Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 26, 1883, p. 6

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Kugineering. A Wolverhampton firm have turned their attention the manufacture of casks and bar- rels of steel. The two edges of the sheet of steel which form the cask are brazed togeth- er in such a manner as to justify the title of “seamless,” which the patentees have ap- plied to these productions. ‘The head of the barrel is also riveted to the body 80 as to leave no seam, and the end rims are shrunk on hot, thus making a very solid end, whilst at the same time the rims are thick enough to give a good purchase to the grappling hooks of hoists and cranes for loading and unloading purposes. ‘I'he bush for the tap does not project beyond the rim, so that the nozzle is not liable to be knocked out and in- jured. ‘The casks are more durable than wood, less bulky and lighter,—an eighteen gallon steel cask weighing some ten pounds less.— a not unimportant consideration as regards transit. In point of shape the steel barrel is exactly that of a well formed wood en one, the buige of the belly allowing of its being easily rolled along, and better man- aged by one man than drums are by two.— English Exchange. YACHTING. The Phenix Register says that Mr. A. J. Henley of that place has the contract for building two steam yachts for a gentleman in Syracuse thisyeason. One will be com- menced at once ajid will be pushed to com- pletion as_rapid¥y as possible and will be taken to New Work. Ata meeting of the Eastern Yacht Club, of Boston, Jay Gould and Washington E, Connor were rejected as members. ‘This has caused much talk in club cireles. Ln regard to this action Mr. Connor said to-day: “1 believe it is true that we have been black- balled, but we did uot know that our names were up for election. Mr. Gould’s son, George, who was elected to-day, sent a letter to the club withdrawing from membership. Itis not the custom among gentlemen te allow a rejection by a club to become a pub- lic matter. I never knew of more than one other case of this kind, that was the black- balling of Mr. Keene at the Union elub. I suppose the action of the Eastern Yacht club is due largely to the influence of some of the members of the New York club, who are also memberes of thatclub. Ido not know why the New York club should be jealous of our new club, for it allows no privileges to steam ‘yachts, and our club is intended for nothing else, We expect to have about fifty steam yachts enrolled in the American club ina little while. It: is the first club for steam yachts ever established, I understand, either here or in Europe. In fact it has not been possible until recently to establish a club because of the sinall num- ber of steam yachts. By anc by, as our club increases, I expect that houses will be built at several places along the coast, bnt that is something to look torward to. ‘The club is young yet.” The Kingston News says: The pleasur yacht Grayling, belonging to Ex-Commouore Fish, of the Aulantie Yacht Squadron, by a sudden gust capsized and sunk in the bay. Fish was at the wheel; he and three triends and a crew of ten were rescued by another yacht. The yacht Garfield has been thoroughly overhauled and she now shines like a button. Dr. Curtis is thinking of sending her to ‘Toronto to compete in the annual regatta, that is, if he does not sell her this summer. He received a good ofter-for her from Buffalo recently, but refused it. Dr. Curtis intends commencing the construction of a new yacht early in the fall, with which he will try. for the championship of the harbor, Dr. Curtis of Kingston recently purchased the yacht Maud and re-christaued her the Calabash, the name of the polka composed by Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise. A Kingstonian is thinking seriously of building a large yacht of say 70 or 80 tony’ burden. He wants 9 craft that he ean take to New York and give the Americans another challenge for the queen’s cup. APPOINTMENTS. Captain Frank Jacobs has been appointed master ot the tug G. W. Allen. ‘The Allen belangs to Chicago and is about the size of the tug Alert. Captain Jaques Laframboise will com- mand the tug Prinee Alfred this season. She now belongs vo the International Wrecking Co. Captain D. K. McDonald commands the new steamship Sheriffs. She is named after the “Sheriffs wheel man,’ a gentleman well known on the lakes now. The new craftis well. built and hus good power. Captain E. Davidson, keeper of the light on Pilot Island, has been transferred to Grand Haven, Mich., and Peter Knudson, formerly of the Poverty Island light, has been named as his succeseor. Captain Her- mann has been appointed keeper of the Poverty Island lighthouse. Kingston News: Captain T. F. ‘Taylor has been temporarily employed by the Gov- ernment