LOOK NOTICE, Harper’s Magazine for June is an unusu- ally varied Number, profusely and beauti- fully illustrated. ‘The Frontispiece (iNustrat- ing “Faustue’’—a poem by 5, 8. Conant) is from a drawing by EK. A. Abbey. Mrs. Z. B. Gustafson contributes an article, finely illustrated, Latibeth Palace, the residence of the Archbishop of Canter- bury, “the Primate of all England.”’ Colonel Higginson continues his Ameri- can History series, treating in this—Number under the title of “I'he Hundred Years’ War’’—the numerous conflicts from 1662 to 1762 between the Colonists and the Indians and French. Ernest Ingersoll contributes an article, splendidly illustrated, called “The Home ot Hiawatha,” describing Minnesota, and giv- ing special attention to the milling industry at Minneapolis. 3 William C. Wyckoft’s paper entitled “Sun- light Mysteries” is the first popular ex- position that has been made of the results of Professor Langley’s experiments at Al- legheny and Mount Whitney. These ex- periments relate to the sun’s light and heat, and the results reached are very remarkable and suggestive. The new novel, ‘A Castle in Spain,” il- lustrated by Abbey, promises to be a whole- some and popular farze. It will be to most readers a welcome relief from the tedious psychological studies nov so prevalent in the literature of fi:tion. Mrs, Spotford con- tributes a short story, ‘I'he Mount of Sor- row;” Charles Reade a humerious sketch entitled ‘‘Rus,’”? and “A Working-Girl,” a brief but interesting story entitled “An 4isthetic Ldea.” Poems are contributed by Annie Fields, _ Miss A. A. Basset, S.S. Conant, E. Mont- gomery, and John B. ‘Tabb. ‘To this varid table of contents is added the always timely and interesting matter in the Editor’s Easy Chair, Literary and Historical Records, and Drawer. “Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag- azine in the. World.’”’—TuE National, N.Y. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR 1882--83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the first under the new. nme, and the most successful in its history, closed with the Uctober number, The circulation has shown a large gain over that. of the proceeding season, and Tur CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are tle leading features ; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL’S, to succeed this authoi’s +Modern Instance.” It will be an internatfonal story entiiled “A Woman’s Reasun.” LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARI) EGGLESTON —the leading hi-tor- ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of ppers, on such topics as ‘‘The Beginning of a Nation,” “Social I.ife in the Colonies,” etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY MARY ILAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled “The Led- Horse Claim,” to be illustrated by the author THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of Gight letters from imag- inary persons of varivus nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc, THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI- CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladilen, An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, showing how a league was formed in a small town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole State. “RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD,” by Frank R. Stuckton; a continuation of the droll “Rudder Grange” stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE. BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus- trated, devoted to (1) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings, THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of “ Old Creole Days,” etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H, Cushing, government ethnologist; an adopted ‘member of the Zuni tribe of Indians, Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI.- NALCAPITAL, including “The Capitol,” “The upreme Court,” “The White House,” etc. MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, “oH, H, ”; three or four papers of an exceed- ngly interesting character, richly illustrated, SPE IAL OFFER, A year’s subscript‘ on from Nov., 1882, and the walve numbers of the past year, unbound, $60. A subscription and the twelve back numhers bound in, two elegant volumeswith gilt top, $7.50. Tue CENTURY CO, New York, N. Y. