks was the burning Arr. Fort W tue Gardner, The schooner wae drawing EY Colet Rare Chance!| Pastel and Water — it is at present.—Oswego Times. Color. —_——— | We havé on our books a good, ee tug SLBE N corr BE. that can be had ata bargain if sok within - ny on ieee i 15.—Sinee 60 days, she is 65 ft. length, 16 ft, beam, 8 tt. > Lona BRANCH, N. J., y aye aa ance hold, draft of water from 6 to 7 tt. Her B EE Li N E President Garfield died in the Elberon cot- Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler was new is 4380 p. mn. “ 4347 27° 38 tage, the property of Charles Be ee nklyn, last year. Burns wood or coal, will carry | Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- late agent of the Cunard line, it has been | 1799 jys, steam and 115 Ibs. if necessary. apolis Railwai unocenpied. Mr. Franklyn, who, with ®) With dishes and bedding fitted up, and has po y: ; party of friends a fw days aide arrived a license to carry 66 passengers, all ready | The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio Wee a ee from England in the steamyac at Speranza, for business. Rebuilt in 1880 at cost of and Mississippi Rivers. Ly Condenut ii ooh son ofbored eae eet _ catal $16,00. If sold within 30 days can be had © Eri have been offered for the purchase or rental | &, fs : eats . ; .— A for $5,500 eash. Good reasons. for selling, of this cottage, but Mr. Franklyu refuses to) ay Eerie te living at Chicago. For further H i part with it. Despite the watch kept over ena lying at Chicago. T REE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, the last home of Garfield, relic hunters have if ” Address Marine Record Office. TWO “TRAINS SUNDAYS, . | by Burka rried away much of the outsde surround- Cleveland, O.| Leave Cleveland = with Through Palace Daokis . 00a m 9:53 a om 6° : | aches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for ( d ** Ashtabul ‘The steambarge Mary Jarecki wet about FOR SALE. Cc oO L U M B U Ss, “ Painesville POT fi ‘hies Ty at 2,800 bushels of corn from Chicago. rhe An Iron yacht 35 feet long very finally finished anu - ee oH damage was caused by a leaky boiler. furnished. Draft 3 1-2. feet runs very fast, Cl N Cc | N N AT I 5 a Bnelid A Enquire of D. P. Nickerson Ly Cleveland ‘The steamship Northerner and the schoon- Harknes- Bluck Euclid Ave Station. | N D I AN A POL I Ss a ppeaine. er Ida Keith, in tow, came in collision in the « Vormillion harbor at Chicago on ‘Tuesday, and the up- FOR SALE T E R R E H eo) U T E arr Bellew ’ per works of the Northerner, on the port “ Green Springs quarter, were badly raked. —AND— © Fostoria = Two first-class lighters, built in 1881, 25 feet wide, 90 , « Arcadia sudics ; feet long, 6 feet. hold. Capaciry, 250 tons each, Price, “ West _ Lei “ Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag- $2,600 cash. “Also inchiirs, lines, chains, stone boxes, ST ia LOU IS “« New Haven. , J ATION : ‘ elbarr errick PRE LWEL! yi 1 a e. azine in the World.”—THE National, N, Y: | Wheelbarrows, two derrieks, ee Are Geeta ra WITHOUT CHANGE. cd ahs 7 yn ” Valpraiso,, Sept. 1882. Arr So. Ch THE CENTURY ‘ : ENGINES FOR SALE ! ‘This isthe only line making Direct Connection | At Chicago. R 1882--83. , 5 ha FO ; 3 F Double engine 14x20, will do for steambarge or tug, wi... alathe principal Trunk Lines of the East for al Trains run by Columbus time, which is twenty The twelfth year of this magazine—the first |‘), up, as good as new, also‘ a seven foot Philadelphia | Sonthern, Southwestern and Western points, either minutes faster th«n Chicago time, five minutes under the new name, and the most successful in| wheel ‘and shaft. Will sell the whole very cheap. | by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Lou 4 ewes Sa Butfvig tine. pine: dnd gixteen ‘minutes its history, closed with the October number. The | Ad:ress Marine Record Office. Railway Towns ‘ For rites or information, call on nearest Agent circulation has shown a large gain over that of MISSOURI, ARKANS , of the Company, or address ' the proceeding season, and Tue CENTURY FO R SA LE TEXAS, — KANSAS B. F. HORNER, begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 8 ‘ Krel'14d feet: Beam: 30 foot, depth of hota 4 , ANSAS, asst Hid o Gen'l Passenger Agent, ‘ S team barce, Kee ee! am