to inspect hulls. He left on a west- ern tour, and will be absent about two months. VESSEL SALES. The following transfers of vessels were recent mata_at the Milwaukee custom house: Schooner Graham Brothers, W. W. Cargill, of LaCrosse, Wis., to Jessie Wright, seven-sixteenths. $1,137.50. Schooner Belle Laurie, Nels Nelson to Wim, Schroeder, one- halt, $300. Schooner D, R. Martin, Luding- ton Wells & Van Schaick to the Marinette Barge Line Co., $6,500, Schooner Kate Dar- ley, Ludington Wells & Van Schaick to same, $11,000, ‘The price paid for the schooner Frank Perew was $17,000; by L, S. Pierson, seven- eighths, and D,. E. Dover, of Bay City, one- eigthth. Captain J. M. Mitchell, of South Haven, Mich.;§. M. Hamlin, of Casco, Mich., and George Forester, of Bulfalo, have bought the propeller Huntress of Captain Jacob im. son. ‘Tne Huntress will run in the freight and passenger trade between South Haven and Chicago. Mr. Forrester was at one ume employed on the local staff of the Buffalo Express. His many friends wish him suc- cess in his new venture, ‘The pilots of Galveston, ‘Texas, believing in progresr, bought the steam fishing boat Mamie Higgins from parties in New York. The Mamie Higging was builc in Buffalo in 4879, and with slight alterations will be well adypted to her new business. A. Biemiller & Co., of Sandusky, have bought the tug Cal Davis of Captain Jo- seph Daville, of Cleveland, for $5,500. A splendid yacht is for sale. See adver- tisement cn third page of this issue of the ReEcorD. : LUMBER NOYES. The “new mill” of the Kirby-Carpenter Company, at Menominee, Mich,, in a single day, recently, cut 241,000 feet of lumber. The Neill & Pratt Lumber Company, of Ashland, Wis., .has sent a force of men, with teams, into the woods, and will log all summer. ‘The logs will go direct to the mill by rail. ‘The Sioux city Lumber Company, Ash- land, Wis., distriet, has contracted with the Superior Luinber Cptmpany, Ashland, to saw 4,000,000 feet of logs, the Sioux River Com- pany’s entire crop of last winter. Cork bricks were an interesting feature of of the Nuremburg exhibition. They are for building purposes, and as a covering for boilers, in which latter capacity they are said to excel even usbetos in preventing the radiation of heat. The bricks are cheaply made, and are preppared from swall corks, retuse and isolating cement. ‘Lhe usual size of the brick is 10x434x2. The lumber business of Montana, along the Northern Pacitic road, is opening up. Lately the Montana Lumber’ Company wi organized at Missoula, for the purpose of embarking in manufacture. A mill will be erected, .of 40-horse engine. power, ‘The machinery, besides the saw till, will consist of planing mill, molding and edging ma- chines, lathe, and other woud-working ap- pliances. Considerable fuss has been made at De- troit, by vessel owners, because the Alvona and tow made a lumber contract to BulTalo at $2. which was the rate generally agreed upon and hoped for. A cutting in rates is una- nifestly a bad thing, but when it is staced that the Alcona was chartered for ore, and only wanted one cargo nore, and took one of lumber, there seems no cause for vessel rates to go to pieces. ‘The vessel owners van stick to their compact, aud the Alvona, it appears, will not care to take any more contracts, INSURANCE. A queer condition of things exists in the insurance business at Chicago. If the dis- cimination continues against B 1 sail vess they will be barred out of the grain t A recent exchange says. ‘The more vessel ‘owners consider the discrimination of the Cargo Pool agaist B1 ve-sels the more bitter the feeling becomes. ‘The Cargo Pool started out fair enough, but the recent action hag turned the general sympathy from it and towards the nou-pool companies, The custom has been among underwriters to charge 10-per cent more on cargoes in B1 vessels than in A vessels, but the pool now charges 150 per cent more. ‘The coinpanies in this pool have blackballed a whole class of standard vessels and they will no doubt feel the effect of this action some day, though they talk independantly to-day. ‘The most flagrant part of the whole outrageous proceeding is the fact that B 1 steamers are only charged10 per cent more than A cratt, while B 1 sail vessels are charged 150 per cent more. If any one wants an explanation ot this it Is easily solved. The propeller lines are big and rich, and have large blocks of hull insurance to place every spring, and it would not do to offend their managers, you know. MARINE LAW BOOK. The former edition of our work on Ma- rine Law all having been sold, another edi- tion is being prepared and will soon be ready to supply the demand. Orders for the book will be received and filled aa soon as it is ready. Address MARINE Rx«CorD, Cleve- land, O. NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. To