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A very fine yacht for sale. Length, 100 feet; beam, 10 feet; double engines; two splendid cedar boats; nice awning; @ sph mid double itchen, pantry and two State rooms; rooms well furnished to sleep 16 persons; fore:astle; upright’ piano, and, in fact, all that can be aesired. This yacht can be purchased at a bargain. Addrezs MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, O. WANTED, A small steamycht or passenger boat that will carry 7 to 100 pas- engers—light drafi—must not draw over ten feet of waier when loaded. Address MARINE REC- ORD, stating dimensions and price. For Sale! Rare Chance! We have on our books a good, large tug that can be had ata bargain if sold within 60 days, she is 65 ft. length, 16 ft. beam, 8 ft. hold, draft of water from 6 to 7 tt. Her Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler was new last year. Burns wood or coal, will carry 100 Ibs. steam and 115 Ibs. if necessary, With dishes and bedding fitted up, and has a license to carry 66 passengers, all ready for business. Rebuilt in 1880 at cost of $16,00. If sold within 30 days can be had for $5,500 cash. Good reasons for selling, The tug is now lying at Chicago. For further particulars. Address Marine Record Office. Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 35 feet long very finally finished anu furnished. Draft 3 1-2. fect runs very fast, Enquire of D. P. Nickerson Harknes- Biuck Euclid Ave Station. FOR SALE, Two first-class lighters, built in 1881, 25 feet wide, 90 feet lony, 6 feet hold. Capaciiy, 250 tons each. Price, $2,600 cash. Also anchors, lines, chains, stone boxes, wheelbarrows, two derricks, ete. ALFRED ELWELL, 826 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. ENGINES FOR SALE! Double engine 14x20, will do for steambarge or tug, all up, as good as_new, also a seven foot Philadelphia wheel and shaft. Wil sell the whole very cheap. Aduress Marine Record Office. FOR SALE Steam barce, Keel 144 feet, Beam 30 fee, depth of hold 11 fect capacity 400 M feet lumber, 650 tons coal besides her fuel. Built in 1882. Address Ms RINE RECORD Office. Wanted, Steamyacht 25 or 40 feet long of good speed and good power: tocarry 40 or 50 passengers: address MARINE Wanted, steambarge that will carry 500 gross tons on 9 feet draft and could also be loaded down to 11 or 15 feet, if \ecessary. Also two towbarges that will carry 500 or 600 tons on 9 feet draft, Address MaRINE RECORD Office. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. We have in our list, the large, powerful tug Samson, which will be sold, outright or chartered for the trip or season. BOILER FOR SALE! An Almost new steel boiler 5x91g ft In fine condition will sell less than half price. Address MARINE RECORD, Cleveland,O +RD offiee. M. V. BORGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Most Centrally Located. Street cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute’s walk toL S & M S$, D & M, and Wabash Depots. Rates $1.50, to $2.00 per day. MARINE LAWYERS. Kneip & Morrison PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe St Room /4 Chicago. BOAT BULLDERS, Dean & Co. BOAT BUILDERS OETROTT = - See at LAUNDRY. BUAT WASHING ands general Laundry CLEVELAND STEAM LAUN- Telephone 118. MICH. in few hours, DRY. 33 St. Clair St. COAL. David Barnhisel Agt, DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL, Cleveland Ohio Hook er Crittenden & 00, Grain, Commission, AND VEssEL BROKERS, DULUTH, MINN. V. D. Nickerson CLEVELAND, 0. MARINE ARTIST. PORTRAITS N BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland -with ‘Through Palace Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HOUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. This isthe only line making Direct Connection v1... ali the principal Trunk Lines of the East for al Sothern, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St.Lo u Hy Railway Towns MISSOURI, ARKANS , TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, 'OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and tha Safe- st Road in the West. ("Tickets by this popular route for gale at all regular Tekets Offic E. B. THOMAS, 0.B.SKINN E, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO. JAYNES 3 iis Known To MEN OF FAME AND SCIENCE FoR REMOVING ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acknowledged a Grand, Pleasant, and Efficient Curo for CONSTIPATION stress at stool, bad breath, 9 dull face, heaviness, known by irregular appe- DYSPEPSIA, tite, sour belching. wernt and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. LIVER Complaint, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and ————. Fever, ‘causing soreness in back ‘and ‘side, also bottom of tibs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen. sations,cyes dull, dry cough, stifled and obstruct- ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APOPLEXY. Epi lepsy,Paralysis,dim ———__—_ "sight, sound in