e : J 0; joc. or. St. Clair a treets- __ 140,000 COPIES. Fiat eapacity 400 M feet lumber, 650 tons coal besides | NEBRASKA, COLORADO LEVIS WILLIAMS, ee Cleveland, 0. The following are the leading features ; her fuel. Builtin 1882. Address Ma RINE RECORD Office. NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO General Manager. A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL’S, to cata succeed this author’s ‘Modern Instance.” It W t d AND THE aR will be an internationa] story entitled “A an @ ’ ° PACIFIC COAST. Cleveland to N. York Woman’s pea eee ts EovoNiEs ay Steamyacht ?5 or 40 feet long of good speed and good == | Via THE IN THE T TEE h Ss ower. tocarry 40 or 5” passengers: address MARINE | [Ww SIREN WA a este CIEE Rucunp office. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern | NP YORM PRENNSYLVANIA «& EDWAR]) EGGLESTON —the leading histor- | ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of i papers, on such topics as “<The Beginning of a Wanted, For New York Hostha and ihe Exot: the aeons Nation,” “Social Life in the Colonies,” etc., the : est and quickest route to Pittsburgh. Washington whole forming a complete history of early life in | steambarge that will carry 500 gross tons on 9 feet draft The Best Roadbed and tha Safe- | Baltimore and the Southeast. | OHIO RAILROAD. Improvements. Formerly Atlantic & Great Western Railroad sat Youngstov 6:15 a.m W 3 ; : . oe P als » loaded down to 11 or 19 feet, i . | Until further notice trains will leave bon the United States. Especial attention will be paid eat soul alse: bei loader tom Teen aiey S00 or st Road in the West. | new Central Depot, South Water street ra v to accuracy of illustrations, 600 tons on 9 feet draft, Address MarinE REvoRD ‘duet as follov 7 ; A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY | Ottice. —_—— 1710 a ens ee ress (daily a ry . a 5 = ) Fed o ih sle a 10) coac MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled «The Led- : (Br Tickets by this popular route for sale | es from Leavittsvurgh 8 55 a. m. To New Yor Horse Claim,” to be illustrated by the author FOR SALE OR CHART ER. leaps | Albany and Boston without change... Parlor t eee ENT OF VIEW, BY HENRY at all regular Tekets Office. | Cleveland to Se manca. Arrives‘at Meadville 1:1 7 i i y i have i list, the large, powerful tug Samson .B. a, m.(dinner) Franklin 12°33 p.m Oil City 1,00 p JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from mag: Wick will be sold, Qutright or chartered for the trip or | E B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNE , | m. Jamestown (Lake Chautauqual) 1557p. mt inary persons of various nationalities, criticising | season. ‘ | General Manager. Traffic Manager. Buffalo 6-15 p.m Rochester 5.30 p. m.; Hornell - America, its people,, society, manners, railroads |§ ————$£——_______—_—_____. | A. J. SMITH, Sere i *Ringhanton 1 38 pene pe eee oe etc. i . BOILER FOR SALE! | General Passenger Agent. | m. Boston 245 p.m.; a w York 6:50 am THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI. Pe} : | CLEVELAND, OHIO. | D Nl Ni ht Pxpre ( jlaily except . + . = sunday ?ullma sleepin ach CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladilen. An An Almost new steel boiler 5 | tvittsburgh to New York wilheut “change | it 1:45 a. m.: Pittsburgh Baltimore 10:34 p account hs sda bee ek In fine condition will sell less than half showing how s ric work, ving | S hat kind of kit | Price. a, m, James smali town in Connecticut w. of work i ster 110 p a . Meadville a. x : ‘Address MARINE RECORD, Cleveland,O | town 622.4 m, Rutfalo 9 attempted, and how it spread throughout the | Horvell-ville 1120 am, Corning 1253 pm, Elm , whole State. M. V. BORGMAN, Proprietor. | ral 21 pm. Binghampton 250 pm, New York «RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD,” by Frank cs | b. f Pittsburg Express dail R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll “Rudder I h e Mi ad iso n 5 30 D. Tl, through without change, Parlor cat i i in Eur Cleveland to Pittsburg arrives at Youngstown 5 00 Grange” stories, the scene being now in Europe. a ee hington 7 A GOOD am, Balt- iets ERA ia oe aly (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) \ Ace FROM ALeD Aas imoie é aim via Sharon and Sharpsville io Mead BUILDING, a series of four papers, - . . 