honor God, to benefit mankind, To serve with lofty gift the lowly needs Of the poor race for which the God-man died, And do it all for love-oh_ this is great! And he who does this will achive a name Not only great but good. Holland, A writer in one of the medical journals says he has found tne application of a strong solution of chromic acid, three or four times a day, by means of acamel’s hair pencil, to be the best and easiest method for removing warts. A new line of steamers to run between Halifax and London direct is proposed. It is not the intention to provide for passenger traffic, but to have first-class new vessels, each with a carrying capacity of 2,000 tons, and with all the latest improvements in hull and machinery. Sailors are deserting ocean vessels at Mon treal to join lake’craft. The difference in in wages is said to be the reason. It is to be hoped that none of them indulge the hope of finding smooth water and perfect safety by the change, for if they do. grievous dis appointment will result. The coasting regulations caused some ex- citement in marine circles. ‘The reporting of Canadian vessels inwards and outwards willentall more trouble than the eargo books did. ‘The new system is but an old measure rehashed. ‘I'he reporting of coasting vessels was done twenty years ago. A Duluth exchange says: Parson Bun- day’s new sixty-nine ton gospel ship will take the name of the old one, “Glad Tidings.” She will be ready about the first of June. Some of our readers will rennember the old Glad ‘Tidings which was here some five years ago. Mr. Bunday sails through the lakes doing missionary work among the vessel crews at the various ports. This is recommended by D. E. Puscher as an excellent process for rendering cement and lime less subject to the influence of the atmosphere. He insists that the cement ma- terials should be allowed to remain in a cold solution-of one part of ferrous sulphate in three parts of water for 24 hours, and should then be dried in the air. . ‘fhe compound of iron hydroxide formed renders the cement firmer and harder. 4 The setting of gypsum, says M. C. Chatel- lier, is the result of two quite distinct phe- nomena which take place at the same time. On the one hand portions of anhydrous ¢cal- ium sulphate, when moistened with water, Ive as they are bydrated and torm a su- per-saturated solution; on the other hand, this same solution deposits steadily crystals of the hydrated sulphate, which gradually augment in bulk and unite together. : d At the public meeting. of this year the Academy of Scviences, Paris, will have to award the. three prizes of 10,000 franes ($2,000) each tounded by Dr. Louis Lacase, for, first, the work which has contributed most goward the progress of physiology ; second, to the best work on physies; and third, to the best work on chemistry. For- eigners may compete, All the claims for the prizes must de sent in before June 1, 1883. The St. Catherines Journal, after alluding’ to the arrival of grain fleets here, says: “We trust the Kingston shippers and others in- terested in the forwarding trade will prove themselves equal to the occasion and place no impediment in the way of the rapid tran- sit of such cargoes to the seaboard.’”? ‘The favililies here at Kingston for elevating are perfect, and equal to almost any emergency. The M. ‘I’. Co. elevate(l a quarter of a mill- ion bushels in a day and a night recently. Scientific men of all nations are invited to compete with the Volta prize—30,000f, or $6,000—of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, which will be awarded in December, 1887. This prize was founded by the decree of June 11, 1382, and is for the discovery or in- vention of whatever shall render electricity applicable economically to one of the follow- inu objects; Heat, light, chemical action, mechanical force, the transmission of mes- sages, or the treatment of sick persons. No attention will be paid to what may be sent in-by candidates later than June 30, 1887,.— Tradesman. A steamer which arrived at San Francisco Thursday, bronght 1,000 cases of opium on which the duty amounted to not less than $150,000. ‘This will probably be an excuse for another howl over Chinese immorality. ‘The press of San Francisco is perfectly de- lighted with the outery of opium dens start- by the Irish Catholics of New York and their sympathizers, and in Philadelphia, Chicago, and other cities there is a demand that the police crush these Mongolian haunts of vice. Opium dens are bad enough, but it takes the mind of a hoodlum or an [rlshman to go into a frenzy of horror and wrath over what is not nearly so fatal to morality as the dives kept by Caucasians in every large city. ITCHING PILES—SYMPTOMS ANT} CURE. The symptoms are moisture like perspira- tion, intense itching, particularly