ears, giddiness, confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before eyes, loss of memory. Diseases of Bladder and KIDNEYS urine dark or light, red deposit; £ ’ burning, stinging, bearing down sensations, frequent desire to urinate, uneasiness, inflamed 7" dark circles, thirst. Disenses of severe pains, fluttering or weight near 9 heart, more 80 on moving quickly and when lying on left side; out of breath on exertion. HEADACHE dull or sharp pains in temples, Dropey on or head; faintness, nausea, ropsy is caused by watery fluid. Rheuma- Ham, de., by aria a in blood. Bowel Dine oorru matter. rm: order ogTAP ye Worms by the pests choking of th ti SWAYXNE'S PILES, by gontlo action, removes the cause, makin, ® permanent cure. Sent by mail for os perce ite peer $1.00. (In po: imps. ress, AXYNE & SON, Philadelphia, Pa, Sold by Druggiste, H. D, GOULDER. JOHN F. WEH GOULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14. & 16 ATWATER BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. Our Collection Department isin charge of an Ex- perjenced Collector: HORT-HAND AT YOUR HOMES—Send 10 cents for specimens. RauLpn B. CLARKE, 4641 Germautown avenue, Philadelphia. Pa, The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is is all new and is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to sate speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, ssenyer trains anive at and leave from the Union Depot, Van Buren sti eet, Following is the time in effect May 14, 1883. and un- further notice: GOING EAST, Ly. Chicago......... 8.15 a.m. . Arr. Valyaiaiso....10.05 “Fort Wayne. 1.30 “New Haven.. 2.05 p.m. “West Leipsic. 4.09 “Arcadia. 5.10“ “ Fostoria 5.45“ “* Green Springs 6 12 “ Bellevue 6.40 Ly. Bellevue Arr Cleveland. Ly. Cleveland, Arr Painesvill “ Ashtabula.,. Ly Buffalo. Aar Dunkirk. ‘* Erie..... “ Conneaut “ Ashtabula. “ Painesville, “ Cleveland Ly Clevelan: Arr Bellevue, Ly Bellevue. “ Green Springs. ‘Fostoria. “Arcadia, “ West Leipsic. “ New Haven “ Fort Woeyne. ” Valpraiso, * Chicago..,.... , Trains run by Columbus time, which utes faster than Chicago time, five minutes slower than Cleveland. and sixteen minutes slower than Buf- falo time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen’! Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cleveland, O. Cleveland toN. York Via THE NEW YORK PRENNSYLVANIA «& OHIO RAILROAD. Formerly Atlantic & Great Western Railroad For New York Boston and the East. The short- est and quicke-t route to Pittsburgh. Washington Baltimore and the Southeast. Until further notice trains will leave new Central Depot, South Water street 1aV duct as flows iewiai E Lightning Express (dail | 7.10 a. ll. Pullman sleeping ee hotel cone es from Leavitts»urgh 8 55 a. m. To New Yor Albany and Boston without chang... Parlor t Cleveliund to Salamanca. Arrives at Meadville 1:1 a, m.(dinner) Franklin 12°33 p.m Oil City 1,00 p p.m m.; Hornell- is twenty m ie m. 6:00 a. arriving at New York 6:50 a.m t Express( daily except ing 1253 pm, Elm ral21 pm. Binghampton 250 pm, New York pm. ‘ ' Pittsburg Express dail 2:30 DM, through without ciate Parlor ae Cleveland to Pittsburg arrives at Youngstown 5 00 pm, Pittsburg 8 20 pm, Washing'on 7 30 a m, Balt- imore 845 am via Sharon and Sharpsville io Mead vill 740. p. m. 4: i Mahoning Accommodation “ 1, Ih. stopping atall wa y Stations. Arrive at Youngstown 7 30, pm, Sharon 8 30 pm, Sharps ville 8 40 p m, connects at Leavittsburgh with train No 20 for Meadville and intermediate points, ar- rives at Meadville 11.05 pm. 1 Pittsburg Express dail 710-4 Nh. through without chance. Arrives at Youngstown 10 a m, Sharon 10 55a m, Sharps- ville 1105 am, Pittsburgh 108 pm, Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4 43am, 455am,113p m, and 420 p.m 10 Youngstown and Pittsburgh Ac- A, 1 commodation, stopping at all Way Strtions, arriving at Youngstown 1 50 p.m.; Pitts- burgh, 6.10 p.m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 605 a. m; 10.55 a. m; 2.00 p. m; 7.00 p.m. and 10.15 p. m 8&>-This is the only route by which ssengers ean reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City and intermediate points V TTHOUT Ex- CHANGE land Cities. Baggage Checked Through to all Points East. wea_Through tickets and information regardin the route can be obtained at the Union TicketOf- fice corner Bank and Superior Streets; atoffice 131 Bank street and at new Depot of New York, Penn- sylvania and Ohio Railway, South Water street and Viaduet, Cleveland, O. A. E, CLARK, Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t Clevelan M. L, FOUTS,8 Pass 131 Bank St, Cleveland, O No change to Boston and New Eng- J. M FERRIS, Gen’l Mao’gr. Clevela d