740. p.m. trated, devoted to (1) City Houses, (2) Country Detroit, Mich. A:95 D I. soph auell Accommodation Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. Most Centrally Located. at Youngstown 730, pm, Sharon 830 pm, Sharps ville 8 40 p m, connects at Leavittsburgh with train THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, wey Geo. Street cars pass the door every few | W. Cable, author of « Old Creole Days,” etc; a) minutes to Depots and all parts of the, £3. AND PAINS UT Pittst E | ' Pittsburg Express tail 7104, ml. Buge, Acive fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. City. Three minute’s walk toL S & M, “SS AT HEALTH R ; MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. S, D & M,and Wabash Depots. | through without change. Arrives at Youngstown 10am, Sharon 10 am, Sharps- | ville 1105 am, Pittsburgh 1038 pm, Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4 43a m,455am,113p m, and 420 p m Youngstown and Pittsburgh Ac- No 20 for Mendville and intermediate points, ar- rives at Meadville 1105 pm. Cushin; government ethnologist; an adopted 50. o dav: member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. Rates $1.50. to $3.00 Pe y ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- MARINE LAWYERS. : T i i 'T capitol,” «TT! EE 1 NALCAPITAL, including “The Capitol, «The Kneip & Morrison | 1 10 A, M. commodation, stopping at all W upreme Court,” “The White House,” etc. neip Ae | | Strtions, arriving at Youngsiown | 50 p. m.; Pitts- MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, burgh, 6.10 p.m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6 05 ‘H. H ”, three or four papers of an exceed- 115 Monroe St_Room 44 Chicago, a.m; 10.558. m; 200 p.m; 7.00 p m and 10.15 p. ‘ x east | ee = bs ooo eee m interesting character, richly illustrated, BOAT BULLDIERS. B@-This isthe only route by which passengers ngly inte! RE SCHL LANEOUS, Dean & Co ACT AS A can reach Cony Elmira, Binghampton, New Yorw = 7 COS id and intermednite points ITHOUT Ex- p Further work is expected from E, C, Stedman, BOAT BUILDERS CHANGE No change to Boston” and New Enye Thomas Hughes, Joel Chandler Harris (“Uncle WPROIT «2 + = = MICH. land Cities. Checked Th hk - 1 of) Oe $$$ B re Chee Remus”), Charles Dudley Warner. John Bur LAUNDRY. And by cleansing, regulating, and strengthening aggage Checkec : hrough to all Points oughs, E, V. Smalley, H. H. Boyesen, and a the organs ot digestion, seoreHion ang. absorption, Enst. i ers. Entertaining short stories and Ty WASHING and— general Laundr cure Apoplexy, Fits, Paralysis, Nervousness, ne_Through tickets and information regarding poe bern among the jeadling features of BOAT WASHING “8 : y Dizziness, Debity, Billousness, Bad Breath, Jaun- themiute can be obtained at the Union Tieketoe fovelettes. willbe a g «in few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUN- dice, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lack of Appetite, ice corner Bank and Superior Streets; atotlice 1! Vr CENTURY, as heretofore, and the magazine | Clair § Teleph 8 Low Spirits, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, rk street and at new Depot of New York, Penn vill continue its edvance in general excellence. | DRY. 33 St. Clair St. elephone 11d. Constipation Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Fever yivaniat and Ohio Railway, South Water street and | pn see sais . gt. | ———— en ee — n jue, Diarrhoea. Dropsy, eumatism, iaduet, Cleveland, O. The subscription price 1s ¥4.C0 a year; 35 cents COAL. Neuralgia, Gout. Female Weakness, Urinary Dis- MinslucisGley dans : > CLARK, a number. Subscriptions should begin WiC | NisclAae orders, and all Irregularities of the Spleen, Gen’) Pass’ Ag’t Clevelan November number, and to enable new subscribers | Z vid Barnh ary ‘s abAT Stomach, Bladder and Bowels. M.L. FOUTS.S : aeteag "Try | ne AY 4s Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia, Pa, J.M.FERRIS, Pass 131 Bank st, to commence with {| e€ new series under ‘Tin Ohio ASR YOLK DRUGGIST FOR THEN Gen Man’gr. Clevela di levaland: oO make the following. Clevelan Price ts, Five Hoves 81, Sent by Mailtoany Address, CENTURY name,

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