at night after getting warm in bed; seems as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rec- tum; the private parts are often affected. Swayne’s Ointment ia a pleasant, sure cure, Also for all skin diseases. THE WHITE WINGS OF CLEVELAND. V.A. Taylor of Bedtord O. is having a Sharpie yacht built at Detroit. Her di- “mensions are: Length over all, sixty feet: eam, fifteen feet. ‘The work is being done by Mr. W. J. Partridge from plans by ‘Thos, Clapham of Roslyn L. IT. This will be the first large Sharpie yacht ever built on the lakes, and her sailing will be of interest to many who like Mr. ‘I’. want a yactit which does not cost a fortune to build and man; and which combines light draft with sea- worthy qualities. The above yacht is from the same lines as the one built by Mr. Clapham for Hon, Robt. Rosevelt “The Heartsease on which Mr. Rand Seth Green of N. Y.. made the trip from N. Y., to Florida last winter, returning in March, another, the Seminole Mr. Douglass from same lines, having also sailed to Florida and both without a mishap. Mr. ‘Taylors yacht is nearly ready to launch and is expected to reach Cleveland about July 1 she will then be fitted out and will start on a cruise around the lakes, her nants will be, the White Wings of Cleve- and. RESSUMED RUNNING. The daily line between Manitowoc, Stur- geon Bay and Menominee has been resumed. The steamer Corona, of the Goodrich line, again taking her place on the route, and makes regular time. ‘The Corona has been thoroughly over- hauled during the past winter, about $5,000 having been spent on her and the most of this was put into the hull. She is doubtless nearly as staunch and seaworthy as the day she was first launched. Following is the list of officers of the steamer: H. E. Stines, captain; C. A. Ros- man, clerk; J. McLaughlin, steward; steward; J. McManus, mate; E. Carus, 2 mate;.D. E. Long, engineer; S. Flint, 2 engineer. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. The barge ©. FY Allen, while lying at Farr’s mill, Maskegon, was struck by lightn- ing and burned nearly to the water’s edge. The lightning struck the foretopmast and passed down the wire rigging into the hold, setting fire to about 70,000 feet of lumber, owned by the Farr Lumber Company. ‘The lumber and barge are a complete loss. ‘Che damage is about $7,000. At the time of the fire four of the crew were sleeping in their berths, but knew nothing of it until awak- ened by the cries of the watchman at the mill, the blaze then being eight feet high. The barge was built in 1862 and had a capac- ity for 150,000 feet of lumber. THE SCHOONER ARROW. At last reports it looked as if the schooner Arrow, ashore at Two Rivers Point, would become another victim of the treacherous quicksands which engulfed the steatnbarge Grace Patterson. Although in light trim, she has already buried or settled so that one rail is under water, and in the event ot a s.eampump being placed on board, the hatches, etc., will have to be boxed. Owing to the age and comparative worthlessness of the craft,a Milwaukee tug company refused te send a steam pump to her, and it is there- fore probable that she will be allowed to be- come a total wreek, . The present owners of the Arrow bought her last winter and are uninsured. ‘They reside in Chicago. FIRST ARRIVALS. The Duluth Times is under obligations to County Auditor Berkelman giving-the date and name of the first boat to arrive froma foreign port for the last ten years_ 1874—City of Fremont--May 13. 1875—Quebec—Mnuy 23. 1876—Quebec—May 13. 1877—St. Paul—May 6. 1878—Quebec— May 10. 1879—Quebec—May 6. 1880—Quebec—May 1. 1881—Manistee—May 9. 1882—N. K. Fairbank—April 21. 1883—‘T'ug Maythem— May 4. —— SOMETHING ABOUT GLUCOSE. A bushel of corn weighing 56 pounds will yield between 28 and 30 pounds ot glucose or grape sugar, and in adulterating sugar froin 18 to 20 per cent. of the grape sugar is generally used. In Europe potatoes are gen- erally used for the manufacture of Glucuse, and the manufacturers find larger profits than from corn. A plant called manioc, a native of South and Central America, is said to produce 56 pounds of glucose to the bush- el. As this plant yields over 500 bushels to the acre, itis not improbable that manioc may be the “sugar cane’’ of the tuture. The so-called Brazilian arrow root and ta- pioca of commerce is made from the cassava or manioc plant. A BURNING BOAT. The Granite State, of the Hartford & New York ‘Transportation Company, was burned May 18, on Long Island Sound. Nothing was saved. ‘Ths cargo was valued at $50,000, and uninsured. Insurance on the vessel amounted to $40,000. Five lives are known to have been lost, including a bridal couple. Nine horses were burned and another horse got overboard and swam ashore.

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